197 research outputs found

    De la fraseologia a la lingüística aplicada

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    This paper focuses on the fuzzy concept of phraseology and correlated notions (from interjections and true idioms to proverbs or aphorisms), as viewed from the viewpoint of Cognitive Linguistic and Discourse Analysis. Grammatical constructions, processes of grammaticalization, and discourse functions of lexical phrases are basic tools to deal with the field of idiomaticity, sociolinguistically relevant and indispensable in the framework of Applied Linguistics for tasks such as translations or language teaching

    Paraula i cultura de la salut: indagacions de linguística mèdica

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    La importància del discurs verbal en les pràctiques sanitàries és indiscutible i mereix l’atenció d’un programa de recerca interdisciplinari. Des del punt de vista de la lingüística mèdica o de la salut i l’anàlisi del discurs, aquest article explora el tema en dues directrius principals: la divulgació dels coneixements en l’àmbit de la salut i l’entrevista clínica com a gènere discursiu. Alguns del tòpics centrals tractats a l’article són: la relació entre el discurs i l’acció no verbal, i els conceptes d’empatia/confirmació, humor, responsabilitat compartida, argumentació/persuasió, "ethos" i autopresentació

    On analogical knowledge : metaphors in biotechnology discourse

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    During a period dominated by positivist thinking, metaphors seemed incompatible with science, at least for the most common manifestations of scientific discourse. However, this apparent transgression is now considered essential and even advantageous for the construction of knowledge. The terminology of specialised knowledge, like that from the field of biotechnology, undoubtedly contains metaphors. In the discourse related to scientific dissemination and the mass media, the use of metaphors is more original which makes them more attractive as strategies to increase the intelligibility of concepts and to stimulate layperson audiences. Thus, anthropomorphic projections are one of the types of metaphor which performs the best in the context of this type of discourse

    Incitación al terrorismo y libertad de expresión: el marco internacional de una relación problemática

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    La Resolución 1624 (2005) del Consejo de Seguridad de las Naciones Unidas no define la incitación al terrorismo. Sí lo hace, por el contrario, el Convenio núm. 196 del Consejo de Europa de 2005 que caracteriza la provocación pública al terrorismo incluyendo deliberadamente la incitación indirecta, exigiendo una intencionalidad específica y un resultado de peligro de comisión de un delito terrorista. El Informe explicativo del Convenio remite a la jurisprudencia del TEDH para establecer los elementos a considerar en la apreciación de dicho peligro haciendo así de ella un parámetro interpretativo. La Decisión Marco del Consejo de la Unión Europea ha adoptado desde 2008 la misma definición que el Convenio por lo que cabe hablar de un modelo europeo de penalización de la incitación al terrorismo que ha sido criticado por utilizar un definición abierta y general en conflicto con el principio de seguridad jurídica y por la indeterminación de la naturaleza del peligro provocado por la incitación. Estas críticas no han impedido, sin embargo, que el Relator Especial de las Naciones Unidas haya considerado la definición del Convenio como una práctica óptima en la lucha contra el terrorismo. Con posterioridad al Convenio, el TEDH ha dado lugar a desarrollos jurisprudenciales relevantes sobre la incitación indirecta como los casos Leroy (2008) y Yavuz y Yayali (2013). El enfoque norteamericano que requiere inminencia y probabilidad del peligro es el referente de las posiciones críticas con el estándar europeo que se pretende extender universalmente en un proyecto de convenio internacional para la prevención de la incitación al terrorismo surgiendo la problemática de su adecuación más allá del contexto europeo en el que ha surgido

    Fraseologia de l'encara i processos de gramaticalizació

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    The main aim of this paper is the study of the processes of grammaticalization involved in the evolution of Catalan concessive encara que from the root (time/aspect) meaning of encara. In the framework provided by the studies of grammaticalization (Traugott, Hopper, etc.), we consider mechanisms of emerging metaphor, strengthening of informativeness, scalar operators, increasing subjectification, and grammaticizacion of discourse strategies, on the basis of the contraexpectative implications of encara. Other usages of encara and some idioms including this word are also considered in the scope of this kind of processes

    Breast Cancer Risk after Metformin Initiation in Older Women: the Role of Study Design, Potential Confounding by Body Mass Index, and Differential Detection

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    Several observational studies reported that metformin may reduce breast cancer risk; however, many of these studies were affected by time-related biases. Additionally, confounding by unmeasured body mass index (BMI) and differential detection for breast cancer have not been examined in metformin-breast cancer studies. The dissertation aimed to examine the relative risk of breast cancer for older women initiating metformin versus sulfonylureas, avoiding time-related bias and accounting for potential bias due to unmeasured confounding and differential screening mammography. Using 2007-2011 US Medicare claims data, we identified cohorts of cancer-free women aged 65+ who initiated monotherapy with metformin or sulfonylureas. Hazard ratios of breast cancer were estimated comparing metformin to sulfonylureas initiators, using weighted Cox models. Unmeasured confounding by BMI and smoking was adjusted by propensity score calibration using external information from Medicare Current Beneficiary Survey 2006-2009 panels. Among new users of Medicare claims, we compared the risks of screening mammograms and screen-detected breast cancer in 12 months pre- and post-initiation between metformin and sulfonylureas initiators. Metformin initiators did not have reduced risks of breast cancer compared with sulfonylureas initiators (Hazard Ratio: 1.08; 95% Confidence Interval: 0.81 to 1.44). Externally controlling for BMI and smoking did not affect the estimate, indicating a little independent effect of BMI and smoking on metformin relative to sulfonylureas prescribing. Metformin initiators were not only more frequently screened for breast cancer than sulfonylureas initiators, but they also had higher probabilities of screen-detected breast cancer both in 12 months before and after initiation. The results indicate possible detection bias due to differential screening mammography, but the absolute difference in screen-detected breast cancer is too small to explain observing no metformin-breast cancer association assuming a real protective effect of metformin. This study provides no support for reduced risks of breast cancer after initiation of metformin compared with a clinical alternative, sulfonylureas, in older women. Our findings support the notion that reduced breast cancer risks in metformin users observed in previous studies is likely due to time-related biases, and emphasize the importance of conducting observational studies with rigorous, state-of-the art design to avoid observing spurious effects or missing real ones.Doctor of Philosoph