542 research outputs found

    Gravity boiling studies Final report, 1 Sep. 1969 - 31 Dec. 1970

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    Interacting effect of gravity and size on peak and minimum pool boiling heat fluxe

    Conceptual design for spacelab pool boiling experiment

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    A pool boiling heat transfer experiment to be incorporated with a larger two-phase flow experiment on Spacelab was designed to confirm (or alter) the results of earth-normal gravity experiments which indicate that the hydrodynamic peak and minimum pool boiling heat fluxes vanish at very low gravity. Twelve small sealed test cells containing water, methanol or Freon 113 and cylindrical heaters of various sizes are to be built. Each cell will be subjected to one or more 45 sec tests in which the surface heat flux on the heaters is increased linearly until the surface temperature reaches a limiting value of 500 C. The entire boiling process will be photographed in slow-motion. Boiling curves will be constructed from thermocouple and electric input data, for comparison with the motion picture records. The conduct of the experiment will require no more than a few hours of operator time

    Addendum no. 1 to final development report

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    Pseudo-linearity concept impact on linear filters designed to ease pulse crowding effects at high bit densitie

    Interacting Effects of Gravity and Size upon the Peak and Minimum Pool Boiling Heat Fluxes

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    Mathematical correlation of effects of gravity, size, boiled liquid, pressure, and configuration on peak and minimum boiling heat fluxe

    Multifunctional adaptive façade at iba 2013; design studies for an integral energy harvesting façade shading system

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    As part of the international exhibition ‘Bauausstellung’ IBA 2013 in Hamburg, Germany, architects from KVA MATx team and engineers from Knippers Helbig Advanced Engineering have developed an integral energy harvesting façade shading system for their ‘Softhouse’ project. Its overall concept includes an energy harvesting hybrid textile roof featuring flexible photovoltaics, which contributes to create a micro-climate for the building as a shading roof for the terrace and glass façade. This responsive façade is based on a textile hybrid system, using textile membranes and glass fibre reinforced plastics (GFRP) in an intricate form- and bending-active structure. This paper will discuss the multiple design studies that were undertaken to develop a system that satisfies the, at times, diametrically opposed demands from architecture, building physics, structural engineering and technical approval. Furthermore, detailed information will be given on the design specifications for using GFRP in bending-active elements and the Finite-Element simulation techniques used for the form-finding and structural analysis

    Thermal recoil force, telemetry, and the Pioneer anomaly

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    Precision navigation of spacecraft requires accurate knowledge of small forces, including the recoil force due to anisotropies of thermal radiation emitted by spacecraft systems. We develop a formalism to derive the thermal recoil force from the basic principles of radiative heat exchange and energy-momentum conservation. The thermal power emitted by the spacecraft can be computed from engineering data obtained from flight telemetry, which yields a practical approach to incorporate the thermal recoil force into precision spacecraft navigation. Alternatively, orbit determination can be used to estimate the contribution of the thermal recoil force. We apply this approach to the Pioneer anomaly using a simulated Pioneer 10 Doppler data set.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures. Published versio

    On Real Fluid Flow Over Yawed Circular Cylinders

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    The equations for both the boundary layer and the outer potential flow over a yawed cylinder can be resolved into equations for the crosswise and spanwise velocity components. These components of the boundary layer are evaluated using Sears’ method, and the separation point is found to be uninfluenced by the yaw angle. The potential-flow solutions for the spanwise and crosswise flows are added together to determine vortex patterns behind the cylinder. The approximate direct dependence of the Strouhal number upon the cosine of the yaw angle and/or the drag coefficient upon the square of the cosine, are verified. Experimental determinations of the Strouhal number and visualization of the flow pattern are consistent with the analysis

    New and extended parameterization of the thermodynamic model AIOMFAC: calculation of activity coefficients for organic-inorganic mixtures containing carboxyl, hydroxyl, carbonyl, ether, ester, alkenyl, alkyl, and aromatic functional groups

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    We present a new and considerably extended parameterization of the thermodynamic activity coefficient model AIOMFAC (Aerosol Inorganic-Organic Mixtures Functional groups Activity Coefficients) at room temperature. AIOMFAC combines a Pitzer-like electrolyte solution model with a UNIFAC-based group-contribution approach and explicitly accounts for interactions between organic functional groups and inorganic ions. Such interactions constitute the salt-effect, may cause liquid-liquid phase separation, and affect the gas-particle partitioning of aerosols. The previous AIOMFAC version was parameterized for alkyl and hydroxyl functional groups of alcohols and polyols. With the goal to describe a wide variety of organic compounds found in atmospheric aerosols, we extend here the parameterization of AIOMFAC to include the functional groups carboxyl, hydroxyl, ketone, aldehyde, ether, ester, alkenyl, alkyl, aromatic carbon-alcohol, and aromatic hydrocarbon. Thermodynamic equilibrium data of organic-inorganic systems from the literature are critically assessed and complemented with new measurements to establish a comprehensive database. The database is used to determine simultaneously the AIOMFAC parameters describing interactions of organic functional groups with the ions H^+, Li^+, Na^+, K^+, NH_(4)^+, Mg^(2+), Ca^(2+), Cl^−, Br^−, NO_(3)^−, HSO_(4)^−, and SO_(4)^(2−). Detailed descriptions of different types of thermodynamic data, such as vapor-liquid, solid-liquid, and liquid-liquid equilibria, and their use for the model parameterization are provided. Issues regarding deficiencies of the database, types and uncertainties of experimental data, and limitations of the model, are discussed. The challenging parameter optimization problem is solved with a novel combination of powerful global minimization algorithms. A number of exemplary calculations for systems containing atmospherically relevant aerosol components are shown. Amongst others, we discuss aqueous mixtures of ammonium sulfate with dicarboxylic acids and with levoglucosan. Overall, the new parameterization of AIOMFAC agrees well with a large number of experimental datasets. However, due to various reasons, for certain mixtures important deviations can occur. The new parameterization makes AIOMFAC a versatile thermodynamic tool. It enables the calculation of activity coefficients of thousands of different organic compounds in organic-inorganic mixtures of numerous components. Models based on AIOMFAC can be used to compute deliquescence relative humidities, liquid-liquid phase separations, and gas-particle partitioning of multicomponent mixtures of relevance for atmospheric chemistry or in other scientific fields

    A New Hybrid Debugging Architecture for Eclipse

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-14125-1_11[EN] During many years, print debugging has been the most used method for debugging. Nowadays, however, industrial languages come with a trace debugger that allows programmers to trace computations step by step using breakpoints and state viewers. Almost all modern programming environments include a trace debugger that allows us to inspect the state of a computation in any given point. Nevertheless, this debugging method has been criticized for being completely manual and time-consuming. Other debugging techniques have appeared to solve some of the problems of Trace Debugging, but they suffer from other problems such as scalability. In this work we present a new hybrid debugging technique. It is based on a combination of Trace Debugging, Algorithmic Debugging and Omniscient Debugging to produce a synergy that exploits the best properties and strong points of each technique. We describe the architecture of our hybrid debugger and our implementation that has been integrated into Eclipse as a plugin.This work has been partially supported by the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Secretaria de Estado de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación) under grant TIN2008-06622-003-02 and by the Generalitat Valenciana under grant PROMETEO/2011/052. David Insa was partially supported by the Spanish Ministerio de Educación under FPU grant AP2010-4415.González, J.; Insa Cabrera, D.; Silva Galiana, JF. (2013). A New Hybrid Debugging Architecture for Eclipse. En Logic-Based Program Synthesis and Transformation. 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