854 research outputs found

    Eine exakte nonparametrische PrĂĽfung auf Kovariation zweier autokorrelierter Zeitreihen

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    Häufig tritt in der psychologischen und psychiatrischen Forschung die Frage nach dem Zusammenhang zwischen zwei oder mehreren Zeitreihen auf. übliche Kovariationsmaße versagen dabei vor allem deshalb, weil sie nicht inferentiell ausgewertet werden können. An einem Beispiel aus der Pharmakopsychologie wird ein auf Pfanzagl (1963) zurückgehendes Verfahren vorgeschlagen, das es erlaubt, voraussetzungsfrei den Zusammenhang zwischen autokorrelierten Meßwertreihen zu prüfen. Als Unabhängigkeit zweier Zeitreihen wird definiert, daß zwischen ihnen bei Erhaltung der Autokorrelation kein höherer Zusammenhang besteht als nach dem Zufall zu erwarten.The problem of examining the relation between two or more series of successive observations occurs often in the psychologieal and psychiatrie research. The usual methods of measuring covariation cannot be employed here, particularly because they cannot be used to draw inferences. The present paper describes a new method to examine the relation between autocorrelated series of successive observations, without using any presuppositions. Two successive series are considered to be independent, when the relation between them is not higher than that expected by chance. The method described here is based upon a paper by Pfanzagl (1963), and is illustrated with the help of an example from the field of Pharmacopsychology

    Pilot Experiments with Electrodialysis and Ozonation for the Production of a Fertilizer from Urine

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    Pilot tests were performed with a process combination of electrodialysis and ozonation for the removal of micropollutants and the concentration of nutrients in urine. In continuous and batch experiments, maximum concentration factors up to 3.5 and 4.1 were obtained, respectively. The desalination capacity did not decrease significantly during continuous operation periods of several weeks. Membrane cleaning after 195 days resulted in approximately 35% increase in desalination rate. The Yeast Estrogen Screen (YES), a bioassay that selectively detects oestrogenic compounds, confirmed that about 90% of the oestrogenic activity was removed by electrodialysis. HPLC analysis showed that ibuprofen was removed to a high extent, while other micropollutants were below the detection limit. In view of the fact that ibuprofen is among the most rapidly transported micropollutants in electrodialysis processes, this result indicates that electrodialysis provides an effective barrier for micropollutants. Standardised plant growth tests were performed in the field with the salt solution resulting from the treatment by electrodialysis and subsequent ozonation. The results show that the plant height is comparable to synthetic fertilisers, but the crop yield is slightly lower. The latter is probably caused by volatilisation losses during field application, which can be prevented by improved application technologies

    Rapid construction of insulated genetic circuits via synthetic sequence-guided isothermal assembly

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    In vitro recombination methods have enabled one-step construction of large DNA sequences from multiple parts. Although synthetic biological circuits can in principle be assembled in the same fashion, they typically contain repeated sequence elements such as standard promoters and terminators that interfere with homologous recombination. Here we use a computational approach to design synthetic, biologically inactive unique nucleotide sequences (UNSes) that facilitate accurate ordered assembly. Importantly, our designed UNSes make it possible to assemble parts with repeated terminator and insulator sequences, and thereby create insulated functional genetic circuits in bacteria and mammalian cells. Using UNS-guided assembly to construct repeating promoter-gene-terminator parts, we systematically varied gene expression to optimize production of a deoxychromoviridans biosynthetic pathway in Escherichia coli. We then used this system to construct complex eukaryotic AND-logic gates for genomic integration into embryonic stem cells. Construction was performed by using a standardized series of UNS-bearing BioBrick-compatible vectors, which enable modular assembly and facilitate reuse of individual parts. UNS-guided isothermal assembly is broadly applicable to the construction and optimization of genetic circuits and particularly those requiring tight insulation, such as complex biosynthetic pathways, sensors, counters and logic gates

    Microseismicity of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge at 7°S-8°15′S and at the Logatchev Massif oceanic core complex at 14°40′N-14°50′N

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    Lithospheric formation at slow spreading rates is heterogeneous with multiple modalities, favoring symmetric spreading where magmatism dominates or core complex and inside corner high formation where tectonics dominate. We report microseismicity from three deployments of seismic networks at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR). Two networks surveyed the MAR near 7 degrees S in the vicinity of the Ascension transform fault. Three inside corner high settings were investigated. However, they remained seismically largely inactive and major seismic activity occurred along the center of the median valley. In contrast, at the Logatchev Massif core complex at 14 degrees 45N seismicity was sparse within the center of the median valley but concentrated along the eastern rift mountains just west of the serpentine hosted Logatchev hydrothermal vent field. To the north and south of the massif, however, seismic activity occurred along the ridge axis, emphasizing the asymmetry of seismicity at the Logatchev segment. Focal mechanisms indicated a large number of reverse faulting events occurring in the vicinity of the vent field at 3-5 km depth, which we interpret to reflect volume expansion accompanying serpentinization. At shallower depth of 2-4 km, some earthquakes in the vicinity of the vent field showed normal faulting behavior, suggesting that normal faults facilitates hydrothermal circulation feeding the vent field. Further, a second set of cross-cutting faults occurred, indicating that the surface location of the field is controlled by local fault systems
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