1,303 research outputs found


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    Dalam keterampilan membaca bahasa Mandarin dasar, latihan adalah sarana untuk melatihkan kemampuan membaca aksara Han, kata, frasa, kalimat, paragraf dan teks, dengan tujuan akhir memahami isi bacaan. Latihan dalam pembelajaran sangat dibutuhkan, sehingga perlu ada penelitian mengenai bentuk latihan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan bentuk latihan yang digunakan pada keterampilan membaca bahasa Mandarin dasar di Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Mandarin Universitas Negeri Jakarta (PSPBM UNJ) dan Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Mandarin Universitas Kristen Indonesia (PSPBM UKI) dengan mengacu pada teori Liu, Lin dan Peng berfokus pada latihan meniru dan mengingat, latihan pemahaman dan penerapan, serta latihan komunikatif. Metode penelitian ini adalah deskripsi kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data studi pustaka. Data penelitian menunjukkan, (1) Latihan meniru dan mengingat yang digunakan di UNJ adalah membaca lantang kata/frasa serta substitusi; di UKI adalah membaca lantang kata/frasa, (2) Latihan pemahaman dan penerapan di UNJ adalah menjawab pertanyaan, menentukan benar-salah dan pilihan ganda; di UKI adalah memilih dan menentukan benar-salah, (3) Latihan komunikatif di UNJ adalah membaca lantang dialog situasional dan membaca lantang teks; di UKI adalah membaca lantang teks. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, perlu adanya telaah lebih lanjut mengenai kesesuaian isi latihan dengan tujuan dan capaian keterampilan membaca dasar di UNJ dan UKI. Reading activities on basic chinese reading skills are meant to train the ability to read Han characters, words, phrases, sentences, paragraphs and texts, with the main goal is gaining a deeper understanding of text. Practice in learning process is needed, so that needs a study of reading activities. This study is aimed to describe reading activities that are used by Department of Chinese Languange Education in State University of Jakarta (PSPBM UNJ) and Department of Chinese Languange Education in Christian University of Indonesia (PSPBM UKI) on basic chinese reading skills and refers to the theory of Liu, Lin and peng, it focuses on imitating and memorizing activities, understanding and applying activities, also communicative activities. This study used descriptive qualitative and was based on literature sources as a technique of collecting data. Based on data, (1) The imitating and memorizing activities used at UNJ are reading aloud words or phrases and subtitutions, while at UKI is reading aloud words or phrases, (2) The understanding and applying activities used at UNJ are answering questions, true-false questions and multiple choice, while at UKI are choosing and true-false questions, (3) The communicative activities used at UNJ are reading aloud situational dialogues and reading aloud texts, while at UKI is only reading aloud texts. This result of a study shows further studies are required regarding the suitability of activities content with aims and goals on basic reading skills at UNJ and UKI

    Die Nutzung politischer Beteiligungschancen im Internet

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    Die vorliegende Arbeit beschĂ€ftigt sich mit dem politischen Partizipationspotenzial des Internets. Anhand einer Online-Befragung von Jugendlichen zwischen 18 und 34 Jahren wird nicht nur deren tatsĂ€chliche Nutzung ihrer politischen Beteiligungschancen, sondern auch ihr Bewusstsein ĂŒber die Vor- und Nachteile des Mediums Internet hinsichtlich der Demokratie, erhoben. Der verwendete Partizipationsbegriff stammt von Hilmar Westholm und inkludiert die Information ĂŒber Politik, die Konsultation von politischen Akteuren, die aktive Beteiligung und Abstimmungen. Nach Durchsicht der Daten gelangte ich zu der Erkenntnis, dass Jugendliche sehr wohl ihre politischen Partizipationschancen nutzen. Vor allem Onlinemedien und soziale Netzwerke werden zu politischen Zwecken verwendet. Der Großteil der Jugendlichen hat ebenso ein Bewusstsein dafĂŒr, welches Potenzial und welche Nachteile das Internet im Hinblick auf den politischen Beteiligungsprozess bietet. In die Zukunft blickend könnten Gruppendiskussionen mit der Zielgruppe der Jugendlichen oder qualitative Interviews mit Medien- oder Demokratieexperten dazu beitragen, das Gebiet rund um Internet und Demokratie weiter zu erschließen.This master thesis is dealing with the internet’s potential of political participation. An online survey interrogating adults between 18 and 34 years of age asked not only for the participants’ political participation but also for awareness of the potential und disadvantage of the new medium internet. The term “political participation” has been coined by Hilmar Westholm and includes information about politics, getting in contact with politicians, activ participation and votings. The data obtainded by the survey led to the impression, that young people are definitely using the internet’s potencial of political participation. Most of all Online Media like www.standard.at or http://orf.at and social networks are especially well utilized. The majority of the survey’s participants are aware of the fact that the internet influences democracy not only in a positive way. They also know about the disadvantages concerning internet and democracy. Qualitative interviews with experts on media and democracy or discussions with the target group could contribute in making the topic of internet and democracy more accessible

    Der Zerfall von Staaten

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    Die Arbeit beschĂ€ftigt sich mit Staatszerfall in Pakistan. Im ersten Teil wird nĂ€her auf die Theorie von Staatszerfall eingegangen, im zweiten Teil der Arbeit wird die Theorie auf Pakistan angewandt. Die Einteilung in die Zerfallsgrade weak, failing und failed geht auf Troy Jodok zurĂŒck. Die Funktionen des Staates (Sicherheit, Wohlfahrt und LegitimitĂ€t/Rechtstaatlichkeit) werden schließlich auf Pakistan ĂŒbertragen, wobei sich herausgestellt hat, dass das Gewaltmonopol nicht zur GĂ€nze gewĂ€hrleistet ist. Vor allem in den Stammesgebieten haben staatliche Strukturen wenige Einflussmöglichkeiten. Das Bildungsangebot ist schlecht, zur Alternative stehen Koranschulen mit fundamentalistischen Tendenzen. Die hohen Staatsposten sind meist von Korruption durchzogen. Die Ursache des Staatsversagens ist in Pakistan auf die fehlende nationale Einheit zurĂŒckzufĂŒhren. Es leben viele verschiedene Ethnien in Pakistan, die 72 verschiedene Sprachen und Dialekte sprechen. Die einzige Grundlage fĂŒr eine Nationenbildung liegt im Islam, aus diesem Grund wurde Pakistan schließlich auch gegrĂŒndet

    Ex Vivo Pulmonary Oedema after In Vivo Blast-Induced Rat Lung Injury: Time Dependency, Blast Intensity and Beta-2 Adrenergic Receptor Role.

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    Objective: Current treatments for blast-induced lung injury are limited to supportive procedures including mechanical ventilation. The study aimed to investigate the role of post-trauma-induced oedema generation in the function of time and trauma intensity and the probable role of beta 2-adrenergic receptors (ÎČ2-ARs) agonists on pulmonary oedema. The study is conducted using an ex vivo model after an experimental in vivo blast-induced thorax trauma in rats. Methods: Rats were randomised and divided into two groups, blast and sham. The blast group were anaesthetised and exposed to the blast wave (3.16 ± 0.43 bar) at a distance of 3.5 cm from the thorax level. The rats were sacrificed 10 min after the blast, the lungs explanted and treated with terbutaline, formoterol, propranolol or amiloride to assess the involvement of sodium transport. Other groups of rats were exposed to distances of 5 and 7 cm from the thorax to reduce the intensity of the injury. Further, one group of rats was studied after 180 min and one after 360 min after a 3.5 cm blast injury. Sham controls were exposed to identical procedures except for receiving blast overpressure. Results: Lung injury and oedema generation depended on time after injury and injury intensity. Perfusion with amiloride resulted in a further increase in oedema formation as indicated by weight gain (p < 0.001), diminished tidal volume (Tv) (p < 0.001), and increased airway resistance (p < 0.001). Formoterol caused a significant increase in the Tv (p < 0.001) and a significant decrease in the airway resistance (p < 0.01), while the lung weight was not influenced. Trauma-related oedema was significantly reduced by terbutaline in terms of lung weight gain (p < 0.01), Tv (p < 0.001), and airway resistance (p < 0.01) compared to control blast-injured lungs. Terbutaline-induced effects were completely blocked by the ÎČ-receptor antagonist propranolol (p < 0.05). Similarly, amiloride, which was added to terbutaline perfusion, reversed terbutaline-induced weight gain reduction (p < 0.05). Conclusions: ÎČ2-adrenoceptor stimulation had a beneficial impact by amiloride-dependent sodium and therefore, fluid transport mechanisms on the short-term ex vivo oedema generation in a trauma-induced in vivo lung injury of rats

    Ex Vivo Pulmonary Oedema after In Vivo Blast-Induced Rat Lung Injury: Time Dependency, Blast Intensity and Beta-2 Adrenergic Receptor Role

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    Objective: Current treatments for blast-induced lung injury are limited to supportive procedures including mechanical ventilation. The study aimed to investigate the role of post-trauma-induced oedema generation in the function of time and trauma intensity and the probable role of beta 2-adrenergic receptors (ÎČ2_{2}-ARs) agonists on pulmonary oedema. The study is conducted using an ex vivo model after an experimental in vivo blast-induced thorax trauma in rats. Methods: Rats were randomised and divided into two groups, blast and sham. The blast group were anaesthetised and exposed to the blast wave (3.16 ± 0.43 bar) at a distance of 3.5 cm from the thorax level. The rats were sacrificed 10 min after the blast, the lungs explanted and treated with terbutaline, formoterol, propranolol or amiloride to assess the involvement of sodium transport. Other groups of rats were exposed to distances of 5 and 7 cm from the thorax to reduce the intensity of the injury. Further, one group of rats was studied after 180 min and one after 360 min after a 3.5 cm blast injury. Sham controls were exposed to identical procedures except for receiving blast overpressure. Results: Lung injury and oedema generation depended on time after injury and injury intensity. Perfusion with amiloride resulted in a further increase in oedema formation as indicated by weight gain (p < 0.001), diminished tidal volume (Tv) (p < 0.001), and increased airway resistance (p < 0.001). Formoterol caused a significant increase in the Tv (p < 0.001) and a significant decrease in the airway resistance (p < 0.01), while the lung weight was not influenced. Trauma-related oedema was significantly reduced by terbutaline in terms of lung weight gain (p < 0.01), Tv (p < 0.001), and airway resistance (p < 0.01) compared to control blast-injured lungs. Terbutaline-induced effects were completely blocked by the ÎČ-receptor antagonist propranolol (p < 0.05). Similarly, amiloride, which was added to terbutaline perfusion, reversed terbutaline-induced weight gain reduction (p < 0.05). Conclusions: ÎČ2_{2}-adrenoceptor stimulation had a beneficial impact by amiloride-dependent sodium and therefore, fluid transport mechanisms on the short-term ex vivo oedema generation in a trauma-induced in vivo lung injury of rats

    Endotracheal temperature and humidity measurements in laryngectomized patients: intra- and inter-patient variability

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    This study assesses intra- and inter-patient variability in endotracheal climate (temperature and humidity) and effects of heat and moister exchangers (HME) in 16 laryngectomized individuals, measured repeatedly (N = 47). Inhalation Breath Length (IBL) was 1.35 s without HME and 1.05 s with HME (P < 0.0001). With HME, end-inspiratory (minimum) humidity values increased 5.8 mg H2O/L (P < 0.0001) and minimum temperature values decreased 1.6°C (P < 0.0001). For the temperature and humidity minimums, the inter-patient variability was much smaller than the short- and long-term intra-patient variability. For exhalation breath length and full breath length, the opposite was the case. Conclusions: (1) Because inter-patient variability is smaller than intra-patient variability, investigating endotracheal climate in a limited number of laryngectomized subjects is justified, provided repeated measurements per patient are accomplished; (2) main contributor to intra-patient variability is the positioning of the catheter tip in the trachea; (3) an HME leads to a shortened IBL which enhances the HME effect

    A newly developed tool for intra-tracheal temperature and humidity assessment in laryngectomized individuals: the Airway Climate Explorer (ACE)

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    The aim of this study is to develop a postlaryngectomy airway climate explorer (ACE) for assessment of intratracheal temperature and humidity and of influence of heat and moisture exchangers (HMEs). Engineering goals were within-device condensation prevention and fast response time characteristics. The ACE consists of a small diameter, heated air-sampling catheter connected to a heated sensor house, containing a humidity sensor. Air is sucked through the catheter by a controlled-flow pump. Validation was performed in a climate chamber using a calibrated reference sensor and in a two-flow system. Additionally, the analyser was tested in vivo. Over the clinically relevant range of humidity values (5–42 mg H2O/l air) the sensor output highly correlates with the reference sensor readings (R2 > 0.99). The 1–1/e response times are all <0.5 s. A first in vivo pilot measurement was successful. The newly developed, verified, fast-responding ACE is suitable for postlaryngectomy airway climate assessment
