326 research outputs found

    A new inequality for the von Neumann entropy

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    Strong subadditivity of von Neumann entropy, proved in 1973 by Lieb and Ruskai, is a cornerstone of quantum coding theory. All other known inequalities for entropies of quantum systems may be derived from it. Here we prove a new inequality for the von Neumann entropy which we prove is independent of strong subadditivity: it is an inequality which is true for any four party quantum state, provided that it satisfies three linear relations (constraints) on the entropies of certain reduced states.Comment: 8 pages, 1 eps figur

    Marshall-Peierls sign rule for excited states of the frustrated J1-J2 Heisenberg antiferromagnet

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    We present analytical and numerical calculations for some exited states of the frustrated J1-J2 spin-1/2 Heisenberg model for linear chains and square lattices. We consider the lowest eigenstates in the subspaces determined by the eigenvalue M of the spin operator S_total^z. Because of the reduced number of Ising basis states in the subspaces with higher M we are able to diagonalize systems with up to N=144 spins. We find evidence that the Marshall-Peierls sign rule survives for a relatively large frustration parameter J2.Comment: 7 pages, LaTeX, 4 eps figures, to appear in Physica

    What Users Think about the Differences between Caffeine and Illicit/Prescription Stimulants for Cognitive Enhancement

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    Pharmacological cognitive enhancement (CE) is a topic of increasing public awareness. In the scientific literature on student use of CE as a study aid for academic performance enhancement, there are high prevalence rates regarding the use of caffeinated substances (coffee, caffeinated drinks, caffeine tablets) but remarkably lower prevalence rates regarding the use of illicit/prescription stimulants such as amphetamines or methylphenidate. While the literature considers the reasons and mechanisms for these different prevalence rates from a theoretical standpoint, it lacks empirical data to account for healthy students who use both, caffeine and illicit/prescription stimulants, exclusively for the purpose of CE. Therefore, we extensively interviewed a sample of 18 healthy university students reporting non-medical use of caffeine as well as illicit/prescription stimulants for the purpose of CE in a face-to-face setting about their opinions regarding differences in general and morally-relevant differences between caffeine and stimulant use for CE. 44% of all participants answered that there is a general difference between the use of caffeine and illicit/prescription stimulants for CE, 28% did not differentiate, 28% could not decide. Furthermore, 39% stated that there is a moral difference, 56% answered that there is no moral difference and one participant was not able to comment on moral aspects. Participants came to their judgements by applying three dimensions: medical, ethical and legal. Weighing the medical, ethical and legal aspects corresponded to the students' individual preferences of substances used for CE. However, their views only partly depicted evidence-based medical aspects and the ethical issues involved. This result shows the need for well-directed and differentiated information to prevent the potentially harmful use of illicit or prescription stimulants for CE

    Low-lying excitations and thermodynamics of an antiferromagnetic Heisenberg fractal system of a dimension between one and two

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    We investigate a frustrated Heisenberg spin-1/2 antiferromagnet on a fractal lattice of dimension d=ln3/ln2 (Sierpinski gasket). Calculations were performed using (a) exact diagonalization of all eigenstates and eigenvectors for systems up to N=15 and (b) the Decoupled-Cell Quantum-Monte-Carlo method for systems up to N=366. We present the low-lying spectrum and the specific heat. The specific heat shows a second maximum in the low-temperature region. This behavior is similar to the behavior of the quantum Heisenberg antiferromagnet on a kagome lattice and suggests a disordered ground state and a spin gap in the considered system.Comment: 2 pages, LaTeX, 3 eps figures, to appear in JMM

    Spiral cleavage and early embryology of a loxosomatid entoproct and the usefulness of spiralian apical cross patterns for phylogenetic inferences

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    Background: Among the four major bilaterian clades, Deuterostomia, Acoelomorpha, Ecdysozoa, and Lophotrochozoa, the latter shows an astonishing diversity of bodyplans. While the largest lophotrochozoan assemblage, the Spiralia, which at least comprises Annelida, Mollusca, Entoprocta, Platyhelminthes, and Nemertea, show a spiral cleavage pattern, Ectoprocta, Brachiopoda and Phoronida (the Lophophorata) cleave radially. Despite a vast amount of recent molecular phylogenetic analyses, the interrelationships of lophotrochozoan phyla remain largely unresolved. Thereby, Entoprocta play a key role, because they have frequently been assigned to the Ectoprocta, despite their differently cleaving embryos. However, developmental data on entoprocts employing modern methods are virtually non-existent and the data available rely exclusively on sketch drawings, thus calling for thorough re-investigation. Results: By applying fluorescence staining in combination with confocal microscopy and 3D-imaging techniques, we analyzed early embryonic development of a basal loxosomatid entoproct. We found that cleavage is asynchronous, equal, and spiral. An apical rosette, typical for most spiralian embryos, is formed. We also identified two cross-like cellular arrangements that bear similarities to both, a "molluscan-like" as well as an "annelid-like" cross, respectively. Conclusions: A broad comparison of cleavage types and apical cross patterns across Lophotrochozoa shows high plasticity of these character sets and we therefore argue that these developmental traits should be treated and interpreted carefully when used for phylogenetic inferences

    Inelastic Multiple Scattering of Interacting Bosons in Weak Random Potentials

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    We develop a diagrammatic scattering theory for interacting bosons in a three-dimensional, weakly disordered potential. We show how collisional energy transfer between the bosons induces the thermalization of the inelastic single-particle current which, after only few collision events, dominates over the elastic contribution described by the Gross-Pitaevskii ansatz.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, very close to published versio

    Europas Rolle in der Welt stĂ€rken: Optionen fĂŒr ein kohĂ€renteres Außenhandeln der EuropĂ€ischen Union

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    'Die globale HandlungsfĂ€higkeit der EuropĂ€ischen Union wird durch die zunehmende KomplexitĂ€t ihres außenpolitischen Instrumentariums und der hierbei beteiligten Institutionen merklich behindert. Der Vertrag ĂŒber eine Verfassung fĂŒr Europa widmet sich diesen grundlegenden Funktionsproblemen europĂ€ischer Außenpolitik. Er sieht mit der Einrichtung des Amtes eines Außenministers der Union und eines EuropĂ€ischen AuswĂ€rtigen Dienstes eine effektive ZusammenfĂŒhrung der supranationalen und intergouvernementalen Elemente europĂ€ischen Außenhandelns vor, ohne jedoch deren grundsĂ€tzliches SpannungsverhĂ€ltnis aufzulösen. Seit Mitte 2005 liegt diese Reform auf Eis. Andere, politisch wie rechtlich machbare Reformen fĂŒr eine Verbesserung der außenpolitischen KohĂ€renz der EU auf der geltenden Vertragsgrundlage wurden ebenso zurĂŒckgestellt. Die Studie analysiert konkrete Maßnahmen fĂŒr eine kohĂ€rentere Gestaltung europĂ€ischer Außenpolitik - in Erwartung der und als Vorbereitung auf die mit dem Verfassungsvertrag angestrebten Reformen. Die Empfehlungen zielen darauf ab, das Zusammenspiel aller europĂ€ischen Akteure zu optimieren, EntscheidungslĂ€ufe effizienter zu gestalten und interinstitutionelle Konfliktpotentiale zu minimieren. FĂŒr eine StĂ€rkung der Rolle Europas in der Welt bedarf es darĂŒber hinaus aber einer grundsĂ€tzlichen Richtungsentscheidung im weiteren Integrationsprozess. Will die EU im globalen Maßstab als schlagkrĂ€ftiger Akteur ernst genommen werden, dann muss das VerhĂ€ltnis zwischen supranationalen und zwischenstaatlichen Elementen der europĂ€ischen Außenpolitik bereits in der Umsetzung der im Verfassungsvertrag angelegten Reformen offen angesprochen werden.' (Autorenreferat

    Assessing Noise Emissions of Different Drones in Representative Flight Maneuvers

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    This scientific publication focuses (i) on the specifications of the various drones used in this study, (ii) on the specifics of the varying flight maneuvers undertaken in the flight tests and (iii) on sharing the overall flight test experience. In the course of two different flight test campaigns conducted at DLRs National Experimental Test Center for Unmanned Aerial Systems in Cochstedt (Germany) in December 2020 and July 2021, numerous acoustical measurements have been recorded and later analyzed. Within this research initiative, the German Environmental Agency was responsible for providing the required measurement equipment, specifying the required UAV flight routes and analyzing the obtained research data

    Poly[[diaqua-Ό2-hydroxido-(Ό7-2-phos­pho­nato­ethane­sulfonato)­dicopper(II)] trihydrate]

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    The crystal structure of the title compound, [Cu2(C2H4O6PS)(OH)(H2O)2]·3H2O, consists of two Cu2+ ions, one (O3PC2H4SO3)3− ion and one OH− ion, as well as five water mol­ecules, two of which are coordinated to Cu2+. The Cu2+ ions are coordinated by six O atoms. The CuO6 polyhedra are connected by ÎŒ- and ÎŒ3-O atoms into zigzag chains along the b axis. These chains are further connected by –CH2CH2– groups to form layers, in turn building a three-dimensional framework via hydrogen bonding
