138 research outputs found

    Energy intensity in road freight transport of heavy goods vehicles in Spain

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    This paper examines the factors that have influenced the energy intensity trend of the Spanish road freight transport of heavy goods vehicles over the period 1996-2012. This article aims to contribute to a better understanding of these factors and to inform the design of measures to improve energy efficiency in road freight transport. The paper uses both annual single-period and chained multi-period multiplicative LMDI-II decomposition analysis. The results suggest that the decrease in the energy intensity of Spanish road freight in the period is explained by the change in the real energy intensity index (lower energy consumption per tonne-kilometre transported), which is partially offset by the behaviour of the structural index (greater share in freight transport of those commodities the transportation of which is more energy intensive). The change in energy intensity is analysed in more depth by quantifying the contribution of each commodity through the attribution of changes in Divisiaindices

    Driving factors of GHG emissions in the EU transport activity

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    This research analyzes the importance of population, economic activity, transport volume and structural characteristics of transport activity-in terms of transport energy intensity, of transport modes' share and of energy sources' mix-as driving factors of greenhouse gas emissions in transport activity in the EU-28 during the period 1990-2014. The analysis is based on the STIRPAT model, which is broadened to investigate in depth the impact on transport emissions of changes in the transport activity and in the whole economy. Using panel data econometric techniques, the significance of each factor and the impact of its change on emissions are identified. A better knowledge of the key driving forces is crucial for implementing policies focused on successfully reducing emissions in transport activity. The results allow a preliminary assessment of the potential effectiveness of the 2011 Transport White Paper measures aimed at cutting transport emissions

    Driving factors of GHG emissions in EU transport activity

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    This research identifies the driving factors of greenhouse gas emissions in transport activity in the EU-28 and the contribution of each of them to its changes during the period 1990-2014. The analysis is based on the STIRPAT model, which is broadened to investigate in depth the impact on transport emissions of changes in the transport activity and in the whole economy. In short, the study takes into account the population, economic activity, transport volume, transport energy intensity and structural composition of transport activity in terms of transport modes' share and of energy sources' mix. Using panel data econometric techniques, the significance of each factor and the impact of its change on emissions are identified. A better knowledge of the key driving forces is crucial for implementing policies focused on successfully reducing emissions in transport activity. The results allow a preliminary assessment of the potential effectiveness of the 2011 Transport White Paper measures aimed at cutting transport emissions

    Relato de uma experiência inovadora de ensino religioso no CEPARL

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    Reflect upon the use of ICT as a means of constructing knowledge in High School (HS) at Colégio Estadual Professora Alcina Rodrigues Lima, a pioneer school in the project Ensino Médio Inovador (Innovative High School), by means of the results of the Religious Studies (RS) project “Visiting the historic, touristic and religious sites in Brazil”, started in 2010. From the data collected in the questionnaires, the use and behavior vis a vis the ICT in the Innovative High School and Traditional High School. The analysis was made under the light of the theories of scholars in the area of ICT such as Moram, Ferres, Prado and in the area of learning: Piaget, Vigotsky, Moura. Although the results of students and teachers who took part in the RS project were positive, and some of the students have shown their insertion in the world of educative technologies, one can also perceive that some of the students still find it difficult to integrate this world of ICT, want and need help; others wish to use such technologies, but they have no means for that and face the problems of the poor quality of the school‟s technological system and the lack of supportive staff at the CT lab.Reflete sobre o uso das TIC como meio construtivo de conhecimentos no Ensino Médio (EM) no Colégio Estadual Professora Alcina Rodrigues Lima, escola piloto do Ensino Médio Inovador (EMI), através dos resultados do projeto de Ensino Religioso (ER) “Conhecendo os lugares históricos, turísticos e religiosos do Brasil”, iniciado em 2010. Analisou-se com os dados dos questionários, aplicados aos alunos, a utilização e comportamento frente às TIC no Ensino Médio Inovador e no Ensino Médio Tradicional. A análise realizou-se à luz do referencial teórico de alguns estudiosos da área das TIC como Moram, Ferres, Prado e da área da aprendizagem: Vygotsky e Moura. Apesar do resultado dos alunos que participaram do projeto do Ensino Religioso ser positivo e de alguns alunos mostrarem a sua inserção no mundo das tecnologias com fim educativo, percebe-se, também, que alguns jovens ainda estão com dificuldades de integrar-se neste mundo das TIC, desejam e buscam ajuda; outros desejam usar as tecnologias, porém não têm os meios e deparam-se com os problemas da qualidade do sistema tecnológico da Escola e com a falta de funcionários no laboratório para seu uso

    Transportation and storage sector and greenhouse gas emissions : an input-output subsytem comparison from supply and demand side perspectives

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    We develop an input-output subsystem analysis based on the Ghosh model. Our method analyzes the interrelations in terms of emissions between the different subsystem subsectors and between the subsystem and the rest of sectors of the economy through the decomposition of total emissions into four explanatory components. In contrast to previous subsystem analyses based on the Leontief model, our method considers the emissions of the whole activity of the subsystem and not only those related to its final demand. This is particularly relevant to study the responsibility for emissions of the activity of sectors that produce mainly for other sectors. We apply this method and also the subsystem analysis from the demand-side perspective to analyze the transportation and storage subsystem in Spain in 2014. The activity of the subsystem induced the rest of sectors of the economy to pollute less than the emissions it was induced to emit. There are significant differences between the outcomes from demand- and supply-side perspectives, so that the consideration of both perspectives provides more accurate policy recommendations

    Las competencias emocionales y su relación con el bullying en estudiantes de educación secundaria de la red 11 de la Ugel 05 de Lima. 2012

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    El presente trabajo de investigación fue por finalidad determinar el grado de relación existente entre el nivel de desarrollo de las competencias emocionales con el Bullying en estudiantes de educación secundaria de la Red 11 de San Juan Lurigancho.Lima.2012. El diseño de investigación fue no experimental y centrado en el nivel descriptivo correlacional, para alcanzar los objetivos de esta investigación cuyos resultados se evidencian en las tablas y figuras, tal como se recomienda las normas estadísticas, a través de la investigación realizada con una muestra de 192 alumnos de 4 instituciones educativas del nivel secundaria entre varones y mujeres entre 12 y 18 años, regulares. Se ha logrado determinar que si existe relación significativa e inversa entre las competencias emocionales y el bullying en estudiantes de Educación Secundaria en los resultados que se logró después de aplicar las encuestas, cuestionarios. En conclusión podemos afirmar que la aplicación de la encuesta nos ha permitido describir que si existe una relación significativa e inversa entre las variables competencia emocional y el Bullying

    Infecciones vaginales más frecuentes y tipos de microorganismos en mujeres en edad fértil atendidas en la Clínica San Martín - Tarapoto. Junio 2012- mayo 2013

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    Título: infecciones vaginales más frecuentes y tipos de microorganismos en mujeres en edad fértil atendidas en la clínica San Martin, Tarapoto. Junio 2012 – mayo de 2013. Investigadores: Bach. Obst. Lidia Bárbara Castro Padilla. Bach. Obst. Keyli Katherin Saldaña Hidalgo. La presente investigación titulada: “Infecciones vaginales más frecuentes y tipos de microorganismos en mujeres en edad fértil atendidas en la Clínica San Martin- Tarapoto. junio 2012- mayo 2013”; fue planteada como una investigación de enfoque cuantitativo, ubicándola dentro del tipo de investigación descriptiva correlacional, retrospectiva y según la recolección de los datos de tipo transversal; se usó el diseño correlacional, teniendo como objetivo; determinar la relación que existe entre las infecciones vaginales más frecuentes y los tipos de microorganismos según exámenes auxiliares en mujeres en edad fértil que acuden al establecimiento de salud geográficamente delimitado. La población estuvo constituida por el total de mujeres en edad fértil con diagnóstico de infección vaginal atendidas en el periodo señalado, que sumaron 190 en total. El cálculo de la muestra arrojó 96 mujeres en edad fértil con diagnóstico de infección vaginal y fue seleccionada mediante procedimientos probabilísticos, empleando la selección aleatoria simple y el principio de la probabilidad, del total de historias clínicas de nuestra población de estudio que cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión. Para la recolección de la información se utilizó una Ficha de Recolección de Datos, elaborada por las autoras teniendo en cuenta las variables de estudio. Los datos obtenidos fueron sistematizados usando el paquete estadístico SPSS VERSIÓN 20.0. El cultivo de secreción vaginal para diagnóstico de agente infeccioso reportó prevalencia de 57,3% para vaginitis bacteriana y 42,7% para hongos; evidenciándose como agente etiológico de mayor prevalencia 39,6% para gardnerella vaginalis y 30,2% cándida spp. El diagnóstico final reportó 46,9% de vaginosis bacteriana, 36,5% vaginitis mixta y 16,7% para vaginitis por hongo. La relación entre tipos de infecciones vaginales y tipos de microorganismos es altamente significativa por haber obtenido después de la validación por la prueba de chi cuadrado por homogeneidad una media de X2= 96,00 con un grado de libertad G. L. = 5 un error p = 0,00. PALABRA CLAVE. Infecciones vaginales/microorganismos.Title: Frequent vaginal infections and types of microorganisms in women of childbearing age treated at the Clinica San Martin, Tarapoto. June 2012 - May 2013. Investigators: Lidia Bárbara Castro Padilla, BAO Keyli Katherin Saldaña Hidalgo, BAO The present investigation entitled "Frequent vaginal infections and types of microorganisms s in women of childbearing age treated at the Clinica San Martin, Tarapoto. June 2012 - May 2013 “, was raised as a quantitative research approach, placing it within the type of descriptive correlational research, and according to retrospective data collection, cross-sectional, correlational design was used, with the objective, to determine the relationship between more frequent vaginal infections and types of microorganisms as ancillary tests in women of childbearing age who come to the health facility geographically delimited. The population consisted of the total number of women of childbearing age diagnosed with vaginal infection treated at the indicated period, totaling 190 in all. The calculation of the sample yielded 96 fertile women diagnosed with vaginal infection and was selected by probabilistic methods using simple random selection and the principle of probability, the total medical records of our study population who met the criteria inclusion . For data collection we used a Data Collection Sheet, prepared by the authors taking into account the study variables. The data were systematized using SPSS Version 20.0. The vaginal discharge culture for diagnosis of infectious agent reported prevalence of 57.3 % for bacterial vaginitis and 42.7% for fungi as evidenced most prevalent etiologic agent 39.6 % to 30.2 % Gardnerella vaginalis and Candida spp. The reported final diagnosis of bacterial vaginosis 46.9 %, 36.5 % and 16.7 % mixed vaginitis for fungal vaginitis. The relationship between types of vaginal infections and types of microorganisms is highly significant for winning after validation by the chi-square test for homogeneity half of X2 = 96.00 with one degree of freedom G. L. May 1 mistake = p = 0.00. KEYWORD. Vaginal infections / microorganisms.Tesi

    Choosing Variant Interpretation Tools for Clinical Applications: Context Matters

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    Clinical variant interpretation; Healthcare costs; Pathogenicity predictionInterpretación de variantes clínicas; Costes sanitarios; Predicción de patogenicidadInterpretació de variants clíniques; Despeses sanitàries; Predicció de patogenicitatPathogenicity predictors are computational tools that classify genetic variants as benign or pathogenic; this is currently a major challenge in genomic medicine. With more than fifty such predictors available, selecting the most suitable tool for clinical applications like genetic screening, molecular diagnostics, and companion diagnostics has become increasingly challenging. To address this issue, we have developed a cost-based framework that naturally considers the various components of the problem. This framework encodes clinical scenarios using a minimal set of parameters and treats pathogenicity predictors as rejection classifiers, a common practice in clinical applications where low-confidence predictions are routinely rejected. We illustrate our approach in four examples where we compare different numbers of pathogenicity predictors for missense variants. Our results show that no single predictor is optimal for all clinical scenarios and that considering rejection yields a different perspective on classifiers.This work was supported by research grants SAF2016-80255-R from the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO), PID2019-111217RB-I00 and TED2021-130342B-I00 from the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, and by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through the Interreg program POCTEFA (Pirepred, EFA086/15)

    Influencia de los proyectos productivos en la aplicación de los componentes electrónicos en los estudiantes del 2° año de secundaria de la I.E “Pedro E. Paulet”, Huacho, 2013

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    En la investigación titulada “Influencia de los Proyectos Productivos en la aplicación de los Componentes Electrónicos en los estudiantes del 2º año de secundaria de la I.E “Pedro E. Paulet”, Huacho, 2013”. El objetivo de la investigación fue determinar la influencia de los proyectos productivos en la aplicación de los componentes electrónicos en los estudiantes del 2° año de secundaria. La metodología que se utilizó para demostrar la hipótesis se elaboró en el nivel de investigación es cuasi experimental y el enfoque es cuantitativo. La población y muestra es de tipo probabilístico que constituyeron los mismos elementos de análisis que vienen a ser 30 estudiantes del 2° año de secundaria. El instrumento que se utilizó fue el cuestionario aplicado a los estudiantes. Para la validez de los instrumentos se utilizó el juicio de expertos y para la confiabilidad del instrumento se utilizó el Alpha de Crombach y el KR 20. Los resultados nos demuestran que existe influencia significativa de las variables estudiadas. Ya que por medio del análisis, comparación y descripción de las variables hemos establecido que los proyectos productivos influyen positivamente en la aplicación de los componentes electrónicos en los estudiantes 2º año de secundaria. Los datos estadísticos que sostienen esta investigación vienen de los resultados obtenidos por la aplicación de los instrumentos a los estudiantes

    Energy intensity in road freight transport of heavy goods vehicles in Spain

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    This paper examines the factors that have influenced the energy intensity of the Spanish road freight transport of heavy goods vehicles over the period 1996-2012. This article aims to contribute to a better understanding of the factors behind the energy intensity change of road freight and also to inform the design of measures to improve energy efficiency in road freight transport. The paper uses both annual single-period and chained multi-period multiplicative LMDI-II decomposition analysis. The results suggest that the decrease in the energy intensity of Spanish road freight in the period is explained by the change in the real energy intensity index (lower energy consumption per tonne-kilometre transported), which is partially offset by the behaviour of the structural index (greater share in freight transport of those commodities the transportation of which is more energy intensive). The change in energy intensity is analysed in more depth by quantifying the contribution of each commodity through the attribution of changes in Divisia indices