55 research outputs found

    Depressão entre estudantes de enfermagem relacionada à auto-estima, à percepção da sua saúde e interesse por saúde mental

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    This study aimed to identify the presence of depression among nursing students in relation to their self-esteem, perception of physical health and interest in mental health. METHODOLOGY: the research was carried out in class among 224 nursing students. The Depression Knowledge and Points of View questionnaire was used, as well as Beck's inventory, the Self-esteem scale and information about health and quality of life. Sociodemographic and clinical data were investigated, as well as the students' interest in mental health. The project was approved by the Ethics Committee. RESULTS: depression is present among nursing students at levels expected for the population. The statistically assessed results evidenced a correlation between physical health perception (bad and medium), interest and attendance to courses in the field, concluding that there are greater chances of depression among nursing students.El objetivo de este estudio fue identificar la relación de la presencia de la depresión, entre estudiantes de enfermería, con su autoestima, su percepción de la salud física y con el interés por su salud mental. METODOLOGÍA: la INvestigación fue realizada en sala de clases entre 224 estudiantes de enfermería. Se utilizó un cuestionario denominado Conocimiento y Puntos de Vista sobre la depresión, Inventario de Beck, la Escala de Autoestima e informaciones sobre salud y Calidad de vida. Se investigaron datos socio demográficos, clínicos y el interés del alumno por la salud mental. El Proyecto fue aprobado por el Comité de Ética. RESULTADOS: la depresión está presente entre los estudiantes de enfermería en niveles esperados para la población. Los resultados, evaluados estadísticamente, evidenciaron una correlación entre la percepción de la salud física (mala y promedio), el interés y la asistencia a cursos en esa área; se concluyó que hay mayores posibilidades de que aparezca la depresión entre los estudiantes de enfermería con esas características.Objetivou-se identificar a relação da presença de depressão entre acadêmicos de enfermagem com sua auto-estima, percepção da saúde física e interesse por saúde mental. METODOLOGIA: pesquisa realizada em sala de aula, entre 224 estudantes de enfermagem. Utilizou-se questionário de Conhecimento e Pontos de Vista sobre depressão, Inventário de Beck, Escala de Auto-estima e informações sobre saúde e Qualidade de vida. Investigou-se dados sociodemográficos, clínicos e interesse do aluno pela saúde mental. O projeto foi aprovado por Comitê de Ética. RESULTADOS: a depressão está presente entre estudantes de enfermagem em níveis esperados para a população. Os resultados, avaliados estatisticamente, evidenciaram correlação entre percepção da saúde física (ruim e média), interesse e freqüência a cursos na área, concluindo-se que há maiores chances de presença de depressão entre esses estudantes de enfermagem.CNP

    Relação entre estado nutricional da gestante, fumo durante a gravidez, crescimento fetal e no primeiro ano de vida

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    The relationship between maternal nutritional state, maternal cigarette smoking habits, weight of infants at birth and their growth in the first year of life, in a group of 1,066 pregnant women (and their children) of low socio-economic status was studied. Babies born to smoking mothers weighed significantly less than those born to non-smoking mothers, whether these were normal or even obese women. It was also observed that children born to undernourished mothers weighed significantly less than those born to normal or obese women. Children born to smoking mothers weighed less than the others up to the 3rd month of life only; children born to undernourished women weighed significantly less than the others up to the 9th month of life. Thus, even among pregnant women of low socio-economic status, the effect of smoking on growth is restricted to the intra-uterine environment. The influence of maternal malnutrition is mantained for a longer period in this sample of the population. It was verified that there was a negative association between maternal nutritional status and maternal smoking habits, suggesting that, at least partially, the influence of maternal smoking on the fetus can be mediated by the nutritional status.Estudou-se a relação entre estado nutricional e hábito de fumar maternos, peso do recém-nascido ao nascer e crescimento no primeiro ano de vida num grupo de 1.066 gestantes de baixo nível sócio-econômico. Os filhos de mulheres fumantes apresentaram pesos significativamente menores que os filhos de não-fumantes, quer fossem suas mães, normais ou obesas. Também foi possível verificar que filhos de mulheres desnutridas pesaram significativamente menos que filhos de mulheres normais e estes que os de obesas. O prejuízo no peso dos filhos de mulheres fumantes manteve-se apenas até os 3 meses de idade, ao passo que até os 9 meses os filhos de mulheres desnutridas pesaram significativamente menos que as demais crianças, mostrando que, mesmo em gestantes de baixa renda, o efeito do fumo sobre o crescimento se restringe ao ambiente intra-uterino. Já o efeito da desnutrição materna é mais duradouro nessa população. Verificou-se que houve uma associação negativa entre estado nutricional e hábito de fumar maternos, sugerindo que, ao menos em parte, o efeito do tabagismo materno sobre o concepto pode ser intermediado pelo estado nutricional

    Exoplanets around G-K Giants

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    G and K giants are a class of radial velocity (RV) variables. One reason for this variability are planetary companions which are indicated in time series of stellar spectra. Since 2004 these spectra in the visual range were obtained with the high resolution coud\'e \'echelle spectrograph mounted on the 2m telescope of the Th\"uringer Landessternwarte Tautenburg (TLS) for a northern sample of 62 very bright K giants. In the South around 300 G and K giants were observed with HARPS mounted on the 3.6m telescope on La Silla. The TLS sample contains at least 11 stars (18 %) which show low-amplitude, long-period RV variations most likely due to planets. This percentage of planet frequency is confirmed by preliminary results of the HARPS study. Moreover the TLS survey seems to indicate that giant planets do not favour metal-rich stars, are more massive, and have longer periods than those found around solar-type host stars.Comment: Part of PlanetsbeyondMS/2010 proceedings http://arxiv.org/html/1011.660

    Aspectos ecológicos da tripanossomíase americana: XXI - Comportamento de espécies triatomíneas silvestres na reinfestação do intra e peridomicílio

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    The results of observations on triatominae bugs in three localities, one of them under to active annual regular surveillance and the other two which had undergone house treatment six months and one and half years before, respectively, are reported. Two of these localities were situated in the dispersal center region of Panstrongylus megistus, and the third in the dispersal center region of Triatoma sordida. At two-monthly periods each area was submitted to dwelling inspection in the search for triatominae bugs in indoor and peridomiciliary environments. The results reached confirmed the slow speed of reinfestation by P. megistus, in apparent contrast with that of T. sordida. This latter producing colonies at a high rate in peridomiciliary environments. No difference was found between intra and peridomiciliary environments in their attraction for this bug. P. megistus reinfestation was frequently found associated with natural infection. Reintroduction of Triatoma infestans into dwellings was associated with human population mobility. The peridomiciliary colonization of T. sordida allowed the study of the development of these colonies, and remarkably similar results to those found in the experimental fowl houses previously reported on was obtained. The presence of Rhodnius neglectus was reported in all three localities and, though not prominent, it is necessary to pay some attention to this species as potential house invader.Apresentam-se os resultados obtidos com a observação da presença triatomínea em três localidades, uma delas caracterizada por estar submetida a vigilância anual ininterrupta, e duas por terem sido expurgadas respectivamente seis e um ano e meio antes. As duas primeiras situam-se em áreas de endemicidade de Panstrongylus megistus e a terceira em região endêmica para Triatoma sordida. Em todas foram levadas a efeito inspeções bimestrais destinadas a detectar a presença de triatomíneos no intra e no peridomicílio. Pôde-se confirmar o aspecto lento da domiciliação de P. megistus, em aparente contraste com o T. sordida que desenvolve intensas colônias peridomiciliares. Pelo menos em relação a esta última espécie, não parece haver diferença atrativa por parte do intra e do peridomicílio. A reinfestação do P. megistus acha-se associada freqüente com a presença de infecção natural. A reintrodução de Triatoma infestans associa-se à mobilidade da população humana. A colonização peridomiciliar de T. sordida permitiu o estudo do desenvolvimento dessas colônias, obtendo-se marcante paralelismo com os dados conseguidos em galinheiros experimentais (GE) e objeto de publicações anteriores. A presença de Rhodnius neglectus nas três áreas, embora discreta, chama a atenção para seu possível potencial de domiciliação. Com este artigo encerra-se a série "Aspectos ecológicos de tripanossomíase americana"

    A New Association of Post-T Tauri Stars Near The Sun

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    Observing ROSAT sources in 20 x 25 deg centered at the high latitude active star ER Eri, we found evidences for a new young nearby association (~30Myr at~60pc), the Horologium Association (HorA), formed by at least 10 probable and 6 possible members, some being Post-T Tauri stars. We examine several requirements that characterize a young association and they, together, create a strong evidence for the reality of the HorA. In fact, the Li line intensities are between those of the oldest classical T Tauri stars and the ones of the Local Association stars. The space velocities of the HorA relative to the Sun, U= -9.5+/-1.0, V = -20.9 +/- 1.1, W = -2.1 +/- 1.9, are not far from those of the Local Association. We suggest that some hotter and non-X-ray active stars, with similar space velocities, could be massive members of the HorA, among them, the nearby Be star Achernar. The maximum of the mass distribution function of the HorA is around 0.8 solar masses. At its distance, the projected size of the HorA, ~50 pc, would be larger than our surveyed area and many other members could have been missed. We also observed 3 control regions, two at northern and southern galactic latitudes and a third one in the known TW Hya Association (TWA), and the properties and distribution of their young stars strengthen the reality of the HorA. Contrary to the TWA, the only known binaries in the HorA are 2 very wide systems. The HorA is much more isolated from clouds and older than the TWA and could give some clues about the lifetime of the disks around T Tauri stars. Actually, none of the proposed members is an IRAS source indicating an advanced stage of the evolution of their accreting disks. ER Eri itself was found to be a RS CVn-like system.Comment: 25 pages, 5 eps figures, to appear in Astron.

    The partial inhibition of hypothalamic IRX3 exacerbates obesity

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    The Iroquois homeobox 3 (Irx3) gene has been identified as a functional long-range target of obesity-associated variants within the fat mass and obesity-associated protein (FTO) gene. It is highly expressed in the hypothalamus, and both whole-body knockout and hypothalamic restricted abrogation of its expression results in a lean phenotype, which is mostly explained by the resulting increased energy expenditure in the brown adipose tissue. Because of its potential implication in the pathogenesis of obesity, we evaluated the hypothalamic cell distribution of Irx3 and the outcomes of inhibiting its expression in a rodent model of diet-induced obesity. Methods: Bioinformatics tools were used to evaluate the correlations between hypothalamic Irx3 and neurotransmitters, markers of thermogenesis and obesity related phenotypes. Droplet-sequencing analysis in >20,000 hypothalamic cells was used to explore the types of hypothalamic cells expressing Irx3. Lentivirus was used to inhibit hypothalamic Irx3 and the resulting phenotype was studied. Findings: IRX3 is expressed predominantly in POMC neurons. Its expression is inhibited during prolonged fasting, as well as when mice are fed a high-fat diet. The partial inhibition of hypothalamic Irx3 using a lentivirus resulted in increased diet-induced body mass gain and adiposity due to increased caloric intake and reduced energy expenditure. Interpretation: Contrary to the results obtained when lean mice are submitted to complete inhibition of Irx3, partial inhibition of hypothalamic Irx3 in obese mice causes an exacerbation of the obese phenotype. These data suggest that at least some of the Irx3 functions in the hypothalamus are regulated according to a hormetic pattern, and modulation of its expression can be a novel approach to modifying the body's energy-handling regulation.39448460FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO - FAPESP2013/07607-8; 2017/02983-


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    A finalidade deste estudo foi descrever a sobrecarga e o desconforto emocional dos cuidadores de idosos. Estudo \ud epidemiológico e transversal conduzido em 2009 com 124 cuidadores residentes na comunidade de Ribeirão Preto-SP, por meio dos \ud instrumentos: Escala de Sobrecarga de Zarit e Self-Reporting Questionaire (SRQ-20) para o cuidador. A análise dos dados foi realizada \ud no aplicativo SPSS, 15.0, de forma descritiva, univariada (tabelas de frequência) e bivariada (tabelas de contingência para variáveis \ud qualitativas). Os cuidadores, 85,6% do sexo feminino, média de 56,5 anos, utilizaram, em média, 12,4 horas diárias para o cuidar e 57,6% \ud dos cuidadores apresentaram de leve a moderada sobrecarga. Dependência funcional do idoso, sexo do cuidador e tempo em horas \ud para o cuidado, foram preditores da sobrecarga (p<0,05). Encontrou-se, também, que a sobrecarga é fator de risco para desconforto \ud emocional (p<0,05). Cabe aos enfermeiros utilizarem protocolos de avaliação, com base nos fatores de risco, para prevenir a sobrecarga.This epidemiological and cross-sectional study describes the burdens and emotional distress observed among caregivers of elderly people. It was carried out in 2009 with 124 caregivers living in the city of Ribeirao Preto, SP, Brazil, using the following instruments: the Zarit Burden Scale and the Self-Reporting Questionnaire (SRQ-20) for caregivers. Data analysis was carried out in the SPSS, version 15.0, using descriptive, univariate (frequency tables) and bivariate (contingency tables for qualitative variables) statistics. Among the caregivers, 85.6% were women, with an average age of 56.5 years, spent an average of 12.4 hours daily with care, and 57.6% of them had mild to moderate burdens. Multiple linear regressions revealed that older adults' functional dependence and caregivers' gender and time spent weekly providing daily care were predictors of being burdened (p&lt;0.05). Burden is also a risk factor for emotional distress (p&lt;0.05). It is important for nurses to use protocols based on risk factors to evaluate caregivers in order to prevent burdens from developing.La finalidad del estudio fue describir la sobrecarga y desánimo de los cuidadores de adultos mayores. Estudio epidemiológico \ud y transversal realizado en el 2009 con 124 cuidadores que viven en la ciudad de Ribeirão Preto, SP, por medio de los instrumentos \ud de: Escala de Sobrecarga de Zarit y Self-Reporting Questionaire (SQR-20) para el cuidador. El análisis de los datos fue ejecutado en el \ud sistema SPSS, 15.0, de forma descriptiva, univariada (tablas de frecuencia) y bivariada (las tablas de contingencia para las variables \ud cualitativas). Con respecto a los cuidadores, 85,6% fueron del sexo femenino, con edad promedio de 56,5 años, utilizaron en promedio \ud 12,4 horas diarias para el cuidado de los adultos mayores y 57,6% de los cuidadores presentaron de una leve a moderada sobrecarga. \ud La dependencia funcional del adulto mayor, sexo del cuidador y el número de horas para el cuidado fueron factores predictivos de \ud sobrecarga (p<0,05). Se encontró que la sobrecarga es el factor de riesgo para el desánimo (p<0,05). Compete a los enfermeros utilizar \ud protocolos de evaluación, con base en los factores de riesgo, para prevenir la sobrecarga en el cuidador


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    A finalidade deste estudo foi descrever a sobrecarga e o desconforto emocional dos cuidadores de idosos. Estudo \ud epidemiológico e transversal conduzido em 2009 com 124 cuidadores residentes na comunidade de Ribeirão Preto-SP, por meio dos \ud instrumentos: Escala de Sobrecarga de Zarit e Self-Reporting Questionaire (SRQ-20) para o cuidador. A análise dos dados foi realizada \ud no aplicativo SPSS, 15.0, de forma descritiva, univariada (tabelas de frequência) e bivariada (tabelas de contingência para variáveis \ud qualitativas). Os cuidadores, 85,6% do sexo feminino, média de 56,5 anos, utilizaram, em média, 12,4 horas diárias para o cuidar e 57,6% \ud dos cuidadores apresentaram de leve a moderada sobrecarga. Dependência funcional do idoso, sexo do cuidador e tempo em horas \ud para o cuidado, foram preditores da sobrecarga (p<0,05). Encontrou-se, também, que a sobrecarga é fator de risco para desconforto \ud emocional (p<0,05). Cabe aos enfermeiros utilizarem protocolos de avaliação, com base nos fatores de risco, para prevenir a sobrecarga.This epidemiological and cross-sectional study describes the burdens and emotional distress observed among caregivers of elderly people. It was carried out in 2009 with 124 caregivers living in the city of Ribeirao Preto, SP, Brazil, using the following instruments: the Zarit Burden Scale and the Self-Reporting Questionnaire (SRQ-20) for caregivers. Data analysis was carried out in the SPSS, version 15.0, using descriptive, univariate (frequency tables) and bivariate (contingency tables for qualitative variables) statistics. Among the caregivers, 85.6% were women, with an average age of 56.5 years, spent an average of 12.4 hours daily with care, and 57.6% of them had mild to moderate burdens. Multiple linear regressions revealed that older adults' functional dependence and caregivers' gender and time spent weekly providing daily care were predictors of being burdened (p&lt;0.05). Burden is also a risk factor for emotional distress (p&lt;0.05). It is important for nurses to use protocols based on risk factors to evaluate caregivers in order to prevent burdens from developing.La finalidad del estudio fue describir la sobrecarga y desánimo de los cuidadores de adultos mayores. Estudio epidemiológico \ud y transversal realizado en el 2009 con 124 cuidadores que viven en la ciudad de Ribeirão Preto, SP, por medio de los instrumentos \ud de: Escala de Sobrecarga de Zarit y Self-Reporting Questionaire (SQR-20) para el cuidador. El análisis de los datos fue ejecutado en el \ud sistema SPSS, 15.0, de forma descriptiva, univariada (tablas de frecuencia) y bivariada (las tablas de contingencia para las variables \ud cualitativas). Con respecto a los cuidadores, 85,6% fueron del sexo femenino, con edad promedio de 56,5 años, utilizaron en promedio \ud 12,4 horas diarias para el cuidado de los adultos mayores y 57,6% de los cuidadores presentaron de una leve a moderada sobrecarga. \ud La dependencia funcional del adulto mayor, sexo del cuidador y el número de horas para el cuidado fueron factores predictivos de \ud sobrecarga (p<0,05). Se encontró que la sobrecarga es el factor de riesgo para el desánimo (p<0,05). Compete a los enfermeros utilizar \ud protocolos de evaluación, con base en los factores de riesgo, para prevenir la sobrecarga en el cuidador