561 research outputs found


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    The manuscript Classe II 102 kept in the Ariostea Library of Ferrara represents the only known witness of the De somnio, an unpublished work written in 1546 by the physician Sozzino Benzi from Ferrara. Using the formal model of Dante’s Commedia, the physician tells about a dream in which he sets out with his genius a research journey of happiness through all the degrees of universe, in a speculative ascent animated by love that rises from the contemplation of beauty. Going through the world, the physician observes the images and myths in which had set the great tradition of Ficino’s philosophy of love, and thanks to the incessant mediation of his genius he is constantly urged to understand the symbolical meaning of that language. Pushed by the unceasing wish of new beauty, but unable to go beyond of her physical dimension, the physician reaches the limits of universe without finding any satisfaction, and he understands only thanks to the divine help that the only way to reach happiness is the abandon to the grace. Telling a history of a conversion from the research of a corporeal beauty to the research of true beauty, which is God, Benzi’s work becomes thus a radical criticism of the surrounding cultural reality. Although it is unknown, the De somnio represents a precious witness of the philosophical culture in Ferrara at the middle of XVIth century, and proves the capacity of some characteristic themes of philosophy of love of answering the worries of a period of great political, cultural and religious changes

    Sozzino Benzi, Basilio Sabzio e la corruttibilità del cielo. La controversia cosmologica in una lettera al cardinale Benedetto Accolti

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    Nell'articolo si pubblica una lettera inedita del medico ferrarese Sozzino Benzi (Firenze, Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale, Autografi Palatini, II 49) inviata, verosimilmente negli anni Trenta del XVI secolo, al cardinale Benedetto Accolti. Il documento è di grande importanza non solo per la ricostruzione della cultura filosofica e scientifica del Cinquecento, ma anche per la storia della scienza e dell'astronomia, in quanto restituisce una preziosa testimonianza della polemica scoppiata a seguito della diffusione delle nuove idee di Basilio Sabazio, controverso letterato e astronomo, giunto negli anni Trenta a dimostrare la corruttibilità della materia celeste sulla base delle osservazioni da lui effettuate su due comete. Il motivo che spinge Benzi a scrivere al cardinale è l'urgenza di difendersi dalle accuse di Bartolomeo Ferrini, che, stando alle informazioni contenute nella lettera, lo accusa di aver fornito a Sabazio il proprio aiuto nella dimostrazione della corruttibilità del cielo. Questa polemica, di cui non è stata ancora rinvenuta altra traccia, dimostra la necessità di un superamento delle tradizionali categorie della storiografia ufficiale, ed impone l'urgenza di un vasto lavoro di recupero del materiale inedito al fine di ricostruire la ricchezza del dibattito cosmologico del XVI secolo

    Il disturbo d'ansia generalizzato in bambini ed adolescenti: predittori di risposta al trattamento farmacologico con inibitori selettivi del re-uptake serotoninergico (SSRI).

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    Nella presente trattazione nell’ambito del disturbo d’ansia generalizzato (DAG) in età evolutiva, ho posto l’attenzione sul trattamento farmacologico con farmaci inibitori selettivi della ricaptazione della serotonina (SSRI), includendo una revisione sistematica della letteratura scientifica da cui emerge una buona efficacia e tollerabilità di tale classe di farmaci, con evidenze maggiori per sertralina, fluoxetina e fluvoxamina. Ho partecipato ad uno studio clinico finalizzato a valutare l’efficacia del trattamento con SSRI in pazienti con diagnosi principale di DAG, età: 7−18 anni (N=160). L’età di esordio sintomatologico, prima e dopo 12 anni, è stata ipotizzata specificatore del pattern evolutivo. Tutti i partecipanti hanno assunto monoterapia con SSRI. Dopo 3 mesi, 97 pazienti risultavano responsivi, indipendentemente dal tipo di SSRI assunto. I pazienti farmacoresistenti erano più giovani (p<.001), presentavano un esordio sintomatologico più precoce (p<.001), una compromissione clinica maggiore (p<.001), una maggior comorbidità con disturbi internalizzanti in generale (p<.001) e con il disturbo d’ansia di separazione in particolare (p=.002). La monoterapia con SSRI è efficace in circa il 60% dei pazienti in età pediatrica con diagnosi di DAG, tuttavia i soggetti più giovani, con una gravità clinica maggiore e una comorbidità multipla sono meno responsivi al trattamento

    Estrutura da sensibilidade moral dos psiquiatras do Brasil

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    INTRODUÇÃO: A importância da bioética tem uma demanda importante na prática médica e é muito pouco discutida na psiquiatria. Antes de se pensar o panorama bioético do paciente e do contexto de tratamento, deve-se avaliar a postura bioética do profissional envolvido na relação médico-paciente. Como em outras áreas da psicologia e da psiquiatria, o uso de instrumentos de avaliação de atitudes tem se mostrado útil na discussão de várias situações e comportamentos. No campo da relação médico-paciente na psiquiatria, o Questionário de Sensibilidade Moral (QSM), uma escala dimensional com respostas tipo Likert sobre questões éticas (divididas em 6 dimensões propostas para a sensibilidade Moral) na enfermagem e na psiquiatria, mostra-se como um instrumento específico e útil na investigação das atitudes morais do médico. OBJETIVOS: Conhecer a estrutura da sensibilidade moral dos médicos psiquiatras do Brasil. Descrever o panorama das variáveis epidemiológicas e demográficas da população estudada. Investigar as relações de algumas variáveis epidemiológicas (demográficas e culturais) com a estrutura da sensibilidade moral dos médicos psiquiatras do Brasil. MÉTODOS: Comparar estatisticamente os resultados das dimensões da escala com as variáveis epidemiológicas colhidas no momento da avaliação. RESULTADOS: Foram avaliados 522 médicos psiquiatras do Brasil. As variáveis epidemiológicas investigadas foram: a idade, com média de 49 anos, a raça (brancos, 91,60%), o sexo (homens, 65,70%) e o estado civil (casados, 64,00%). Os psiquiatras também foram avaliados com relação a outros aspectos, a saber: religião (católicos, 44,40%), ter feito ou não residência médica (sim, 75,10%), tipo de prática na psiquiatria (mais que 1 atividade, 86,20%) e tempo de prática profissional (21,3 anos). DISCUSSÃO: Houve a concordância total com as dimensões da Sensibilidade Moral como autonomia, respeito pela integridade e relacionamento interpessoal; concordância parcial na benevolência e respeito às regras, e forte discordância na experiência de conflitos éticos. As variáveis demográficas que tiveram relação estatisticamente significativa com as dimensões e questões da escala foram: idade, cor da pele, sexo, estado civil, religião, residência médica como formação profissional, tempo de experiência profissional e tipo de prática na psiquiatria. CONCLUSÃO: O QSM mostrou ser útil como escala de avaliação moral da prática médica psiquiátrica no Brasil. A estrutura da sensibilidade moral dos médicos psiquiatras brasileiros sofre múltiplas influências em sua relação com elementos epidemiológicos, demográficos e culturaisINTRODUCTION: Despite the importance of Bioethics in all fields of medical sciences, it does not receive enough attention, mainly in psychiatry. Before considering the most appropriate approach to treatment, any physician must focus on its bioethical medical-patient relationship. Like other neuroscience areas such as psychology, the use of instruments that evaluate the phenomenology of attitudes have proved to be necessary in many discussions that involve behavior. In regard to the relationship between physician and his patient, the Moral Sensitivity Questionnaire (MSQ), a Likert-type scale with 30 questions concerning 6 dimensions of moral sensitivity in psychiatric practice, has shown itself to be a specific and good self-evaluation instrument that can be used in the investigation of psychiatrists\' moral sensitivity attitudes. OBJECTIVE: To know the Brazilian Psychiatrists\' Moral Sensitivity framework; and to describe the epidemiology and demographics of the population studied and to investigate some relations within these variables with the Psychiatrists\' Moral Sensitivity. METHODS: The results and scale domains were compared statistically using the epidemiological variables mentioned in the questionnaire. RESULTS: A number of 522 Brazilian psychiatrists were evaluated. The epidemiological variables were age (average of 49 years old), race (91,60% were white), sex (65,70% were men), and marital status (64,00% were married). The psychiatrists were also evaluated concerning other aspects, namely: religion (44,40% were Catholic), status of medical residency as field of training (75,10% had academic residency training), type of professional practice (86,20% had more than one practice field in psychiatry) and length of professional practice (average 21,3 years). DISCUSSION: There was a total agreement in the moral dimensions mentioned in autonomy, respect for integrity and interpersonal relationship. A partial concordance was achieved in benevolence and rules. A strong disagreement was shown in experiencing medical conflicts. The epidemiological variables that were strongly related to the scale dimensions were age, religion, medical residency, length of professional experience and the type of psychiatric practice. CONCLUSION: The QSM has shown to be useful as a bioethical tool in the field of investigation of Brazilian Psychiatrists\' Moral Sensitivity. It was also viewed that the Brazilian Psychiatrists\' Moral Sensitivity framework can be influenced by epidemiological, demographic and cultural factor

    Time and time-frequency analysis of near-infrared signals for the assessment of ozone autohemotherapy long-term effects in multiple sclerosis

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    Ozone autohemotherapy is an emerging therapeutic technique that is gaining increasing importance in treating neurological disorders. A validated and standard methodology to assess the effect of such therapy on brain metabolism and circulation is however still lacking. We used a near-infrared spectroscopy system (NIRS) to monitor the cerebral oxygenation of 9 subjects: 4 remitting-relapsing multiple sclerosis (MS) sufferers and 5 controls. Subjects were tested before, during, and after ozone autohemotherapy. We monitored the concentration changes in the level of oxygenated and deoxygenated haemoglobin, and in the level of the Cytochrome-c-oxidase (CYT-c). From the time and time-frequency analysis of the NIRS signals we extracted 128 variables, which were used to characterize the metabolic brain pattern during the therapy. We showed that by using only 7 NIRS variables out of 128 it is possible to characterize the metabolic brain pattern of the two groups of subjects. The MS subjects showed a marked increase of the CYT-c activity and concentration about 40 minutes after the end of the autohemotherapy, possibly revealing a reduction of the chronic oxidative stress level typical of MS sufferers. From a technical point of view, this preliminary study showed that NIRS could be useful to show the effects of ozone autohemotherapy at cerebral level, in a long term monitoring. The clinical result of this study is the quantitative measurement of the CYT-c level changes in MS induced by ozone autohemotherap

    Oficinas com adolescentes do MST - sexualidade, diversidade sexual e gênero

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    Anais do 35º Seminário de Extensão Universitária da Região Sul - Área temática: EducaçãoO presente trabalho é parte integrante do projeto de extensão “Juventude do campo: oficinas de formação humana, trabalho e cultura” que é desenvolvido desde 2014 em uma escola de agroecologia vinculada ao Movimento de Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra (MST), localizada no Estado do Paraná. Os objetivos principais do projeto são: possibilitar aos acadêmicos do curso de psicologia a oportunidade de pensar criticamente a realidade e experimentar, sob orientação, a possibilidade de intervenção e pesquisa; possibilitar aos educandos do curso de agroecologia a oportunidade de expressar suas singularidades e vivências e refletir sobre temas que os afetam diretamente. A metodologia adotada é a realização de oficinas com temas escolhidos pelos jovens do MST. O tema “sexualidade, gênero e diversidade sexual” foi demando tanto da escola quanto dos educandos. Foram realizadas 13 oficinas em dois tempos-escola. As técnicas utilizadas foram variadas: dinâmicas de grupo, mitos e verdades, exibição e discussão de filmes (curtas e longas). Procuramos proporcionar vivências e situações para estimular a reflexão e a expressão do vivido, para superar o enfoque do binômio saúde-doença, habitualmente adotado quando se aborda o tema nas escolas. Os estudantes participaram ativamente das oficinas, atestando a adequação do método para tratar do tema com adolescentes. Pelas avaliações feitas tanto pelos educandos como pela equipe do projeto, acreditamos que a etapa aqui apresentada cumpriu com os objetivos proposto

    Critical and Instrumental Perspectives of Interdisciplinarity for Business Education

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    Home The Route Towards Global Sustainability Chapter Critical and Instrumental Perspectives of Interdisciplinarity for Business Education Flavio Martins, Luciana Cezarino &amp; Lara Liboni Chapter First Online: 08 February 2023 110 Accesses Abstract Sustainable Development Education is considered one of the main vectors for a sustainability transition. Sustainability is a broad field, inherently occupied by different knowledge areas that drink from each other to address the complexity of safeguarding the biosphere for the current and future human and nonhuman inhabitants. With the advent of new frameworks addressing sustainable development under a wider and more detailed lens, such as Aichi Targets, Millennium Development Goals, and ultimately the Sustainable Development Goals, the call for interdisciplinarity becomes even more needed. Interdisciplinarity can be seen as combining methods, theoretical approaches, and epistemological perspectives in diverse working groups for problem-solving; interdisciplinarity can also assume a critical perspective, grounded on the real-world problem needs. We assume that critical and instrumental perspectives, combined in the higher education milieu, can be the answer for educating leaders that hold the theoretical repertoire and the practical competencies that enable them to be agents of changing realitie

    Computational Tools for Data Processing in Smart Cities

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    Smart Grids provide many benefits for society. Reliability, observability across the energy distribution system and the exchange of information between devices are just some of the features that make Smart Grids so attractive. One of the main products of a Smart Grid is to data. The amount of data available nowadays increases fast and carries several kinds of information. Smart metres allow engineers to perform multiple measurements and analyse such data. For example, information about consumption, power quality and digital protection, among others, can be extracted. However, the main challenge in extracting information from data arises from the data quality. In fact, many sectors of the society can benefit from such data. Hence, this information needs to be properly stored and readily available. In this chapter, we will address the main concepts involving Technology Information, Data Mining, Big Data and clustering for deploying information on Smart Grids

    Challenges and opportunities for the development of river logistics as a sustainable alternative: a systematic review

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    In the last decades there has been great concern about sustainability, especially in companies, where the concept of sustainable development is no longer a trend, but a reality. In the logistics field it should not be any different, since it´s importance to the movement of goods and people. This movement is carried out by four transportation modals, road, air, rail and river. The road transportation is widely used in relation to the others, bringing some problems in large urban centers like traffic jams, climate change, pollution, high CO2 emissions, among others. Thus, it is currently a great challenge to make the logistics greener, balancing logistic modals, reducing freight transport by road and shift to other modals. The inland waterway transport in this context stands out, since it is the most sustainable transportation in logistics, besides having lower costs. Based on this information, this study aims to discover the main challenges and opportunities for the development of river logistics as a sustainable alternative. Using a systemic approach the research analyzed articles of the river logistics field from the last five years. It was possible to identify the main challenges and opportunities in the articles, guide surveys to fill the main gaps, and shows a discussion to better understand the situation considering what actions are being taken and what are needed for the river logistics development