688 research outputs found

    The influence of genetic factors on the pathogenesis of hypertrophic scars and keloids

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    Hypertrophic scars and keloids are forms of abnormal scarring, which may be the cause of somatic ailmants and, due to unfavorable aesthetic effect, also mental disorders and social problems. Given the unclear aetiology and the lack of effective treatment methods, they pose a serious challenge for modern science. The contribution of genetic factors is one of the proposed hypotheses regarding the formation of hypertrophic scars and keloids. Gene polymorphism and mutations occurring in them may interfere with the proper course of signaling pathways responsible for the subsequent stages of the wound healing process. An important role in the pathogenesis of abnormal scarring may be the TGF-B1/Smad pathway, MAPK kinase, pathway for IGF-I and its receptor, plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 and urokinase plasminogen activator, gene polymorphisms for the vitamin D receptor and the ADAM33 gene, as well as abnormal expression of suppressor genes. The effect on heat shock protein expression and type 2 hyaluronidase synthase was also shown. The explanation of the genetic basis of hypertrophic scar and keloid formation may lead to a full understanding of their pathogenesis and also have important implications in the form of therapeutic benefits resulting in the development of effective forms of treatment

    Le lien défait

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    Certains orphelins, au lendemain des funĂ©railles cĂ©lĂ©brĂ©es pour leur pĂšre dĂ©funt (ou leur mĂšre dĂ©funte) doivent subir un dernier rite, dit « on dĂ©noue le lĂ rà », lors duquel de vraies cordelettes attachĂ©es au corps des patients sont dĂ©liĂ©es, avant d'ĂȘtre l'objet d'un traitement sacrificiel trĂšs minutieux. L'obligation de dĂ©nouer les cordelettes ne pĂšse pas sur tous les « enfants du mort », mais uniquement sur ceux des orphelins qui ont statut, les uns, de premier-nĂ© (de l'un et de l'autre sexe), les autres, de dernier-nĂ© (de l'un ou de l'autre sexe), et ce, dans les limites du segment majeur du dĂ©funt. L'auteur a tentĂ© de comprendre la nature du lien qui rattachait encore Ă  leur parent dĂ©funt cette catĂ©gorie bien singuliĂšre d'orphelins.The day after the funerals for their deceased mother or father, certain orphans must undergo a last rite (called « untying the lĂ rà ») when real strings tied to their bodies are untied and then treated to a very meticulous sacrificial treatment. The duty of untying the strings does not fall on all the « children of the dead ». It concerns only those who, within the limits of the major lineage segment to which the deceased belonged, have a status either of first-born of both sexes or of last-born. Light is shed on the nature of the ties that binds this very particular category of orphans to the deceased parent


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    Bien qu'il ne manque pas d'Ă©tudes ethnographiques approfondies sur les cĂ©rĂ©monies funĂ©raires africaines, l'institution du deuil et les multiples formes qu'elle a pu prendre en Afrique Noire sont encore largement mĂ©connues. Et cela, sans doute, parce que dans la plupart des analyses – quelquefois remarquables – qui ont Ă©tĂ© menĂ©es sur ces cĂ©rĂ©monies, les auteurs ont privilĂ©giĂ© des lectures sociologiques sans prĂȘter beaucoup d'attention Ă  ce qui, en ces rites, est montrĂ© d'une dĂ©construction pro..

    Note sur le calendrier kasena

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    Les Kasena enregistrent le temps d’une façon Ă  premiĂšre vue singuliĂšre. Ce mode de comptage dĂ©note un discours qui pose que tout intervalle de temps pris comme unitĂ© de mesure est formĂ© d’une dualité : le jour, le mois lunaire et l’annĂ©e solaire sont, pour les Kasena, structurĂ©s sur le modĂšle de l’alternance du jour et de la nuit. Les Ă©lĂ©ments alternants (jour/nuit ; phase ascendante/phase descendante de la lune ; saison des pluies/saison sĂšche) sont utilisĂ©s comme les Ă©lĂ©ments d’un code : dotĂ©s chacun de significations diffĂ©rentes, ils permettent une qualification du temps et donc, la dĂ©termination du temps d’effectuation des rites.The Kasena reckon time in an apparently surprising manner. Each unit of time measurement is conceived as dual : conceptions of the lunar month and the solar year, as well as the day (twenty-four hours period), are modelled on the alternation of daylight and night. The altenating units (day/night ; waxing/waining phases of the moon ; rainy season/dry season) constitute elements of a code : each endowed with a special significance, they allow the Kasena to attribute differential value to time intervals, and thus, determination of the proper time for the performance of rites

    La lame du couteau et la mort amÚre. Violence funéraire, initiation et homicide en pays kasena (Burkina Faso)

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    Un mythe retraçant l'origine des dieux jumelĂ©s de l'homicide, un mime funĂ©raire oĂč les fils en deuil simulent le meurtre d'un ennemi, et enfin une cĂ©rĂ©monie de type initiatique lors de laquelle les jeunes gens mettent en piĂšce le cadavre d'un ennemi, tuĂ© par un de leurs aĂźnĂ©s, sont, tout autant que le traitement rituel rĂ©servĂ© au meurtrier, des moments oĂč se construit le discours que tiennent les Kasena Ă  l'endroit du meurtrier. Cette analyse d'un fragment de ce discours tente d'Ă©clairer le mode sur lequel est pensĂ©e la relation du meurtrier Ă  sa victime dans une sociĂ©tĂ© qui n'a pas Ă©laborĂ© de machine juridique pour engager des sanctions de type pĂ©nal contre l'homicide.A myth about the origin of the twin gods of homicide, a funeral mime where the son in mourning feigns to murder an enemy and an initiatory sort of ceremony wherein young people shoot arrows into the corpse of an enemy whom their elders have slain, all these – like the ritual treatment of a murderer – are moments when the Kasena discourse about murderers is constructed. This analysis of a fragment of this discourse sheds light on how the relation between murderer and victim is conceived in a society that has not built any legal structures for carrying out penal sanctions in murder cases

    La chorégraphie du bùton divinatoire comme écriture sonore au Burkina Faso

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    À travers l’analyse d’une pratique divinatoire ouest-africaine, dite « par le bĂąton », cet article aborde la question de la part respective des gestes techniques et de la parole dans la fabrication d’un Ă©noncĂ© oraculaire. Y a-t-il un rapport d’implication mutuelle entre la main qui produit des perceptions visuelles et sonores et les sĂ©quences discursives oĂč sont Ă©noncĂ©s les mots de l’oracle ? L’auteur avance l’hypothĂšse que l’étrange corps-Ă -corps du devin et du consultant met en Ɠuvre une forme d’écriture en acte, au sens oĂč en parle Roland Barthes, ainsi que des faits de lecture. Ce que permet ce type de technique divinatoire, c’est autant la transposition en langage clair de signes obtus captĂ©s au lieu de l’origine que l’acte de construction d’un texte dont ni le devin ni le consultant ne sont Ă  proprement parler l’auteur.Through the analysis of a Western African divinatory practice called “divination by the stick”, this paper addresses the question of the respective part of technical gestures and of language in the creation of a prophetic statement. Is there a relationship of mutual implication between the hand which produces visual and acoustic perceptions and the discursive sequences where the words of the oracle are expressed? The author tests the hypothesis that the divinatory practices expressed by the strange hand-to-hand gestures performed together by the soothsayer and the consultant, implement some form of writing through acts, as defined by Roland Barthes, as well as facts of reading. What is accomplished by this kind of divinatory techniques is as much the transposition of obtuse signs that emerge from the place of origin into a clear language, as the construction of a text of which neither the diviner nor the consultant are, properly speaking, the author

    Michel Cartry et la question de l'espace-corps

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    En 1973, alors qu'il se prĂ©sentait Ă  l'École Pratique des Hautes Études, Michel Cartry avait indiquĂ© que son projet d'enseignement porterait sur l'analyse des systĂšmes de pensĂ©e en Afrique noire, et qu'il conduirait cette analyse en suivant deux directions de recherche, l'une sur l'idĂ©al du corps unifiĂ© et le thĂšme du corps morcelĂ© Ă  travers les mythes, les contes et les pratiques rituelles, l'autre sur les systĂšmes divinatoires. AssurĂ©ment, il aura dĂ©veloppĂ© ce programme jusqu'en ses moindre..

    Alginate for cardiac regeneration: From seaweed to clinical trials.

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    Heart failure is a growing endemic in the aging Western population with a prevalence of over 20 million people worldwide1. Existing heart failure therapies are unable to reverse heart failure and do not address its fundamental cause, the loss of cardiomyocytes2. In order to induce myocardial regeneration for the myocardium and the heart valve, facilitate self-repair, improve tissue salvage, reduce or reverse the adverse-remodeling and ultimately achieve long-term functional stabilization and improvement in the heart function, novel strategies for therapeutic regeneration are being developed which are aiming to compensate for the insufficient and low intrinsic regenerative ability of the adult heart3. Similarly, valve replacement with mechanical or biological substitutes meets numerous hurdles. New approaches using multicellular approaches and new material are extensively studied. Most of those strategies depend on biomaterials that help to achieve functional integrated vasculogenesis and myogenesis in the heart/tissue. Especially for failed heart valve function a number of therapeutic approaches are common from corrective intervention to complete replacement4. However the complexity of the heart valve tissue and its high physical exposure has led to a variety of approaches, however therapeutic regeneration needs to be established. Beside other approaches alginate has been identified as one building block to achieve therapeutic regeneration. Alginate is a versatile and adaptable biomaterial that has found numerous biomedical applications which include wound healing, drug delivery and tissue engineering. Due to its biologically favorable properties including the ease of gelation and its biocompatibility, alginate-based hydrogels have been considered a particularly attractive material for the application in cardiac regeneration and valve replacement techniques. Here, we review current applications of alginate in cardiac regeneration as well as perspectives for the alginate-dependent, cardiac regeneration strategies
