48 research outputs found

    Elevbedömning, motivation och uppförande. En studie av skolvisa skillnader i bedömning och diskrepans mellan vitsord och testresultat i Ärskurs 9 i finlandssvenska skolor

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    This study investigated differences in assessment in mathematics, Swedish and behavior between schools and how the students’ motivation and behavior can explain the discrepancy between grades and test results. The sample consisted of grade nine students (N = 1152) in 14 lower secondary schools in the Swedish speaking parts of Finland. Standardized tests for reading and writing skills, and mathematical performance were used. Grades in mathematics, Swedish and behavior were collected from the schools. No differences were found between schools in the assessment of mathematics and Swedish, but there were differences between schools in the assessment of behavior. Students with high motivation and high behavior grades got better grades than their test results would indicate in Swedish. High motivation for the subject raised the grades in mathematics, but the grades in behavior had no impact. Hence, motivation influences grades in mathematics and Swedish

    Medieval Political Assemblies A study of narrative sources pertaining to the period c.870-1141 in an East-West comparative perspective

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    Medieval Political Assemblies A study of narrative sources pertaining to the period c.870-1141 in an East-West comparative perspectiv

    Finite-Element Analysis of Cryogenic Pressure Vessels Under Blast Loading

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    The behavior of cryogenic double-walled pressure vessels, such as thoseused in space launch vehicle infrastructure, under blast loading is a somewhatunderstudied topic. This is of interest due its implications on, among otherthings, launch site design and safety in the event of a launch vehicle failure.The detonation of a 100 kg charge of TNT at a distance of 1 m from a simplifiedmodel of a horizontal cryogenic (double-walled) pressure vessel was simulatedusing Ansys Mechanical and AUTODYN. As a result, the inner and outershells of the pressure vessel underwent significant deformation which, in thecase of the outer shell, reached one third of its radius. No rupture occurred.Various other structural parameters, such as von Mises equivalent stress, strain,and element velocity were also studied. The results presented in this reportimply that cylindrical cryogenic pressure vessels are highly resistant to blastoverpressure, but does not take surrounding piping, valves, supports, and other infrastructure into account

    Finite-Element Analysis of Cryogenic Pressure Vessels Under Blast Loading

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    The behavior of cryogenic double-walled pressure vessels, such as thoseused in space launch vehicle infrastructure, under blast loading is a somewhatunderstudied topic. This is of interest due its implications on, among otherthings, launch site design and safety in the event of a launch vehicle failure.The detonation of a 100 kg charge of TNT at a distance of 1 m from a simplifiedmodel of a horizontal cryogenic (double-walled) pressure vessel was simulatedusing Ansys Mechanical and AUTODYN. As a result, the inner and outershells of the pressure vessel underwent significant deformation which, in thecase of the outer shell, reached one third of its radius. No rupture occurred.Various other structural parameters, such as von Mises equivalent stress, strain,and element velocity were also studied. The results presented in this reportimply that cylindrical cryogenic pressure vessels are highly resistant to blastoverpressure, but does not take surrounding piping, valves, supports, and other infrastructure into account

    Modellering av NOx frÄ forbrenning

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    FÞremÄlet med denne oppgÄva har vore Ä setje seg inn i modellering av turbulent forbrenning og nytte teori i praksis ved simulering med dataprogrammet SPIDER. Rett modellering er viktig sidan bÄde turbulens og forbrenning har innverknad pÄ danninga av NOx.Saman utgjer dei eit komplisert fagfelt. Det har lenge voreforska pÄ desse emna, og i dag eksisterer det fleire modellar.Turbulensen pÄverkar forbrenninga sidan den stÄr for mykjeav blandinga.Det vert presentert fleire grunnlikningar som er nytta i modelleringa. Teorien presentert omhandlar hovudsakleg k-e-modellen og Magnussen sin EDC-modell for turbulent forbrenning.Likningane som inngÄr i modellane er diskretisert ogimplementert i programmet SPIDER, som vert presentert i oppgÄva. CFD-koda nyttar kurvelineÊre, ikkje-ortogonale koordinatar og kan rekne pÄ komplekse geometriar. Dei viktigaste NOx-mekanismane er presentert, og nokre metodar for Ä redusere utslepp er nemnde i rapporten.Det er gjort simuleringar av to turbulente diffusjonsflammer, og resultata er samanlikna med mÄledata. Den eine er omtala som ``H3-flamma'', og har ei brenselblanding med 50-50% hydrogen og nitrogen. Den andre har ei blanding med CH4, H2 og N2 i brenslet. Fleire variantar av k-e-modellen er samanlikna. Magnussen sin EDC-modell er nytta som forbrenningsmodell. Det ertesta ulike grid for Ä fÄ ei tilnÊrma nettverk-uavhengig lÞysing. MÄlingar, og metodar pÄ korleis dette har vorte gjort for metan-flamma, er og snakka om i siste kapitlet.For begge flammane er det gjort simuleringar med detaljert kjemi. Dette er naudsynt for Ä fÄ informasjon om danninga av NOx. Resultata synte at metan-flamma ga stÞrre avvik frÄ mÄlingar.Det vart freista Ä betre modellen ved Ä justere blandingsraten iEDC-modellen. Resultat synte at simulering med detaljert kjemi stiller hÞgare krav til opplÞysing pÄ nettverket.NO-verdiar frÄ simuleringane er samanlikna med mÄledata formetan-flamma. Resultata er utfÞrleg drÞfta

    En fleksibel utfĂžrer? Hjemmesykepleieren sine erfaringer med tverrfaglig samarbeid rundt personer med ROP-problematikk.

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    Personer med problemer knyttet til rus, psykisk helse og somatisk sykdom og som fĂ„r sin oppfĂžlging i bostedskommunen er Ăžkende, noe som stiller krav til kommunens helsetjenester og organiseringen av disse. Forskning viser at denne gruppen mennesker i gjennomsnitt lever 15-20 Ă„r kortere enn normalbefolkningen, mye pĂ„ grunn av somatiske sykdommer som kan forebygges og behandles. Sykepleiernes kompetanse innen psykisk og somatisk sykdom er viktig for Ă„ kartlegge, forebygge og behandle somatisk sykdom hos personer med ROP-problematikk i hjemmesykepleien og deres bidrag i det tverrfaglige samarbeidet vil vĂŠre viktig. Hensikten med studien var Ă„ undersĂžke sykepleiere i hjemmesykepleien sine opplevelser knyttet til det Ă„ skulle tilby helsehjelp til personer med ROP-problematikk, hvordan det tverrfaglige samarbeidet opplevdes og hvilke forhold som kunne tenkes Ă„ pĂ„virke det. MĂ„let med studien var Ă„ undersĂžke hvordan det tverrfaglige samarbeidet opplevdes fra et sykepleierperspektiv. Jeg fikk svar pĂ„ disse spĂžrsmĂ„lene ved hjelp av et semi-strukturert forskningsintervju gjennomfĂžrt pĂ„ telefon av Ă„tte sykepleiere i to kommuner. Disse analyserte jeg ved hjelp an K. Malteruds ”Systematisk tekstkondensering”. Funnene fra studien peker pĂ„ at sykepleierne i hjemmesykepleien hadde et stort ansvar for personer med ROP-problematikk i kommunen men at manglende informasjonsutveksling, fĂ„ mĂžtepunkt, lite fokus pĂ„ kompetanseheving, tidsnĂžd og knappe ressurser kunne gjĂžre det tverrfaglige samarbeidet utfordrende. Sykepleierne etterlyste derfor et tettere og mer likeverdig samarbeid mellom de ulike tjenesteyterne i kommunehelsetjenesten

    Bedömning i fokus för skolans pedagogiska uppdrag

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    Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka faktorer relaterade till bedömning av elever i Ă„rskurs 9 i den finlĂ€ndska grundlĂ€ggande utbildningen, med fokus pĂ„ vitsord i skolĂ€mnena modersmĂ„l och litteratur och matematik samt i uppförande. Avsikten var att belysa faktorer som inverkar pĂ„ vitsordsgivningen och Ă€r av betydelse för möjligheter till val av studieinriktning pĂ„ följande utbildningsstadium. I studie I undersöktes skolvisa skillnader i bedömning och hur lĂ€rarskattad motivation och bedömning av elevernas uppförande kan förklara diskrepansen mellan testresultat i standardiserade test och vitsord i modersmĂ„l och litteratur och i matematik. I studie II undersöktes hurdana skolprestations- och beteendeprofiler som kunde identifieras bland eleverna baserat pĂ„ vitsord i modersmĂ„l och litteratur, uppförandevitsord och resultat i standardiserade test gĂ€llande lĂ€s- och skrivförmĂ„ga, samt hur dessa profiler skiljer sig Ă„t gĂ€llande temperamentsegenskaperna uthĂ„llighet och impulsivitet. I studie III undersöktes samband mellan erhĂ„llen specialundervisning, skolprestationer i modersmĂ„l och litteratur och i matematik, kön och utbildningsval efter avslutad grundlĂ€ggande utbildning. Vidare undersöktes hur utbildningsval kan prediceras av Ă€mnesvitsord, erhĂ„llen specialundervisning och kön. PĂ„ skolnivĂ„ förekom inga skillnader i Ă€mnesbedömningen, variationen fanns pĂ„ elevnivĂ„. I uppförandebedömningen förekom dĂ€remot skolvisa skillnader. Regressionsanalyser visade att lĂ€rarskattad motivation var den starkaste prediktorn för diskrepansen mellan testresultat och vitsord i sĂ„vĂ€l modersmĂ„l och litteratur som i matematik, dĂ„ ett positivt/negativt diskrepansvĂ€rde gav högre/lĂ€gre vitsord i Ă€mnet Ă€n förvĂ€ntat utgĂ„ende frĂ„n testresultaten. I modersmĂ„l och litteratur förklarade Ă€ven uppförandevitsordet en del av diskrepansen. Den latenta profilanalysen identifierade skolprestations- och beteendeprofiler baserade pĂ„ vitsord i modersmĂ„l och litteratur och uppförande samt testresultat i standardiserade test. Variansanalyser visade att profilerna skiljde sig frĂ„n varandra gĂ€llande temperamentsegenskaperna uthĂ„llighet och impulsivitet. Elever med hög uthĂ„llighet och lĂ„g impulsivitet hade högst vitsord och bĂ€st testresultat, medan eleverna med lĂ€gst uthĂ„llighet och högst impulsivitet hade lĂ€gst vitsord. T-test visade att flickor hade signifikant högre vitsord i modersmĂ„l och matematik Ă€n pojkarna, att elever som fĂ„tt specialundervisning hade signifikant lĂ€gre vitsord i bĂ€gge Ă€mnena Ă€n elever som inte fĂ„tt det och att elever som sökte till gymnasieutbildning efter avslutad grundskola hade signifikant högre vitsord i bĂ€gge Ă€mnena Ă€n elever som siktade pĂ„ yrkesutbildning. Hierarkisk logistisk regressionsanalys visade att vitsorden i bĂ€gge Ă€mnena predicerade elevernas utbildningsval, medan specialundervisning och kön inte gjorde det nĂ€r man kontrollerade för skolprestationer. Sammanfattningsvis kan konstateras att lĂ€rares upplevelser av elevers motivation, uppförande och temperament inverkar pĂ„ Ă€mnesbedömningen i modersmĂ„l och litteratur och matematik i Ă„rskurs 9. Samtidigt Ă€r vitsorden i dessa Ă€mnen av betydelse för elevernas valmöjligheter gĂ€llande utbildningsinriktning efter avslutad grundlĂ€ggande utbildning. Att synliggöra faktorer som inverkar pĂ„ bedömningen Ă€r dĂ€rför av yttersta vikt.The aim of this thesis has been to investigate factors related to the assessment of students in grade 9 in Finnish basic education, focusing on grades in the school subjects “mother tongue and literature” (first language, L1, Swedish) and mathematics in addition to behaviour grades. The intention was to uncover factors that influenced teachers’ grading of the students and thereby impacted the educational choices available to them at the following educational level. The thesis is based on three original studies. Study I looked at differences in assessment between schools and whether teachers’ rating of the students’ motivation and behaviour can explain the discrepancy between grading in L1 and mathematics on the one hand and the corresponding results of standardized tests on the other. Study II investigated school performance and behavioural profiles among the students based on standardized test results in reading and writing and by grading of behavour and L1. It furthermore investigated how the students’ behavioural profiles differed in terms of the temperament traits of persistence and impulsivity. Finally, study III examined educational choice after completed basic education, and its predictability, versus school performance in L1 and in mathematics, gender, and whether or not the student had received special education. In study I, no significant differences were found between schools in terms of subject assessment, although variations were found at the student level. Between schools, differences were found in the assessment of students’ behaviour. Regression analysis showed teacher-rated motivation to be the strongest predictor of discrepancy between test results and grades in both L1 and mathematics. A high assessment of the students’ motivation correlated with higher subject grades than one might expect based on the test results, and vice versa. Also L1 grading discrepancies could partly be explained by behavior grades. In study II, by applying latent profile analysis to L1 grades, behaviour grades, and scores on standardized tests, three different profiles could be identified for school performance and behaviour: one group exhibited both high grades and high test scores, the second had low test scores and lower but still relatively good grades, and the third had low grades but good test scores. By means of analysis of variance specific differences could be dicerned between these profiles specifically with regard to the temperament traits persistence and impulsivity. Quite expectedly, students with a combination of high persistence and low impulsivity had high grades as well as the best test results. Interestingly, however, while those with the lowest persistence and highest impulsivity had the lowest grades, they also achieved good test scores. In study III, t-tests showed that girls had significantly higher grades in L1 and mathematics than boys, that students who had received special education had significantly lower grades in both subjects than other students, and that students who applied for upper secondary education after finishing basic education had significantly higher grades in both subjects than students who aimed for vocational training. Hierarchical logistic regression analysis showed that grades in both subjects predicted students’ educational choices, while special education and gender did not when controlling for school performance. In summary, it appears that how teachers experience students’ motivation, behaviour and temperament affects the subject assessment in L1 and mathematics in grade 9. At the same time, it is evident that the grades in these subjects matter to the students’ choices of educational path after completing basic education. There is a clear need to study further what the challenges and complexities of the teachers’ assessment assignment implies. While the assessment criteria themselves deserve further focus, there is also a need for much deeper understanding of today’s delicate process where subjective collaboration with the students is meant to result in objective summative grade giving. More research on the factors affecting the student assessment is therefore of the utmost importanc

    Thermodynamic Response Enhanced by Sloshing in Marine LNG Fuel Tanks: Experimental Work and Numerical Modelling

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    This thesis presents studies of sloshing and how it influences thermodynamic conditions in liquefied natural gas (LNG) fuel tanks. Liquid in a moving tank mixes more efficiently with the gas, which condenses and is followed by a drop in pressure. This issue is relevant for the operation of LNG-fuelled vessels, where the system pressure may drop rapidly under severe motion. To compensate for the pressure loss, it may become necessary to derate the engines, or, in the worst case, perform a complete shutdown of the gas-fuel system. The long-term objective of the research is to improve the operational reliability of LNG-fuelled vessels by performing design improvements or operational measures. LNG has become increasingly popular as a marine fuel due to its low emissions compared to those from conventional fuels like heavy fuel oil (HFO) and marine diesel oil (MDO). Low-pressure LNG fuel systems are designed similarly to landbased storage facilities. The storage tanks are vacuum-insulated and pressurized such that heat ingress is minimal. But when the tank is pressurised, the liquid may be significantly colder relative to the saturated condition. The thermal equilibrium is controlled in the short term by the liquid due to its large mass. The sloshing enhances the internal energy transfer, and the final state corresponds to a state that is closer to the initial liquid temperature. This research is based on experimental work, analysis, modelling, and simulations. An experimental facility was designed and constructed, experimental tests were conducted separately, with a transparent tank for hydrodynamic studies and a pressurised steel tank for analysis of the thermodynamic response. Hydrodynamic sloshing tests were conducted with both rectangular and cylindrical tanks. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations of sloshing hydrodynamics were carried out with both tank geometries with the aim of replacing the hydrodynamic experiments to investigate any tank shape, inner structure, or motion. The resulting sloshing regimes were categorized and used systematically when preparing tests involving the thermodynamic response. Experiments with a pressurized steel tank were conducted using both liquid nitrogen (LIN) and water. A theoretical framework was developed and implemented into a lumped capacity model. The model provides a good starting point for development of correlations between motion parameters and the enhanced heat transfer. It can also be combined with other submodels into a system model. CFD simulations were found to represent sloshing with acceptable accuracy. New sloshing characteristics inside LNG fuel tanks are described. The thermodynamic response is influenced significantly by the severity of the sloshing. The final state depends on the initial liquid temperature and tank pressure, but the time to reach the final state depends on the sloshing intensity. The largest pressure drop rate occurs close to the primary resonance, f/f1,0 = 1. The PBU power needed to maintain the pressure was estimated from the measured pressure. It corresponds well with the PBU power used in the experiments. An existing CFD solver was modified to take into account the transport of thermal energy. The pressure drop was predicted with this model, and the result was found to correspond well with the experimental results for resonant sloshing. A case study is presented in which anticipated motion of a full-scale ship were used to simulate sloshing inside the LNG fuel tank. The L/D ratio is found to have a prominent effect on the sloshing, even at low frequencies

    Modeling nanoparticle transport in tumors with a pore network model

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    Ei mogleg tilnÊrming i kreftbehandling er Ä innkapsle cytotoksiske medisinar i nanopartiklar for Ä auke spesifisiteten til medisinane samtidig som systemisk tokisitet blir redusert. Fokusert ultralyd i kombinasjon med nanopartiklar kan auke transporten av medisinar til kvreftsvulstar. Acoustic Cluster Therapy er eit nytt konsept der fokusert ultralyd saman med mikrobobler har demonstrert ei forbetring i transporten av innkaplsa medisinar og dermed oppnÄdd ein vellukka terapeutisk respons. Ein porenettverksmodell, basert pÄ liknande modellar laga av medlem hjÄ PoreLab for tofasestraum i porÞse medier, blei utvikla for Ä sjÄ pÄ transport av nanopartiklar underlagt adveksjon og diffusjon nÄr dei blir drivne av ein ultralyd-indusert trykkgradient. Likningssett ble utleia for vÊskestraum og individuelle partiklar pÄ poreskalanivÄ. Parameterstudiar blei utfÞrte for Ä etablere kraftlovrelasjonar mellom variablar inn i systemet og stokastisk nanopartikkeltransport pÄ vevskala. I tillegg blei toeri for ein elastisk porenettverksmodell utleia, med hypotesen om at eit oscillerande grensevilkÄr forÄrsaker ekspansjon og samantrekning av porene, og dermed netto vÊsketransport gjennom vevet. Til slutt blei empiriske likningssett etablerte for Ä kunne estimere og ekstrapolere partikkel-transport over ei endeleg tid for ulike parameter, som er avgjerande for Ä kunne fremje ei grunnleggjande forstÄing av systemet og optimalisere leveringa av medisinar og dermed forbetre kreftbehandling