84 research outputs found

    In silico prioritization and further functional characterization of SPINK1 intronic variants

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    Background SPINK1 (serine protease inhibitor, kazal-type, 1), which encodes human pancreatic secretory trypsin inhibitor, is one of the most extensively studied genes underlying chronic pancreatitis. Recently, based upon data from qualitative reverse transcription-PCR (RT-PCR) analyses of transfected HEK293T cells, we concluded that 24 studied SPINK1 intronic variants were not of pathological significance, the sole exceptions being two canonical splice site variants (i.e., c.87 + 1G > A and c.194 + 2T > C). Herein, we employed the splicing prediction tools included within the Alamut software suite to prioritize the ‘non-pathological’ SPINK1 intronic variants for further quantitative RT-PCR analysis. Results Although our results demonstrated the utility of in silico prediction in classifying and prioritizing intronic variants, we made two observations worth noting. First, we established that most of the prediction tools employed ignored the general rule that GC is a weaker donor splice site than the canonical GT site. This finding is potentially important because for a given disease gene, a GC variant donor splice site may be associated with a milder clinical manifestation. Second, the non-pathological c.194 + 13T > G variant was consistently predicted by different programs to generate a new and viable donor splice site, the prediction scores being comparable to those for the physiological c.194 + 2T donor splice site and even higher than those for the physiological c.87 + 1G donor splice site. We do however provide convincing in vitro evidence that the predicted donor splice site was not entirely spurious. Conclusions Our findings, taken together, serve to emphasize the importance of functional analysis in helping to establish or refute the pathogenicity of specific intronic variants

    Digging deeper into the intronic sequences of the SPINK1 gene [Letter]

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    We read with great interest the recent paper by Beer and Sahin-Tóth1 addressing the ‘missing heritability’ observed in approximately 60% of German cases of chronic pancreatitis.2 These authors opined that ‘discovery studies tend to focus on exons and exon–intron boundaries and may thus miss many intronic variants’.1 This premise seems eminently reasonable, given the generally much larger size of intronic sequences as compared with the coding sequences of protein-coding genes. However, there is a trade-off here. On the one hand, larger sequence size means larger target size for mutation, and hence the greater the number of mutations that could be missed if intronic sequences were not screened. On the other hand, to be of pathological significance, an intronic mutation must either create a new functional splicing donor or acceptor site or alternatively impact a functional sequence motif responsible for regulating splicing (eg, an intronic splicing enhancer), which depends upon many additional factors other than just sequence length. As yet, it is unclear what the ratio of pathological intronic:exonic variants will turn out to be, although intronic mutations are

    Genetic Background and Clinical Characters of Pediatric Chronic Pancreatitis: Data and Implications from the East

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    Background. The clinical pattern and genetic background of juvenile idiopathic chronic pancreatitis (ICP) are yet unclear. Methods. A retrospective study of 73 Chinese juvenile ICP patients was performed, and genetic tests were carried out to detect relevant mutations using direct sequencing technique and high-resolution melting technique. Subjects without pancreatitis served as controls. Results. The SPINK1 c.194+2T>C variant was present in 56.16% and 42.00% of juvenile and adult ICP patients, respectively (p=0.020), but was not present in any of the control subjects. Thirty-four (46.58%) of the 73 juvenile ICP patients were male, and a significantly higher ratio of male patients in the adult group was identified (46.58% versus 64.00%, p=0.022). Although most of the juvenile patients presented with abdominal pain (70/73, 95.89%), the patterns of pain attack are significantly different in patients with or without SPINK1 c.194+2T>C mutation. Patients carrying the mutation are more likely to present with recurrent acute pancreatitis (70.70%). Conclusions. The main symptom of pediatric ICP was abdominal pain. SPINK1 c.194+2T>C mutation had a higher occurrence in juvenile ICP patients than in adult group and typically presented with recurrent acute pancreatitis. There may be unidentified factors that lead to a greater incidence rate of ICP in adult male population

    Identification of a functional enhancer variant within the chronic pancreatitis-associated SPINK1 c.101A>G (p.Asn34Ser)-containing haplotype

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    The haplotype harboring the SPINK1 c.101A>G (p.Asn34Ser) variant (also known as rs17107315:T>C) represents the most important heritable risk factor for idiopathic chronic pancreatitis identified to date. The causal variant contained within this risk haplotype has however remained stubbornly elusive. Herein, we set out to resolve this enigma by employing a hypothesis-driven approach. First, we searched for variants in strong linkage disequilibrium (LD) with rs17107315:T>C using HaploReg v4.1. Second, we identified two candidate SNPs by visual inspection of sequences spanning all 25 SNPs found to be in LD with rs17107315:T>C, guided by prior knowledge of pancreas-specific transcription factors and their cognate binding sites. Third, employing a novel cis-regulatory module (CRM)-guided approach to further filter the two candidate SNPs yielded a solitary candidate causal variant. Finally, combining data from phylogenetic conservation and chromatin accessibility, cotransfection transactivation experiments, and population genetic studies, we suggest that rs142703147:C>A, which disrupts a PTF1L-binding site within an evolutionarily conserved HNF1A−PTF1L CRM located ∌4 kb upstream of the SPINK1 promoter, contributes to the aforementioned chronic pancreatitis risk haplotype. Further studies are required not only to improve the characterization of this functional SNP but also to identify other functional components that might contribute to this high-risk haplotype

    No significant enrichment of rare functionally defective CPA1 variants in a large Chinese idiopathic chronic pancreatitis cohort

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    Rare functionally defective carboxypeptidase A1 (CPA1) variants have been reported to predispose to nonalcoholic chronic pancreatitis, mainly the idiopathic subtype. However, independent replication has so far been lacking, particularly in Asian cohorts where initial studies employed small sample sizes. Herein we performed targeted next-generation sequencing of the CPA1 gene in 1,112 Han Chinese idiopathic chronic pancreatitis (ICP) patients—the largest ICP cohort so far analyzed in a single population—and 1,580 controls. Sanger sequencing was used to validate called variants, and theCPA1 activity and secretion of all newly found variants were measured.Atotal of 18 rare CPA1 variants were characterized, 11 of which have not been previously described. However,no significant association was noted with ICP irrespective of whether all rare variants [20 out of 1,112 (1.8%) in patients vs. 24 out of 1,580 (1.52%) in controls; P = 0.57] or functionally impaired variants [three out of 1,112 (0.27%) in patients vs. two out of 1,580 (0.13%) in controls; P = 0.68] were considered

    Expanding ACMG variant classification guidelines into a general framework

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    Background: The American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics (ACMG)-recommended five variant classification categories (pathogenic, likely pathogenic, uncertain significance, likely benign, and benign) have been widely used in medical genetics. However, these guidelines are fundamentally constrained in practice owing to their focus upon Mendelian disease genes and their dichotomous classification of variants as being either causal or not. Herein, we attempt to expand the ACMG guidelines into a general variant classification framework that takes into account not only the continuum of clinical phenotypes, but also the continuum of the variants’ genetic effects, and the different pathological roles of the implicated genes. Main body: As a disease model, we employed chronic pancreatitis (CP), which manifests clinically as a spectrum from monogenic to multifactorial. Bearing in mind that any general conceptual proposal should be based upon sound data, we focused our analysis on the four most extensively studied CP genes, PRSS1, CFTR, SPINK1 and CTRC. Based upon several cross-gene and cross-variant comparisons, we first assigned the different genes to two distinct categories in terms of disease causation: CP-causing (PRSS1 and SPINK1) and CP-predisposing (CFTR and CTRC). We then employed two new classificatory categories, “predisposing” and “likely predisposing”, to replace ACMG’s “pathogenic” and “likely pathogenic” categories in the context of CP-predisposing genes, thereby classifying all pathologically relevant variants in these genes as “predisposing”. In the case of CP-causing genes, the two new classificatory categories served to extend the five ACMG categories whilst two thresholds (allele frequency and functional) were introduced to discriminate “pathogenic” from “predisposing” variants. Conclusion: Employing CP as a disease model, we expand ACMG guidelines into a five-category classification system (predisposing, likely predisposing, uncertain significance, likely benign, and benign) and a seven-category classification system (pathogenic, likely pathogenic, predisposing, likely predisposing, uncertain significance, likely benign, and benign) in the context of disease-predisposing and disease-causing genes, respectively. Taken together, the two systems constitute a general variant classification framework that, in principle, should span the entire spectrum of variants in any disease-related gene. The maximal compliance of our five-category and seven-category classification systems with the ACMG guidelines ought to facilitate their practical application

    High clinical and genetic similarity between chronic pancreatitis associated with light-to-moderate alcohol consumption and classical alcoholic chronic pancreatitis

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    Background & Aims Heavy alcohol consumption and genetic factors represent the two major etiologies of chronic pancreatitis (CP). However, little is so far known about the clinical features and genetic basis of light-to-moderate alcohol consumption-related CP (LMA-CP). Methods A cross-sectional analysis was performed upon 1061 Chinese CP patients between 2010 and 2015. CP was classified as classical alcoholic CP (ACP; n=206), LMA-CP (n=154), and idiopathic CP (ICP; n=701). Clinical features and genetic characteristics (PRSS1, SPINK1, CTRC, CFTR variant status) were compared between the different groups. Odds ratios (OR) with 95% confidence intervals were calculated to ascertain the combinatorial effect of alcohol consumption and gene mutation. Results Compared with ICP, the clinical features of LMA-CP were characterized by higher rates of developing pancreatic stones, pseudocyst, diabetes, and steatorrhea, which were similar to those associated with ACP. The prevalence of CP-related gene variants in LMA-CP was 38.3%, similar to ACP (39.8%), although significantly lower than ICP (56.2%). Alcohol consumption enhanced the risk of a poor clinical outcome whilst genetic factors amplified alcohol’s effects. Compared to ICP, LMA-CP and ACP were associated with a high risk of pancreatic stones (patients-without-variants, OR=2.01 and 2.54; patients-with-variants, OR=2.17 and 1.07), pseudocyst (patients-without-variants, OR=1.03 and 1.43; patients-with-variants, OR=1.67 and 2.14), diabetes mellitus (patients-without-variants, OR=0.86 and 1.31; patients-with-variants, OR=2.05 and 1.55) and steatorrhea (patients-without-variants, OR=1.56 and 2.10; patients-with-variants, OR=2.11 and 1.60). Conclusions Evidence was presented to show that LMA-CP was clinically and genetically similar to ACP but significantly different from ICP. Our findings provide support to the growing view that there is no safe level of alcohol consumption

    No association between CEL-HYB hybrid allele and chronic pancreatitis in Asian populations

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    International audienceA hybrid allele between the carboxyl ester lipase gene (CEL) and its pseudogene, CELP (called CEL–HYB), generated by non-allelic homologous recombination between CEL intron 10 and CELP intron 10â€Č, was found to increase susceptibility to chronic pancreatitis in a case–control study of patients of European ancestry. We attempted to replicate this finding in 3 independent cohorts from China, Japan, and India, but failed to detect the CEL–HYB allele in any of these populations. The CEL–HYB allele might therefore be an ethnic-specific risk factor for chronic pancreatitis. An alternative hybrid allele (CEL–HYB2) was identified in all 3 Asian populations (1.7% combined carrier frequency), but was not associated with chronic pancreatitis

    Retinoic acid induces HL-60 cell differentiation via the upregulation of miR-663

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Differentiation of the acute myeloid leukemia (AML) cell line HL-60 can be induced by all trans-retinoic acid (ATRA); however, the mechanism regulating this process has not been fully characterized.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Using bioinformatics and <it>in vitro </it>experiments, we identified the microRNA gene expression profile of HL-60 cells during ATRA induced granulocytic differentiation.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Six microRNAs were upregulated by ATRA treatment, miR-663, miR-494, miR-145, miR-22, miR-363* and miR-223; and three microRNAs were downregulated, miR-10a, miR-181 and miR-612. Additionally, miR-663 expression was regulated by ATRA. We used a lentivirus (LV) backbone incorporating the spleen focus forming virus (SFFV-F) promoter to drive miR-663 expression, as the CMV (Cytomegalovirus) promoter is ineffective in some lymphocyte cells. Transfection of LV-miR-663 induced significant HL-60 cell differentiation <it>in vitro</it>.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our results show miR-663 may play an important role in ATRA induced HL-60 cell differentiation. Lentivirus delivery of miR-663 could potentially be used directly as an anticancer treatment in hematological malignancies</p
