229 research outputs found

    Acceptability and feasibility of a multidomain harmonized data collection protocol in youth mental health

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    Objective To develop targeted treatment for young people experiencing mental illness, a better understanding of the biological, psychological, and social changes is required, particularly during the early stages of illness. To do this, large datasets need to be collected using standardized methods. A harmonized data collection protocol was tested in a youth mental health research setting to determine its acceptability and feasibility. Method Eighteen participants completed the harmonization protocol, including a clinical interview, self-report measures, neurocognitive measures, and mock assessments of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and blood. The feasibility of the protocol was assessed by recording recruitment rates, study withdrawals, missing data, and protocol deviations. Subjective responses from participant surveys and focus groups were used to examine the acceptability of the protocol. Results Twenty-eight young people were approached, 18 consented, and four did not complete the study. Most participants reported positive subjective impressions of the protocol as a whole and showed interest in participating in the study again, if given the opportunity. Participants generally perceived the MRI and neurocognitive tasks as interesting and suggested that the assessment of clinical presentation could be shortened. Conclusion Overall, the harmonized data collection protocol appeared to be feasible and generally well-accepted by participants. With a majority of participants finding the assessment of clinical presentation too long and repetitive, the authors have made suggestions to shorten the self-reports. The broader implementation of this protocol could allow researchers to create large datasets and better understand how psychopathological and neurobiological changes occur in young people with mental ill-health

    Structural and Functional Brain Abnormalities Associated With Exposure to Different Childhood Trauma Subtypes: A Systematic Review of Neuroimaging Findings

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    Background: Childhood trauma subtypes sexual abuse, physical abuse, emotional maltreatment, and neglect may have differential effects on the brain that persist into adulthood. A systematic review of neuroimaging findings supporting these differential effects is as yet lacking.Objectives: The present systematic review aims to summarize the findings of controlled neuroimaging trials regarding long-term differential effects of trauma subtypes on the human brain.Methods: A systematic literature search was performed using the PubMed and PsycINFO databases from January 2017 up to and including January 2018. Additional papers were identified by a manual search in the reference lists of selected papers and of relevant review articles retrieved by the initial database search. Studies were then assessed for eligibility by the first author. Only original human studies directly comparing neuroimaging findings of exposed and unexposed individuals to well-defined emotional, physical or sexual childhood maltreatment while controlling for the effects of other subtypes were included. A visual summary of extracted data was made for neuroimaging modalities for which comparison between trauma subtypes was feasible, taking the studies' numbers and sample sizes into account.Results: The systematic literature search yielded 25 publications. Sexual abuse was associated with structural deficits in the reward circuit and genitosensory cortex and amygdalar hyperreactivity during sad autobiographic memory recall. Emotional maltreatment correlated with abnormalities in fronto-limbic socioemotional networks. In neglected individuals, white matter integrity and connectivity were disturbed in several brain networks involved in a variety of functions. Other abnormalities, such as reduced frontal cortical volume, were common to all maltreatment types.Conclusions: There is some evidence for long-term differential effects of trauma subtypes on the human brain. The observed alterations may result from both protective adaptation of and damage to the brain following exposure to threatening life events. Though promising, the current evidence is incomplete, with few brain regions and neuroimaging modalities having been investigated in all subtypes. The comparability of the available evidence is further limited by the heterogeneity of study populations regarding gender, age and comorbid psychopathology. Future neuroimaging studies should take this potentially differential role of childhood trauma subtypes into account

    Classification of Major Depressive Disorder via Multi-Site Weighted LASSO Model

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    Large-scale collaborative analysis of brain imaging data, in psychiatry and neurology, offers a new source of statistical power to discover features that boost accuracy in disease classification, differential diagnosis, and outcome prediction. However, due to data privacy regulations or limited accessibility to large datasets across the world, it is challenging to efficiently integrate distributed information. Here we propose a novel classification framework through multi-site weighted LASSO: each site performs an iterative weighted LASSO for feature selection separately. Within each iteration, the classification result and the selected features are collected to update the weighting parameters for each feature. This new weight is used to guide the LASSO process at the next iteration. Only the features that help to improve the classification accuracy are preserved. In tests on data from five sites (299 patients with major depressive disorder (MDD) and 258 normal controls), our method boosted classification accuracy for MDD by 4.9% on average. This result shows the potential of the proposed new strategy as an effective and practical collaborative platform for machine learning on large scale distributed imaging and biobank data

    Brain deficit patterns of metabolic illnesses overlap with those for major depressive disorder: A new metric of brain metabolic disease

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    Metabolic illnesses (MET) are detrimental to brain integrity and are common comorbidities in patients with mental illnesses, including major depressive disorder (MDD). We quantified effects of MET on standard regional brain morphometric measures from 3D brain MRI as well as diffusion MRI in a large sample of UK BioBank participants. The pattern of regional effect sizes of MET in non-psychiatric UKBB subjects was significantly correlated with the spatial profile of regional effects reported by the largest meta-analyses in MDD but not in bipolar disorder, schizophrenia or Alzheimer\u27s disease. We used a regional vulnerability index (RVI) for MET (RVI-MET) to measure individual\u27s brain similarity to the expected patterns in MET in the UK Biobank sample. Subjects with MET showed a higher effect size for RVI-MET than for any of the individual brain measures. We replicated elevation of RVI-MET in a sample of MDD participants with MET versus non-MET. RVI-MET scores were significantly correlated with the volume of white matter hyperintensities, a neurological consequence of MET and age, in both groups. Higher RVI-MET in both samples was associated with obesity, tobacco smoking and frequent alcohol use but was unrelated to antidepressant use. In summary, MET effects on the brain were regionally specific and individual similarity to the pattern was more strongly associated with MET than any regional brain structural metric. Effects of MET overlapped with the reported brain differences in MDD, likely due to higher incidence of MET, smoking and alcohol use in subjects with MDD

    Imaging suicidal thoughts and behaviors: a comprehensive review of 2 decades of neuroimaging studies

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    Funder: American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP); doi: https://doi.org/10.13039/100001455Funder: Brain and Behavior Research Foundation (Brain & Behavior Research Foundation); doi: https://doi.org/10.13039/100000874Funder: MQ Brighter Futures Award MQBFC/2, International Bipolar Foundation, For the Love of Travis Foundation, Women's Health Research at Yale, John and Hope Furth EndowmentFunder: U.S. Department of Health & Human Services | NIH | National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)Funder: Brain and Behavior Research Foundation (Brain & Behavior Research Foundation)Funder: Robert E. Leet and Clara Guthrie Patterson Trust (Robert E. Leet & Clara Guthrie Patterson Trust); doi: https://doi.org/10.13039/100000938Funder: U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (Department of Veterans Affairs); doi: https://doi.org/10.13039/100000738Abstract: Identifying brain alterations that contribute to suicidal thoughts and behaviors (STBs) are important to develop more targeted and effective strategies to prevent suicide. In the last decade, and especially in the last 5 years, there has been exponential growth in the number of neuroimaging studies reporting structural and functional brain circuitry correlates of STBs. Within this narrative review, we conducted a comprehensive review of neuroimaging studies of STBs published to date and summarize the progress achieved on elucidating neurobiological substrates of STBs, with a focus on converging findings across studies. We review neuroimaging evidence across differing mental disorders for structural, functional, and molecular alterations in association with STBs, which converges particularly in regions of brain systems that subserve emotion and impulse regulation including the ventral prefrontal cortex (VPFC) and dorsal PFC (DPFC), insula and their mesial temporal, striatal and posterior connection sites, as well as in the connections between these brain areas. The reviewed literature suggests that impairments in medial and lateral VPFC regions and their connections may be important in the excessive negative and blunted positive internal states that can stimulate suicidal ideation, and that impairments in a DPFC and inferior frontal gyrus (IFG) system may be important in suicide attempt behaviors. A combination of VPFC and DPFC system disturbances may lead to very high risk circumstances in which suicidal ideation is converted to lethal actions via decreased top-down inhibition of behavior and/or maladaptive, inflexible decision-making and planning. The dorsal anterior cingulate cortex and insula may play important roles in switching between these VPFC and DPFC systems, which may contribute to the transition from suicide thoughts to behaviors. Future neuroimaging research of larger sample sizes, including global efforts, longitudinal designs, and careful consideration of developmental stages, and sex and gender, will facilitate more effectively targeted preventions and interventions to reduce loss of life to suicide

    Functional MRI correlates of emotion regulation in major depressive disorder related to depressive disease load measured over nine years

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    Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) often is a recurrent and chronic disorder. We investigated the neurocognitive underpinnings of the incremental risk for poor disease course by exploring relations between enduring depression and brain functioning during regulation of negative and positive emotions using cognitive reappraisal. We used fMRI-data from the longitudinal Netherlands Study of Depression and Anxiety acquired during an emotion regulation task in 77 individuals with MDD. Task-related brain activity was related to disease load, calculated from presence and severity of depression in the preceding nine years. Additionally, we explored task related brain-connectivity. Brain functioning in individuals with MDD was further compared to 35 controls to explore overlap between load-effects and general effects related to MDD history/presence. Disease load was not associated with changes in affect or with brain activity, but with connectivity between areas essential for processing, integrating and regulating emotional information during downregulation of negative emotions. Results did not overlap with general MDD-effects. Instead, MDD was generally associated with lower parietal activity during downregulation of negative emotions. During upregulation of positive emotions, disease load was related to connectivity between limbic regions (although driven by symptomatic state), and connectivity between frontal, insular and thalamic regions was lower in MDD (vs controls). Results suggest that previous depressive load relates to brain connectivity in relevant networks during downregulation of negative emotions. These abnormalities do not overlap with disease-general abnormalities and could foster an incremental vulnerability to recurrence or chronicity of MDD. Therefore, optimizing emotion regulation is a promising therapeutic target for improving long-term MDD course.</p
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