24 research outputs found

    Kegagalan RZ Memecahkan Ill-Structured Problem Persegi Panjang

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    Siswa dituntut harus menjadi pemecah masalah yang handal dalam berbagai situasi, salah satunya ill-structured problems. Penelitian ini merupakan study kasus bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan penyebab kegagalan RZ dalam memecahkan ill-structured problems tentang persegi panjang untuk menginvestigasi secara mendalam, proses, aktivitas subjek RZ. RZ diminta untuk memecahkan masalah kemudian dilakukan wawancara secara mendalam. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa subjek mampu merepresentasikan masalah dengan bahasanya sendiri. Subjek gagal membangun solusi yang sesuai dengan masalah dikarenakan penguasaan konsep segiempat yang parsial. Subjek menggunakan trial and error karena gagal mengaitkan masalah dengan konsep persegi yang merupakan kunci keberhasilan pemecahan masalah. Dalam memberikan justifikasi, subjek tidak mengalami kendala karena proses yang dilakukan adalah penghitungan saja tanpa memaknainya. Sedangkan, proses monitoring dan evaluasi yang dilakukan subjek mengalami kegagalan. Subjek kebingungan menentukan solusi akhir dikarenakan solusi yang dibangunnya tidak memenuhi syarat dari masalah. Untuk itu, guru mempunyai peranan untuk mengajarkan siswanya dalam membangun relasi antar konsep yang dapat dimanfaatkan dalam pemecahan masalah

    Penggunaan SPADA Selama Masa Covid-19

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    Covid-19 menyebar secara global memicu pemerintah mengambil kebijakan-kebijakan untuk menanggulangi penyebarannya. Kebijakan tersebut ditindak lanjuti sekolah maupun perguran tinggi dengan menonaktifkan kegiatan perkuliahan secara fisik di lingkungan kampus dan memanfaatkan teknologi virtual dan digital. Penelitian ini merupakan studi kasus menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif untuk mendeskripsikan penggunaan Spada selama masa Covid-19 di Universitas PGRI Adi Buana Surabaya. Data dikumpulkan melalui metode angket, dokumentasi, dan wawancara. Berdasarkan data yang sudah disebar memalui google form diperoleh hasil bahwa mayoritas dosen di Universitas PGRI Adi buana Surabaya menerapkan Spada selama masa pandemi Covid-19. Sistem pembelajaran daring yang digunakan mayoritas dosen bukanlah virlenda tetapi lebih menggunakan aplikasi zoom meeting. Hal ini diperkuat dari hasil respon angket yang disebar kepada mahasiswa melalui google form diperoleh informasi bahwa aplikasi yang sering digunakan dalam proses pembelajaran adalah zoom meeting. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan menunjukkan bahwa sig < 0.05 artinya tidak ada pengaruh penggunaan Spada selama masa Covid-19 di lingkungan Universitas PGRI Adi Buana Surabaya. Sehingga tidak ada pengaruh antara prestasi belajar mahasiswa sebelum penerapan Spada dengan setelah penerapan Spada di lingkungan Universitas PGRI Adi Buana Surabaya

    Exploring high school teacher’s design of rich algebra tasks

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    The phenomenon in schools today is that teachers rarely change their tasks. However, the teacher's activities to change their tasks, build students' arguments, support solutions, and maintain arguments without long debates are important and exciting things to learn. This study explores the ideas of high school teachers about task design and practice in teaching mathematics. The authors surveyed twelve high school teachers who teach mathematics in East Java Province. First, the authors conducted preliminary observations to observe the design of mathematics teacher tasks for six months in eight schools. Second, the authors state that teachers are engaging and consistent in designing rich algebra tasks. Third, the authors examine the teacher's ideas through direct observation and unstructured interviews. The results show how teachers' ideas about task design enhance students' creative thinking by reforming tasks from textbooks into rich mathematics tasks. The design of the task carried out by the teacher is to create to stimulate creative thinking. The teachers also use their knowledge and understanding of the material and curriculum to modify mathematics tasks in students' mathematics books. The task given by the teacher is to improve students' reasoning, not just memorize formulas or properties


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    Stategi pembelajaran yang cocok diterapkan untuk tingkat sekolah dasar adalah PAIKEM. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan pelaksanaan strategi PAIKEM selama pembelajaran berlangsung di dalam kelas. Penelitian ini berlangsung di Kecamatan Mojosari yang mencakup empat sekolah dasar yaitu SDN Kebondalem, SDN Menanggal, SDN Wonokusumo dan SDN Mojosulur. Hasilnya adalah SDN Kebondalem, implementasi PAIKEM sudah sesuai dengan tema yang ada dalam buku guru dan buku siswa; SDN Menanggal, pada pelaksanaan PAIKEM guru masih mengalami kebingungan dalam menerapkan berbagai mata pelajaran ke dalam tema yang ada; SDN Wonokusumo, guru mampu menerapkan PAIKEM dengan baik akan tetapi di sekolah ini belum menggunakan kurikulum 2013, dan SDN Mojosulur, sekolah ini belum menggunakan kurikulum 2013 akan tetapi guru menguasai dengan baik pelaksanaan PAIKEM


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    Penerapan manajemen sistem informasi akademik berbasis teknologi informasi mutlak diperlukan oleh lembaga pendidikan, termasuk diantaranya adalah Universitas PGRI Adi Buana Surabaya. Sebagai konsekuensi dari aplikasi sistem informasi akademik tersebut, diperlukan penyediaan sarana dan dalam penggunaannya memerlukan keterlibatan berbagai pihak, antara lain mahasiswa, dosen dan staf di bagian operasional administrasi akademik. Sebagai hal yang baru, penerapan SIAKAD ini memerlukan adaptasi bagi masing-masing yang terlibat di dalam penerapannya. Ada resistansi pengguna sistem/user resistance, khususnya pada tingkat perilaku. Peneliti ingin mengidentifikasi resistansi dalam penggunaan sistem informasi akademik. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan cross-sectional study. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah dosen, staf BAAK dan mahasiswa Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika. Jumlah sampel 100 orang yang diambil secara proporsional (proportionated sampling technique). Variabel dalam penelitian ini ada 4 variabel terkait dengan resistensi penggunaan sistem, yaitu :lack of user education and training (LUET), change in job content (CJC), lack of user involvement in the development process (LUID), and lack of communication between top management and end- user (LCMU). Data dikumpulkan dengan kuesioner, dan  dianalisis secara deskriptif.   Kata Kunci: Information systems, user resistanc

    Learning Trajectory Siswa dalam Memecahkan Masalah Kelipatan Persekutuan Terkecil Ditinjau dari Kemampuan Matematika

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    This study aimed to describe students' learning trajectory to solving math problems based on student’s ability. The subject is 4th-gradestudents of Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (MI) K.H. Mas Mansyur Surabaya. The results obtained by learning trajectory are (1) high ability students, expressing the understanding of the problem orally and writing, plan two solutions process, choose to use multiples and sum between departure time and travel time, the subject re-examine every step in solving the problem. (2) medium ability students, expressing an understanding of the problem orally, planning a solution and implementing it until finding a solution, in re-examining the subject using factoring; and (3) low-ability students, expressing an understanding of the problem orally, planning a solution to finding a solution, then simply re-examining the steps taken in solving the problem


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    The purpose of this study was to identify problem posed by prospective teachers about addition fractions based on meaning structure. This study is a quantitative descriptive to identify errors of fraction problem posed by prospective teachers based on the meaning.  46 prospective primary teachers in 8th semester in universities at Surabaya were involved in this research. Instrument in this study is a problem posing worksheet consisting two operations on fractions. Problems posed by prospective teachers were analyzed through three stages, grouping problems based on categories, structure of meaning, and analyze the error of the problem posed. The results of data analysis indicated that: (1) on the category of questions about fractions of 93.48% for 1stoperations and 97.83% for 2ndoperation, (2) on the Non-question category about operations fraction is 6.52% for 1st operations and 1.17% for 2nd operation. Grouping problems posed by prospective teachers based on structure meaning combined category is 62.79% for 1st operations and 75.56% for 2nd operation. For category of part relationships overall is 27.91% for 1st operations and 20% for 2ndoperation, while those which not belonging to the second category are 9.3% for 1st operations and 4.44% for 2nd operation. The errors of problem posed by prospective teacher based on meaning structure are (1) not related to daily life situation, (2) illogical problem, (3) unit is not appropriate, (4) fractions incompatible with the sum operation (5) gives whole number to give meaning fraction, (6) lost information, and (7) the added result exceeds the overall concept of the fraction


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    Problem solving is an important skill, and making decisions about the basis of critical thinking skills. This study is a descriptive qualitative study to describe the critical thinking of 8th grade public junior high school students in the suburbs of Surabaya, East Java in solving TVLS problems. Fifteen junior high school students contributed to the study and were given questionnaires to get three subjects with different critical thinking abilities. Furthermore, each subject was requested to solve TVLS word problems and then interviewed. The instruments used in this study were a critical thinking questionnaire (CTAT), TVLS word problems, semi-structured interview guidelines. The data was analyzed based on indicators that combined the stages of Polya's problem solving and critical thinking. The data were analyzed using critical thinking indicators that have been determined by the authors and the results obtained showed that (1) uncritical and low critical subjects were unable to complete the critical thinking indicators at each stage of problem solving; (2) medium critical, critical, and highly critical subjects were able to complete the critical thinking indicators at each stage of problem solving. For this reason, it is advised that teachers teach their students to think critically in solving problems in every learning proces


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    It is important for students to use educational media appropriately in order to achieve successful learning outcomes. According to observations observed at SMP PGRI Buduran, learning media are not used optimally in the classroom despite the school providing a computer with an access to the internet. In order to implement one of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education, the PPM team at PGRI Adi Buana University collaborates with SMP Negeri 1 Buduran Sidoarjo teachers in preparing mathematics learning media by maximizing the powerpoint features. During this activity, the PPM Team used various PowerPoint features to create learning materials, interactive quizzes, and evaluation tools, including the VBA feature, which is still very rarely used. The training was conducted well, and all participants listened and participated enthusiastically.Penggunaan media belajar yang tepat merupakan salah satu hal yang dapat mempengaruhi hasil belajar siswa. Berdasarkan hasil observasi yang telah dilakukan, diperoleh informasi bahwa selama ini penggunaan media pembelajaran kurang optimal meskipun di sekolah tersebut telah disediakan komputer lengkap dengan jaringan internet yang memadai. Untuk itu Tim PPM Universitas PGRI Adi Buana bekerja sama dengan pihak SMP Negeri 1 Buduran Sidoarjo dalam melaksanakan salah satu Tri Dharma Perguruan Yinggi, yaitu memberikan pelatihan dalam membuat media pembelajaran matematika dengan memaksimalkan fitur-fitur PowerPoint. Melalui kegiatan ini, Tim PPM mengenalkan berbagai fitur pada PowerPoint untuk membuat media belajar, kuis interaktif dan media evaluasi khususnya dengan menggunakan fitur VBA yang masih sangat jarang dimanfaatkan. Kegiatan ini terlaksana dengan baik, seluruh peserta antusias menyimak dan mengikuti pelatihan

    Proses Berpikir Mahasiswa dalam Memecahkan Masalah Fungsi Pembangkit

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    This study aims to describe students’ thinking process in solving the problems of generating function. This is a case study that classifies students into three categories: high, medium, and low. Subjects were asked to solve the problems then use think aloud to reveal their thinking process. The results show that in understanding the problem, using conceptual and procedural knowledge related to the problems, strategies, and experiences they have in solving similar problems between the three subjects is different. Subjects with high and medium capability are able to reveal the problem-solving component of Polya in detail, whereas low-ability subjects use only some of the problem-solving components of Polya