17 research outputs found

    Pengembangan Budidaya Mangrove Kearah Wisata Edukasi-Konservasi Dimasa Pandemi Covid-19 pada Kelompok Mangrove Bintan Lestari

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    Pengembangan kegiatan budidaya mangrove kearah wisata edukasi dan konservasi dimasa pandemi Covid 19 pada kelompok Mangrove Bintan Lestari Conservation di Kabupaten Bintan, Provinsi Kepulauan Riau, merupakan suatu pengembangan yang perlu dilakukan dalam upaya beradaptasi dengan kondisi pandemi Covid 19 agar usaha budidaya mangrove tersebut dapat berkelanjutan. Melalui kegiatan wisata edukasi dan koservasi pada kelompok Mangrove Bintan Lestari Conservation serta kegiatan usaha yang dikembangakan ini masuk dalam aspek kemaritiman yaitu pengembangan industri pariwisata bahari serta konservasi dan rehabilitasi ekosistem pesisir dan laut. Produksi bibit mangrove Mitra mencapai 20.000 bibit dimana yang Rhizopohora sp sebanyak 15.000 bibit, Bruguiera sp sebanyak 4.900 bibit, dan Sonneratia sp sebanyak 100 bibit. Kegiatan Eduwisata berbasis konservsi secara offline sebagai bentuk hilirisasi bibit hasil budidaya berhasil dilakukan dimana pada kegiatan konservasi penanaman mangrove yang melibatkan stakeholder mahasiswa, siswa Sekolah Dasar, masyarakat dan pemerintahan. Mitra berpartisipasi aktif dalam kegiatan, dimana dalam kegiatan pembibitan mangrove, Mitra melakukan kembali apa yang telah dipelajari, dalam kegiatan ekowisata berbasis edukasinya Mitra menerapkan kembali hal-hal yang telah di pelajari kepada para wisatawan.The development of mangrove cultivation activities towards educational and conservation tourism during the Covid 19 pandemic in the Bintan Lestari Conservation Mangrove group in Bintan Regency, Riau Islands Province, is a development that needs to be carried out in an effort to adapt to the conditions of the Covid 19 pandemic so that the mangrove cultivation business can be sustainable. Through educational tourism and conservation activities in the Bintan Lestari Conservation Mangrove group and the business activities being developed are included in the maritime aspect, namely the development of the marine tourism industry and the conservation and rehabilitation of coastal and marine ecosystems. Mitra's mangrove seed production reached 20,000 seedlings of which 15,000 Rhizopohora sp, 4,900 Bruguiera sp, and 100 Sonneratia sp. Offline conservation-based educational activities as a form of downstream cultivation of cultivated seeds have been successfully carried out where mangrove planting conservation activities involve student stakeholders, elementary school students, the community and government. Partners participate actively in activities, where in mangrove nursery activities, Partners repeat what they have learned, in their educational-based ecotourism activities Partners re-apply things that have been learned to tourists

    Improvement of students' creative thinking skills in optical subject with STEM worksheets

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    Creative thinking skills are a major challenge in education today. Students with good creative thinking skills can certainly compete in the global era. Creative thinking skills need to be trained through STEM learning. This research is focused on improving high school students' creative thinking skills in the optical instrument topic through the development of STEM worksheets. The developed worksheet provides students with experiences designing, creating projects, making videos, uploading assignments, analyzing projects, and discussions. The varied valuable experiences with integrating technology and engineering in learning are advantages of the worksheets developed. These experiences have not been provided in previous worksheets. ADDIE design with five stages is used as a design in worksheet development. Three experts validated the development results; after being declared valid, the readability level was tested on 15 students. The worksheet is implemented in one class with the one-group pretest-posttest design used to measure the practicality and effectiveness of the worksheet. The t-test was used to analyze the differences in creative thinking skills before and after learning physics using a STEM worksheet. The results showed a significant difference in students' creative thinking skills before and after experiencing learning using worksheets developed. The improvement also showed form N-Gain score of 0.16. In conclusion, the results of the STEM integrated worksheet are valid, practical used, and effective for improving students' creative thinking skills. The development of STEM worksheets on different materials needs to be considered

    Efektivitas Ekstrak Bawang Putih (Allium sativum L.) terhadap Titer Antibodi Ayam Broiler yang Divaksin ND Aktif.

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    The aims of this research is to know the effectiveness of garlic extract increasing chicken broiler's titer antibodies that vaccinated with live ND vaccine. This research uses four different groups of treatmen that is PO, P1, P2 and P3. Treatmen of garlic extracts is given when the age of the chicken is 7 to 35 days. Live ND vaccine is given through the eye drops, when the age of the chicken is 4 days and when the age of the chicken is 21 days is given through drinking water. Broiler's titer antibodies can be checked on 4, 7, 21, 28 and 35 days. The data is analyzed by ANOVA and continued by BNJ. The result showed that there is no significant differences between P0, P1, P2 and P3 on day of 21 and 28. The other hand there is significant differences between P0, P1, P2 and P3 on day of 4, 7 and 35. Titer antibodies ND are maintained when the chicken age is 35 days in P3 treatment. In conclusion, treatments with garlic extract can not increase broiler's titer antibodies that vaccinated with live ND

    Sosialisasi Administrasi Kependudukan Bagi Suku Laut di Kabupaten Lingga

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    Population administration is a series of activities for structuring and controlling population data and documents through population registration, civil registration and population information management. Population Administration is a right for all communities, including the Sea Tribe as a Remote Indigenous Community (KAT). However, due to limited access and knowledge, some of them have not taken care of population administration. The socialization was carried out to solve the problem of the lack of administrative records with a pick-up system. The purpose of this activity is to provide population administration guidance to the Sea Tribe community in Lingga Regency, through socialization by distributing leaflets, discussions and mentoringAdministrasi kependudukan merupakan rangkaian kegiatan penataan dan penertiban dalam penerbitan dokumen dan data kependudukan melalui pendaftaran penduduk, pencatatan sipil dan pengelolaan informasi penduduk serta pendayagunaan hasilnya untuk pelayanan publik, pemerintahan dan pembangunan. Merupakan hak bagi seluruh masyarakat untuk mendapatkan pelayanan administrasi kependudukan, tak terkecuali masyarakat Suku Laut sebagai Komunitas Adat Terpencil (KAT). Namun karena keterbatasan akses dan  pengetahuan membuat sebagian dari mereka belum mengurus administrasi kependudukan. Sosialisasi yang hendak ditawarkan adalah menyelesaikan masalah minimnya pengurusan adminstrasi dengan system jemput bola. Tujuan kegiatan ini yakni memberikan pembimbingan adminstrasi kependudukan pada masyarakat Suku Laut di Kabupaten Lingga, melalui sosialisasi dengan pembangian pamflet, diskusi dan pendampinga


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    Community service activities in the form of consulting Pancasila's values for the young generation in the border area are carried out in an effort to bring Pancasila's values to the community more widely. Only then can we expect to be able to withstand the speed of ideological influences from the outsidekegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat dalam bentuk penyuluhan nilai-nilai Pancasila bagi generasi muda didaerah perbatasan ini dilakukan dalam upaya untuk membumikan nilai-nilai Pancasila secara lebih luas lagi kepada masyarakat. Dengan demikian diharapkan dapat mampu menahan laju pengaruh ideologi dari luar

    Integrasi Pendidikan Multikultural dalam Buku Teks Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam untuk Siswa Kelas V Sekolah Dasar di Lombok Timur

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan pengintegrasian pendidikan multikultural yang terdapat dalam buku teks IPA Sekolah Dasar (SD) kelas V. Pendekatan penelitian menggunakan penelitian kualitatif. Sumber data berupa buku teks IPA yang digunakan di SD wilayah Kecamatan Sikur. Data dikumpulkan dengan observasi dan analisis dokumen serta dianalisis menggunakan analisis interaktif dengan tahapan reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan simpulan/verifikasi. Nilai-nilai pendidikan multikultural dari empat Buku Teks IPA untuk SD yang digunakan di Kabupaten Lombok Timur telah terintegrasi akan tapi pengintegrasiannya masih monoton pada budaya mayoritas. Terdapat enam subdimensi dari sembilan subdimensi yang ada. Subdimensi yang dimaksud, yakni: subdimensi budaya dalam dimensi integrasi materi; subdimensi pemahaman dalam dimensi merekonstruksi pengetahuan; subdimensi individu dalam dan kelompok dalam dimensi penyesuaian metode pembelajaran; subdimensi agama dalam dimensi pengurangan prasangka; subdimensi budaya sekolah dalam dimensi penguatan budaya sekolah dan struktur sosial. Sementara subdimensi individu, agama, suku/ras/etnis, demokrasi, dan struktur sosial tidak terintegrasi dalam buku ini. Sementara pada buku empat ditemukan subdimensi budaya, pemahaman, kelompok, agama, dan budaya sekolah. Pola pengintegrasian pendidikan multikultural dalam keempat buku tersebut terdiri dari integrasi dalam bentuk wacana, komik, cerita, dan latihan dalam tiap tema pembelajaran.Kata Kunci: Pendidikan Multikultural; Buku Teks; IPA Integration of Multicultural Education in Natural Science Textbooks for Grade V Elementary School Students in East LombokABSTRACTThis study aims to describe the integration of multicultural education in the fifth-grade elementary school science textbooks. The research approach used qualitative research. The data source was in the form of science textbooks used in elementary schools in the Sikur District. Data were collected by observation and document analysis and analyzed using interactive analysis with the stages of data reduction, data presentation, and concluding/verification. The values of multicultural education from the four science textbooks for elementary schools used in East Lombok Regency had been integrated but the integration is still monotonous in the majority culture. There were six sub-dimensions of the nine existing sub-dimensions. The sub-dimensions in question were the cultural sub-dimension in the material integration dimension; sub-dimension of understanding in the dimension of reconstructing knowledge; individual and group sub-dimensions in the dimension of learning method adjustment; sub-dimension of religion in the dimension of reducing prejudice; sub-dimension of school culture in the dimensions of strengthening school culture and social structure. Meanwhile, individual sub-dimensions, religion, ethnicity/race/ethnicity, democracy, and social structure are not integrated into this book. Meanwhile, in book four, the sub-dimensions of culture, understanding, group, religion, and school culture are found. The pattern of integrating multicultural education in the four books consists of integration in the form of discourse, comics, stories, and exercises in each learning theme


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    Wilayah Desa Resun Pesisir terdiri dari laut dan sungai yang menjadi tempat pencaharian ekonomi masyarakat sehari-hari di sampingpertanian dan perkebunan. Berdasarkan keadaan ekonomi masyarakat Desa Resun Pesisir Kabupatan Lingga tersebut, kebutuhanmasyarakat akan kontrak sangat penting, untuk meminimalisir risiko hukum pada kontrak bisnis bagi para pelaku usaha atau Usaha Mikro Kecil Menengah dan kontrak kerja bagi masyarakat resun pesisir yang menjadi karyawan di suatu perusahaan swasta. Sosialisasiyang ditawarkan adalah pengenalan hukum kontrak dan praktik perancangan kontrak bisnis beserta kerugian yang ditimbulkan akibat cacat hukum pada kontrak serta pengenalan hukum ketenagakerjaan dan analisis kontrak kerja. Metode penyampaian materi dilakukanmelalui pendekatan sosialisasi, meliputi ceramah, tanya jawab, pelatihan, diskusi, dan pendampingan. Simpulan bahwa kurangnyapemahaman mengenai praktik perancangan kontrak bisnis dan kontrak kerja maka diperlukan upaya sosialisasi sehingga masyarakat Desa Resun Pesisir mampu meningkatkan pengetahuan tentang praktik pembuatan kontrak bisnis maupun kontrak kerja dan memahami tentang kerugian hukum yang timbul akibat cacat hukum dalam kontrak bisnis atau kontrak kerja.Wilayah Desa Resun Pesisir terdiri dari laut dan sungai yang menjadi tempat pencaharian ekonomi masyarakat sehari-hari di samping pertanian dan perkebunan. Berdasarkan keadaan ekonomi masyarakat Desa Resun Pesisir Kabupatan Lingga tersebut, kebutuhan masyarakat akan kontrak sangat penting, untuk meminimalisir risiko hukum pada kontrak bisnis bagi para pelaku usaha atau Usaha Mikro Kecil Menengah dan kontrak kerja bagi masyarakat resun pesisir yang menjadi karyawan di suatu perusahaan swasta. Sosialisasi yang ditawarkan adalah pengenalan hukum kontrak dan praktik perancangan kontrak bisnis beserta kerugian yang ditimbulkan akibat cacat hukum pada kontrak serta pengenalan hukum ketenagakerjaan dan analisis kontrak kerja. Metode penyampaian materi dilakukan melalui pendekatan sosialisasi, meliputi : ceramah, tanya jawab, pelatihan, diskusi, dan pendampingan. Simpulan bahwa kurangnya pemahaman mengenai praktik perncangan kontrak bisnis dan kontrak kerja maka diperlukan upaya sosialisasi sehingga masyarakat resun pesisir mampu meningkatkan pengetahuan tentang praktik pembuatan kontrak bisnis maupun kontrak kerja dan memahami tentang kerugian hukum yang timbul akibat cacat hukum dalam kontrak bisnis atau kontrak kerja

    Analisis Putusan Hakim Tentang Delik Perbankan Terkait Pengembalian Dana Debitur Dalam Rangka Penyelesaian Kredit Bermasalah (Studi Kasus Putusan Mahkamah Agung Nomor 7716 K/Pid.Sus/2022/Ma)

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    Banking plays a vital rolein a country's economy as an institution that collects funds from the public and distributes them through credit to support development.the public and distributes them through credit to support national development.development. However, the problem of non-performing loans often gets in the way,forcing banks to to find solutions including through the submission of repossessed collateral (AYDA).The resolution of non-performing loans involves credit evaluation, notification to the borrower, collateral valuation, collateral valuation, and collateral repossession. notice to the borrower, collateral valuation, agreement with the borrower, execution of collateral, auction or sale of collateral. execution, auction or sale of collateral, credit repayment, and reconciliation. This research reviews a case of banking crime involving the return of funds from the sale of collateralized assets. In this context, the court ruled that the action was not unlawful, but the Supreme Court overturned this ruling on the grounds that the verdict on the grounds of violation of Standard Operating Procedure (S.O.P), even though the refund was actually approved by the Board of Commissioners. the return had actually been approved by the Board of Commissioners. An analysis of analysis showed that the court's decision was more prudent and in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations. However, the Supreme Court gave a controversial. However, the Supreme Court gave a controversial decision by declaring the action as a criminal offense, even though fraud was absent and all processes had been properly followed. The results of this research provide a better understanding of the complexities of the and the role of the courts in assessing the actions of banks. actions of the bank. This research highlights the need for clarity in banking laws and protection of bank actions that are in accordance with the procedures regulated by law and the competent authority