407 research outputs found

    Psychological Factors in Asthma and Psychoeducational Interventions

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    The minimum rank of matrices and the equivalence class graph

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    AbstractFor a given connected (undirected) graph G, the minimum rank of G=(V(G),E(G)) is defined to be the smallest possible rank over all hermitian matrices A whose (i,j)th entry is non-zero if and only if i≠j and {i,j} is an edge in G ({i,j}∈E(G)). For each vertex x in G (x∈V(G)), N(x) is the set of all neighbors of x. Let R be the equivalence relation on V(G) such that∀x,y∈V(G)xRy⇔N(x)=N(y).Our aim is find classes of connected graphs G=(V(G),E(G)), such that the minimum rank of G is equal to the number of equivalence classes for the relation R on V(G)

    Autonomous literary education through the creation of video

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    The study has two objectives that complement each other, and it describes a pedagogic experience carried out in a Portuguese Public High School, within the Portuguese language subject. The first objective of this research aims to develop an autonomous learning approach for the Portuguese Literature, through the creation and editing of videos. The second objective is to develop a reflection about the (re)definition of the student’s role, as well as the teacher’s role in its ability to be autonomous as a “teaching professional” and “curriculum manager”, in this everchanging social and technological world. It is a case study of exploratory and qualitative nature, framed in an action-critical research environment, carried out in the academic year 2017/2018 with 23 students from a 12th grade class. It focused on the field of Literary Education, planned for Portuguese classes official program. The teacher-researcher used methodologies and innovative strategies, resorting to digital technologies, and focused on students' skills as “generation Z”. The data were collected using various techniques: i) participant observation; ii) document analysis; iii) testing; iv) and surveys, in the form of questionnaires and interviews. Firstly, the results obtained allow to conclude that the approach to literary works, through video, enhanced autonomous, rewarding, and challenging learning: the student is, in fact, placed at the center of the teaching and learning process. It is possible to conclude that the investigation has promoted the fullness education success of the students by: the progress in terms of both written and oral expression, cultural enrichment, technological skills, critical thinking, the ability of working in team, autonomy, time management, creativity, aesthetics, and the results obtained in summative tests as well as in national examinations. In other words, the methodology and the strategies harmoniously reconciled the formal curriculum and the competencies set out in the “Perfil dos Alunos à Saída da Escolaridade Obrigatória” (Profile of Students on Leaving Mandatory Education). Secondly, the study shows the importance of the role of the teacher, as a teaching professional, able to manage the curriculum autonomously, as conferred by the Teaching Career Statute, as well as it proves that the teacher is capable to practice his art, in a permanent self-reflection on his praxi

    Intergenerational caregiving: the role of attachment and mental representation of caregiving in filial anxiety of middle-aged children

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    Adult children may experience filial anxiety when anticipatingthe need to care for their aging parents. To investigate theextent to which attachment and mental representation of car-egiving predict filial anxiety, a cross-sectional study was con-ducted among 304 middle-age adults with at least one livingparent aged 65 or more. Results suggest that the variance in filialanxiety is mainly accounted for by the mental representation ofcaregiving and then by attachment. These findings suggest thatmental representation of caregiving and attachment are impor-tant dimensions to consider when adult children feel unpre-pared and worried with the need to care for their aging parents.E51F-89A1-B769 | Carla FariaN/

    A participação de pessoas com deficiência na atividade física: Uma perspetiva de seus familiares

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    A importância da atividade física (AF) na vida de pessoas com deficiência é, hoje em dia, muito reconhecida, nomeadamente pelos vários benefícios que proporciona (Martin, 2013). Porém, apesar do seu valor, os níveis de participação na prática de AF, em pessoas com deficiência, são baixos. São, por isso, poucas as pessoas com deficiência que têm acesso a uma AF específica e adaptada às suas reais necessidades. Face à necessidade de melhorar este aspeto, importa conhecer a perspetiva dos familiares sobre esta temática, uma vez que estes possuem um papel fundamental na vida das pessoas com deficiência, quer ao nível das tomadas de decisão, quer no modo como influenciam a sua participação na AF. O grupo de estudo foi constituído por 30 pais e avós de pessoas com deficiência. Foram realizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas, posteriormente transcritas, através de uma transcrição híbrida, entre indexical e unfocused (Gibson e Brown, 2009). Emergiram três temas de uma abordagem indutiva (Bryman, 2008): expectativas iniciais sobre a participação de pessoas com deficiência na prática de AF; realidade sobre a participação de pessoas com deficiência na prática de AF; e da realidade às expectativas futuras sobre a participação de pessoas com deficiência na prática de AF. Conclui-se que os pais e avós conhecem vários benefícios decorrentes da prática de AF, nomeadamente ao nível social, psicológico e fisiológico. Esse conhecimento influencia, positivamente, pais e avós a colocar os seus filhos e netos nessa mesma prática. Os pais e avós identificaram igualmente as barreiras que impedem a participação dos filhos e netos em determinadas atividades, nomeadamente ao nível de barreiras pessoais, sociais, ambientais e organizacionais. Estas barreiras são muitas vezes impeditivas da prática de AF ou de maior frequência dessa prática. Por fim, pais e avós consideram fundamental que as organizações da área sejam detentores de profissionais especializados, um custo acessível, um ambiente inclusivo, devendo existir uma oferta capaz de cobrir as várias zonas geográficas.Nowadays, the importance of physical activity in the life of people with disability is recognized by the many benefits that it conveys (Martin, 2013). Even though this recognition exists, the level of participation of people with disability in physical activity is low. There are only a few with access to a program of physical activity, specified and adapted to their necessities. Given the need to change, it is important to know the perspective of the family in this matter, as they have a major role either in the process of decision or in influencing the participation of people with disability in physical activity. The study group was 30 parents and grandparents of people with disability. Semi structured interviews were conductd and later transcribed through a hybrid form, between indexical and unfocused approaches (Gibson & Brown, 2009). Three themes emerged from an inductive thematic analysis (Bryman, 2008): Initial expectations on the participation of people with disability in physical activity; the reality of the participation of people with disability in physical activity; and from reality to the future expectations of the participation of people with disability on physical activity. It was concluded that: parents and grandparents know many benefits of physical activity, in social, psychological and physiological levels; knowledge influences positevely the parents and grandmothers, including their children and grandchildren, with respect to their participation in physical activity; parents and grandmothers also identified the barriers that hinder the participation of their children and grandchildren, namely personal, social, environmental and organizational obstacles. These barriers are many times preventive of their participation in physical activity or in more regular basis. As such, parents and grandmothers consider that sports organizations and clubs of the area should have specialized professionals, a price that is affordable, inclusive environment and the existence of a sufficient number of organizations in many different geographical areas, as encouraging factors to practice a physical activity

    "A gente quer comida, diversão e arte": parque cultural para crianças

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    Trata-se de um espaço dedicado à arte e cultura voltado para crianças. O projeto será localizado no Centro da cidade de Niterói, em um terreno ao lado do Terminal Rodoviário e próximo à Estação das Barcas, local estratégico para receber não só as crianças de Niterói, mas também de cidades próximas. O terreno também fica próximo a uma das maiores favelasda cidade, o Morro do Estado. Sabendo da importância que a cultura representa no desenvolvimento das crianças, o projeto tem como objetivo principal proporcionar, através de um equipamento público, um lugar onde elas possam desenvolver diferentes atividades culturais durante o contraturno escolar e também aos fins de semana, fortalecendo e ampliando projetos já existentes na prefeitura da cidade

    Determinants of frailty: the added value of assessing medication

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    This study aims to analyze which determinants predict frailty in general and each frailty domain (physical, psychological, and social), considering the integral conceptual model of frailty, and particularly to examine the contribution of medication in this prediction. A cross-sectional study was designed using a non-probabilistic sample of 252 community-dwelling elderly from three Portuguese cities. Frailty and determinants of frailty were assessed with the Tilburg Frailty Indicator. The amount and type of different daily-consumed medication were also examined. Hierarchical regression analysis were conducted. The mean age of the participants was 79.2 years (±7.3), and most of them were women (75.8%), widowed (55.6%) and with a low educational level (0-4 years: 63.9%). In this study, determinants explained 46% of the variance of total frailty, and 39.8%, 25.3%, and 27.7% of physical, psychological, and social frailty respectively. Age, gender, income, death of a loved one in the past year, lifestyle, satisfaction with living environment and self-reported comorbidity predicted total frailty, while each frailty domain was associated with a different set of determinants. The number of medications independently predicted an additional 2.5% of total frailty and 5.3% of physical frailty. The adverse effects of polymedication and its direct link with the amount of comorbidities could explain the independent contribution of this variable to frailty prediction. Furthermore, the consumption of drugs for cardiovascular diseases was particularly important for the prediction of frailty and of its physical domain. In the present study, a significant part of frailty was predicted, and the different contributions of each determinant to frailty domains provided additional evidence of the integral model of frailty’s relevance. The added value of a simple assessment of medication was considerable, and it should be taken into account for effective identification of frailty

    A complexidade do self e a sua relação com o autoconceito académico, auto-estima e rendimento académico

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    Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada ao ISPA - Instituto UniversitárioO modelo da complexidade do self sugere que a forma como um sujeito organiza cognitivamente o seu autoconceito, pode ajudá-lo a enfrentar condições adversas. No entanto, poderá a complexidade do self estar relacionada com o percurso escolar de um adolescente? Neste estudo, tentamos perceber a relação da complexidade do self com a auto-estima, com o autoconceito e com o autoconceito académico. Pretendemos igualmente estudar a relação da complexidade do self com o desenvolvimento do adolescente, e também, a relação do rendimento académico do adolescente com a auto-estima e com a complexidade do self total. Participaram 230 alunos do 7º, 8º e 9º ano de uma escola pública do distrito do Porto, dos quais 42 já tinham reprovado pelo menos uma vez. Os valores de complexidade do self total variaram entre o 0 e o 2.18, tendo sido mencionados uma média de 6 aspectos do self por aluno. Os resultados mostraram que a complexidade do self apenas se demonstrou associada ao autoconceito académico. Por outro lado, os alunos do 9º ano demonstraram possuir uma complexidade do self mais desenvolvida que os do 7º ano. Relativamente ao rendimento académico, não foram detectadas diferenças de auto-estima nem de complexidade do self total entre alunos com e sem reprovações.Abstract: V Abstract The self-complexity model suggests that the way a person cognitively organize their self-concept, help her to deal with adverse conditions. However, can self-complexity be related to the educational background of an adolescent? In this study, we tried to understand the relation of self-complexity with self-esteem, with self-concept and with academic self-concept. We also want to study the self-complexity during de adolescent development, and the relation of academic achievement with self-esteem and total self-complexity. The participants were 230 students in the 7th, 8th and 9th grades of a public school in the district of Porto, in which 42 had retaken at least once. The total self-complexity scores varied between 0 and 2.18 and was referred to an average of 6 self-aspects per pupil. The results showed that only academic self-concept was associated with self-complexity. On the other hand, 9th students had demonstrated a more developed self-complexity than the 7th students. With regard to academic achievement, there were no differences in self-esteem or total self-complexity between students with reproach or not