1,317 research outputs found

    Fluid inclusion study of Xihuashan tungsten deposit in the southern Jiangxi province, China

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    Etude des inclusions fluides des filons de quartz du gisement de tungstène de Xihuashan (Province du Jiangxi, Chine) par microthermométrie et spectrométrie Raman. Les données obtenues permettent de retracer l'évolution hydrothermale du dépôt des minéralisation

    Finite Element Analysis of the Displacement Adjustment Scheme for Column Bases of a 10000 m3 Spherical Tank During Whole-body Heat Treatment

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    AbstractThe stress of spherical tank and displacement of column bases were calculated by finite element method, considering the uneven gravity loads on support columns which was caused by manufacturing and setting errors. The preliminary displacement adjustment scheme for column bases was made, according to the safety range of column bases displacement which was determined by the maximum stress restricted by allowable stress at the set heat treatment temperatures. The final scheme was made after checking the preliminary scheme. The method of making adjustment scheme of column bases for a 10000m3 spherical tank during the whole-body heat treatment may provide a reference for other large spherical tank

    A failure study of the railway rail serviced for heavy cargo trains

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    AbstractIn this case study, a failed railway rail which was used for heavy cargo trains was investigated in order to find out its root cause. The macroscopic beach marks and microscopic fatigue striations were not observed by macro and microscopic observations. The chevron patterns were observed by macro observations. The crack origin was at the tip of chevron patterns. The fan-shaped patterns, cleavage step and the river patterns were observed at the crack origin, which demonstrated the feature of cleavage fracture. The metallurgical structures at the crack origin were pearlite and ferrite networks. The crack is supposed to be initiated from the weaker ferrite networks. Given all of that, the failed railway rail is considered to be caused by overload. It is of great importance to improve the welding technology, and control the load of train in order to prevent similar failure in future

    Composition and structure of the RuO2(110) surface in an O2 and CO environment: implications for the catalytic formation of CO2

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    The phase diagram of surface structures for the model catalyst RuO2(110) in contact with a gas environment of O2 and CO is calculated by density-functional theory and atomistic thermodynamics. Adsorption of the reactants is found to depend crucially on temperature and partial pressures in the gas phase. Assuming that a catalyst surface under steady-state operation conditions is close to a constrained thermodynamic equilibrium, we are able to rationalize a number of experimental findings on the CO oxidation over RuO2(110). We also calculated reaction pathways and energy barriers. Based on the various results the importance of phase coexistence conditions is emphasized as these will lead to an enhanced dynamics at the catalyst surface. Such conditions may actuate an additional, kinetically controlled reaction mechanism on RuO2(110).Comment: 12 pages including 8 figure files. Submitted to Phys. Rev. B. Related publications can be found at http://www.fhi-berlin.mpg.de/th/paper.htm

    Revisión sobre métodos de preparación, mecanismos y aplicaciones de péptidos antioxidantes en aceites

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    Natural antioxidants, especially those used in edible oil, are safer compared to chemically synthesized antioxidants. Therefore, research on natural antioxidants has become prevelant. Antioxidant peptides derived from food protein can effectively prevent oil oxidation. Protein hydrolyzation is widely applied for the production of antioxidant peptides in industry, and bioinformatics is employed nowadays to generate the desired peptide sequence. Furthermore, the mechanism of antioxidant peptides in the oil system is still controversial, which limits the further development of antioxidant peptides as food antioxidants. This review introduces the preparation method of antioxidant peptides and their mechanisms as well as applications in the oil. It will help to comprehensively understand the function of antioxidant peptides and promote their development in the oil field.Los antioxidantes naturales, especialmente utilizados en aceites comestibles, son más seguros en comparación con los antioxidantes sintetizados químicamente. Por lo tanto, la investigación sobre antioxidantes naturales se convierte en un punto de interés. Los péptidos antioxidantes derivados de las proteínas alimentarias pueden prevenir eficazmente la oxidación del aceite. La hidrolización de proteínas se usa ampliamente en la industria para la producción de péptidos antioxidantes y la bioinformática se emplea hoy en día para generar la secuencia de péptidos deseada. Además, el mecanismo de los péptidos antioxidantes en el sistema oleoso sigue siendo controvertido, lo que limita el desarrollo posterior de péptidos antioxidantes como antioxidantes alimentarios. Esta revisión presenta el método de preparación de péptidos antioxidantes y su mecanismo, así como las aplicaciones en aceite, lo que ayudará a comprender de manera integral la función de los péptidos antioxidantes y promoverá su desarrollo en el campo petrolero

    Carrier-mediated ferromagnetic ordering in Mn ion-implanted p+GaAs:C

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    Highly p-type GaAs:C was ion-implanted with Mn at differing doses to produce Mn concentrations in the 1 - 5 at.% range. In comparison to LT-GaAs and n+GaAs:Si samples implanted under the same conditions, transport and magnetic properties show marked differences. Transport measurements show anomalies, consistent with observed magnetic properties and with epi- LT-(Ga,Mn)As, as well as the extraordinary Hall Effect up to the observed magnetic ordering temperature (T_C). Mn ion-implanted p+GaAs:C with as-grown carrier concentrations > 10^20 cm^-3 show remanent magnetization up to 280 K

    Charmless BsPP,PV,VVB_s\to PP, PV, VV Decays Based on the six-quark Effective Hamiltonian with Strong Phase Effects II

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    We provide a systematic study of charmless BsPP,PV,VVB_s \to PP, PV, VV decays (PP and VV denote pseudoscalar and vector mesons, respectively) based on an approximate six-quark operator effective Hamiltonian from QCD. The calculation of the relevant hard-scattering kernels is carried out, the resulting transition form factors are consistent with the results of QCD sum rule calculations. By taking into account important classes of power corrections involving "chirally-enhanced" terms and the vertex corrections as well as weak annihilation contributions with non-trivial strong phase, we present predictions for the branching ratios and CP asymmetries of BsB_s decays into PP, PV and VV final states, and also for the corresponding polarization observables in VV final states. It is found that the weak annihilation contributions with non-trivial strong phase have remarkable effects on the observables in the color-suppressed and penguin-dominated decay modes. In addition, we discuss the SU(3) flavor symmetry and show that the symmetry relations are generally respected

    Elastic and electronic properties of fluorite RuO₂ from first principle

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    The elastic, thermodynamic, and electronic properties of fluorite RuO₂ under high pressure are investigated by plane-wave pseudopotential density functional theory. The optimized lattice parameters, elastic constants, bulk modulus, and shear modulus are consistent with other theoretical values. The phase transition from modified fluorite-type to fluorite is 88 GPa (by localized density approximation, LDA) or 115.5 GPa (by generalized gradient approximation, GGA). The Young's modulus and Lamé's coefficients are also studied under high pressure. The structure turned out to be stable for the pressure up to 120 GPa by calculating elastic constants. In addition, the thermodynamic properties, including the Debye temperature, heat capacity, thermal expansion coefficient, Grüneisen parameter, and Poisson's ratio, are investigated. A small band gap is found in the electronic structure of fluorite RuO₂ and the bandwidth increases with the pressure. Also, the present mechanical and electronic properties demonstrate that the bonding nature is a combination of covalent, ionic, and metallic contributions.Пружнi, термодинамiчнi та електричнi властивостi флюориту RuO₂ при високому тиску дослiджуються за допомогою теорiї функцiоналу густини з плоскохвильовим псевдопотенцiалом. Оптимiзованi параметри гратки, пружнi сталi, об’ємний модуль i модуль зсуву узгоджуються з iншими теоретичними значеннями. Фазовий перехiд з модифiкованого флюориту до флюориту є при 88 GPa (наближення локальної густини, LDA), чи при 115.5 GPa (узагальнене градiєнтне наближення, GGA). Також дослiджено модуль Юнга i коефiцiєнти Ламе при високих тисках. Структура є стабiльною для тискiв до 120 GPa, якщо обчислювати пружнi сталi. Крiм того, дослiджено термодинамiчнi властивостi, включаючи температуру Дебая, теплоємнiсть, коефiцiєнт теплового розширення, параметр Грюнайзена i коефiцiєнт Пуассона. В електроннiй структурi флюориту RuO₂ знайдено малу зонну щiлину i ширина зони зростає iз тиском. Також, представленi механiчнi та електроннi властивостi демонструють, що природа зв’язування є комбiнацiєю ковалентного, iонного i металiчного вкладiв

    Low energy fast events from radon progenies at the surface of a CsI(Tl) scintillator

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    In searches for rare phenomena such as elastic scattering of dark matter particles or neutrinoless double beta decay, alpha decays of Rn222 progenies attached to the surfaces of the detection material have been identified as a serious source of background. In measurements with CsI(Tl) scintillator crystals, we demonstrate that alpha decays of surface contaminants produce fast signals with a characteristic mean-time distribution that is distinct from those of neutron- and gamma-induced events.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figure

    Co-existence of lung carcinoma metastasis and enchondroma in the femur of a patient with Ollier disease

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    Tumour-to-tumour metastasis is very unusual and has been defined as a tumour metastasis into another histologically different tumour. It is extremely rare in bone. We report a case of lung squamous cell carcinoma metastasized to an enchondroma in the femur of a patient with Ollier disease. A 60-year-old female had a history of a poorly differentiated squamous cell carcinoma of the lung. She underwent a video-assisted thoracoscopic lobectomy, and a follow-up MRI scan showed three lesions in the left distal femur and proximal tibia, which were initially interpreted as metastasis on radiology. Resection of the left proximal tibial lesion was performed, and the pathological findings were consistent with enchondroma with no evidence of metastasis. Subsequent curettage of lesions in the distal left femur revealed metastatic poorly differentiated carcinoma with foci of hyaline cartilage, which was most consistent with metastatic carcinoma in a pre-existing enchondroma. The MRI films were re-reviewed. Characteristic MRI features of enchondroma were found in the lesion in the left proximal tibia and one of the lesions in the left distal femur, while the features of the other lesion in the left distal femur included cortical destruction and extensive oedema in surrounding soft tissue, which were consistent with a malignant tumour. In addition, the enchondroma in the lateral condyle showed blurring and irregular inner margin and adjacent bone oedema, which likely represents a co-existing metastatic tumour and enchondroma. The difference in lineage was confirmed by immunohistochemistry. The final diagnosis was metastatic poorly differentiated carcinoma of the lung into a co-existent enchondroma. The diagnosis can be challenging and could be easily overlooked both radiologically and histologically. Thorough clinical and radiological information is critical for the diagnosis, and despite a very unusual event, awareness of the tumour-to-tumour metastasis phenomenon can avoid an inaccurate diagnosis by the pathologist, therefore preventing inappropriate clinical intervention