4,956 research outputs found

    Image Reconstruction with a LaBr3-based Rotational Modulator

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    A rotational modulator (RM) gamma-ray imager is capable of obtaining significantly better angular resolution than the fundamental geometric resolution defined by the ratio of detector diameter to mask-detector separation. An RM imager consisting of a single grid of absorbing slats rotating ahead of an array of a small number of position-insensitive detectors has the advantage of fewer detector elements (i.e., detector plane pixels) than required by a coded aperture imaging system with comparable angular resolution. The RM therefore offers the possibility of a major reduction in instrument complexity, cost, and power. A novel image reconstruction technique makes it possible to deconvolve the raw images, remove sidelobes, reduce the effects of noise, and provide resolving power a factor of 6 - 8 times better than the geometric resolution. A 19-channel prototype RM developed in our laboratory at Louisiana State University features 13.8 deg full-angle field of view, 1.9 deg geometric angular resolution, and the capability of resolving sources to within 35' separation. We describe the technique, demonstrate the measured performance of the prototype instrument, and describe the prospects for applying the technique to either a high-sensitivity standoff gamma-ray imaging detector or a satellite- or balloon-borne gamma-ray astronomy telescope.Comment: submitted to Nuclear Instrument & Methods, special edition: SORMA 2010 on June 16, 201

    Augmenting graphs to minimize the diameter

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    We study the problem of augmenting a weighted graph by inserting edges of bounded total cost while minimizing the diameter of the augmented graph. Our main result is an FPT 4-approximation algorithm for the problem.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figure

    Mechanical Properties of Bulk Metallic Glasses and Composites

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    We have studied the mechanical properties of monolithic bulk metallic glasses and composite in the La based alloys. La₈₆₋yAl₁₄(Cu, Ni)y (y=24 to 32) alloy systems was used to cast the in-situ structure and subsequently tested under compression. We found that the ductility of the monolithic is actually poorer than that of the fully crystalline composite.Singapore-MIT Alliance (SMA

    Paclitaxel-octreotide conjugates inhibit growth of human non-small cell lung cancer cells in vitro

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    Aim: To evaluate the effects of paclitaxel-octreotide conjugates on the growth of cultured non-small cell lung cancer cells. Methods: RT-PCR was performed to detect mRNA for the subtypes of the human somatostatin receptor (SSTR) using specific primers. MTT-based cytotoxicity assay was used to evaluate the cell viability after treatment with paclitaxel and the conjugates. Cell cycle perturbations were determined using a Fluorescence-Activated Cell Sorter. Results: Non-small cell lung cancer A549 and Calu-6 cells expressed mRNA for SSTR2 and SSTR5. Paclitaxel and the conjugates effectively inhibited the growth of A549 and Calu-6 cells in a concentration- and time-dependent manner. In SSTR-negative fibroblasts, the conjugates were less cytotoxic than paclitaxel. The conjugates and paclitaxel could induce the increase of G2/M phase ratio in A549 cells. Conclusion: The paclitaxel-octreotide conjugates can be used as selective-targeted chemotherapeutic agents for treating non-small cell lung cancer.Цель: оценить эффект конъюгатов паклитаксела-октреотида на рост культивированных клеток немелкоклеточного рака легкого человека. Методы: для определения мРНК подтипов рецептора соматостатина человека (SSTR) применяли ОT-ПЦР. Анализ цитотоксичности в МТТ-тесте применяли для оценки выживаемости клеток после их инкубации с паклитакселом и конъюгатами. Нарушения клеточного цикла определяли с применением FACS — клеточного сортера. Результаты: установлено, что клеточные линии немелкоклеточного рака легкого A549 и Calu-6 экспрессируют SSTR2 и SSTR5 мРНК. Отмечено эффективное дозо- и времязависимое угнетение роста клеток A549 и Calu-6 паклитакселом и конъюгатами. Для SSTR-негативных фибробластов конъюгаты менее цитотоксичны, чем паклитаксел. Конъюгаты и паклитаксел могут индуцировать повышение соотношения фаз G2 /M в клетках A549. Выводы: конъюгаты паклитаксел-октреотида могут быть использованы как селективные химиотерапевтические агенты для воздействия на немелкоклеточный рак легкого

    A simpler and more efficient algorithm for the next-to-shortest path problem

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    Given an undirected graph G=(V,E)G=(V,E) with positive edge lengths and two vertices ss and tt, the next-to-shortest path problem is to find an stst-path which length is minimum amongst all stst-paths strictly longer than the shortest path length. In this paper we show that the problem can be solved in linear time if the distances from ss and tt to all other vertices are given. Particularly our new algorithm runs in O(VlogV+E)O(|V|\log |V|+|E|) time for general graphs, which improves the previous result of O(V2)O(|V|^2) time for sparse graphs, and takes only linear time for unweighted graphs, planar graphs, and graphs with positive integer edge lengths.Comment: Partial result appeared in COCOA201

    Negative-coupling resonances in pump-coupled lasers

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    We consider coupled lasers, where the intensity deviations from the steady state, modulate the pump of the other lasers. Most of our results are for two lasers where the coupling constants are of opposite sign. This leads to a Hopf bifurcation to periodic output for weak coupling. As the magnitude of the coupling constants is increased (negatively) we observe novel amplitude effects such as a weak coupling resonance peak and, strong coupling subharmonic resonances and chaos. In the weak coupling regime the output is predicted by a set of slow evolution amplitude equations. Pulsating solutions in the strong coupling limit are described by discrete map derived from the original model.Comment: 29 pages with 8 figures Physica D, in pres

    Adhesion mechanics of graphene membranes

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    The interaction of graphene with neighboring materials and structures plays an important role in its behavior, both scientifically and technologically. The interactions are complicated due to the interplay between surface forces and possibly nonlinear elastic behavior. Here we review recent experimental and theoretical advances in the understanding of graphene adhesion. We organize our discussion into experimental and theoretical efforts directed toward: graphene conformation to a substrate, determination of adhesion energy, and applications where graphene adhesion plays an important role. We conclude with a brief prospectus outlining open issues.Comment: Review article to appear in special issue on graphene in Solid State Communication

    State transfer in dissipative and dephasing environments

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    By diagonalization of a generalized superoperator for solving the master equation, we investigated effects of dissipative and dephasing environments on quantum state transfer, as well as entanglement distribution and creation in spin networks. Our results revealed that under the condition of the same decoherence rate γ\gamma, the detrimental effects of the dissipative environment are more severe than that of the dephasing environment. Beside this, the critical time tct_c at which the transfer fidelity and the concurrence attain their maxima arrives at the asymptotic value t0=π/2λt_0=\pi/2\lambda quickly as the spin chain length NN increases. The transfer fidelity of an excitation at time t0t_0 is independent of NN when the system subjects to dissipative environment, while it decreases as NN increases when the system subjects to dephasing environment. The average fidelity displays three different patterns corresponding to N=4r+1N=4r+1, N=4r1N=4r-1 and N=2rN=2r. For each pattern, the average fidelity at time t0t_0 is independent of rr when the system subjects to dissipative environment, and decreases as rr increases when the system subjects to dephasing environment. The maximum concurrence also decreases as NN increases, and when NN\rightarrow\infty, it arrives at an asymptotic value determined by the decoherence rate γ\gamma and the structure of the spin network.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figure