1,293 research outputs found

    Diabetic retinopathy screening: global and local perspective

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    Diabetes mellitus has become a global epidemic. It causes significant macrovascular complications such as coronary artery disease, peripheral artery disease, and stroke; as well as microvascular complications such as retinopathy, nephropathy, and neuropathy. Diabetic retinopathy is known to be the leading cause of blindness in the working-age population and may be asymptomatic until vision loss occurs. Screening for diabetic retinopathy has been shown to reduce blindness by timely detection and effective laser treatment. Diabetic retinopathy screening is being done worldwide either as a national screening programme or hospital-based project or as a community-based screening programme. In this article, we review different methods of screening including grading used to detect the severity of sight-threatening retinopathy and the newer screening methods. This review also includes the method of systematic screening being carried out in Hong Kong, a system that has helped to identify diabetic retinopathy among all attendees in public primary care clinics using a Hong Kong–wide public patients’ database.published_or_final_versio

    Immune and bacterial toxin genes expression in different giant tiger prawn, Penaeus monodon post-larvae stages following AHPND-causing strain of Vibrio parahaemolyticus challenge

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    Acute Hepatopancreatic Necrosis Disease (AHPND), a disease caused by Vibrio parahaemolyticus (V-PAHPND), kills Penaeid shrimps worldwide, resulting in severe economic losses during aquaculture. To further understand how Penaeus monodon post-larvae (PL) respond towards infection of this pathogenic bacterium, the expression of several important immune and bacterial toxin genes in three stages of P. monodon PL (PL15, PL30 and PL45) upon V-PAHPND challenge, were determined. A 20-hrs challenge test with 2.7 x 10(7) cfu ml(-1) of V-PADPND resulted 81, 65 and 1.7% mortality respectively for PL30, PL15 and PL45, indicating that PL30 was most vulnerable to V-PADPNEP The immune response of shrimp PL at this stage was robust, with Toll-like receptor (TLR), prophenoloxidase (proPO), lysozyme (lyso) and penaeidin (PEN) augmented approximately 10.7, 4.7, 6.5 and 3.2-fold, respectively. The expression initiated at one hour post-infection (h.p.i), peaked at 16 h.p.i and 20 h.p.i, and decreased at 18 h.p.i, indicating the crucial involvement of these immune related genes in the defence and recovery of the first-line defence mechanisms during V-PADPND infection. This work also revealed that toxR gene represents a good indicator gene for Vibrio detection whereas PIR A, for V-PADPND pathogenicity determination of P. monodon. Overall, these findings provided novel insights into the immune response and V-PADPND No susceptibility of different P. monodon PL stages during infection, with outcomes potentially useful in enhancing the application of health therapy and biosecured aquaculture practices to minimize the damaging risk of AHPND towards sustainable production of P. monodon

    Immunopathological Roles of Cytokines, Chemokines, Signaling Molecules, and Pattern-Recognition Receptors in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

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    Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is an autoimmune disease with unknown etiology affecting more than one million individuals each year. It is characterized by B- and T-cell hyperactivity and by defects in the clearance of apoptotic cells and immune complexes. Understanding the complex process involved and the interaction between various cytokines, chemokines, signaling molecules, and pattern-recognition receptors (PRRs) in the immune pathways will provide valuable information on the development of novel therapeutic targets for treating SLE. In this paper, we review the immunopathological roles of novel cytokines, chemokines, signaling molecules, PRRs, and their interactions in immunoregulatory networks and suggest how their disturbances may implicate pathological conditions in SLE

    Applications of next-generation sequencing technologies and computational tools in molecular evolution and aquatic animals conservation studies : a short review

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    Aquatic ecosystems that form major biodiversity hotspots are critically threatened due to environmental and anthropogenic stressors. We believe that, in this genomic era, computational methods can be applied to promote aquatic biodiversity conservation by addressing questions related to the evolutionary history of aquatic organisms at the molecular level. However, huge amounts of genomics data generated can only be discerned through the use of bioinformatics. Here, we examine the applications of next-generation sequencing technologies and bioinformatics tools to study the molecular evolution of aquatic animals and discuss the current challenges and future perspectives of using bioinformatics toward aquatic animal conservation efforts

    Cost of myopia correction: a systematic review

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    Myopia is one of the leading causes of visual impairment globally. Despite increasing prevalence and incidence, the associated cost of treatment remains unclear. Health care spending is a major concern in many countries and understanding the cost of myopia correction is the first step eluding to the overall cost of myopia treatment. As the cost of treatment will reduce the burden of the cost of illness, this will aid in future cost-benefit analysis and the allocation of healthcare resources, including considerations in integrating eye care (refractive correction with spectacles) into universal health coverage (UHC). We performed a systematic review to determine the economic costs of myopia correction. However, there were few studies for direct comparison. Costs related to myopia correction were mainly direct with few indirect costs. Annual prevalence-based direct costs for myopia ranged from 1426(USA),14-26 (USA), 56 (Iran), and 199(Singapore)percapita,respectively(population:274.63million,75.15million,and3.79million,respectively).Annually,thedirectcostsofcontactlenswere199 (Singapore) per capita, respectively (population: 274.63 million, 75.15 million, and 3.79 million, respectively). Annually, the direct costs of contact lens were 198.30-378.10whilespectaclesandrefractivesurgerieswere378.10 while spectacles and refractive surgeries were 342.50 and $19.10, respectively. This review provides an insight into the cost of myopia correction. Myopia costs are high from nationwide perspectives because of the high prevalence of myopia, with contact lenses being the more expensive option. Without further interventions, the burden of illness of myopia will increase substantially with the projected increase in prevalence worldwide. Future studies will be necessary to generate more homogenous cost data and provide a complete picture of the global economic cost of myopia.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccine Uptake and the Willingness to Receive the HPV Vaccination among Female College Students in China: A Multicenter Study

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    Background: This study aimed to determine human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine uptake and willingness to receive HPV vaccination among female college students, in China, and its associated factors. Methods: An online cross-sectional survey of female college students across the eastern, central, and western regions of China was undertaken between April and September 2019. Partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) was used to examine factors associated with the HPV vaccine uptake and willingness to receive the HPV vaccine. Results: Among the total 4220 students who participated in this study, 11.0% reported having been vaccinated against HPV. There are direct effects of indicators of higher socioeconomic status, older age (β = 0.084 and p = 0.006), and geographical region (residing in Eastern China, β = 0.033, and p = 0.024) on HPV vaccine uptake. Higher knowledge (β = 0.062 and p < 0.000) and perceived susceptibility (β = 0.043 and p = 0.002) were also predictors of HPV vaccine uptake. Of those who had not received the HPV vaccine, 53.5% expressed a willingness to do so. Likewise, social economic status indicators were associated with the willingness to receive the HPV vaccine. Total knowledge score (β = 0.138 and p < 0.001), both perceived susceptibility (β = 0.092 and p < 0.001) and perceived benefit (β = 0.088 and p < 0.001), and sexual experience (β = 0.041 and p = 0.007) had a positive and significant direct effect on the willingness to receive the HPV vaccine, while perceived barriers (β = −0.071 and p < 0.001) had a negative effect on the willingness to receive the HPV vaccine. Conclusions: Geographical region and socioeconomic disparities in the HPV vaccination uptake rate and willingness to receive the HPV vaccine provide valuable information for public health planning that aims to improve vaccination rates in underserved areas in China. The influence of knowledge and perceptions of HPV vaccination suggests the importance of communication for HPV immunization

    Inhibition of NUCKS Facilitates Corneal Recovery Following Alkali Burn

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    Corneal wound healing involves a complex cascade of cytokine-controlled cellular events, including inflammatory and angiogenesis responses that are regulated by transcriptional chromatin remodeling. Nuclear Ubiquitous Casein and cyclin-dependent Kinase Substrate (NUCKS) is a key chromatin modifier and transcriptional regulator of metabolic signaling. In this study, we investigated the role of NUCKS in corneal wound healing by comparing its effects on corneal alkali burn in NUCKS knockout (NKO) and NUCKS wild-type (NWT) mice. Our data showed that following alkali-injury, inhibition of NUCKS (NKO) accelerated ocular resurfacing and suppressed neovascularization; the cytokine profile of alkali burned corneas in NKO mice showed suppressed expression of inflammation cytokines (IL1A &IL1B); upregulated expression of antiangiogenic factor (Pigment Epithelium-derived Factor; PEDF); and downregulated expression of angiogenic factor (Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor, VEGF); in vitro, following LPS-induced NFκB activation, NKO corneal cells showed reduced expression of IL6, IP10 and TNFα. In vitro, corneal epithelial cells showed reduced NF-κb activation on silencing of NUCKS and corresponding NFκB-mediated cytokine expression was reduced. Here, we illustrate that inhibition of NUCKS played a role in cytokine modulation and facilitated corneal recovery. This reveals a potential new effective strategy for ocular burn treatment.published_or_final_versio

    Spatial-temporal abundance and diversity of larval fish in different water bodies (Estuary and Adjacent Coastal Waters) from Sungai Terengganu, Terengganu, Malaysia

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    During larval form, various factors will affect the distributions of fish which lead to spatio-temporal variation of their assemblage. Studies on the variation provide knowledge in understanding the fish ecology. Present study aims to survey the fish larval occurrence in the estuary of Sungai Terengganu and its adjacent waters. A total of 402 larvae samples were collected using a 100 μm mesh sized Bongo net. About 334 samples were identified belonging to 23 families while the rest (equivalent to 16.92% of total catch) were unidentifiable. Three most abundant recorded families are Gobiidae (19.65% of total catch, 2.22 indv. 100 m-3), Ambassidae (12.94% of total catch, 1.47 indv. 100 m-3) and Apogonidae (9.45% of total catch, 1.02 indv. 100 m-3). Based on cluster analysis, fish larvae were divided into two groups whereby one from estuary of Sungai Terengganu and another one from its adjacent coastal water with little overlapping between them. Estuary observed higher larval density than adjacent coastal waters while larval taxa diversity recorded to be higher in the adjacent coastal waters compared to the estuary. Throughout sampling months, two larval mean density peaks were observed during June 2019 (76.19 indv. 100 m-3) and January 2020 (105.38 indv. 100 m-3)

    Identification and antibiotic susceptibility profiles of anaerobic bacteria isolated from patients with acne vulgaris

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    Commensal bacteria like the Staphylococcal species are part of the skin microbiota, which helps maintain healthy skin. However, certain factors can lead to these commensals becoming opportunistic pathogens capable of causing diseases like acne vulgaris. Topical and systemic antibiotics have been the main treatment for acne. However, long-term antibiotic usage could result in the emergence of resistant bacterial strains and treatment failure. This study evaluated the antibiotic susceptibility patterns of anaerobic bacteria isolated from clinical acne samples. Skin swabs were collected from 50 acne patients and cultured under anaerobic conditions. The resulting bacterial isolates were identified using biochemical tests and 16S rRNA gene sequencing. The antibiotic susceptibility patterns of the confirmed isolates were determined using the disc diffusion assay for eight commonly prescribed antibiotics for acne treatment. Sequencing results revealed that S. epidermidis was the most isolated bacterial species (68%, n=34), followed by S. aureus (8%, n=4). However, a significant proportion of bacterial isolates were susceptible to all eight tested antibiotics, which is unusual. On the other hand, 26% (n=13) of the tested bacterial species isolates were found to be resistant to clindamycin, while 36% (18) were resistant to erythromycin and 20% (n=10) were to tetracycline. Since there has been limited research regarding the antibiotic resistance patterns of anaerobic acne-associated bacteria in Malaysia, this study can help shed some light on suitable local prescription practices and raise awareness about the cautious use of antibiotics in treating acne vulgaris