193,823 research outputs found

    Fluorine Abundances of Galactic Low-Metallicity Giants

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    With abundances and 2{\sigma} upper limits of fluorine (F) in seven metal-poor field giants, nucleosynthesis of stellar F at low metallicity is discussed. The measurements are derived from the HF(1-0) R9 line at 23358{\AA} using nearinfrared K-band high-resolution spectra obtained with CRIRES at the Very Large Telescope. The sample reaches lower metallicities than previous studies on F of field giants, ranging from [Fe/H] = -1.56 down to -2.13. Effects of three-dimensional model atmospheres on the derived F and O abundances are quantitatively estimated and shown to be insignificant for the program stars. The observed F yield in the form of [F/O] is compared with two sets of Galactic chemical evolution models, which quantitatively demonstrate the contribution of Type II supernova (SN II) {\nu}-process and asymptotic giant branch/Wolf-Rayet stars. It is found that at this low-metallicity region, models cannot well predict the observed distribution of [F/O], while the observations are better fit by models considering an SN II {\nu}-process with a neutrino energy of E_{\nu} = 3 x 10^53 erg. Our sample contains HD 110281, a retrograde orbiting low-{\alpha} halo star, showing a similar F evolution as globular clusters. This supports the theory that such halo stars are possibly accreted from dwarf galaxy progenitors of globular clusters in the halo.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figures, 2 tables, published in The Astrophysical Journa

    Towards First-principles Electrochemistry

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    Chemisorbed molecules at a fuel cell electrode are a very sensitive probe of the surrounding electrochemical environment, and one that can be accurately monitored with different spectroscopic techniques. We develop a comprehensive electrochemical model to study molecular chemisorption at either constant charge or fixed applied voltage, and calculate from first principles the voltage dependence of vibrational frequencies -- the vibrational Stark effect -- for CO adsorbed on close-packed platinum electrodes. The predicted vibrational Stark slopes are found to be in very good agreement with experimental electrochemical spectroscopy data, thereby resolving previous controversies in the quantitative interpretation of in-situ experiments and elucidating the relation between canonical and grand-canonicaldescriptions of vibrational surface phenomena.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figure

    The design of a linear L-band high power amplifier for mobile communication satellites

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    A linear L-band solid state high power amplifier designed for the space segment of the Mobile Satellite (MSAT) mobile communication system is described. The amplifier is capable of producing 35 watts of RF power with multitone signal at an efficiency of 25 percent and with intermodulation products better than 16 dB below carrier

    Threshold resummation for exclusive B meson decays

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    We argue that double logarithmic corrections αsln2x\alpha_s\ln^2 x need to be resumed in perturbative QCD factorization theorem for exclusive BB meson decays, when the end-point region with a momentum fraction x0x\to 0 is important. These double logarithms, being of the collinear origin, are absorbed into a quark jet function, which is defined by a matrix element of a quark field attached by a Wilson line. The factorization of the jet function from the decay BγlνˉB\to\gamma l\bar\nu is proved to all orders. Threshold resummation for the jet function leads to a universal, {\it i.e.}, process-independent, Sudakov factor, whose qualitative behavior is analyzed and found to smear the end-point singularities in heavy-to-light transition form factors.Comment: 10 pages, more details are include

    Eulerian and modified Lagrangian approaches to multi-dimensional condensation and collection

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    Turbulence is argued to play a crucial role in cloud droplet growth. The combined problem of turbulence and cloud droplet growth is numerically challenging. Here, an Eulerian scheme based on the Smoluchowski equation is compared with two Lagrangian superparticle (or su- perdroplet) schemes in the presence of condensation and collection. The growth processes are studied either separately or in combination using either two-dimensional turbulence, a steady flow, or just gravitational acceleration without gas flow. Good agreement between the differ- ent schemes for the time evolution of the size spectra is observed in the presence of gravity or turbulence. Higher moments of the size spectra are found to be a useful tool to characterize the growth of the largest drops through collection. Remarkably, the tails of the size spectra are reasonably well described by a gamma distribution in cases with gravity or turbulence. The Lagrangian schemes are generally found to be superior over the Eulerian one in terms of computational performance. However, it is shown that the use of interpolation schemes such as the cloud-in-cell algorithm is detrimental in connection with superparticle or superdroplet approaches. Furthermore, the use of symmetric over asymmetric collection schemes is shown to reduce the amount of scatter in the results.Comment: 36 pages, 17 figure

    Temperature dependence of thermal conductivity in 1D nonlinear lattices

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    We examine the temperature dependence of thermal conductivity of one dimensional nonlinear (anharmonic) lattices with and without on-site potential. It is found from computer simulation that the heat conductivity depends on temperature via the strength of nonlinearity. Based on this correlation, we make a conjecture in the effective phonon theory that the mean-free-path of the effective phonon is inversely proportional to the strength of nonlinearity. We demonstrate analytically and numerically that the temperature behavior of the heat conductivity κ1/T\kappa\propto1/T is not universal for 1D harmonic lattices with a small nonlinear perturbation. The computer simulations of temperature dependence of heat conductivity in general 1D nonlinear lattices are in good agreements with our theoretic predictions. Possible experimental test is discussed.Comment: 6 pages and 2 figures. Accepted for publication in Europhys. Let