18 research outputs found

    Nematodes of the order Dorylaimida from Andalucia Oriental, Spain : The genus Carcharolaimus Thorne, 1939 with description of C. eximius sp. n. and a compendium of the genus

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    Une nouvelle espèce et une autre déjà décrite appartenant au genre #Carcharolaimus Thorne, 1939 ont été trouvées dans la région sud-est de l'Espagne. #C. eximus n. sp. est caractérisé par : L = 1,93-2,39 mm; a = 45,2-48,1; diam. région labiale = 22,5-24 Mu m; partie labiale du cheilostome = 14,5-16x7,5-8 Mu m; présence de dents et de denticules; odontostyle = 15-16 Mu m; bulbe pharyngien entouré par une gaine; appareil génital femelle amphidelphique; V = 49,5-54,3; queue de la femelle conoïde-arrondie, longue de 23-28 Mu m; c = 68,8-94,2; c' = 0,8-1,0; mâles non observés. #C. banaticus Krnjaic & Loof, 1975, dont les mesures et illustrations sont données, est signalé pour la première fois en Espagne. Un compendium en forme de tableau est donné pour les espèces jusqu'ici rangées dans le genre #Carcharolaimus. La taxinomie du genre est brièvement discutée. (Résumé d'auteur

    Nematodos edáficos y de agua dulce de la fauna ibérica: una síntesis

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    The first available compilation of Iberian soil and freshwater nematodes is presented in this paper. The inventory is currently made up of 981 species belonging to 236 genera, 77 families and 12 orders. Data of the Iberian nematode fauna are compared with other components of the Iberian biota, as well as the nematode fauna of other geographical regions. Quantitative and qualitative aspects of the nematode inventory are analyzed and discussed, paying special attention to the kind of information available for each species, and concluding that practically one-third of Iberian species are deficiently characterized and need further study. Endemicity of Iberian species is also considered: 143 species, 14.6% of the total, are restricted (in their distribution) to the Iberian geography, most of them being members of the orders Dorylaimida (87) and Tylenchida (29), which are also the most diversified nematode taxa. Practical or applied interest of knowledge of the Iberian nematode fauna is commented and supported with examples and recent contributions. Finally, an alphabetical list of the species, ordered by specific name, is provided.En esta contribución se presenta una recopilación de las especies ibéricas de nematodos de suelo y de agua dulce, la primera de este tipo realizada hasta el momento. El inventario actual lo componen 981 especies de 236 géneros, 77 familias y 12 órdenes. Los datos correspondiente a la fauna ibérica de nematodos se compara con la de otros táxones de la biota ibérica. Se analizan y se discuten distintos aspectos cuantitativos y cualitativos de la fauna nematológica, con especial énfasis en el tipo de información disponible sobre cada especie, y se concluye que casi una tercera parte de las especies ibéricas permanecen insuficientemente caracterizadas, razón por la cual requieren de estudios adicionales. La endemicidad de las especies es así mismo objeto de atención: 143 especies, un 14.6% del total están restringidas en su distribución al ámbito ibérico, en su mayor parte pertenecientes a los órdenes Dorylaimida (87) y Tylenchida (29), por otra parte los más diversificados de entre los pertenecientes al filo. El interés básico y aplicado del conocimiento de la fauna de nematodos es comentado e ilustrado con aportaciones recientes y ejemplos. Por último, se presenta una lista de todas las especies de la fauna ibérica, ordenadas alfabéticamente por su epíteto específico

    Análisis multivariante de los horizontes orgánico-minerales de los suelos del Parque Natural de Sierra Mágina (Jaén)

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    Soils are described normally using a great number of properties (variables). This generates a great quantity of data not easily understandable in a direct way. Consequently, multivariate analysis is necessary to support and confirm impressions and interpretations of investigations in field and laboratory. In the present work we quantify, through multivariate analysis, the relative influence of the different factors of soil formation that act on the soil system. We have studied 203 organo-mineral horizons, sampled to a depth between 0 and 25 cm of soils in the Sierra Mágina natural park (Jaén, Spain). The studied soils are from calcareous rocks. Five factors were found to be significant and showed that the organic carbon accumulation, decarbonatation and the argillization/rubefacction, as internal variables, and the hill slope, as external variable, they are those which explain a greater percentage of the natural variability of the soil system

    Nematodes of the order Dorylaimida from Andalucia Oriental, Spain : The genus Carcharolaimus Thorne, 1939 with description of C. eximius sp. n. and a compendium of the genus

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    Une nouvelle espèce et une autre déjà décrite appartenant au genre #Carcharolaimus Thorne, 1939 ont été trouvées dans la région sud-est de l'Espagne. #C. eximus n. sp. est caractérisé par : L = 1,93-2,39 mm; a = 45,2-48,1; diam. région labiale = 22,5-24 Mu m; partie labiale du cheilostome = 14,5-16x7,5-8 Mu m; présence de dents et de denticules; odontostyle = 15-16 Mu m; bulbe pharyngien entouré par une gaine; appareil génital femelle amphidelphique; V = 49,5-54,3; queue de la femelle conoïde-arrondie, longue de 23-28 Mu m; c = 68,8-94,2; c' = 0,8-1,0; mâles non observés. #C. banaticus Krnjaic & Loof, 1975, dont les mesures et illustrations sont données, est signalé pour la première fois en Espagne. Un compendium en forme de tableau est donné pour les espèces jusqu'ici rangées dans le genre #Carcharolaimus. La taxinomie du genre est brièvement discutée. (Résumé d'auteur

    Characterization of the Cystoid Nematode Meloidoderita kirjanovae (Nemata: Sphaeronematidae) from Southern Italy

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    A population of the cystoid nematode Meloidoderita kirjanovae was detected parasitizing water mint (Mentha aquatica) in southern Italy. The morphological identification of this species was confirmed by molecular analysis using the internal transcribed spacer 1 (ITS1) and 5.8S gene sequences of nuclear ribosomal DNA (rDNA), which clearly separated it from the closely related species Meloidoderita polygoni. A phylogenetic analysis of M. kirjanovae with species of related genera was conducted using sequences of the D2-D3 expansion segments of the 28S nuclear ribosomal RNA gene. The resulting phylogenetic tree was congruent with trees from an extended dataset for Criconematina and Tylenchida. The basal position of the genus Meloidoderita together with Sphaeronema within the Criconematina clade in this tree may indicate their close relationships. The anatomical changes induced by M. kirjanovae population from Italy in water mint were similar to those reported for a nematode population infecting roots of M. longifolia in Israel. Nematode feeding caused the formation of a stellar syncytium that disorganized the pericycle and vascular root tissues

    A New Root-Knot Nematode Parasitizing Sea Rocket from Spanish Mediterranean Coastal Dunes: Meloidogyne dunensis n. sp. (Nematoda: Meloidogynidae)

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    High infection rates of European sea rocket feeder roots by an unknown root-knot nematode were found in a coastal dune soil at Cullera (Valencia) in central eastern Spain. Morphometry, esterase and malate dehydrogenase electrophoretic phenotypes and phylogenetic trees demonstrated that this nematode species differs clearly from other previously described root-knot nematodes. Studies of host-parasite relationships showed a typical susceptible reaction in naturally infected European sea rocket plants and in artificially inoculated tomato (cv. Roma) and chickpea (cv. UC 27) plants. The species is herein described and illustrated and named as Meloidogyne dunensis n. sp. The new root-knot nematode can be distinguished from other Meloidogyne spp. by: (i) perineal pattern rounded-oval, formed of numerous fine dorsal and ventral cuticle striae and ridges, lateral fields clearly visible; (ii) female excretory pore at the level of stylet knobs, EP/ST ratio 1.6; (iii) second-stage juveniles with hemizonid located 1 to 2 annuli anteriorly to excretory pore and long, narrow, tapering tail; and (iv) males with lateral fields composed of four incisures anteriorly and posteriorly, while six distinct incisures are observed for large part at mid-body. Phylogenetic trees derived from distance and maximum parsimony analyses based on 18S, ITS1–5.8S-ITS2 and D2-D3 of 28S rDNA showed that M. dunensis n. sp. can be differentiated from all described root-knot nematode species, and it is clearly separated from other species with resemblance in morphology, such as M. duytsi, M. maritima, M. mayaguensis and M. minor

    Rotylenchus cretensis n. sp. and R. cypriensis Antoniou 1980 (Nematoda: Hoplolaimidae) recovered from the rhizosphere of olive at Crete (Greece) with a molecular phylogeny of the genus

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    A new and a known species of Rotylenchus from Crete, each collected from the rhizosphere of olive, are described and illustrated based on morphological, morphometric and molecular studies. Rotylenchus cretensis n. sp. is characterised by having a truncate lip region with irregular longitudinal striation, lateral field areolated only in pharynx region, stylet length less than 41 μm, vulva located at 53–59 %, conoid-rounded to dorsally convex-conoid female tail with 7–11 annuli and specific D2-D3 of 28S, ITS, and partial 18S rRNA. Rotylenchus cretensis n. sp. appears to be similar to R. urmiaensis, having overlapping character ranges. Rotylenchus cretensis is also similar to R. striaticeps from which has got shorter stylet length (35.5–41.5 vs 39–50 μm), female tail shape (conoid-rounded to dorsally convex-conoid vs rounded), shorter spicules length (34–40 vs 41–50 μm), and phasmid position (varying from at level to three annuli posterior to the anus vs at level to seven annuli anterior to anus). Multivariate analysis of variance performed on R. cretensis n. sp., as well as two populations of R. striaticeps and R. urmiaensis from Iran on combined morphometric characters data set revealed a significant effect by species populations, indicating that closely morphological and morphometrically species differed significantly from each other. Additionally, analysis of variance showed that morphometric characters such as lip region width, distance from phasmid to tail tip (PHS) or a ratio can be used as key morphometric characters for species differentiation in this group. The results of phylogenetic analyses based on D2-D3 region, ITS of rRNA, and the partial 18S sequences confirmed the close molecular relationships between R. cretensis n. sp., R. urmiaensis and R. striaticeps, but clearly support the proposal of R. cretensis n. sp. as a new species. Also, the recognition of this cryptic species within Rotylenchus shows that the biodiversity of these nematodes is still not fully understood and requires further studies. Additionally, R. cypriensis is described and molecularly analysed for first time in Greece.The present research was partially funded by grant KBBE 219262 ArimNET-ERANET FP7 2012–2015 Project PESTOLIVE ‘Contribution of olive history for the management of soilborne parasites in the Mediterranean basin’ from Hellenic Agricultural Organization-DEMETER and Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Tecnología Agraria y Alimentaria (INIA), grant AGR-136 from ‘Consejería de Economía, Innvovación y Ciencia’ from Junta de Andalucía, and Union Europea, Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo regional, ‘Una manera de hacer Europa’. I. G. Birmpilis was employed by the ARIMNET-PESTOLIVE project.Peer reviewe