6 research outputs found

    Etude Ethnobotanique De Quelques Espèces Du Genre Corchorus Rencontrées En Côte d’Ivoire

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    To contribute to the valorization of Corchorus plants, fifteen (15) communities in Côte d'Ivoire have been visited and 432 participants were selected, during an ethnobotanical survey. This survey helped us to identify four (4) different species of Corchorus which are: C. aestuans, C. lobatus, C. olitorius and C. tridens. These different species are grown by farmers in general and also by farmers of vegetables and foods crops. In Côte d'Ivoire these plants are called “Kroala”. Kroala is the name given by Baoulé people from the centre part of Côte d’Ivoire. Krola can be used as main ingredient in the cooking of soups and it can also be used as medicinal plant. At food level, the leaves of different species of Corchorus are used in the cooking of soups for several meals throughout the country. At ethnomedicinal level, these different plant species are used in the treatment of several pathologies such as anemia, constipation... For instance, leaves, roots, leafy stems and seeds of these plant species are used to make several monospecific drugs recipes. For the benefits brought by Corchorus plants to people, the growing of these plants must be encouraged throughout the country


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    The aim of this study was to identify the best planting bed and density for vegetative growth of Ananas comosus L. var. MD2 plants in the locality of Dabou in Côte d’Ivoire. The effects of three planting beds : flat land, ridge without polyethylene film and ridge covered with polyethylene film ; and two planting densities : 50,000 and 70,000 plants/ha (D50 and D70, respectively) were tested through a split-plot disposition. At the end of the vegetative phase of the cycle, growth parameters were evaluated. The results showed that D70, average heights apical bunches were higher (91.52 cm) than D50 (86.87 cm). The number of fresh leaves varied between 48 and 51. The ridge covered with polyethylene film was distinguished with a number of relatively larger fresh leaves. The follow-up of the D leaves biomass revealed that seven months, the value of 70 g required to trigger floral induction therapy (FIT) had been reached in all plants, whatever planting bed and density. The flat land - density 70,000 plants/ha combinaison was illustrated with the D leaves biomass the highest (80.20 g). The weight of the fruit beingrelated to the plant’s growth during the floral induction therapy, at the end of the vegetative phase, the results could contribute to improving the production of MD2 pineapple in locality of Dabou

    Effet du mélange de pelure de banane plantain et de compost de fiente de poules sur la croissance en pépinière de rejets écailles de bananier plantain, variété Big Ebanga (Musa AAB sg Plantain)

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    Objectif: La présente étude visait à trouver une alternative à l’utilisation des engrais de synthèse dans la culture du bananier plantain.Méthodologie et résultats: Pour ce faire, des formulations d’engrais organiques ont été mises au point. Notamment, F2 constitués de 100 % de pelure de banane séchée et broyée (PBSB), F3, F4 et F5 constituées respectivement de 75 %, 50 %, 25 % de PBSB + 25 %, 50 % et 75 % de compost de fiente de poules (CFP). Les propriétés chimiques de ces formulations ont été déterminées, puis leur effet sur la croissance des rejets écailles de bananier plantain a été évalué comparativement à l’effet du NPK (20-10-10) et le témoin F0. L’expérimentation a été réalisée selon un dispositif en bloc de Fisher comportant 6 traitements avec 4 répétitions. Les applications ont été faites chaque mois et le suivi a porté sur la croissance en hauteur, la circonférence du pseudo-tronc et le nombre de feuilles. L’analyse minérale a permis de classer les fertilisants organiques en deux groupes : les plus riches (F4 et F5) et les moyennement riches (F2 et F3). Concernant les données de croissance, l’analyse statistique indique que les fertilisants organiques ont induit une bonne croissance (H = 13,77 cm, C = 2,93 cm, NF = 8) des plants de bananiers par rapport au témoin F0 (H = 8,45 cm, C = 1,55 cm, NF = 7) et à l’engrais minéral (H = 6 cm, C = - 0,2 cm, NF = 5).Conclusion et application des résultats: Cette étude a montré que l’utilisation de la pelure de banane plantain séchée et broyée (PBSB) simple ou en mélange avec le compost de fiente de poules (CFP) induit une croissance harmonieuse du bananier plantain. La PBSB peut être une alternative à l’utilisation des engrais chimiques et être recommandée aux agriculteurs.Mots clés: Banane plantain, pelure, engrais organiques, engrais minéralEnglish Title: Effect of plant banana peel and chicken dung compost on growth in nursery of banana plantain plantlets, variety Big Ebanga (Musa AAB sg Plantain)English AbstractObjective: The present survey aimed to find an alternative to the use of the mineral manures in the culture of the banana tree plantain.Methodology and results: For that to make, formulations of organic manures have been finalized. Notably constituted F2 of 100% of banana peel dried and ground (PBSB), F3, F4 and constituted F5 respectively of 75%, 50%, 25% of PBSB + 25%, 50% and 75% of compost of droppings of hens (CFP). The chemical properties of these formulations have been determined, and then their effect on the growth of the dismissals scales of banana trees plantain has been valued compared to the effect of the NPK (20-10-10) and witness F0. The experimentation has been achieved according to a device in block of Fisher including 6 treatments with 4 repetitions. The applications have been made every month and the follow-up was about the growth in height, the circumference of the pseudo-trunk and the number of leaves. The mineral analysis permitted to classify the fertilizing organic in two groups: the richest (F4 and F5) and the rich (F2 and F3). Concerning the data of growth, the statistical analysis indicates that the fertilizing organic led a good growth (H = 13.77 cm, C = 2.93 cm, NF = 8) of the plantations of banana trees in relation to witness F0 (H = 8.45 cm, C = 1.55 cm, NF = 7) and to the mineral manure (H = 6 cm, C = - 0.2 cm, NF = 5).Conclusion and application of results: This survey permitted to show that the use of the peel dried banana plantain and ground (PBSB) simple or in mixture with the compost of droppings of hens (CFP) induced a harmonious growth of the banana tree plantain. The PBSB can be an alternative to the use of the chemical manures and can recommend to the agriculturists.Keywords: Banana plantain, peel, organic manures, mineral manure

    Evaluation du statut mycorhizien d’arbres de Ceiba pentandra (L), Gaertn et Tieghemella heckelii (A.Chev), Pierre, du jardin Botanique de Bingerville en Côte d’Ivoire

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    Objectif: La présente étude a été initiée dans l’objectif de favoriser l’utilisation des champignons mycorhizien dans le reboisement des essences locales.Méthodologie et résultats: Pour y parvenir, des échantillonnages de racines et de sol ont été réalisés sous des pieds de Fromager et de Makoré du Jardin Botanique de Bingerville. Les spores ont été isolées des échantillons de sols par tamisage humide et les racines, colorées avec le bleu trypan. Le potentiel infectieux (PIM) des sols a été évalué par la méthode du nombre le plus probable. Les résultats montrent que la densité de spores est plus grande sous le Makoré. L’observation des racines atteste d’une mycorhization arbusculaire des deux espèces d’arbres. La fréquence de mycorhization des racines est supérieure à 90 % pour les deux essences. S’agissant des proportions du cortex racinaire mycorhizée, elles ont été de 48,30 ± 4,98 et de 31,20 ± 4,30 pour le Fromager et le Makoré, respectivement. Aussi, les spores isolées appartiennent aux genres Scutellospora, Gigaspora, Acaulospora, et Glomus. Le PIM des sols est élevé pour les essences étudiées.Conclusion et application des résultats: Il ressort de cette étude que les essences étudiées admettent des symbioses endomycorhizienne et abritent dans leurs rhizosphères quatre genres de champignons MA. Les intensités de mycorhization montrent que le Fromager et le Makoré tirent profit de cette association pour leur croissance. Au vu de ces résultats, la mycorhization pourrait être utilisée pour faciliter la croissance de ces arbres. Aussi, les spores des CMA peuvent être isolées et multipliées pour constituer un inoculum l’indigène.Mots clés: Ceiba pentandra, Thiéghemella heckelii, champignons arbusculaire, potentiel mycorhizogèneEnglish Title: Evaluation of the mycorrhizal status of Ceiba pentandra and Tieghemella heckelii trees in the Bingerville Botanical Garden in Côte d'IvoireEnglish AbstractObjectives: This study was carry out aimpt for promoting the use of mycorrhizal fungi in the reforestation of local species.Methodology and Results: To achieve this, root and soil samples were taken under the trees Ceiba pentandra and Tieghemella heckelii from the Bingerville Botanical Garden. The spores were isolated from the soil samples by wet sieving and the roots, stained with trypan blue. Soil infectivity potential (MIP) was assessed by the most probable number method. The results show that the spore density is higher under T. heckelii. Observation of the roots shows that both tree species have arbuscular mycorrhization. The frequency of root mycorrhization is greater than 90% for both species. The proportion of the mycorrhized root cortex was 48.30 ± 4.98 and 31.20 ± 4.30 for Ceiba pentandra and Tieghemella heckelii, respectively. Also, isolated spores belong to the genus Scutellospora, Gigaspora, Acaulospora, and Glomus. The soil MIP is high for the species studied.Conclusions and application of findings: it appears from this study that the species studied admit endomycorrhizal symbioses and harbour four genera of AM fungi in their rhizospheres. The mycorrhization intensities show that Ceiba pentandra and Tieghemella heckelii benefit from this association for their growth. With these results, mycorrhization could be used to facilitate the growth of these trees. Also, CMA spores can be isolated and multiplied to form an indigenous inoculum.Keywords: Ceiba pentandra, Tieghemella heckelii, arbuscular mycorrhizal, mycorrhizal potentia