27 research outputs found

    Usporedba transvaginalnog ultrazvuka, magnetske rezonancije i metode smrznutih rezova u prijeoperacijskom otkrivanju zahvaćenosti miometrija u bolesnica s karcinomom endometrija

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    We aimed to evaluate the depth of myometrial invasion preoperatively with transvaginal ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging, and frozen section examination techniques in patients diagnosed with endometrial cancer. Our study included 65 patients. Transvaginal ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging were performed in study patients in the preoperative period. Frozen section examination was performed in all hysterectomy samples obtained from all study patients. Data were analyzed with SPSS Statistics 22.0 program. The sensitivity of transvaginal ultrasound in determining the depth of myometrial invasion was 88.64%, specificity 90.48%, positive predictive value 95.12%, and negative predictive value 79.17%. For magnetic resonance imaging, the sensitivity was 63.64%, specificity 95.24%, positive predictive value 96.55%, and negative predictive value 55.56%. In addition to the frozen section examination, which is the gold standard in determining the myometrial invasion depth, transvaginal ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging have become commonly used methods for this purpose in recent years. Ultrasound examination performed by an experienced specialist is superior to magnetic resonance imaging as it is fast, inexpensive, and associated with higher sensitivity.Cilj je bio prijeoperacijski procijeniti dubinu zahvaćenosti miometrija pomoću transvaginalnog ultrazvuka, magnetske rezonancije i metode smrznutih rezova u bolesnica s dijagnozom karcinoma endometrija. Istraživanje je obuhvatilo 65 bolesnica. Transvaginalni ultrazvuk i magnetska rezonancija provedeni su kod ovih bolesnica u prijeoperacijskom razdoblju. Ispitivanje smrznutih rezova provedeno je na uzorcima prikupljenim tijekom histerektomije kod svih bolesnica uključenih u istraživanje. Dobiveni podatci analizirani su programom SPSS Statistics 22.0. Osjetljivost transvaginalnog ultrazvuka u određivanju dubine zahvaćenosti miometrija bila je 88,64%, specifičnost 90,48%, pozitivna prediktivna vrijednost 95,12% i negativna prediktivna vrijednost 79,17%. Za magnetsku rezonanciju osjetljivost je bila 63,64%, specifičnost 95,24%, pozitivna prediktivna vrijednost 96,55% i negativna prediktivna vrijednost 55,56%. Uz metodu smrznutih rezova, koja je zlatni standard u određivanju dubine invazije miometrija, posljednjih godina se transvaginalni ultrazvuk i magnetska rezonancija često primjenjuju za ovu namjenu. Ultrazvučna pretraga koju provodi iskusni specijalist bolja je od magnetske rezonancije, jer je brza, osjetljivija i nije skupa

    Warfarin kullanımına bağlı gelişen subakut retroperitoneal kanamaya bağlı sol femoral sinir nöropatisi

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    Warfarin kullanımına bağlı retroperitoneal hemorajiler nadir de olsa görülmektedir. Ayrıca kardiyavasküler hasta grublarında an- tikoagulan ve antiplatelet ajanların kombinasyonu sıklıkla kullanılmaktadır. Warfarin , warfarin + aspirin , aspirin + tiklopidin veya klopidogrel, aspirin + warfarin + tikloipidin veya klopidogrel kombinasyonlarında kanama riski gittikçe daha fazla artmaktadır. Retroperitoneal hemorajilerin büyük çoğunluğu ani gelişen şok, anemi, sırt ağrısı ve uyluk ağrıları/ parestezik şikayetler ve masif kanamaya bağlı olarak şok veya anemi ile başvurmaktadır. Vakaların büyük kısmında femoral sinir basıya uğramakta ve sensöryel ve/veya motor sinir komplikasyonları ortaya çıkmaktadır. Subakut vakalar bildirilmesine rağmen nadirdir. Burada subakut gelişen ve sinir arazına neden olan şüphelenilmez ise kolaylıkla atlanabilecek olan retroperitoneal kanama vakası sunulmuştu

    Prevalence and Dermoscopic Patterns of Acral Melanocytic Nevi in Turkey

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    Although nevi are frequently encountered in the acral region, very limited studies have reported their prevalence in specific populations. We aimed to determine the prevalence of acral nevi, their dermoscopic patterns, and evaluate patient awareness in a Turkish population. We prospectively examined 2644 patients admitted to the outpatient dermatology clinics between October 2016 and October 2017. The characteristics of the detected acral nevi and dermatoscopic images were recorded. A questionnaire of demographic characteristics was completed from all patients. Two hundred six of the 2644 patients had at least one acral nevus. Two hundred sixty nevi were examined. The general prevalence of acral nevi was 7.8%. Women were more likely to have acral nevi than men (8.7% vs. 6.3%; P=0.028). Moreover, darker-skinned patients were also had significantly more acral nevi (8.6% in skin type III-IV vs. 6.0% in skin type I-II; P<0.001). The prevalence of acral nevi was 9.4% before the age of 20, 9.5% in patients aged 20-40 years, and 4.6% after the age of 40. In addition, 51.5% of all nevi exhibited a parallel furrow, 13.5% were lattice-like, and 7.7% had a homogeneous pattern. The overall nevus awareness rate was 73.8% and was significantly higher in women at 78.3%. Our study is the first large-scale study of that showed the prevalence of acral nevi in Turkey. According to our study, the prevalence of acral nevi was higher in patients with female sex and darker skin type. We also found that the prevalence of acral nevi decreased over 40 years of age. The general awareness of nevi was higher in women

    Synthesis of Some New Thiazole Derivatives and Their Biological Activity Evaluation

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    New 2-(4-arylpiperazine-1-yl)-N-[4-(2-(4-substituted phenyl)thiazol-4-yl)phenyl]acetamide derivatives were synthesized and evaluated for their antimicrobial and anticholinesterase activities. Acetylcholinesterase inhibitory activities of the compounds were found weak contrary to expectations. It is unlikely that antifungal activity of the compounds was found significant, especially against Candida parapsilosis

    Quantitative evaluation of ischemic myocardial scar tissue by unenhanced T1 mapping using 3.0 Tesla MR scanner

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    PURPOSEWe aimed to use a noninvasive method for quantifying T1 values of chronic myocardial infarction scar by cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and determine its diagnostic performance.MATERIALS AND METHODSWe performed cardiac MRI on 29 consecutive patients with known coronary artery disease (CAD) on 3.0 Tesla MRI scanner. An unenhanced T1 mapping technique was used to calculate T1 relaxation time of myocardial scar tissue, and its diagnostic performance was evaluated. Chronic scar tissue was identified by delayed contrast-enhancement (DE) MRI and T2-weighted images. Sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy values were calculated for T1 mapping using DE images as the gold standard.RESULTSFour hundred and forty-two segments were analyzed in 26 patients. While myocardial chronic scar was demonstrated in 45 segments on DE images, T1 mapping MRI showed a chronic scar area in 54 segments. T1 relaxation time was higher in chronic scar tissue, compared with remote areas (1314±98 ms vs. 1099±90 ms, P < 0.001). Therefore, increased T1 values were shown in areas of myocardium colocalized with areas of DE and normal signal on T2-weighted images. There was a significant correlation between T1 mapping and DE images in evaluation of myocardial wall injury extent (P < 0.05). We calculated sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy as 95.5%, 97%, and 96%, respectively.CONCLUSIONThe results of the present study reveal that T1 mapping MRI combined with T2-weighted images might be a feasible imaging modality for detecting chronic myocardial infarction scar tissue

    Early diagnosis of herpes encephalitis saves lives: A case report

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    Herpes simplex virus (HSV) is the most important pathogen causing endemic encephalitis. HSV-1 is responsible for 90% of the cases which is the only treatable viral encephalitis. Clinically it is characterized by decreased level of consciousness, changes in personality, convulsions, and focal neurological deficits. Diagnosis of HSV encephalitis is made by detection of HSV DNA in the cerebrospinal fluid via polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method. The mortality rate in untreated HSV encephalitis is 50-70%. In this paper a patient diagnosed as Herpes simplex encephalitis according to positive PCR, clinic findings, radiological imaging and electroencephalogram (EEG). The patient was successfully treated for 21 days with acyclovir without any complication. This case report emphasizes the value of early diagnosis and treatment

    Synthesis of New Thiazole Derivatives Bearing Thiazolidin-4(5H)-One Structure and Evaluation of Their Antimicrobial Activity

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    The first report about antimicrobial resistance was published in the 1940s. And today, the antimicrobial resistance has become a worldwide problem. Because of this problem, there is a need to develop new drugs. That’s why we synthesized some novel thiazolidine-4-one derivatives and evaluated their antimicrobial activity. The final compounds were obtained by reacting 2-[(4,5-diphenylthiazol-2-yl)imino]thiazolidin-4-one with some aryl aldehydes. The synthesized compounds were investigated for their antimicrobial activity against four&nbsp;Candida&nbsp;species, five gram-negative and four gram-positive bacterial species. The lead compounds (4a- h) were obtained with a yield of at least 70%. All compounds showed antimicrobial activity. Compound&nbsp;4f&nbsp;(MIC: 31.25 µg/ml) exhibited more efficacy than the other compounds against&nbsp;C. glabrata&nbsp;(ATCC 24433). Compound&nbsp;4b&nbsp;(MIC: 62.5 µg/ml) was the most active compound against all bacterial species, particularly K. pneumoniae (NCTC 9633). Whereas, compound&nbsp;4c&nbsp;(MIC: &lt;31.25 µg/ml) was observed as the most active compound against&nbsp;E. coli&nbsp;(ATCC 25922). In general, all compounds (4a-4h) showed antimicrobial activity against all fungi and bacterial species. Compounds&nbsp;4b&nbsp;(2,6-dichlorobenzylidene),&nbsp;4c&nbsp;(2,6-dihydroxybenzylidene), 4f&nbsp;(1H-pyrrol-2- yl)methylene),&nbsp;4g&nbsp;(4-triflouromethylbenzylidene) and&nbsp;4h&nbsp;(2,3,4-trimethoxybenzylidene) were determined as the most active compounds

    Synthesis of Some New Thiazole Derivatives and Their Biological Activity Evaluation

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    New 2-(4-arylpiperazine-1-yl)-N-[4-(2-(4-substituted phenyl)thiazol-4-yl)phenyl]acetamide derivatives were synthesized and evaluated for their antimicrobial and anticholinesterase activities. Acetylcholinesterase inhibitory activities of the compounds were found weak contrary to expectations. It is unlikely that antifungal activity of the compounds was found significant, especially against Candida parapsilosis