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    Background: Anaesthesia represents the important shares in surgery action. Anesthesia consisted of by some types, wrong of anesthesia inhalation which in this time have a lot of wore. Its drug all kinds of, worn at this research is sevoflurane. To take care of the security and patient safety, during gift of anesthesia of patient circumstance need in monitoring. The matter which needs in monitoring changes hemodynamic one of them is that is a change of frequency Nadi. Hence from that this research aims to know the gift effect medicine the anesthesia sevoflurane to frequency Nadi. Method: This Research represents analytic of observational use the approach of cross-sectional. Sample taken by purposive is the sampling of a patient using anesthesia of inhalation sevoflurane after sample fulfills the criterion of inclusion and ekklesia. At this research take 25 subjects and analyzed to use the independent test. Result of research: From research data, got by the result of value p of an independent unit, assess the p of at phase of frequency Nadi of early, phase induce and phase intubasi is 0,04; 0,00; 0,02, for the phase of insisting of at minute 5, minute of 10 and minute 5 is 0,02; 0,0; 0,03. This result indicates that the value p < 0,05 were the result significant or there are difference having a meaning of statistically. Conclude the research: anesthesia of Inhalasi sevoflurane give the influence to change of frequency Nadi and good and also stabilize the frequency Nadi in its use during surgery


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    Introduction: Malaria is a parasitic infection of red blood cells caused by a protozoan species of plasmodium transmitted to humans through the saliva through puncture (bite) Anopheles mosquito. Nursing to malaria is a process or series of activities in nursing practice that directly provided to clients who suffer from malaria in various arrangements of health services, using the nursing process approach that includes assessment, determination of nursing diagnosis, planning of nursing, implementation and evaluation, as well as guided by the nursing standards. The purpose of this research is to get an overview of nursing care in patients with malaria. Method : This study used a descriptive method eksploiratif with qualitative approach aimed at understanding the social situation or social phenomena from the standpoint that the informant would get a picture of nursing care in patients with malaria. Result: The results of this study are nurses apply nursing care in patients malaria with the nursing process approach by reviewing, determining nursing diagnoses, nursing planning, implementation and evaluation.Conclusions :Research on malaria nursing care with the nursing process in the Public Health Centers Melolo East District Sumba, can be used as an initial step for nurses in health centers to provide nursing care in a proper malaria

    Efektivitas Penyuluhan Terhadap Pengetahuan Ibu Tentang Tersedak Dan Henti Jantung di Ubung Kaja Denpasar Bali

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    An emergency condition is a situation that requires quick, precise, and appropriate action to save lives. Delays in providing emergency assistance often occur in children, where the result of this delay is permanent disability and even death. Emergency for children is an important concern because children are not used to expressing uncomfortable conditions in an emergency. Emergency conditions that often occur in children are choking and cardiac arrest. The purpose of this study was to determine the difference in maternal knowledge before and after being given counseling about choking, and cardiopulmonary resuscitation. This study uses a Pre-Experiment with One Group Pre-test Post-test design with a cross-sectional approach. The research was conducted in Ubung Kaja Village. The population in this study were 70 parents who had children aged 0-2 years. Univariate analysis was used to determine the demographic data of the respondents. Bivariate analysis was used to determine differences in maternal knowledge before and after being given counseling about choking and CPR. The results showed that (Choking P 0.000 <a = 0.05), and (Cardiac arrest P 0.000 <a = 0.05). There is an effect of providing counseling on mother's knowledge in emergency handling of fever, choking and cardiac arrest. Further training on emergencies needs to be carried out on an ongoing basis because emergencies can happen anywhere.Kondisi Gawat darurat adalah suatu keadaan yang memerlukan tindakan cepat, tepat, dan tepat untuk menyelamatkan nyawa. Keterlambatan dalam melakukan pertolongan darurat sering terjadi pada anak-anak, dimana akibat dari keterlambatan tersebut adalah cacat tetap bahkan kematian. Kegawatdaruratan bagi anak menjadi perhatian penting karena anak belum terbiasa mengungkapkan kondisi tidak nyaman dalam kondisi darurat. Kondisi darurat yang sering terjadi pada anak adalah tersedak dan henti jantung. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui perbedaan pengetahuan ibu sebelum dan sesudah diberikan penyuluhan tentang tersedak, dan resusitasi jantung paru. Penelitian ini menggunakan Pre-Experiment dengan desain One Group Pre-test Post-test dengan pendekatan cross-sectional. Penelitian dilakukan di Desa Ubung Kaja. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah 70 orang tua yang memiliki anak usia 0-2 tahun. Analisis univariat digunakan untuk mengetahui data demografi responden. Analisis bivariat digunakan untuk mengetahui perbedaan pengetahuan ibu sebelum dan sesudah diberikan penyuluhan tentang tersedak dan CPR Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (Tersedak P 0,000 <a = 0,05), dan (Henti jantung P 0,000 <a = 0,05). Ada pengaruh pemberian penyuluhan terhadap pengetahuan ibu dalam penanganan kegawatdaruratan pada demam, tersedak dan henti jantung. Pelatihan lebih lanjut tentang keadaan darurat perlu dilakukan secara terus menerus karena keadaan darurat dapat terjadi di mana saja

    Criteria for Patients using Crystalloid and Colloid Fluids in Sectio Caesaria

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    Background: In Indonesia, the study about effectivity and side effect of colloid and crystalloid fluid have been completed, but the sample on the study was varied. The aim of this research was to describe the criteria of patient which used of crystalloid and colloid fluids on blood pressure in sectio caesarea by using spinal anesthesia techniques. Method: The research employed a descriptive quantitative method by using a questionnaire. The basic features of crystalloid and colloid fluid selection were analyzed by multiple response tests. This research was conducted in type A hospitals in the Denpasar area by involving 30 anesthesiologist as a respondent. Result: The results indicated that 100% of respondents stated that they used crystalloid for patient with allergic and they used coloid for patient with high risk edema. The result has been reviewed with The National Guideline of Medical Services for Anesthesiology and Incentive Therapy have been followed in determining the use of crystalloid and colloid fluids at section Caesarea. However, the guideline did not explain the basis for selecting crystalloid and colloid fluids to prevent maternal hypotension in sectio caesarea by using spinal anesthesia techniques, therefore the factors of effectiveness and risk of side effects are the main consideration

    Procedure for Using Crystalloid and Colloid Fluids in Blood Pressure in Sectio Caesaria Patients Using Spinal Anesthesia Technique

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    Background: In Indonesia, the study about effectivity and side effect of colloid and crystalloid fluid have been completed, but the study about standard operating procedures (SOP) never have been done. The aim of this research was to describe and evaluate the SOP for the use of crystalloid and colloid fluids on blood pressure in sectio caesarea by using spinal anesthesia techniques. Method: The research employed a descriptive quantitative method by using a questionnaire. The basic features of crystalloid and colloid fluid selection were analyzed by multiple response tests. This research was conducted in type A hospitals in the Denpasar area by involving 30 anesthesiologist as a respondent. Result: The results indicated that 76.7% of respondents stated that there was no SOP for crystalloid and colloid fluids to prevent maternal hypotension in sectio caesarea by using spinal anesthesia techniques. In the multiple response tests, the effectiveness and side effects (21.3%) were the factors that had to be considered in the crystalloid and colloids fluid selection to prevent maternal hypotension in sectio caesarea by using spinal anesthesia techniques. The National Guideline of Medical Services for Anesthesiology and Incentive Therapy have been followed in determining the use of crystalloid and colloid fluids at section Caesarea. However, the guideline did not explain the basis for selecting crystalloid and colloid fluids to prevent maternal hypotension in sectio caesarea by using spinal anesthesia techniques in more detail, therefore the factors of effectiveness and risk of side effects are the main consideration

    Tinjauan Keamanan Penggunaan Lopinavir dan Ritonavir Untuk Terapi Covid-19 Pada Anak

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    Kombinasi Lopinavir dan Ritonavir merupakan salah satu obat yang golongan antiviral yang digunakan sebagai terapi potensial untuk pengobatan pada pasien COVID-19. Efektivitas penggunaan Lopinavir dan Ritonavir pada pasien COVID-19 masih dalam uji klinis. Data tentang dosis dan efek samping penggunaan Lopinavir dan Ritonavir untuk pengobatan COVID-19 pada anak sangat terbatas, sehingga dengan adanya suatu tinjauan studi pustaka dapat memberikan gambaran mengenai dosis dan keamanan terapi penggunaan Lopinavir dan Ritonavir pada pasien anak dengan COVID-19. Artikel ini disusun dengan mengkaji hasil-hasil penelitian yang telah dipublikasikan di berbagai jurnal nasional serta internasional, yang diakses dari basis data ResearchGate, PubMed, Google Scholar, dan Mendeley. Gangguan pencernaan seperti mual, muntah dan diare merupakan efek samping yang paling banyak terjadi dari pemberian Lopinavir/ritonavir. Pemberian Lopinavir dan Ritonavir pada pasien anak dengan COVID-19 perlu dipertimbangkan lagi rasio resiko dan efektivitas serta kemanannya pada anak

    Pelatihan Basic Life Support (BLS) di Era Pandemi Covid 19 pada Anggota Orang Muda Katolik (OMK) di Paroki Roh Kudus Babakan Canggu

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    ABSTRAK Cardiac arrest menjadi penyebab kematian terbesar di dunia yang dapat terjadi di luar atau di dalam rumah sakit. Banyaknya korban disebabkan karena kegagalan dalam mengetahui kondisi henti jantung. Kesalahan atau ketidaktepatan pemberian pertolongan pertama pre hospital dapat menyebabkan kecacatan atau kematian. Upaya yang harus dilakukan untuk meminimalkan angka kematian penderita gawat darurat adalah dengan mempersingkat response time. Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat, Institut Teknologi dan Kesehatan (ITEKES) Bali bekerja sama dengan Orang Muda Katolik (OMK) dari Paroki Roh Kudus Babakan Canggu untuk melaksanakan penyuluhan dan pelatihan Basic Life Support (BLS) di era pandemi covid 19. Tujuan: Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan Orang Muda Katolik (OMK) dari Paroki Roh Kudus Babakan Canggu dalam memberikan pertolongan pertama pre hospital disesuaikan dengan standar protokol covid 19, sehingga keterlambatan pertolongan bagi pasien kegawatdaruratan dapat dihindari dan dapat memberikan keamanan bagi penolong di masa pandemi. Metode kegiatan ini adalah dengan pertemuan luring dengan protokol covid yang ketat, dengan jumlah 19 orang, dengan interaksi dua arah. Materi yang diberikan adalah penyuluhan tentang henti jantung di masa pandemi covid 19 dan pelatihan BLS di masa pandemi covid 19 sesuai dengan update AHA 2020. Dalam proses penyampaian materi dan pelatihan BLS ada beberapa peserta turut sharing tentang pengalaman yang ditemui terkait henti jantung. Sebanyak 19 orang melakukan pre test dan post test dan diperoleh hasil rata -rata pre test peserta 91,70 dan rata rata post test peserta 100. Dimana nilai post test lebih besar daripada pre test yang bermakna peningkatan pengetahuan dan kemampuan peserta setelah diberikan penyuluhan dan pelatihan BLS AHA 2020. Penyuluhan dan pelatihan BHD pada OMK Paroki Roh Kudus Babakan Canggu dapat memberikan manfaat peningkatan pengetahuan kepada OMK dan meningkatkan kemampuan OMK dalam melakukan BHD dengan benar di masa pandemic covid 19.  Kata kunci: Penyuluhan, Pelatihan, OMK, Covid-19, dan BLS  ABSTRACT Introduction: Cardiac arrest is the biggest cause of death in the world that can occur outside or inside the hospital. The number of victims was caused by failure to know the condition of cardiac arrest. Errors or inaccuracies in giving pre-hospital first aid can cause disability or death. Efforts must be made to minimize the mortality rate of emergency patients by shortening the response time. Community service activities, the Bali Institute of Technology and Health (ITEKES) in collaboration with Young Catholics (OMK) from the Holy Spirit Parish Babakan Canggu to carry out counseling and training on Basic Life Support (BLS) in the era of the covid 19 pandemic. Objective: This activity aims to to improve the knowledge and skills of Catholic Young People (OMK) from the Holy Spirit Parish of Babakan Canggu in providing pre-hospital first aid adjusted to the standard covid 19 protocol, so that delays in help for emergency patients can be avoided and can provide safety for rescuers during the pandemic. Research Methods: The method of this activity is offline meetings with strict covid protocols, with a total of 19 people, with two-way interaction. The material provided was counseling about cardiac arrest during the COVID-19 pandemic and BLS training during the COVID-19 pandemic in accordance with the 2020 AHA update. In the process of delivering BLS materials and training, several participants shared their experiences related to cardiac arrest. Results: 19 people did the pre-test and post-test and the average pre-test results were 91.70 participants and the average post-test participants were 100. Where the post-test value was greater than the pre-test, which meant an increase in participants' knowledge and abilities after being given counseling. and BLS AHA training 2020. Conclusion: BHD counseling and training at OMK Holy Spirit Babakan Canggu parish can provide benefits for increasing knowledge to OMK and increasing OMK's ability to do BHD correctly during the covid 19 pandemic. Keywords: Counseling, Training, OMK, Covid-19, and BL

    Efektifitas Bilateral Packing Pada Pemasangan Laryngeal Mask Airway Klasik Pada Pasien Dengan General Anesthesia Inhalasi

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    Introduction: The anesthesiologist found the problem in classic LMA and they modified with bilateral packing, but there is no study to see the risk factor for failure in classic LMA and LMA with bilateral packing. The purpose of this study was to identify the effectiveness of bilateral packing on classic LMA use in patients with general inhalation anesthesia at Kasih Ibu Hospital Denpasar. Method: this research is a case control with a retrospective approach which is an analytical survey study with a purposive sampling technique. The variable observed in this study was the risk of leakage, biting, regardless of classic LMA installation compared to classic LMA with bilateral packing. The data used in this study are secondary data based on observations in as many as 46 cases of patients with classic LMA with bilateral packing and classic LMA listed in the medical record. Data analysis was performed with a comparative test of group data fitted with bilateral packing and the classic LMA group with the Mann-Whitney test. Results: of the analysis showed that bilateral packing was significantly effective because there was no leakage, biting, regardless event compared to the use of classic LMA (p <0.005). Conclusion: This researcher stated that the installation of LMA with bilateral packing method is very effective to prevent failures, such as leakage, biting, regardless. Pendahuluan: Hingga saat ini masih ditemukan adanya masalah dalam pemasangan LMA klasik sehingga dilakukan modifikasi yaitu dengan pemasangan bilateral packing, namun belum dilakukan kajian yang lebih mendalam untuk melihat faktor resiko kegagalan. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengidetifikasi efektivitas pemasangan bilateral packing pada penggunaan LMA klasik pada pasien dengan general anesthesia inhalasi di rumah sakit Kasih Ibu Denpasar. Metode: penelitian ini yaitu case control dengan   pendekatan  retrospektif  yang merupakan  suatu  penelitian  survei analitik dengan teknik purposive sampling. Variabel yang diamati dalam penelitian ini yaitu resiko kebocoran, tergigit, terlepas pada pemasangan LMA klasik dibandingkan dengan LMA klasik dengan bilateral packing. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini merupakan data sekunder berdasarkan hasil pengamatan pada sebanyak masing-masing 46 kasus pasien dengan pemasangan LMA klasik dengan bilateral packing dan LMA klasik yang tertera pada rekam medis. Analisa data dilakukan dengan uji komparatif terhadap data kelompok yang dipasang bilateral packing dan kelompok LMA klasik dengan uji Mann-Whitney. Hasil: analisis menunjukkan bahwa pemasangan bilateral packing secara signifikan lebih efektif karena tidak ada kejadian kebocoran, tergigit, dan terlepas (p<0,005) dibandingkan dengan penggunaan LMA Klasik. Kesimpulan: Peneliti ini bahwa pemasangan LMA dengan metode bilateral packing sangat efektif yang dilakukan untuk mencegah kegagalan  antara lain terlepas, bocor dan tergigit

    Pengaruh perbedaan sistem pembagian kerja terhadap kelelahan penata anestesi di ruang operasi di indonesia : The effects of differences in the divison of labor on fatigue of nurse anesthetists in operating rooms in indonesia

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    The division of labor in this study refers to the working hour arrangement made by the hospital management for 24-hour optimal service. Nurses in the operating room as health workers need the division of labor. It considers that not all planned or scheduled surgery can be carried out at a predetermined time since delays, acceleration, or cancellation can occur. Nurses in the operating room must be ready for 24 hours for surgeries. However, an intensive division of labor with long working hours is an essential factor affecting the fatigue levels of nurse anesthetists in the operating room. Fatigue decreases alertness, concentration, judgment, and mood. To determine the effect of different divisions of labor over fatigue levels of nurse anesthetists in the operating room in Indonesia. This study used a quantitative research design with an analytical observational design and a cross-sectional approach. The sampling technique was purposive sampling with a sample of 228 nurse anesthetists in the operating room from hospitals in various regions throughout Indonesia. Data was collected with OFER and ENSS questionnaires translated into Indonesian and tested previously for validity and reliability. Data were analyzed using SPSS Version 20, with univariate analysis. It indicates that the respondents were primarily male, aged 22 to 68 years old, married, had an associate’s degree, with >3 years tenure, the number of operating rooms were between 1 to 26 rooms, the number of nurse anesthetists ranges from 1 to 43 people, and the number of surgery ranges from 1 to 50 per day. Bivariate analysis was carried out using Kruskal-Wallis analysis. The results showed a difference between work shifts and work fatigue, where 12 hours-12 hours work shift have severe fatigue rates than others. The work shifts regulate the working hours of nurse anesthetists to work optimally. It is essential to adjust the work shift so that they can have enough time to rest. An irregular division of work hours and the work hours longer than the rest duration are significant factors causing chronic fatigue in nurse anesthetists.  Sistem pembagian kerja merupakan pengaturan jam kerja yang diberlakukan oleh pihak rumah sakit untuk menunjang pelayanan optimal selama 24 jam. Perawat di ruang operasi merupakan salah satu tenaga kesehatan yang memerlukan pemberlakuan sistem pembagian kerja, mengingat tidak semua operasi yang direncanakan atau dijadwalkan dapat terlaksana sesuai waktu yang telah ditentukan. Sistem pembagian kerja yang intensif dengan waktu kerja yang lama menjadi faktor penting yang mempengaruhi tingkat kelelahan perawat di ruang operasi. Untuk mengetahui pengaruh perbedaan sistem pembagian kerja terhadap kelelahan perawat di ruang operasi di Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian kuantitatif dengan rancangan observasional analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Teknik sampling menggunakan purposive sampling dengan sampel sebanyak 228 perawat di ruang operasi dari rumah sakit di berbagai daerah di seluruh Indonesia. Pengambilan data dengan kuesioner ENSS yang sudah ditranslasi kedalam bahasa Indonesia dan teruji validitas dan reliabilitasnya sebelum digunakan. analisis univariat dengan hasil mayoritas responden adalah pria, dengan usia 22 sampai 68 tahun, dengan pendidikan terakhir D3, dengan lama bekerja >3 tahun, dengan status pernikahan sudah menikah, dengan jumlah ruang operasi dengan rentang 1 sampai 26 ruangan, dengan jumlah penata anestesi dengan rentang 1 sampai 43 orang, dan dengan jumlah operasi dengan rentang 1 sampai dengan 50 operasi/hari dan hasil analisis bivariat dilakukan dengan analisis Kruskal-Wallis dan diperoleh hasil ada perbedaan antara sift kerja dengan kelelahan kerja dimana sift kerja 12 jam-12 jam memiliki angka kelelahan berat daripada sift yang lainnya. Sift kerja dibuat guna untuk mengatur jam kerja penata anestesi agar bekerja dengan optimal, maka penting sekali untuk dapat mengatur sift kerja agar merata dan penata anestesi dapat beristirahat sesuai dengan waktu jam kerjanya, karena pembagian jam kerja yang tidak teratur, serta durasi kerja yang lebih panjang dibandingkan dengan durasi istirahat merupakan faktor utama yang menyebabkan terjadinya kelelahan kronis pada penata anestes

    Promosi Kesehatan dalam Meningkatkan Pengetahuan dan Kemampuan Kader Rukun Ibu dalam Penyebaran Covid 19 pada Anak dengan Penyuluhan Kesehatan di Paroki Roh Kudus Babakan, Desa Canggu, Kabupaten Badung Bali

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    ABSTRAK Angka covid 19 pada pertengahan juni 2021 kembali mengalami peningkatan dengan berbagai varian baru dan dialami pada anak dan bayi. Maka perlu upaya untuk dapat melakukan pencegahan penularan di keluarga. Kader Rukun ibu di Paroki Roh Kudus Babakan sebagian besar sudah memahami petentang penyebaran covid 19 namun penanganan covid 19 dilakukan hanya berdasarkan pengetahuan yang diperoleh dari media elektronik dan belum mendapatkan pelatihan optimal secara langsung tentang penanganan kasus covid 19 tersebut. Meningkatkan pengetahuan dan kemampuan kader ibu dengan penyuluhan kesehatan dalam penanganan penularan covid 19 pada anak dan bayi. Metode kegiatan ini adalah dengan pertemuan daring melalui zoom meeting, dengan jumlah peserta 20 orang yang merupakan kader rukun ibu. Materi yang diberikan adalah penyuluhan tentang kiat sukses dalam penanggulangan penyebaran covid dengan pelatihan 6 M, khususnya di bagian mencuci tangan, menggunakan masker, dan membersihkan diri setelah dari bepergian. hasil uji statistik nilai pre test dan post test diperoleh rata-rata nilai pre test 91.70 dan post test 100. Terdapat peningkatan pengetahuan dan kemampuan peserta setelah diberikan penyuluhan dan pelatihan 6M. Kata Kunci: Promosi Kesehatan 6 M, Kader Rukun Ibu, Covid 19  ABSTRACT The number of covid 19 in mid-June 2021 has increased again with various new variants and is experienced in children and infants. So efforts are needed to be able to prevent transmission in the family. Most of the cadres of the Mother Pillars at the Holy Spirit Babakan Parish understand the spread of covid 19, but the handling of covid 19 is carried out only based on knowledge obtained from electronic media and has not received optimal training directly on handling the covid 19 case. To increase the knowledge and ability of maternal cadres by providing health education in handling the transmission of COVID-19 in children and infants. The method of this activity is an online meeting through a zoom meeting, with 20 participants who are cadres of the mother association. The material provided was counseling on tips for success in overcoming the spread of covid with 6M training, especially in the section on washing hands, using masks, and cleaning oneself after traveling. The results of statistical tests of pre-test and post-test scores obtained an average pre-test score of 91.70 and post-test of 100. Conclusion: there was an increase in participants' knowledge and abilities after being given 6M counseling and training. Keywords: 6M Health Promotion, Mother's Pillar Cadre, Covid 1