63 research outputs found

    Genetic and histological subtypes of gastric cancer reviewed, particularly emphasising on microsatellite instability and E-cadherin gene mutation

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    Almost one million new cases of gastric cancer (GC) were estimated globally in 2012, (i.e. 952,000, representing 6.8% of the total cancer burden), making it the fifth most common malignancy in the world. GC represents a biologically and genetically diverse group of tumours with multifactorial aetiologies; both environmental and genetic. The vast majority of GCs are adenocarcinomas, which can be further subdivided into intestinal and diffuse histological subtypes according to the Lauren classification published in 1965. The molecular classification of GC according to the Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) divides GC into four subtypes: tumours positive for the EBV virus (9%), microsatellite unstable tumours (22%), genomically stable tumours (20%) and tumours with chromosomal instability (CIN) at 50%. Most GCs are sporadic by nature, where approximately 10% appear to possess a familial predisposition of which around half can be attributed to hereditary germline mutations i.e. those of the E-cadherin (CDH1) or mismatch repair (MMR) genes. Histopathological characteristics of the tumour type and analysis of potential genetic changes have substantial clinical significance, as they determine the choice of treatment. In this review, we consider the molecular pathogenesis, phenotype and testing of GC placing particular emphasis on microsatellite instability (MSI) and the CDH1 mutation

    Genetic and histological subtypes of gastric cancer reviewed, particularly emphasising on microsatellite instability and E-cadherin gene mutation

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    Almost one million new cases of gastric cancer (GC) were estimated globally in 2012, (i.e. 952,000, representing 6.8% of the total cancer burden), making it the fifth most common malignancy in the world. GC represents a biologically and genetically diverse group of tumours with multifactorial aetiologies; both environmental and genetic. The vast majority of GCs are adenocarcinomas, which can be further subdivided into intestinal and diffuse histological subtypes according to the Lauren classification published in 1965. The molecular classification of GC according to the Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) divides GC into four subtypes: tumours positive for the EBV virus (9%), microsatellite unstable tumours (22%), genomically stable tumours (20%) and tumours with chromosomal instability (CIN) at 50%. Most GCs are sporadic by nature, where approximately 10% appear to possess a familial predisposition of which around half can be attributed to hereditary germline mutations i.e. those of the E-cadherin (CDH1) or mismatch repair (MMR) genes. Histopathological characteristics of the tumour type and analysis of potential genetic changes have substantial cli­nical significance, as they determine the choice of treatment. In this review, we consider the molecular pathogenesis, phenotype and testing of GC placing particular emphasis on microsatellite instability (MSI) and the CDH1 mutation


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    The purpose of the present study was to examine the nutritional status of vitamin B1, B2, and B6 in respect to dietary intake of these vitamins and activity coefficients of the erythrocyte enzymes transketolase, glutathione reductase, and aspartic aminotransferase in young men and women with different physical activity levels. The participants of this study were 20 women and 20 men with high physical activity (groups HAW and HAM, respectively), and 20 women and 20 men with low physical activity (groups LAW and LAM, respectively). The intake of vitamins B1, B2, B6, proteins, and calorie content of the diet was based on the average of the 4-day dietary recalls. To assess nutritional status of vitamin B1, B2, and B6, the activity coefficients (α) of erythrocyte transketolase (ETK), erythrocyte glutathione reductase (EGR), and erythrocyte aspartic aminotransferase (EAST) were estimated in blood hemolysates. The intake of the studied vitamins in the diet was statistically significantly lower in the female groups compared with the respective male groups. Deficiency of vitamin B6 in the diet was present more often in women than in men (in terms of the recommended dietary allowances [RDA]). Values of the activity coefficient αETK indicated that none of the groups in this study suffered the risk of vitamin B1 deficiency. The value of the activity coefficient αEGR indicated that the groups of women and men with low physical activity were more prone to vitamin B2 deficiency compared with the high physical activity groups. The risk of vitamin B6 deficiency (αEAST) in both male groups was higher than in both female groups. The obtained results do not allow for unequivocal determination of the impact of sex and the level of physical activity on intake and nutritional status of vitamin B1, B2, and B6. Independently of sex and the level of physical activity, the women and men consumed insufficient quantities of vitamins B1 and B6, although this was not always related to increased values of corresponding activity coefficients

    What determines the permanent emigration of poles? The analysis of the spatial diversification of causes in three economic age groups

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    Our paper seeks answers to the following questions: What are the determinants of permanent emigration from Poland and how do they vary for specific economic age groups (pre-working, working, and post-working age)? Do the causes of permanent emigration differ over space in these categories, and if so, how? We applied GIS and ESDA instruments, including geographically weighted regression, which allowed us to identify the variability of regression coefficients in the geographical space. Our research indicated socio-economic factors (among others: poviats budget income, feminisation rate, unemployment rate), which, with varying force and in varying directions, affected the studied variable in specific parts of the country. The analyses were performed on the basis of statistical data on the numbers of de-registrations for residence abroad in Poland’s NUTS-4 in three economic age groups (pre-working, working, and post-working age) for the time span from 2005 to 2013

    Leczenie żywieniowe u chorych na nowotwory piersi

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    In women, breast cancer is the most common malignancy whilst its morbidity rates are the second most frequent after lung cancer. Rearrangements of developmental changes in mammary gland tissue that occur many times throughout life (eg. during puberty, pregnancy), create a specific environment as demonstrated by an enhanced immune response but suppressed inflammatory status; these being most likely conducive to carcinogenesis. Contributing factors to breast cancer development include: endocrine disruption, genetic predisposition and environmental determinants such as overweight and low levels of physical activity. Hitherto, nutritional guidelines in cases of breast cancer remission are lacking, nevertheless specialists state that they should be based on primary prevention. The presence of cancer confers changes to dietary requirements, whilst the side effects of treatment are gastro-intestinal disorders and anorexia which lead to malnourishment. A modified diet may thus beneficially impact upon women’s quality of life during breast cancer remission, together with potentially improving their survival prognoses.Nowotwory piersi są najczęstszymi nowotworami w populacji kobiet oraz drugą po nowotworach płuc przyczyną zgonu spośród wszystkich chorób nowotworowych w tej grupie. Przebudowa tkanek gruczołu piersiowego, pojawiające się wielokrotne w ciągu życia — w okresie dojrzewania, pod¬czas ciąż — sprzyjają powstawaniu specyficznego środowiska, charakteryzującego się wzbudzoną reakcją immunologiczną oraz stłumionym stanem zapalnym, które prawdopodobnie ułatwia kan¬cerogenezę. Do czynników przyczyniających się do rozwoju nowotworów piersi należą zaburzenia równowagi hormonalnej, uwarunkowania genetyczne oraz czynniki środowiskowe (w tym nadwa¬ga i niska aktywność fizycznej). Do tej pory nie opracowano wytycznych żywienia w okresie remisji nowotworów piersi, jednak specjaliści wskazują, że ich podstawą powinny być zasady profilaktyki pierwotnej. Obecność choroby nowotworowej powoduje zmianę zapotrzebowania na składniki pokarmowe, ponadto konsekwencją leczenia są zaburzenia jelitowe oraz zmniejszenie apetytu, co w efekcie zwiększa ryzyko niedożywienia. Zmodyfikowany profil diety może pozytywnie wpływać na jakość życia kobiet z nowotworami piersi, wydolność ich organizmu, a także potencjalnie na poprawę rokowania

    Zależności przestrzenne w kształtowaniu się procesów migracyjnych w wybranych miastach Europy

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    Problematyka rozwoju regionalnego jest jednym z ważniejszych kierunków badań we współczesnych naukach ekonomicznych. Niniejsza publikacja wpisuje się w szeroko rozumiany nurt badań regionalnych, lokalnych i przestrzenno-czasowych. W szczególności poruszane są w niej zagadnienia zrównoważonego rozwoju, gospodarek opartych na wiedzy, funkcjonowania samorządów regionalnych. Prezentowane analizy zostały przeprowadzone z wykorzystaniem zróżnicowanych narzędzi, takich jak: metody i modele ekonometrii przestrzennej, eksploracyjna analiza danych przestrzennych, metody wielowymiarowej analizy porównawczej, hurtowni danych (Data Warehouse) i narzędzi Business Intelligence. Książka jest adresowana do praktyków gospodarczych, analityków, naukowców, studentów i do wszystkich zajmujących się problematyką empirycznych badań regionalnych. Zamieszczone w artykule wyniki są częścią obszernego badania, którego rezultaty zaprezentowano podczas 7. Seminarium im. prof. J.H.P. Paelincka, 20– 21.11.2014 r. w Zaragozie, http://metodos.upct.es/7JP/Program/index.html

    Nutrition therapy for patients with myeloid and lymphoid malignancies

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     Pacjenci chorzy na nowotwory, zwłaszcza poddawani wysokodawkowanej chemioterapii lub/i radioterapii w przebiegu nowotworów układów krwiotwórczego lub chłonnego, są szczególnie narażeni na niedożywienie i powikłania wynikającego z tego stanu. Wszystkie działania służące poprawie stanu odżywienia pacjentów mogą pozytywnie wpływać na ich stan kliniczny, jakość życia oraz czas przeżycia. Poza stwierdzeniem niedożywienia istotne jest zwrócenie uwagi na aspekty determinujące możliwości kompensacyjne organizmu i zapobiegające niekorzystnym zmianom związanym z rozwojem niedożywienia. Są nimi w szczególności stopień odżywienia przed, w trakcie oraz po terapii (w tym określenie niedoborów pokarmowych) oraz możliwość spożywania, trawienia i wchłaniania składników odżywczych. Celem poznania tych aspektów jest ustalenie szczegółowego i zindywidualizowanego postępowania żywieniowego wspomagającego podstawową terapię prze­ciwnowotworową.Patients being treated for myeloid and lymphoid malignancies, particularly those by high dose chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy, are vulnerable to malnutrition and any complications so aris­ing. All efforts for ensuring normal nutrition in such patients can benefit their clinical status/outcomes, quality of life and life expectancy. Besides identifying any malnutrition, attention should also be focused on how the body’s mechanisms compensate and prevent adverse events from de­veloping as a result of this condition. The most important of these aspects are the extent of patient nutrition before, during and after treatment, (and in defining malnutrition whenever it occurs), together with how nutrients are consumed, digested and absorbed. Determining such factors make it thereby possible to formulate a detailed nutritional plan tailored to the patient needs and thus support their basic cancer treatment.

    Angiotensin II as a factor modulating protein tyrosine kinase activity in two breast cancer lines — MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231

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    Wstęp: Angiotensyna II (AngII), peptyd systemu renina-angiotensyna biorący udział w regulacji równowagi wodno-elektrolitowej oraz ciśnienia krwi, jest także związkiem wpływającym na proliferację i wzrost komórek. Efekt działania tego peptydu uzależniony jest od typu receptora. Angiotensyna II po związaniu z receptorem AT1 stymuluje proliferację i wzrost komórek natomiast poprzez aktywację receptora AT2 — hamuje wzrost komórek oraz pobudza proces apoptozy. Proproliferacyjne działanie angiotensyny II zaobserwowano zarówno w komórkach tkanek zdrowych, jak i w komórkach nowotworowych między innymi komórkach przysadki i nadnerczy, ale także raka piersi czy hiperplazji mięśni naczyń krwionośnych. Materiał i metody: Celem pracy było zbadanie wpływu AngII na aktywność białkowych kinaz tyrozynowych dwóch linii nowotworowych gruczołu piersiowego: hormono-zależnej linii MCF-7 i hormono-niezależnej MDA-MB-231. Aktywność kinaz tyrozynowych jest przyjętym markerem proliferacji. Oszacowano także wpływ 17b-estradiolu na zmiany w aktywności kinaz tyrozynowych wywołane angiotensyną II. Wyniki: AngII radykalnie hamowała aktywności kinaz tyrozynowych w linii MDA-MB-231, natomiast 17b-estradiol tylko w stężeniu 10–6 M pogłębiał efekt działania angiotensyny II w stężeniu 10–9 M. W linii hormono-zależnej MCF-7 Ang II miała silny hamujący wpływ na aktywność badanych enzymów w obecności estradiolu 10–6 M. Sam estradiol obniżał aktywność badanych enzymów w obu liniach komórkowych. Obecność receptora angiotensynowego typu 1 została potwierdzona w obydwu badanych liniach raka piersi, natomiast ekspresję receptora typu 2 odnotowano jedynie w komórkach MDA-MB-231. Wnioski: Otrzymane wyniki wskazują, że AngII może modulować aktywność kinaz tyrozynowych w badanych komórkach raka gruczołu sutkowego. (Endokrynol Pol 2011; 62 (2): 151–157)Introduction: Angiotensin II (AngII), a peptide that regulates the water-electrolytic balance and blood pressure, is also known to influence cell proliferation. It can either induce cell growth, when binding to angiotensin type-I receptor, or trigger growth inhibition via angiotensin type-II receptor. AngII stimulates proliferation of some normal and tumour cell lines, e.g. pituitary, adrenal glands and breast cancer. Material and methods: The aim of this study was to evaluate possible AngII effect on the growth of two breast cancer cell lines — hormone-dependent MCF-7 and hormone-independent MDA-MB-231. We measured tyrosine kinase activity as a potential proliferation marker. We also estimated the influence of 17b-oestradiolon AngII-induced changes. Results: In the MDA-MB-231 line, AngII radically slowed the activity of tyrosine kinases and 17b-oestradiol only at a concentration of 10–6 M, while it enhanced the effect of angiotensin II at a concentration of 10–9 M. In MCF-7, Ang II had a strong inhibitory effect in the presence of oestradiol (10–6 M). Oestradiol alone decreased the activity of examined enzymes in both cell lines. AngII receptor type 1 was found in both studied lines, but type 2 only in MDA-MB-231. Conclusions: Our results show that AngII can modulate tyrosine kinase activity in breast tumour cell lines.(Pol J Endocrinol 2011; 62 (2): 151–157

    Is DNA methylation modulated by wounding-induced oxidative burst in maize?

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    Plants respond to environmental changes by modifying gene expression. One of the mechanisms regulating gene expression is methylation of cytosine to 5-methylcytosine (m5C) which modulates gene expression by changing chromatin structure. Methylation/demethylation processes affect genes that are controlled upon environmental stresses. Here, on account of the regulatory role of m5C, we evaluate the content of m5C in DNA from normal and wound-damaged maize leaves. Wounding leads to a transient decrease of the global DNA methylation level ca 20-30% 1 hour after the treatment followed by a return to the initial level within the next hours. Similar results were obtained using of radio-labelled nucleotides separated by Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC) or using m5C-specific Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA). Wounding induced in maize leaves a two-step oxidative stress, an early one just after wounding and the second two hours later. It coincides with the transient changes of the cytosine methylation level. In the stress-inducible maize calcium-dependent protein kinase ZmCPK11 gene wounding transiently reduced methylation of cytosines 100 and 126 in the first exon

    Happiness In Active And Retired Athletes

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    Elite athletes lead exceedingly complicated lives. When living under conditions of high demand and allostatic load, happiness may be seriously endangered. Even though many athletes initially feel relief after finishing their athletic career, some of them still suffer depressed mood. The aim of the study was to assess the level of happiness and the differences in happiness profile between active and retired elite athletes. Also, the sport discipline and social support were taken into consideration as factors influencing athletes’ happiness – a construct that reflects people’s subjective and global evaluations of their lives. 110 active and retired elite athletes from Poland filled in three psychological questionnaires, which reflect subjective happiness: the Flourishing Scale (FS) to assess core aspects of social-psychological functioning, The Emotional Wellness Scale (EWS) to assess the affective component of happiness and Satisfaction With Life Scale (SWLS) to assess the judgmental component of subjective well-being. No significant differences were found neither between active and retired athletes, nor between individual and team sport. However, we found significant influence of social support on both retired and active athletes’ happiness. These findings have implications for how well athletes cope with stress which, in turn, could shed light on the development of factors that may provide a buffer against adversity and build resilience.Elite athletes lead exceptionally complicated lives. When living under conditions of high demand and allostatic load, happiness may be seriously endangered. Even though many athletes initially feel relief after finishing their athletic career, some of them still suffer from a depressed mood. The aim of the study was to assess the level of happiness and the differences in happiness profile between active and retired elite athletes. Also, the sport discipline and social support were taken into consideration as factors influencing athletes’ happiness – a construct that reflects people’s subjective and global evaluations of their lives. 110 active and retired elite athletes from Poland completed three psychological questionnaires, which reflected subjective happiness: the Flourishing Scale (FS) to assess core aspects of social-psychological functioning, The Emotional Wellness Scale (EWS) to assess the affective component of happiness and Satisfaction With Life Scale (SWLS) to assess the judgmental component of subjective well-being. No significant differences were found between active and retired athletes, nor between individual and team sport. However, we found a significant influence of social support on both retired and active athletes’ happiness. These findings have implications for how well athletes cope with stress which, in turn, could shed light on the development of factors that may provide a buffer against adversity and build resilience