7,640 research outputs found

    Quantum anticentrifugal potential in a bent waveguide

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    We show the existence of an anticentrifugal force for a quantum particle in a bent waveguide. This counterintuitive force due to dimensionality was shown to exist in a flat R2R^2 space but there it needs an additional δ\delta-like potential at the origin in order to brake the translational invariance and to exhibit localized states. In the case of the bent waveguide there is no need of any additional potential since here the boundary conditions break the symmetry. The effect may be observed in interference experiments which are sensitive to the additional phase of the wavefunction gained in the bent regions and can find application in distinguishing between straight and bent geometries

    Retinopatia falciforme proliferativa associada a traço falciforme e diabetes gestacional: relato de caso

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    Proliferative sickle cell retinopathy is an uncommon complication in individuals with sickle cell trait (AS). However, the risk for proliferative retinopathy development is increased in patients with AS hemoglobinopathy associated with systemic conditions or ocular trauma. A case of a patient with AS hemoglobinopathy who developed proliferative sickle cell retinopathy after the occurrence of gestational diabetes and pregnancy-induced hypertension is reported. Hemoglobin electrophoresis revealed presence of A2 5.0%, S 35.0% and A 53.2%. The present case emphasizes the importance of evaluating systemic comorbidities in patients with sickle cell trait during pregnancy since sickle cell retinopathy can progress rapidly, as well as the importance of regular eye fundus examination in these patients.Retinopatia falciforme proliferativa é uma complicação incomum em indivíduos com traço falciforme, havendo, porém, risco aumentado de desenvolver retinopatia proliferativa em pacientes com hemoglobinopatia AS associada a condições sistêmicas ou trauma ocular. Neste artigo será apresentado um caso de paciente com diabetes gestacional, hipertensão arterial sistêmica associada à gravidez e traço falciforme. Eletroforese de hemoglobinas revelou a presença de A2 5,0%, S 35,0% e A 53,2%. Este caso ressalta a importância da avaliação de comorbidades sistêmicas em pacientes com traço falciforme no período gestacional, uma vez que pode ocorrer rápida progressão da retinopatia falciforme, devendo-se realizar também exames regulares do fundo de olho nestes pacientes

    Identifying spatial and temporal dynamics of proglacial groundwater-surface-water exchange using combined temperature-tracing methods

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    The effect of proglacial groundwater systems on surface hydrology and ecology in cold regions often is neglected when assessing the ecohydrological implications of climate change. We present a novel approach in which we combined 2 temperature-tracing techniques to assess the spatial patterns and short-term temporal dynamics of groundwater–surface-water exchange in the proglacial zone of Skaftafellsjökull, a retreating glacier in southeastern Iceland. Our study focuses on localized groundwater discharge to a surface-water environment, where high temporal- and spatial-resolution mapping of sediment surface and subsurface temperatures (10–15 cm depth) were obtained by Fiber-Optic Distributed Temperature Sensing (FO-DTS). The FO-DTS survey identified temporally consistent locations of temperature anomalies at the sediment–water interface, indicating distinct zones of cooler groundwater upwelling. The high-resolution FO-DTS surveys were combined with calculations of 1-dimensional groundwater seepage fluxes based on 3 vertical sediment temperature profiles, covering depths of 10, 25, and 40 cm below the lake bed. The calculated groundwater seepage rates ranged between 1.02 to 6.10 m/d. We used the combined techniques successfully to identify substantial temporal and spatial heterogeneities in groundwater–surface exchange fluxes that have relevance for the ecohydrological functioning of the investigated system and its potential resilience to environmental change

    Retinopexia com "buckle" escleral e crioterapia guiada por ultrassom: relato de caso

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    If the ocular media are clear, indirect binocular ophthalmoscopy allows retinal detachment and retinal tear identification and treatment under direct visualization. However, if opacities are present preventing direct fundus examination, ultrasonography becomes the most important tool for evaluating the posterior segment. In addition, ultrasonography can be useful in retinal tear treatment by guiding cryotherapy. In this article we describe a rhegmatogenous retinal detachment treatment technique applied to a patient with corneal opacity. Cryopexy and circumferential and radial buckle positioning were guided by ultrasonography, resulting in retinal attachment during the 6-month follow-up period.Quando os meios oculares são transparentes, oftalmoscopia binocular indireta permite a identificação de descolamento de retina e roturas, bem como seu tratamento sob visibilização direta. Porém, em olhos que apresentam opacidades de meios impedindo o exame oftalmoscópico, a ultrassonografia constitui o exame mais importante do segmento posterior do olho. Além disso, o tratamento de roturas retinianas também pode ser auxiliado pelo uso desse equipamento, orientando a crioterapia. Neste trabalho será apresentada técnica de tratamento de descolamento de retina regmatogênico, no qual a criopexia e o posicionamento dos "buckles" episclerais circunferencial e radial foram guiados pelo ultrassom em paciente com leucoma corneano. O tratamento resultou em aplicação retiniana durante o seguimento em seis meses

    Para além de Aldersgate: considerações para uma Teologia da Experiência em John Wesley

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    “Redimir o ser humano e o mundo”: uma forma wesleyana de ser justificado

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    This article deals with the doctrine of justification from the perspective of the Wesleyan theological tradition. The preaching of justification by grace through faith was the center of the Lutheran Reformation of the sixteenth century, and was being reworked by the primitive Methodism of the eighteenth century. This connected to the practice of solidarity and justice in the world.Este artículo trata de la doctrina de la justificación desde la perspectiva de la tradición teológica wesleyana. La predicación sobre la justificación por gracia mediante la fe era el centro de la reforma luterana del siglo XVI, y estaba siendo modificada por el metodismo primitivo del siglo XVIII. Este la conectó a la práctica de la solidaridad y justicia en el mundo.O presente artigo trata da doutrina da justificação desde a perspectiva da tradição teológica wesleyana. A pregação da justificação pela graça por meio da fé esteve no centro da reforma luterana do século XVI, tendo sido reelaborada pelo Metodismo primitivo do século XVIII. Este a conectou à práxis da solidariedade e justiça no mundo

    O Homem Do Ponto De Vista Do Livre-Arbítrio Em Santo Agostinho

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    Through the process of reading the main points of formation of Augustine's thought, and seeking to understand from what we see the bases by which he interprets the human being and, consequently, how he came to the conclusion to define him as being endowed with free will. In view of this condition, we seek to proceed from an exposition from currents of thoughts, to which they had decisive contributions in their concept of man. And go through the path built through his thought in which he consolidated the human being as a being of free will. And by means of this conception, we propose to understand his reasoning and also as of the other thoughts, which he himself points out as being a kind of “outlining” to which he had access, as well as being theories about human existence. In the most coherent way possible, we can conclude what I wanted to demonstrate through it.Pelo processo de leitura dos principais pontos de formação do pensamento de Agostinho e buscando entender a partir do que vemos serem as bases pelas quais ele interpreta o ser humano e, consequentemente, como chegou à conclusão para defini-lo como sendo um ser dotado de livre-arbítrio. Tendo em conta essa condição, buscamos proceder a partir de uma exposição desde correntes de pensamentos, às quais tiveram contribuições determinantes no seu conceito sobre o homem. E percorrer o caminho construído através do seu pensamento no qual consolidou o ser humano como sendo um ser de vontade livre. E por meio dessa concepção, nos propor entender seu raciocínio e também como dos demais pensamentos, que por ele mesmo aponta como sendo uma espécie de “delineador” nos quais teve acesso, sendo também teorias sobre a existência humana. Para de forma mais coerente possível, concluirmos o que queria demonstrar através dele