1,133 research outputs found


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    The Siberian craton consists of Archean blocks, which were welded up into the same large unit by ca 1.9 Ga [Gladkochub et al., 2006; Rojas-Agramonte et al., 2011]. The history of the constituent Archean blocks is mosaic because of limited number of outcrops, insufficient sampling coverage because of their location in remote regions and deep forest and difficulties with analytical studies of ancient rocks, which commonly underwent metamorphic modifications and secondary alterations. In this short note, we report data on discovery of unusual for Archean mafic rocks of ultimate fresh appearance. These rocks were discovered within southwestern Siberian craton in a region near a boundary between Kitoy granulites of the Sharyzhalgai highgrade metamorphic complex and Onot green-schist belt (Fig. 1). Here we present preliminary data on geochronology of these rocks and provide their geochemical characterization.The Siberian craton consists of Archean blocks, which were welded up into the same large unit by ca 1.9 Ga [Gladkochub et al., 2006; Rojas-Agramonte et al., 2011]. The history of the constituent Archean blocks is mosaic because of limited number of outcrops, insufficient sampling coverage because of their location in remote regions and deep forest and difficulties with analytical studies of ancient rocks, which commonly underwent metamorphic modifications and secondary alterations. In this short note, we report data on discovery of unusual for Archean mafic rocks of ultimate fresh appearance. These rocks were discovered within southwestern Siberian craton in a region near a boundary between Kitoy granulites of the Sharyzhalgai highgrade metamorphic complex and Onot green-schist belt (Fig. 1). Here we present preliminary data on geochronology of these rocks and provide their geochemical characterization

    Influence of antidysbiotic drugs on the liver of rats with experimental non-alcoholic steatohepatitis

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    High-fat diets combined with the introduction of lincomycin causes the development of steatohepatitis. Introduction antidysbiotic drugs (pro- and prebiotics) has a therapeutic effect

    Condition of the liver’s liver of rats, received a high-fat diet: biochemical indicators

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    Aim: To determine the liver condition of rats fed with fats of different fatty acid compositions Materials and methods: We used the following dietary fats: refined sunflower oil, refined olive oil, palm oil, milk fat (butter). Feeding of rats was carried out for 41 days using 15 % of the studied oils in the food. The liver condition was evaluated by biochemical markers of liver (elastase, MDA, alkaline phosphatase (ALP), lysozyme, catalase) and blood serum markers (glucose, cholesterol, elastase, ALT, ALP). Results: The increase in the weight gain was more pronounced when feeding with palm oil; the increase of inflammatory markers levels (MDA and elastase) was greater when feeding with palm oil and butter. Conversely, the lysozyme activity in the liver was significantly reduced at fat feeding, particularly for palm oil and butter. In the serum of all animals fed with fat there was the significant increase of glucose and cholesterol levels, as well as the increase of the elastase activity (after palm oil). Conclusion: A high-fat diet causes the development of an initial phase of inflammatory and degenerative processes in liver, which is more pronounced for fats high in palmitinic acid (palm oil and butter)

    Качество подготовки библиотечных работников в контексте требований рынка труда

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    The article is presented in English: DOI: 10.33186/1027-3689-2020-8-27-38В статье на основе методологии субъектного подхода исследованы основные факторы, влияющие на оценки качества высшего образования со стороны государства, рынка труда и личности.Показана трансформация традиционных для предыдущих этапов воспроизводства квалифицированной рабочей силы требований к соискателям вакансий; отмечено, что основными требованиями становятся метапредметные компетенции: креативность, скорость когнитивных реакций, умение работать в команде, нацеленность на результат и т.п.Проведён анализ экспертных мнений о профессиях ближайшего будущего и на этой основе исследованы перспективы подготовки специалистов в области библиотечно-информационной деятельности. Подчёркнуто, что в широком смысле библиотека как важнейший социокультурный институт не имеет альтернатив. Приведены примеры трудовых функций, соответствующих реалиям IV Промышленной революции и призванных формировать информационную культуру общества и развивать социокультурные коммуникации.Исследована специфика личностных предпочтений по поводу желаемого качества образования как фактора достижения жизненных целей. Отмечена тенденция сокращения числа лиц, рассматривающих высшее образование как социальный лифт. Данное обстоятельство существенно влияет и на субъективное восприятие рейтинга выбираемых специальностей высшего образования и соответствующих высших учебных заведений

    The effects of anorexia nervosa on bone metabolism in female adolescents

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    Osteopenia is a frequent, often persistent, complication of anorexia nervosa (AN) in adolescent girls and occurs during a critical time in bone development. Little is known about bone metabolism in this patient population. Therefore, we measured bone density (BMD) and body composition by dual energy x-ray absorptiometry, nutritional status, bone turnover, calcium, and hormonal status in 19 adolescent girls with AN (mean +/- SEM, 16.0+/-0.4 yr) and 19 bone age-matched controls. The mean duration of AN was 19+/-5 months. Spinal (L1-L4) osteopenia was common in AN. Lumbar anterioposterior BMD was more than 1 SD below the mean in 42% of patients, and lateral spine BMD was more than 1 SD below in 63% of patients compared with controls. Lean body mass significantly predicted lumbar bone mineral content (r = 0.75; P \u3c 0.0001) in controls only. In AN, duration of illness was the most significant predictor of spinal BMD (lumbar: r = -0.44; P = 0.06; lateral: r = -0.59; P = 0.008). AN adolescents with mature BA (15 yr and greater) were hypogonadal [estradiol, 16.2+/-1.9 vs. 23.3+/-1.6 pg/mL (P = 0.01); free testosterone, 0.70+/-0.17 vs. 1.36+/-0.14 pg/mL (P = 0.01)] although dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate and urinary free cortisol levels did not differ. Leptin levels were reduced in AN (2.9+/-2.1 vs. 16.5+/-1.8 ng/mL; P \u3c 0.0001). Insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) was reduced in AN to 50% of control levels (219+/-41 vs. 511+/-35 ng/mL; P \u3c 0.0001) and correlated with all measures of nutritional status, particularly leptin (r = 0.80; P \u3c 0.0001). Surrogate markers of bone formation, serum osteocalcin (OC) and bone-specific alkaline phosphatase (BSAP), were significantly (P = 0.02) reduced in AN vs. controls (OC, 39.1+/-6.4 vs. 59.2+/-5.2 ng/mL; BSAP, 27.9+/-4.0 vs. 40.6+/-3.4 U/L). The majority of the variation in bone formation in AN was due to IGF-I levels (OC: r2 = 0.72; P = 0.002; BSAP: r2 = 0.53; P = 0.01) in stepwise regression analyses. Bone resorption was comparable in patients and controls. These data demonstrate that bone formation is reduced and uncoupled to bone resorption in mature adolescents with AN in association with low bone density. Lean body mass was a significant predictor of BMD in controls, but not AN patients. The major correlate of bone formation in AN was the nutritionally dependent bone trophic factor, IGF-I. Reduced IGF-I during the critical period of bone mineral accumulation may be an important factor in the development of osteopenia in adolescents with AN


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    У статті наведено результати досліджень щодо визначеня вмісту водорозчинних вітамінів групи В у біологічно активному засобі на основі пептидоглікану кисломолочних бактерій та пробіотику «Пробіл» методом капілярного електрофорезу на приладі Капель-105/105М. За результатами досліджень складових компонентів біологічно активного засобу встановлено, що до його складу входить ряд водорозчинних вітамінів групи В, зокрема В1, В2, В6, В5, В3 та Вс. При вивченні в порівняльному аспекті вмісту вітамінів групи В встановили, що у біологічно активному засобі концентрація вітамінів В1, В2, В6, В5 була відповідно у 6,6, 5,7, 1,7 та 1,6 раза вищою, ніж у пробіотику «Пробіол», що вказувало на високу біологічну активність досліджуваного препарату.The article presents the result of the study of water-soluble B vitamins in biologically active product containing peptidoglycans  dairy bacteria and probiotic «Probiol» by capillary electrophoresis using equipment Capel-105/105M. According to the research components of biologically active product found that it consist of water-soluble vitamins, including В1, В2, В6, В5, В3 and Вс. It was found that concentration В1, В2, В6, В5, В3 and Вс in biologically active product were respectively  in 6,6, 5,7, 1,7 and 1,6 times higher than in probiotic «Probiol», thats indicated on a high biological activity of drug