126 research outputs found

    Witten Index and spectral shift function

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    Let DD be a selfadjoint unbounded operator on a Hilbert space and let {B(t)}\{B(t)\} be a one parameter norm continuous family of self-adjoint bounded operators that converges in norm to asymptotes BΒ±B_\pm. Then setting A(t)=D+B(t)A(t)=D+B(t) one can consider the operator DA=d/dt+A(t)\mathbf{D_A}^{}=d/dt+A(t) on the Hilbert space L2(R,H)L_2(\mathbb{R},H). We present a connection between the theory of spectral shift function for the pair of the asymptotes (A+,Aβˆ’)(A_+,A_-) and index theory for the operator DA\mathbf{D_A}^{}. Under the condition that the operator B+B_+ is a pp-relative trace-class perturbation of Aβˆ’A_- and some additional smoothness assumption we prove a heat kernel formula for all t3˘e0t\u3e0, tr(eβˆ’tDADAβˆ—βˆ’eβˆ’tDAβˆ—DA)=βˆ’(tΟ€)1/2∫01tr(eβˆ’tAs2(A+βˆ’Aβˆ’))ds,\mathrm{tr}\Big(e^{-t\mathbf{D_A}^{}\mathbf{D_A}^{*}}-e^{-t\mathbf{D_A}^{*}\mathbf{D_A}^{}}\Big)=-\Big(\frac{t}{\pi}\Big)^{1/2}\int_0^1\mathrm{tr}\Big(e^{-tA_s^2}(A_+-A_-)\Big)ds, where As,s∈[0,1]A_s, s\in[0,1] is a straight path joining Aβˆ’A_- and A+A_+. Using this heat kernel formula we obtain the description of the Witten index of the operator DA\mathbf{D_A}^{} in terms of the spectral shift function for the pair (A+,Aβˆ’)(A_+,A_-). {\bf Theorem.} \textit{If\, 00 is a right and a left Lebesgue point of the spectral shift function ΞΎ(β‹…;A+,Aβˆ’)\xi(\cdot;A_+,A_-) for the pair (A+,Aβˆ’)(A_+,A_-) (denoted by ΞΎL(0+;A+,Aβˆ’)\xi_L(0_+; A_+,A_-) and ΞΎL(0βˆ’;A+,Aβˆ’)\xi_L(0_-; A_+, A_-), respectively), then the Witten index Ws(DA)W_s(\mathbf{D_A}) of the operator DA\mathbf{D_A} exists and equals Ws(DA)=12(ΞΎ(0+;A+,Aβˆ’)+ΞΎ(0βˆ’;A+,Aβˆ’)).W_s(\mathbf{D_A})=\frac12\big(\xi(0+;A_+,A_-)+\xi(0-;A_+,A_-)\big).} We note that our assumptions include the cases studied earlier. In particular, we impose no assumption on the spectra of AΒ±A_\pm and we can treat differential operators in any dimension. As a corollary of this theorem we have the following result. {\bf Corollary.} \textit{Assume that the asymptotes AΒ±A_\pm are boundedly invertible. Then the operator DA\mathbf{D_A} is Fredholm and for the Fredholm index index(DA)\mathrm{index}(\mathbf{D_A}) of the operator DA\mathbf{D_A} we have index(DA)=ΞΎ(0;A+,Aβˆ’)=sf{A(t)}t=βˆ’βˆž+∞,\mathrm{index}(\mathbf{D_A})=\xi(0;A_+,A_-)=\mathrm{sf}\{A(t)\}_{t=-\infty}^{+\infty}, where sf{A(t)}t=βˆ’βˆž+∞\mathrm{sf}\{A(t)\}_{t=-\infty}^{+\infty} denotes the spectral flow along the path {A(t)}t=βˆ’βˆž+∞.\{A(t)\}_{t=-\infty}^{+\infty}.

    Eisenstein and Tarkovsky

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    EISENSTEIN AND TARKOVSKY: AN UNEXPECTED CONNECTION For the majority of film scholars, the names of Tarkovsky and Eisenstein represent an opposition between two radically different approaches to the art of cinema. This opposition has been established by Tarkovsky himself, when he wrote: I am radically opposed to the way Eisenstein used the frame to codify intellectual formulae. My own method of conveying experience to the audience is quite different. Of course it has to be said that Eisenstein wasn't trying to convey his own experience to anyone, he wanted to put across ideas, purely and simply; but for me that sort of cinema is utterly inimical. Moreover, Eisenstein's montage dictum, as I see it, contradicts the very basis of the unique process whereby a film affects the audience.(1) Here, Tarkovsky was referring to Eisenstein's earlier films such as Strike, Battleship Potemkin, and October, all made in..

    On the Number of Degrees of Freedom of Band-Limited Functions

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    Publication in the conference proceedings of SampTA, Bremen, Germany, 201

    Models of New Femininity and Masculinity in Soviet Russia in the 1920s

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    STARS OF EARLY AMERICAN CINEMA AS MODELS OF NEW FEMININITY AND MASCULINITY IN SOVIET RUSSIA IN THE 1920S This paper explores some of the cinematic links that existed in the 1920s between Soviet Russia and its great "Other", America. It argues that in that decade, stars of silent American cinema, in particular Douglas Fairbanks Sr., Pearl White, and Mary Pickford offered the Soviet viewers, as well as critics and filmmakers, alternative models of new masculinity and femininity. For Soviet Russia in the 1920s, America became a kind of measuring stick of success(1) on the road toward the new, technologically advanced and efficient Soviet society. While the communist future was not yet attained, and the country was undergoing a process of massive transformation, the adjective "American" acquired a new meaning: it became a metaphor for excellence(2) and led to the appearance and wide use of the discursive practice..

    On a conjectured property of the Witten index and an application to Levinson's theorem

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    A few years ago Fritz Gesztesy raised the issue of whether there was a composition rule for the Witten index analogous to that satisfied by Fredholm operators. In this note we prove a result in this direction and provide an application to Levinson's theorem

    Derivations on symmetric quasi-Banach ideals of compact operators

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    Let I,J\mathcal{I,J} be symmetric quasi-Banach ideals of compact operators on an infinite-dimensional complex Hilbert space HH, let J:I\mathcal{J:I} be a space of multipliers from I\mathcal{I} to J\mathcal{J}. Obviously, ideals I\mathcal{I} and J\mathcal{J} are quasi-Banach algebras and it is clear that ideal J\mathcal{J} is a bimodule for I\mathcal{I}. We study the set of all derivations from I\mathcal{I} into J\mathcal{J}. We show that any such derivation is automatically continuous and there exists an operator a∈J:Ia\in\mathcal{J:I} such that Ξ΄(β‹…)=[a,β‹…]\delta(\cdot)=[a,\cdot], moreover βˆ₯aβˆ₯B(H)≀βˆ₯Ξ΄βˆ₯Iβ†’J≀2Cβˆ₯aβˆ₯J:I\|a\|_{\mathcal{B}(H)}\leq\|\delta\|_\mathcal{I\to J}\leq 2C\|a\|_\mathcal{J:I}, where CC is the modulus of concavity of the quasi-norm βˆ₯β‹…βˆ₯J\|\cdot\|_\mathcal{J}. In the special case, when I=J=K(H)\mathcal{I=J=K}(H) is a symmetric Banach ideal of compact operators on HH our result yields the classical fact that any derivation Ξ΄\delta on K(H)\mathcal{K}(H) may be written as Ξ΄(β‹…)=[a,β‹…]\delta(\cdot)=[a,\cdot], where aa is some bounded operator on HH and βˆ₯aβˆ₯B(H)≀βˆ₯Ξ΄βˆ₯Iβ†’I≀2βˆ₯aβˆ₯B(H)\|a\|_{\mathcal{B}(H)}\leq\|\delta\|_\mathcal{I\to I}\leq 2\|a\|_{\mathcal{B}(H)}.Comment: 21 page
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