15,045 research outputs found

    The excitation function for Li+HF-->LiF+H at collision energies below 80 meV

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    We have measured the dependence of the relative integral cross section of the reaction Li+HF-->LiF+H on the collision energy using crossed molecular beams. By varying the intersection angle of the beams from 37{\deg} to 90{\deg} we covered the energy range 25 meV < E_tr < 131 meV. We observe a monotonous rise of the cross section with decreasing energy over the entire energy range indicating that a possible translational energy threshold to the reaction is significantly smaller than 25 meV. The steep rise is quantitatively recovered by a Langevin-type excitation function based on a vanishing threshold and a mean interaction potential energy ~R^-2.5 where R is the distance between the reactants. To date all threshold energies deduced from ab-initio potentials and zero-point vibrational energies are at variance with our results, however, our findings support recent quantum scattering calculations that predict significant product formation at collision energies far below these theoretical thresholds.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figure

    Do financial constraints really matter? A case of understudied African firms

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    Abstract: Using a system of equations to account for the simultaneity, inter‐temporal and interdependent nature of corporate decisions, we document several new insights into how emerging market firms allocate funds across competing uses‐of‐funds. Emerging market firms save most of the operating cash flow. When the firms spend, they allocate the remainder to dividend payments first, followed by debt retirements, then equity repurchases and lastly investments. This pecking order of prioritizing savings and dividends ahead of other uses‐of‐funds highlight difficulties in accessing external finance and a stubbornly resilient signalling motive for firms operating under a high degree of information asymmetry and agency costs. We further find significant asymmetry and heterogeneity in the allocation of funds conditional on credit constraints, deviations from target and around the financial crisis. Our findings signal the need for policies that improve access to external finance and information disclosure in emerging markets

    Resolving Gas Dynamics in the Circumnuclear Region of a Disk Galaxy in a Cosmological Simulation

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    Using a hydrodynamic adaptive mesh refinement code, we simulate the growth and evolution of a galaxy, which could potentially host a supermassive black hole, within a cosmological volume. Reaching a dynamical range in excess of 10 million, the simulation follows the evolution of the gas structure from super-galactic scales all the way down to the outer edge of the accretion disk. Here, we focus on global instabilities in the self-gravitating, cold, turbulence-supported, molecular gas disk at the center of the model galaxy, which provide a natural mechanism for angular momentum transport down to sub-pc scales. The gas density profile follows a power-law scaling as r^-8/3, consistent with an analytic description of turbulence in a quasi-stationary circumnuclear disk. We analyze the properties of the disk which contribute to the instabilities, and investigate the significance of instability for the galaxy's evolution and the growth of a supermassive black hole at the center.Comment: 16 pages (includes appendix), submitted to ApJ. Figures here are at low resolution; for higher resolution version, download http://casa.colorado.edu/~levinerd/ms.pd

    X 1908+075: An X-ray Binary with a 4.4 day Period

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    X 1908+075 is an optically unidentified and highly absorbed X-ray source that appears in early surveys such as Uhuru, OSO-7, Ariel V, HEAO-1, and the EXOSAT Galactic Plane Survey. These surveys measured a source intensity in the range of 2-12 mCrab at 2-10 keV, and the position was localized to ~ 0.5 degrees. We use the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer (RXTE) All Sky Monitor (ASM) to confirm our expectation that a particular Einstein IPC detection (1E 1908.4+0730) provides the correct position for X 1908+075. The analysis of the coded mask shadows from the ASM for the position of 1E 1908.4+0730 yields a persistent intensity ~ 8 mCrab (1.5-12 keV) over a 3 year interval beginning in 1996 February. Furthermore, we detect a period of 4.400 +- 0.001 days with a false alarm probability < 1.0e-7 . The folded light curve is roughly sinusoidal, with an amplitude that is 22 % of the mean flux. The X-ray period may be attributed to the scattering and absorption of X-rays through a stellar wind combined with the orbital motion in a binary system. We suggest that X 1908+075 is an X-ray binary with a high mass companion star.Comment: 6 pages, two-column,"emulateapj" style, submitted to Ap

    Use of Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) Detectors for an Advanced X-ray Monitor

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    We describe a concept for a NASA SMEX Mission in which Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) detectors, developed at CERN, are adapted for use in X-ray astronomy. These detectors can be used to obtain moderately large detector area and two-dimensional photon positions with sub mm accuracy in the range of 1.5 to 15 keV. We describe an application of GEMs with xenon gas, coded mask cameras, and simple circuits for measuring event positions and for anticoincidence rejection of particle events. The cameras are arranged to cover most of the celestial sphere, providing high sensitivity and throughput for a wide variety of cosmic explosions. At longer timescales, persistent X-ray sources would be monitored with unprecedented levels of coverage. The sensitivity to faint X-ray sources on a one-day timescale would be improved by a factor of 6 over the capability of the RXTE All Sky Monitor.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figs., in X-Ray and Gamma Ray Instrumentation for Astronomy XI, SPIE conference, San Diego, Aug. 200

    Exact renormalization-group analysis of first order phase transitions in clock models

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    We analyze the exact behavior of the renormalization group flow in one-dimensional clock-models which undergo first order phase transitions by the presence of complex interactions. The flow, defined by decimation, is shown to be single-valued and continuous throughout its domain of definition, which contains the transition points. This fact is in disagreement with a recently proposed scenario for first order phase transitions claiming the existence of discontinuities of the renormalization group. The results are in partial agreement with the standard scenario. However in the vicinity of some fixed points of the critical surface the renormalized measure does not correspond to a renormalized Hamiltonian for some choices of renormalization blocks. These pathologies although similar to Griffiths-Pearce pathologies have a different physical origin: the complex character of the interactions. We elucidate the dynamical reason for such a pathological behavior: entire regions of coupling constants blow up under the renormalization group transformation. The flows provide non-perturbative patterns for the renormalization group behavior of electric conductivities in the quantum Hall effect.Comment: 13 pages + 3 ps figures not included, TeX, DFTUZ 91.3

    X-ray variability of AGNs in the soft and the hard X-ray bands

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    We investigate the X-ray variability characteristics of hard X-ray selected AGNs (based on Swift/BAT data) in the soft X-ray band using the RXTE/ASM data. The uncertainties involved in the individual dwell measurements of ASM are critically examined and a method is developed to combine a large number of dwells with appropriate error propagation to derive long duration flux measurements (greater than 10 days). We also provide a general prescription to estimate the errors in variability derived from rms values from unequally spaced data. Though the derived variability for individual sources are not of very high significance, we find that, in general, the soft X-ray variability is higher than those in hard X-rays and the variability strengths decrease with energy for the diverse classes of AGN. We also examine the strength of variability as a function of the break time scale in the power density spectrum (derived from the estimated mass and bolometric luminosity of the sources) and find that the data are consistent with the idea of higher variability at time scales longer than the break time scale.Comment: 17 pages, 15 Postscript figures, 3 tables, accepted for publication in Ap

    Magneto-optical evidence of the percolation nature of the metal-insulator transition in the 2D electron system

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    We compare the results of the transport and time-resolved magneto-luminescence measurements in disordered 2D electron systems in GaAs-AlGaAs heterostructures in the extreme quantum limit, in particular, in the vicinity of the metal-insulator transition (MIT). At filling factors Μ<1\nu <1, the optical signal has two components: the single-rate exponentially decaying part attributed to a uniform liquid and a power-law long-living tail specific to a microscopically inhomogeneous state of electrons. We interprete this result as a separation of the 2D electron system into a liquid and localized phases, especially because the MIT occurs strikingly close to those filling factors where the liquid occupies 12{1\over 2} of the sample area (the percollation threshold condition in two-component media).Comment: 5 pages RevTex + 4 fig., to appear in PRB, Rapid Com

    Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking in a Non-Conserving Two-Species Driven Model

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    A two species particle model on an open chain with dynamics which is non-conserving in the bulk is introduced. The dynamical rules which define the model obey a symmetry between the two species. The model exhibits a rich behavior which includes spontaneous symmetry breaking and localized shocks. The phase diagram in several regions of parameter space is calculated within mean-field approximation, and compared with Monte-Carlo simulations. In the limit where fluctuations in the number of particles in the system are taken to zero, an exact solution is obtained. We present and analyze a physical picture which serves to explain the different phases of the model

    Two-Channel Totally Asymmetric Simple Exclusion Processes

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    Totally asymmetric simple exclusion processes, consisting of two coupled parallel lattice chains with particles interacting with hard-core exclusion and moving along the channels and between them, are considered. In the limit of strong coupling between the channels, the particle currents, density profiles and a phase diagram are calculated exactly by mapping the system into an effective one-channel totally asymmetric exclusion model. For intermediate couplings, a simple approximate theory, that describes the particle dynamics in vertical clusters of two corresponding parallel sites exactly and neglects the correlations between different vertical clusters, is developed. It is found that, similarly to the case of one-channel totally asymmetric simple exclusion processes, there are three stationary state phases, although the phase boundaries and stationary properties strongly depend on inter-channel coupling. An extensive computer Monte Carlo simulations fully support the theoretical predictions.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figure
