74 research outputs found

    Emerging conservation challenges and prospects in an era of offshore hydrocarbon exploration and exploitation

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    Globally, extensive marine areas important for biodiversity conservation and ecosystem functioning are undergoing exploration and extraction of oil and natural gas resources. Such operations are expanding to previously inaccessible deep waters and other frontier regions, while conservation-related legislation and planning is often lacking. Conservation challenges arising from offshore hydrocarbon development are wide-ranging. These challenges include threats to ecosystems and marine species from oil spills, negative impacts on native biodiversity from invasive species colonizing drilling infrastructure, and increased political conflicts that can delay conservation actions. With mounting offshore operations, conservationists need to urgently consider some possible opportunities that could be leveraged for conservation. Leveraging options, as part of multi-billion dollar marine hydrocarbon operations, include the use of facilities and costly equipment of the deep and ultra-deep hydrocarbon industry for deep-sea conservation research and monitoring and establishing new conservation research, practice, and monitoring funds and environmental offsetting schemes. The conservation community, including conservation scientists, should become more involved in the earliest planning and exploration phases and remain involved throughout the operations so as to influence decision making and promote continuous monitoring of biodiversity and ecosystems. A prompt response by conservation professionals to offshore oil and gas developments can mitigate impacts of future decisions and actions of the industry and governments. New environmental decision support tools can be used to explicitly incorporate the impacts of hydrocarbon operations on biodiversity into marine spatial and conservation plans and thus allow for optimum trade-offs among multiple objectives, costs, and risks

    Oil spill contamination probability in the southeastern Levantine basin

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    Recent gas discoveries in the eastern Mediterranean Sea led to multiple operations with substantial economic interest, and with them there is a risk of oil spills and their potential environmental impacts. To examine the potential spatial distribution of this threat, we created seasonal maps of the probability of oil spill pollution reaching an area in the Israeli coastal and exclusive economic zones, given knowledge of its initial sources. We performed simulations of virtual oil spills using realistic atmospheric and oceanic conditions. The resulting maps show dominance of the alongshore northerly current, which causes the high probability areas to be stretched parallel to the coast, increasing contamination probability downstream of source points. The seasonal westerly wind forcing determines how wide the high probability areas are, and may also restrict these to a small coastal region near source points. Seasonal variability in probability distribution, oil state, and pollution time is also discussed

    Regulatory module involving FGF13, miR-504, and p53 regulates ribosomal biogenesis and supports cancer cell survival

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    The microRNA miR-504 targets TP53 mRNA encoding the p53 tumor suppressor. miR-504 resides within the fibroblast growth factor 13 (FGF13) gene, which is overexpressed in various cancers. We report that the FGF13 locus, comprising FGF13 and miR-504, is transcriptionally repressed by p53, defining an additional negative feedback loop in the p53 network. Furthermore, we show that FGF13 1A is a nucleolar protein that represses ribosomal RNA transcription and attenuates protein synthesis. Importantly, in cancer cells expressing high levels of FGF13, the depletion of FGF13 elicits increased proteostasis stress, associated with the accumulation of reactive oxygen species and apoptosis. Notably, stepwise neoplastic transformation is accompanied by a gradual increase in FGF13 expression and increased dependence on FGF13 for survival ("nononcogene addiction"). Moreover, FGF13 overexpression enables cells to cope more effectively with the stress elicited by oncogenic Ras protein. We propose that, in cells in which activated oncogenes drive excessive protein synthesis, FGF13 may favor survival by maintaining translation rates at a level compatible with the protein quality- control capacity of the cell. Thus, FGF13 may serve as an enabler, allowing cancer cells to evade proteostasis stress triggered by oncogene activation

    Novel Association of the NOTCH Pathway Regulator MIB1 Gene With the Development of Bicuspid Aortic Valve.

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    IMPORTANCE Nonsyndromic bicuspid aortic valve (nsBAV) is the most common congenital heart valve malformation. BAV has a heritable component, yet only a few causative genes have been identified; understanding BAV genetics is a key point in developing personalized medicine. OBJECTIVE To identify a new gene for nsBAV. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS This was a comprehensive, multicenter, genetic association study based on candidate gene prioritization in a familial cohort followed by rare and common association studies in replication cohorts. Further validation was done using in vivo mice models. Study data were analyzed from October 2019 to October 2022. Three cohorts of patients with BAV were included in the study: (1) the discovery cohort was a large cohort of inherited cases from 29 pedigrees of French and Israeli origin; (2) the replication cohort 1 for rare variants included unrelated sporadic cases from various European ancestries; and (3) replication cohort 2 was a second validation cohort for common variants in unrelated sporadic cases from Europe and the US. MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES To identify a candidate gene for nsBAV through analysis of familial cases exome sequencing and gene prioritization tools. Replication cohort 1 was searched for rare and predicted deleterious variants and genetic association. Replication cohort 2 was used to investigate the association of common variants with BAV. RESULTS A total of 938 patients with BAV were included in this study: 69 (7.4%) in the discovery cohort, 417 (44.5%) in replication cohort 1, and 452 (48.2%) in replication cohort 2. A novel human nsBAV gene, MINDBOMB1 homologue MIB1, was identified. MINDBOMB1 homologue (MIB1) is an E3-ubiquitin ligase essential for NOTCH-signal activation during heart development. In approximately 2% of nsBAV index cases from the discovery and replication 1 cohorts, rare MIB1 variants were detected, predicted to be damaging, and were significantly enriched compared with population-based controls (2% cases vs 0.9% controls; P = .03). In replication cohort 2, MIB1 risk haplotypes significantly associated with nsBAV were identified (permutation test, 1000 repeats; P = .02). Two genetically modified mice models carrying Mib1 variants identified in our cohort showed BAV on a NOTCH1-sensitized genetic background. CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE This genetic association study identified the MIB1 gene as associated with nsBAV. This underscores the crucial role of the NOTCH pathway in the pathophysiology of BAV and its potential as a target for future diagnostic and therapeutic intervention.This study was supported in part by grants PID2019-104776RB-I00 and CB16/ 11/00399 (Dr de la Pompa) from the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MCIN/ AEI/ 10.13039/501100011033/); a grant from Hadassah France Association (Drs Gilon and Tessler); a grant from the Center for Interdisciplinary Data Science Research of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Dr Tessler); grant R35 CA220340 from the National Institutes of Health (Dr Blacklow), and grants R21HL150373, R01HL114823 (Dr Body); BSF grants 2013269 and 2017245 (Drs. Sprinzak and Blacklow); a consolidator grant from the European Research Council (Genomia – ERC-COG-2017-771945; Dr Loeys); the European Reference Network on rare multisystemic vascular disorders (VASCERN - project ID: 769036 partly cofunded by the European Union Third Health Programme (Drs Loeys and Verstraeten); funding from the Outreach project (Dutch Heart Foundation; Dr Luyckx); funding from Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada/Robert M Freedom Chair of Cardiovascular Science (Dr Mital); sample biobanking and sequencing from Canada were supported by grants from the Leducq Foundation Transatlantic Networks of Excellence grant, and the Ted Rogers Centre for Heart Research; ISF grant 1053/12 (Dr Durst); and grant R01HL150401 from National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (Dr Muehlschlegel).S

    Enhanced production yields of rVSV-SARS-CoV-2 vaccine using Fibra-Cel® macrocarriers

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has led to high global demand for vaccines to safeguard public health. To that end, our institute has developed a recombinant viral vector vaccine utilizing a modified vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) construct, wherein the G protein of VSV is replaced with the spike protein of SARS-CoV-2 (rVSV-ΔG-spike). Previous studies have demonstrated the production of a VSV-based vaccine in Vero cells adsorbed on Cytodex 1 microcarriers or in suspension. However, the titers were limited by both the carrier surface area and shear forces. Here, we describe the development of a bioprocess for rVSV-ΔG-spike production in serum-free Vero cells using porous Fibra-Cel® macrocarriers in fixed-bed BioBLU®320 5p bioreactors, leading to high-end titers. We identified core factors that significantly improved virus production, such as the kinetics of virus production, the use of macrospargers for oxygen supply, and medium replenishment. Implementing these parameters, among others, in a series of GMP production processes improved the titer yields by at least two orders of magnitude (2e9 PFU/mL) over previously reported values. The developed process was highly effective, repeatable, and robust, creating potent and genetically stable vaccine viruses and introducing new opportunities for application in other viral vaccine platforms