908 research outputs found

    Maria João Mayer (Filmes do Tejo): gostava de produzir o Almodóvar português

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    O projecto “Principais tendências no cinema português contemporâneo” nasceu no Departamento de Cinema da ESTC, com o objectivo de desenvolver investigação especializada a partir de um núcleo formado por alunos da Licenciatura em Cinema e do Mestrado em Desenvolvimento de Projecto Cinematográfico, a que se juntaram professores-investigadores membros do CIAC e convidados. O que agora se divulga corresponde a dois anos e meio de trabalho desenvolvido pela equipa de investigação, entre Abril de 2009 e Novembro de 2011. Dada a forma que ele foi adquirindo, preferimos renomeá-lo, para efeitos de divulgação, “Novas & velhas tendências no cinema português contemporâneo”.QUAIS SÃO, hoje, as principais características do desenvolvimento de projectos para cinema em Portugal? O que pensam realizadores cinematográficos, produtores, distribuidores e exibidores sobre o cinema português? Que conclusões tirar das suas opiniões, relatos de experiências e análises da situação contemporânea? Que novas tendências surgiram no cinema português, nos primeiros anos do séc. XXI?Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, Centro de Investigação em Artes e Comunicação, Instituto do Cinema e do Audiovisual, Ministério da Cultura, Escola Superior de Teatro e Cinema

    Henrique Espírito Santo: o Estado deve subsidiar um cinema mais cultural

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    O projecto “Principais tendências no cinema português contemporâneo” nasceu no Departamento de Cinema da ESTC, com o objectivo de desenvolver investigação especializada a partir de um núcleo formado por alunos da Licenciatura em Cinema e do Mestrado em Desenvolvimento de Projecto Cinematográfico, a que se juntaram professores-investigadores membros do CIAC e convidados. O que agora se divulga corresponde a dois anos e meio de trabalho desenvolvido pela equipa de investigação, entre Abril de 2009 e Novembro de 2011. Dada a forma que ele foi adquirindo, preferimos renomeá-lo, para efeitos de divulgação, “Novas & velhas tendências no cinema português contemporâneo”.QUAIS SÃO, hoje, as principais características do desenvolvimento de projectos para cinema em Portugal? O que pensam realizadores cinematográficos, produtores, distribuidores e exibidores sobre o cinema português? Que conclusões tirar das suas opiniões, relatos de experiências e análises da situação contemporânea? Que novas tendências surgiram no cinema português, nos primeiros anos do séc. XXI?Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, Centro de Investigação em Artes e Comunicação, Instituto do Cinema e do Audiovisual, Ministério da Cultura, Escola Superior de Teatro e Cinema

    Hydrothermal synthesis of perovskite and pyrochlore powders of potassium tantalate

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    Potassium tantalate powders were hydrothermally synthesized at 100 to 200 °C in 4 to 15 M aqueous KOH solutions. A defect pyrochlore, Kta_(2)O_(5)(OH). nH2O (n ≈ 1.4), was obtained at 4 M KOH, but at 7–12 M KOH, this pyrochlore was gradually replaced by a defect perovskite as the stable phase. At 15 M KOH, there was no intermediate pyrochlore, only a defect perovskite, K_(0.85)Ta_(0.92)O_(2.43)(OH)_(0.57) 0.15H_(2)O. Synthesis at higher KOH concentrations led to greater incorporation of protons in the perovskite structures. The potassium vacancies required for charge compensation of incorporated protons could accommodate water molecules in the perovskite structure

    Hydrothermal synthesis of KNbO_3 and NaNbO_3 powders

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    Orthorhombic KNbO_3 and NaNbO_3 powders were hydrothermally synthesized in KOH and NaOH solutions (6.7–15 M) at 150 and 200 °C. An intermediate hexaniobate species formed first before eventually converting to the perovskite phase. For synthesis in KOH solutions, the stability of the intermediate hexaniobate ion increased with decreasing KOH concentrations and temperatures. This led to significant variations in the induction periods and accounted for the large disparity in the mass of recovered powder for different processing parameters. It is also believed that protons were incorporated in the lattice of the as-synthesized KNbO_3 powders as water molecules and hydroxyl ions

    Fundamental challenges in CMAS mitigation

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    CMAS degradation of thermal and environmental barrier coatings (T/EBCs) is recognized as a fundamental barrier to progress in gas turbine technology; melting of the precursor silicate deposits, typically at ~1200°C, limits the temperature capability of the coatings and by extension the achievable engine efficiency. Molten CMAS dissolves all coating materials of interest in the protection of superalloys and ceramic composites, sometimes with preferential grain boundary penetration, and often leads to the formation of new or modified crystalline phases. Notwithstanding the thermo-chemical attack, the more deleterious form of damage is arguably thermo-mechanical. In TBCs the CMAS melt flows into the network of pores and cracks/segmentations that enable strain tolerance during thermal cycling, stiffening the coating and elevating the strain energy available for delamination. The mitigation strategy is generally based on the reaction of CMAS with the coating material, consuming locally the melt and yielding the precipitation of crystalline phases in sufficient volume to fill in the flow channels and arrest penetration. The extent of stiffening scales with the penetration depth, which depends in turn on a complex interplay between the infiltration, dissolution and crystallization dynamics. Predictive models are hindered by uncertainty in the geometric features of the pore network as well as the paucity of information on the dissolution and crystallization rates, compounded with the evolving composition and viscosity of the melt under the thermal gradient within the coating. Ideally, the reaction should be sufficiently rapid to overwhelm the flow dynamics, so the stiffened layer thickness is minimized. However, most oxides that exhibit the desirable reactivity also lack significant toughening mechanisms, so the reduction in penetration and the increase in strain energy are counteracted by a lower toughness. In essence, a coating with no effective mitigation mechanism but reasonable toughness, like 7YSZ, could in some instances resist thermal cycling induced delamination better than an oxide more resistant to penetration but with a lower toughness. Balancing these attributes represents a grand challenge in TBC design. Penetration is generally not the critical issue in environmental barrier coatings (EBCs), which must be dense to perform effectively as barriers to the permeation of water vapor and, ideally, of oxygen. Consequently, EBCs are selected to minimize thermal expansion mismatch with the CMC substrate. This constraint limits the choice of materials, with rare earth silicates being favored in current systems. These silicates, however, are rapidly attacked by CMAS, especially by melts with higher Ca:Si ratios. While the recession of the EBC material is problematic in itself, the reaction with CMAS results in a layer of reaction products that is poorly matched thermally with the substrate. A source of substantial strain energy arises from this reaction layer, leading to the evolution of cracks that may delaminate the modified layer and/or the underlying EBC, but also penetrate into the bond coat and the CMC. This may expose the latter to environmental degradation of the fibers and the fiber/matrix interfaces that enable damage tolerance. The robustness of the system thus depends not only on the chemical reactivity of the CMAS/coating system but also on the toughness of the different layers, which are generally low. The grand challenge in EBCs is to approach prime reliance because CMCs are arguably less environmentally robust than current superalloys. At a minimum, this demands low reactivity with a relevant spectrum of CMAS compositions, and sufficient toughness to mitigate impact and/or thermo-mechanical damage. This presentation will discuss the state of understanding of these challenges and the tools available to assess the response of the system and effectiveness of the CMAS mitigation approach against a spectrum of melt compositions. The insight is complemented by the presentation of Prof. Poerschke at this conference. Acknowledgments: Presentation based on research contributions by R.W. Jackson, C.S. Holgate, K.M. Wessels, E.M. Zaleski, N. Abdul-Jabbar, B. Lutz, D. Park, J.S. Van Sluytman, M.R. Begley, and F.W. Zok, as well as collaborations with QuesTek Innovations, Pratt & Whitney, Siemens and Honeywell Aerospace. Work sponsored by the Office of Naval Research under awards N00014-08-1-0625, -12-M-0340 and -16-1-2702, as well as by the Pratt & Whitney Center of Excellence in Composites and the Honeywell-UCSB Alliance for Thermal Barrier Coatings

    IoT platform for the control and monitoring of physical variables with Open Hardware technology

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    El control y monitoreo de variables físicas en tiempo real es de vital importancia en la industria para garantizar la calidad de los productos, la seguridad industrial, el funcionamiento correcto de las máquinas y procesos de fabricación. En la actualidad la industria salvadoreña debe adoptar tecnologías asociadas al Internet de las Cosas. Entendiendo al internet de las cosas como dotar de conectividad a internet a cualquier objeto sobre el que se pueda medir parámetros físicos o manipular remotamente. Para que la industria no se quede rezagada y sea competitiva a nivel internacional. En este sentido, por la importancia que representa el control y monitoreo de variables físicas en la industria, en el Centro Regional de ITCAFEPADE Santa Ana, se diseñó e implementó una plataforma IoT para el monitoreo de variables físicas con fines didácticos. Para el diseño de la plataforma se utilizaron herramientas de software y hardware abierto tales como el microcontrolador ATmega 328p, antenas XBee, lenguajes de programación C, PHP y Java. Esta plataforma IoT permite el control de cargas eléctricas y el monitoreo de variables tales como: corriente eléctrica, potencia eléctrica, energía eléctrica y temperatura de áreas específicas de la institución. Para efectos de muestreo se eligieron el Centro de Cómputo 2 y el Aula 103. La plataforma permite visualizar y controlar variables físicas desde un smartphone, una computadora o una tablet que estén conectados a la Red del Centro Regional de ITCA-FEPADE Santa An

    Association between odontoma size, age and gender : multivariate analysis of retrospective data

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    The variety of characteristics related to odontoma research, including an unexplored one such as size, merits a multivariate approach that allows the adequate drawing of inferences with pertinent conclusions. The objective of this study is to establish the possible association between some characteristics related to the odontoma, tumor size among them. The sociodemographic characteristics of 60 patients were evaluated. Diagnosis, size, location, type of treatment performed, and prognosis were determined. These data were analyzed descriptively and through multivariate models. Thirty-four compound and 26 complex odontomas in 32 men and 28 women were observed. The age average of patients was 15.6±11 years. Most of the odontomas presented a size inferior to 10 mm. A statistically significant association was observed between the routine radiographic finding and the absence of dental eruption (p=0.0001). The model of linear regression adjusted between odontoma size and age (?=0.321, p=0.01), as well as the model of logistic regression adjusted between gender (men) and tumor size (OR=12; 1.7 - 93 IC 95%, (p=0.01) were statistically significant. Statistically significant associations between odontoma size and age, and between the male gender and odontomas smaller than 10 mm were found adjusting by other confounding variables. These results could grant clinicians a greater knowledge of the context of odontoma characteristics, which in turn could favor a better diagnostic and therapeutic decision-making

    Application of phase equilibrium modeling to understand and mitigate the CMAS threat in thermal and environmental barrier coatings

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    The severity of thermal and environmental barrier coating (T/EBCs) degradation caused by molten silicate deposits (CMAS) is directly influenced by (i) the composition of the deposit, (ii) the component surface temperature and through-thickness gradient, and (iii) the composition of the coating material. Given the breadth of this parameter space, assessing the performance of even a single candidate coating material against all possible deposit compositions and thermal conditions is experimentally intractable. Instead, it is more efficient to develop computational thermodynamics models in order to select relevant conditions for testing and, ultimately, to guide the identification and selection of coating materials/architectures offering improved performance. This presentation will describe efforts to develop robust thermodynamic models of the higher-order composition space (7+ components) relevant to the design of rare earth (RE)-containing T/EBCs. These efforts involve studying the detailed phase equilibria and crystal chemistry in key subsystems, validation of thermodynamic databases through targeted experiments in higher-order systems, and the development of modeling tools to predict compositional trends and reaction sequences. Please click Additional Files below to see the full abstract

    Reconsideraciones: de Rosseau a Burke

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    Reactions of rare earth hafnates and zirconates with silicate melts of different basicity

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