486 research outputs found

    Acceleration with Self-Injection for an All-Optical Radiation Source at LNF

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    We discuss a new compact gamma-ray source aiming at high spectral density, up to two orders of magnitude higher than currently available bremsstrahlung sources, and conceptually similar to Compton Sources based on conventional linear accelerators. This new source exploits electron bunches from laser-driven electron acceleration in the so-called self-injection scheme and uses a counter-propagating laser pulse to obtain X and gamma-ray emission via Thomson/Compton scattering. The proposed experimental configuration inherently provides a unique test-bed for studies of fundamental open issues of electrodynamics. In view of this, a preliminary discussion of recent results on self-injection with the FLAME laser is also given.Comment: 8 pages, 10 figures, 44 references - Channeling 2012 conferenc

    Fast Mid-IR Flashes Detected During Small Solar X-Ray Bursts

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    Solar observations in the mid-infrared 8-14 \mu\m band continuum were carried out with cadence of 5 frames per second, in December 2007. Rapid small heated sources, with typical duration of the order of seconds, were found on the bright plage-like areas around sunspots, in association with relatively weak GOES soft X-ray bursts. This work presents the analysis of fast mid-infrared flashes detected during a GOES B2.0-class event on 10 December 2007, beginning at about 10:40 UT. Rapid brightness temperature enhancements of 0.5 to 2.0 K were detected at the Earth by a microbolometer array, using a telescope with 10.5 cm diameter aperture producing a diffraction limited field-of-view of 25 arcsec. Minimum detectable temperature change was of 0.1 K. The corresponding fluxes are 30-130 solar flux units. At the solar surface the estimated rapid brightenings were of 50-150 KComment: 12 pages including 6 figures. Accepted by Solar Physics, April 201

    Spectroscopic Binaries in Southern Open Clusters

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    Aportamos un informe del trabajo sobre binarias que venimos desarrollando en cúmulos del hemisferio sur. Elpropósito es contribuir a comprender la formación y evolución de binarias espectroscópicas, proporcionandocondiciones de contorno que permitan verificar algunas de las teorías actuales sobre la formación de binariasen cúmulos abiertos.This is a report on an ongoing program about binaries in southern open clusters. The long-term purpose ofthis project is to contribute to understanding the formation and evolution of spectroscopic binaries, providingobservational constraints that will permit tests of some of the current theories on binary formation in openclusters

    Spectroscopic Binaries in Southern Open Clusters

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    Aportamos un informe del trabajo sobre binarias que venimos desarrollando en cúmulos del hemisferio sur. El propósito es contribuir a comprender la formación y evolución de binarias espectroscópicas, proporcionando condiciones de contorno que permitan verificar algunas de las teorías actuales sobre la formación de binarias en cúmulos abiertos.This is a report on an ongoing program about binaries in southern open clusters. The long-term purpose of this project is to contribute to understanding the formation and evolution of spectroscopic binaries, providing observational constraints that will permit tests of some of the current theories on binary formation in open clusters.Facultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y Geofísica

    Elemental abundance study of the CP star HD 206653

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    An analysis of the abundances of the Silicon star HD 206653 is presented using an ATLAS9 model atmosphere and observational material taken with a REOSC echelle spectrograph attached to the Jorge Sahade 2.15 m telescope at CASLEO. The light elements are solar or deficient except silicon which is overabundant by a factor of 5. The iron peak elements are all overabundant by factors between 10 and 50. Sr and Y are around 1000 times the solar values. Among the Rare Earths only Ce and Eu are identified; both are overabundant by large factors.Facultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y Geofísica

    Elemental abundance study of the CP star HD 206653

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    An analysis of the abundances of the Silicon star HD 206653 is presented using an ATLAS9 model atmosphere and observational material taken with a REOSC echelle spectrograph attached to the Jorge Sahade 2.15 m telescope at CASLEO. The light elements are solar or deficient except silicon which is overabundant by a factor of 5. The iron peak elements are all overabundant by factors between 10 and 50. Sr and Y are around 1000 times the solar values. Among the Rare Earths only Ce and Eu are identified; both are overabundant by large factors.Facultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y Geofísica

    Bibliographic catalogue of stellar radial velocities: (1991-1994)

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    We present a bibliographic catalogue of stellar radial velocities with 13359 entries for stars in the galaxy and the Magellanic Clouds, obtained from the issues of several journals published in the period 1991-1994. We have tried to follow the structure of previous compilations although we have relied on data retrived from the SIMBAD database.Facultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y Geofísica

    X-rays and Protostars in the Trifid Nebula

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    The Trifid Nebula is a young HII region recently rediscovered as a "pre-Orion" star forming region, containing protostars undergoing violent mass ejections visible in optical jets as seen in images from the Infrared Space Observatory and the Hubble Space Telescope. We report the first X-ray observations of the Trifid nebula using ROSAT and ASCA. The ROSAT image shows a dozen X-ray sources, with the brightest X-ray source being the O7 star, HD 164492, which provides most of the ionization in the nebula. We also identify 85 T Tauri star and young, massive star candidates from near-infrared colors using the JHKs color-color diagram from the Two Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS). Ten X-ray sources have counterpart near-infrared sources. The 2MASS stars and X-ray sources suggest there are potentially numerous protostars in the young HII region of the Trifid. ASCA moderate resolution spectroscopy of the brightest source shows hard emission up to 10 keV with a clearly detected Fe K line. The best model fit is a two-temperature (T = 1.2x10^6 K and 39x10^6 K) thermal model with additional warm absorbing media. The hotter component has an unusually high temperature for either an O star or an HII region; a typical Galactic HII region could not be the primary source for such hot temperature plasma and the Fe XXV line emission. We suggest that the hotter component originates in either the interaction of the wind with another object (a companion star or a dense region of the nebula) or from flares from deeply embedded young stars.Comment: Accepted in ApJ (Oct, 20 issue, 2001