27 research outputs found

    Where Have All of the Students Gone? Examining Student Retention at a Small Liberal Arts College

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    As colleges and universities continue to face increasing competition and higher student acquisition costs, it has become imperative that these organizations focus on retaining students and closely monitor their retention rates. This paper reports on one college’s use of the marketing research model to address a lower than expected retention rate. A classic marketing research model is utilized to generate information. This survey revealed that there are many controllable issues that schools can change to increase retention. However, there are also some factors over which a school may have little control, or would require a long term strategy to address

    Youth victim perspective: optimizing presentation of patient-reported outcomes in a violence intervention program

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    Abstract Introduction The health, well-being and psychological development of children in urban areas is threatened by exposure to interpersonal violence. Violence intervention programs, such as Project Ujima, provide children with comprehensive treatment following exposure to violence. Services focus on the interruption of the violence cycle, mental health, and developing resiliency. The collection of patient-reported outcomes (PROs) from youth victims of violence informs community-based, programmatic, and individual participant interventions. Although the collection of PROs throughout treatment has been demonstrated to be feasible, youth and crime victim specialist preferences for data presentation is unknown. We sought to determine patient and crime victim specialist preferences regarding which PROs are of interest and how best to visually display them for optimal engagement. Results Fifteen youth and nine crime victim specialists consented to participate. Both preferred visuals with the highest level of color-shading and descriptions. The domains with the highest level of interest among both youth and case workers were social, anger, emotional, school, physical, peer relations, and psychosocial well-being. Youth and crime victim specialists expressed low interest in positive affect, meaning/purpose, physical stress experience, and depression domains. Youth wanted to see their scores compared to others in the program, while crime victim specialists did not think such comparisons would be beneficial. In contrast to youth, crime victim specialists believed youth should see their physical functioning and PTSD scores. Conclusion Youth participants and their crime victim specialists in a violence intervention program desired to see their PROs in a graphical form and agreed on their preference for many of the domains except for PTSD and physical functioning. Both groups preferred visuals with the highest level of shading and descriptions. Further investigation is needed to determine how to implement PRO visuals with the desired domains into regular violence intervention programming. Methods Participants in Project Ujima’s 8-week summer camp, ages 7–18 years, who were either a victim of violent injury, a direct relative of a violent injury victim, or a homicide survivor were recruited for this qualitative study. Crime victim specialists, who work directly with these youth throughout the year, were also recruited to participate. We conducted structured interviews to determine which parameters and visual formats were of highest interest and best understood by youth participants and crime victim specialists

    Characteristics and neighborhood-level opportunity of assault-injured children in Milwaukee

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    Abstract Background Multiple studies have explored demographic characteristics and social determinants of health in relation to the risk of pediatric assault-related injuries and reinjury. However, few have explored protective factors. The Child Opportunity Index (COI) uses neighborhood-level indicators to measure ‘opportunity’ based on factors such as education, social environment, and economic resources. We hypothesized that higher ‘opportunity’ would be associated with less risk of reinjury in assault-injured youth. Methods This was a single-institution, retrospective study at a Level 1 Pediatric Trauma Center. Trauma registry and electronic medical record data were queried for children ≤ 18 years old with assault-related injuries from 1/1/2016 to 5/31/2021. Reinjured children, defined as any child who sustained more than one assault injury, were compared to non-reinjured children. Area Deprivation Index (ADI), a marker of socioeconomic status, and COI were determined through census block and tract data, respectively. A post-hoc analysis examined COI between all assault-injured children, unintentionally injured children, and a state-based normative cohort representative of non-injured children. Results There were 55,862 traumatic injury encounters during the study period. Of those, 1224 (2.3%) assault injured children were identified, with 52 (4.2%) reinjured children and 1172 (95.8%) non-reinjured children. Reinjured children were significantly more likely to be older (median age 15.0 [IQR 13.8–17.0] vs. median age 14.0 [IQR 8.8–16.0], p < 0.001) and female (55.8% vs. 37.5%, p = 0.01) than non-reinjured children. COI was not associated with reinjury. There were also no significant differences in race, ethnicity, insurance status, ADI, or mechanism and severity of injury between cohorts. Post-hoc analysis revealed that assault-injured children were more likely to live in areas of lower COI than the other cohorts. Conclusions Compared to children who sustained only one assault during the study period, children who experienced more than one assault were more likely to be older and female. Furthermore, living in an area with more or less opportunity did not influence the risk of reinjury. However, all assault-injured children were more likely to live in areas of lower COI compared to unintentionally injured and a state-based normative cohort. Identification of factors on a social or environmental level that leads to assaultive injury warrants further exploration

    Understanding Influenza and SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine Hesitancy in Racial and Ethnic Minority Caregivers

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    (1) Background: We compared influenza and SARS-CoV-2 vaccine hesitancy levels in Black, Hispanic, and White parents/caregivers and identified barriers and facilitators to vaccine acceptance. (2) Methods: This was a mixed methods study. A cross-sectional survey of ED caregivers presenting with children 6mo&ndash;18yo compared vaccine hesitancy levels among diverse caregivers. Six focus groups of survey participants, stratified by caregiver race/ethnicity and caregiver intent to receive SARS-CoV-2 vaccine, assessed facilitators and barriers of vaccination, with thematic coding using the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research (CFIR). (3) Results: Surveys (n = 589) revealed Black caregivers had significantly higher vaccine hesitancy rates than White caregivers for pediatric influenza (42% versus 21%) and SARS-CoV-2 (63% versus 36%; both p &lt; 0.05). Hispanic caregivers were more hesitant than White caregivers (37% flu and 58% SARS-CoV-2), but this was not significant. Qualitative analysis (n = 23 caregivers) identified barriers including vaccine side effects, lack of necessity, inadequate data/science, and distrust. Facilitators included vaccine convenience, fear of illness, and desire to protect others. (4) Conclusions: Minority caregivers reported higher levels of vaccine hesitancy for influenza and SARS-CoV-2. We identified vaccine facilitators and barriers inclusive of Black and Hispanic caregivers, which may guide interventions designed to equitably improve acceptance of pediatric vaccines

    Seasonality of Acute Lyme Disease in Children

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    Due to the life cycle of its vector, Lyme disease has known seasonal variation. However, investigations focused on children have been limited. Our objective was to evaluate the seasonality of pediatric Lyme disease in three endemic regions in the United States. We enrolled children presenting to one of eight Pedi Lyme Net participating emergency departments. Cases were classified based on presenting symptoms: early (single erythema migrans (EM) lesion), early-disseminated (multiple EM lesions, headache, cranial neuropathy, or carditis), or late (arthritis). We defined a case of Lyme disease by the presence of an EM lesion or a positive two-tier Lyme disease serology. To measure seasonal variability, we estimated Fourier regression models to capture cyclical patterns in Lyme disease incidence. While most children with early or early-disseminated Lyme disease presented during the summer months, children with Lyme arthritis presented throughout the year. Clinicians should consider Lyme disease when evaluating children with acute arthritis throughout the year

    Higher C6 Enzyme Immunoassay Index Values Correlate with a Diagnosis of Noncutaneous Lyme Disease

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    The correlation between the Food and Drug Administration-cleared C6 enzyme immunoassay (EIA) C6 index values and a diagnosis of Lyme disease has not been examined. We used pooled patient-level data from 5 studies of adults and children with Lyme disease and control subjects who were tested with the C6 EIA. We constructed a receiver operating characteristic curve using regression clustered by study and measured the area under the curve (AUC) to examine the accuracy of the C6 index values in differentiating between patients with noncutaneous Lyme disease and control subjects. In the 4821 included patients, the C6 index value had excellent ability to distinguish between patients with noncutaneous Lyme disease and control subjects [AUC 0.99; 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.99-1.00]. An index value cut point of \u3e/=3.0 had a sensitivity of 90.9% (95% CI, 87.8-93.3) and specificity of 99.0% (95% CI, 98.6-99.2%) for Lyme disease

    Coral physiology and microbiome dynamics under combined warming and ocean acidification

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    <div><p>Rising seawater temperature and ocean acidification threaten the survival of coral reefs. The relationship between coral physiology and its microbiome may reveal why some corals are more resilient to these global change conditions. Here, we conducted the first experiment to simultaneously investigate changes in the coral microbiome and coral physiology in response to the dual stress of elevated seawater temperature and ocean acidification expected by the end of this century. Two species of corals, <i>Acropora millepora</i> containing the thermally sensitive endosymbiont C21a and <i>Turbinaria reniformis</i> containing the thermally tolerant endosymbiont <i>Symbiodinium trenchi</i>, were exposed to control (26.5°C and <i>p</i>CO<sub>2</sub> of 364 μatm) and treatment (29.0°C and <i>p</i>CO<sub>2</sub> of 750 μatm) conditions for 24 days, after which we measured the microbial community composition. These microbial findings were interpreted within the context of previously published physiological measurements from the exact same corals in this study (calcification, organic carbon flux, ratio of photosynthesis to respiration, photosystem II maximal efficiency, total lipids, soluble animal protein, soluble animal carbohydrates, soluble algal protein, soluble algal carbohydrate, biomass, endosymbiotic algal density, and chlorophyll <i>a</i>). Overall, dually stressed <i>A</i>. <i>millepora</i> had reduced microbial diversity, experienced large changes in microbial community composition, and experienced dramatic physiological declines in calcification, photosystem II maximal efficiency, and algal carbohydrates. In contrast, the dually stressed coral <i>T</i>. <i>reniformis</i> experienced a stable and more diverse microbiome community with minimal physiological decline, coupled with very high total energy reserves and particulate organic carbon release rates. Thus, the microbiome changed and microbial diversity decreased in the physiologically sensitive coral with the thermally sensitive endosymbiotic algae but not in the physiologically tolerant coral with the thermally tolerant endosymbiont. Our results confirm recent findings that temperature-stress tolerant corals have a more stable microbiome, and demonstrate for the first time that this is also the case under the dual stresses of ocean warming and acidification. We propose that coral with a stable microbiome are also more physiologically resilient and thus more likely to persist in the future, and shape the coral species diversity of future reef ecosystems.</p></div