6 research outputs found

    Conocimientos del paciente con hipertensi贸n arterial sobre estilos de vida saludables en el programa adulto mayor en Hospital Es Salud Chincha

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    Publicaci贸n a texto completo no autorizada por el autorDetermina los conocimientos del paciente con hipertensi贸n arterial sobre estilos de vida saludables en el Programa Adulto Mayor en Hospital Rene Toche Es Salud Chincha. El estudio es de nivel aplicativo, tipo cuantitativo, m茅todo descriptivo de corte transversal. La poblaci贸n est谩 conformada por 30 pacientes. La t茅cnica es la encuesta y el instrumento un formulario tipo cuestionario aplicado previo consentimiento informado. Del 100% (30), 53% (16) no conoce, 47% (14) conoce. En cuanto a la dimensi贸n h谩bitos alimentarios, 63% (19) conoce y 37% (11) no conoce; en la dimensi贸n actividad f铆sica, 53% (16) no conoce y 47% (14) conoce. Concluye que los conocimientos sobre estilos de vida saludables del paciente con hipertensi贸n arterial del Programa Adulto Mayor, el mayor porcentaje no conocen que en su alimentaci贸n diaria no debe priorizar las frituras, los condimentos, y salir a visitar a sus familiares y/o amistades, seguido de un porcentaje considerable de pacientes que conocen que sus alimentos diarios est谩n preparados a base de carbohidratos, verduras, prote铆nas, no priorizar las carnes, ni a帽adir sal a los alimentos.Trabajo acad茅mic

    La gesti贸n contable y su incidencia en la rentabilidad de la Empresa An谩lisis Tributario Laboral S.A.C. San Isidro 2019

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    En la presente tesis tiene el objetivo de Analizar de qu茅 manera la gesti贸n contable incide en la rentabilidad de la Empresa An谩lisis Tributario Laboral S.A.C. San Isidro 2019. Esta tesis fue de tipo aplicada de nivel descriptivo correlacional, de dise帽o no experimental con el enfoque cuantitativo el cual contemplo la recolecci贸n de datos, donde se utilizaron t茅cnicas de entrevistas referente a la pr谩ctica de campo se emple贸 el m茅todo de la encuesta, se utiliz贸 el cuestionario como instrumento y fue conformado por 21 preguntas, validado por juicio de tres expertos posteriormente se recopilo los datos mediante SPSS Vs25, para ser encaminadas a gr谩ficos estad铆sticos con sus correspondientes explicaciones. La gesti贸n contable permite llevar un registro y un control de las operaciones financieras que se llevan a cabo en una empresa, el cual es un modelo b谩sico que complementa a un sistema de informaci贸n que es compatible con el control y acompa帽a a una correcta relaci贸n de costos y beneficios. Se concluye que la gesti贸n contable incide en la rentabilidad de la Empresa An谩lisis Tributario Laboral S.A.C. San Isidro 2019. Por lo tanto, la correcta aplicaci贸n de la gesti贸n contable dentro de la empresa permitir谩 obtener informaci贸n clara y oportuna para un realizar un adecuado proceso de toma de decisiones en busca de obtener un mayor nivel de rentabilidad, ya que la gesti贸n contable cumple un rol es fundamental para que la organizaci贸n pueda disminuir posibles contingencias que afecten la rentabilidad.In this thesis, the objective of this thesis is to analyze how accounting management affects the profitability of the Empresa Analisis Tributario Laboral S.A.C. San Isidro 2019. This thesis was of a descriptive correlational type, of non-experimental design with a quantitative approach which contemplated the collection of data, where interview techniques were used referring to field practice, the survey method was used, the questionnaire was used as an instrument and it was made up of 21 questions, validated by the judgment of three experts, later the data was collected using SPSS Vs25, to be directed to statistical graphs with their corresponding explanations. Accounting management allows to keep a record and control of financial operations carried out in a company, which is a basic model that complements an information system that is compatible with control and accompanies a correct cost and cost ratio. Benefits. It is concluded that the accounting management affects the profitability of the Empresa Analisis Tributario Laboral S.A.C. San Isidro 2019. Therefore, the correct application of accounting management within the company will be able to obtain clear and timely information so as not to carry out an adequate decision-making process in search of obtaining a higher level of profitability, since accounting management plays a role is essential for the organization to reduce possible contingencies that affect profitability

    Feasibility intervention trial of two types of improved cookstoves in three resource-limited settings: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial.

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    BACKGROUND: Exposure to biomass fuel smoke is one of the leading risk factors for disease burden worldwide. International campaigns are currently promoting the widespread adoption of improved cookstoves in resource-limited settings, yet little is known about the cultural and social barriers to successful improved cookstove adoption and how these barriers affect environmental exposures and health outcomes. DESIGN: We plan to conduct a one-year crossover, feasibility intervention trial in three resource-limited settings (Kenya, Nepal and Peru). We will enroll 40 to 46 female primary cooks aged 20 to 49 years in each site (total 120 to 138). METHODS: At baseline, we will collect information on sociodemographic characteristics and cooking practices, and measure respiratory health and blood pressure for all participating women. An initial observational period of four months while households use their traditional, open-fire design cookstoves will take place prior to randomization. All participants will then be randomized to receive one of two types of improved, ventilated cookstoves with a chimney: a commercially-constructed cookstove (Envirofit G3300/G3355) or a locally-constructed cookstove. After four months of observation, participants will crossover and receive the other improved cookstove design and be followed for another four months. During each of the three four-month study periods, we will collect monthly information on self-reported respiratory symptoms, cooking practices, compliance with cookstove use (intervention periods only), and measure peak expiratory flow, forced expiratory volume at 1 second, exhaled carbon monoxide and blood pressure. We will also measure pulmonary function testing in the women participants and 24-hour kitchen particulate matter and carbon monoxide levels at least once per period. DISCUSSION: Findings from this study will help us better understand the behavioral, biological, and environmental changes that occur with a cookstove intervention. If this trial indicates that reducing indoor air pollution is feasible and effective in resource-limited settings like Peru, Kenya and Nepal, trials and programs to modify the open burning of biomass fuels by installation of low-cost ventilated cookstoves could significantly reduce the burden of illness and death worldwide. TRIAL REGISTRATION: ClinicalTrials.gov NCT01686867