21 research outputs found

    Održiva intenzifikacija gajenja slatkovodnih riba u Mađarskoj

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    Termin “Održiva intenzifikacija” je relativno nov i koncept koji se razvija iz akvakulture koja je definisana kao oblik proizvodnje u kome se “prinos povećava bez nepovoljnog uticaja na životnu sredinu i bez dodatnog kultivisanja zemljišta”. Kako postoje ograničenja u konvencionalnoj intenzifikaciji slatkovodnog ribarstva, povećanje proizvodnje zahteva inovativne pristupei korišćenje novih sistema i tehnologija kao što su Kombinovana intenzivno ekstenzivna (CIE) proizvodnja ili različitih recirkulacionih sistema (RAS) uključujući i RAS na otvorenom na ribnjacima i protočni sistemi. “Jászkiséri Halas” Kft. u Mađarskoj izgrađen je i radi kao novi tip CIE sistema koji se naziva sistemom “ribnjak u ribnjaku”, iako je mali intenzivni system nije jezero već plutajući tank. Intenzivna komponenta “ribnjaka u ribnjaku” se sastoji od 4 uzgojna tanka (30 m3 svaki) koji su uklopljeni u plutajuću jedinicu ukupne zapremine 120 m3. Intenzivna jedinica je bila smeštena u jednom uglu od 20 ha ekstenzivnog ribnjaka u kome se praktikuje konvvencionalna polikultura, a ribnjak koristi nutrijente izintenzivne jedinice. Voda cirkuliše između intenzivne i ekstenzivne komponente sistema putem pumpi. U intenzivnoj jedinici proizvodi se hibridni prugasti grgeč u maksimalnoj gustini nasada od 40 kg/m3. Prinos u ekstenzivnom ribnjaku gde je takođe dodavana hrana dostigao je 1050 kg/ha. Još jedan tip CIE sistema nazvan “kavez u ribnjaku” koristi se u “Aranyponty Zrt.” Za intenzivnu proizvodnju Evropskog soma u intenzivnoj jedinici i ekstenzivnu proizvodnju šarana, belog tolstolobika, belog amura i veslonosa u konvencionalnom ribnjaku. Jedan kavez od 50 m3 postavljen je u ribnjak od 1 ha površine u kome se proizvodi 500 kg evropskog soma (1350 g). Organski otpad iz jednog kaveza donosi dovoljno nutrijenata za 1 ha površine ribnjaka gde su šaran i veslonos osnovne vrste. Nema dodavanja đubriva i dodatne hrane i ekstenzivnom delu gde je prinos bio 700 kg/ha. “Spoljašnji RAS na ribnjaku” nastao je u “Jászkiséri Halas” Kft. konvertovanjem jednog zimovnika (2000 m2) iza velikog (20 ha) ekstenzivnog ribnjaka u intenzivni bazen za proizvodnju šarana. Voda između malog intenzivnog i velikog ekstenzivnog jezera, koje je takođe služilo kao jedinica za prečišžavanje, cirkulisala je pomoću male pumpe sa propelerom. U malom jezeru se intenzivno proizvodi šaran (7000 fish/ha) uz dodavanje peleta. Finalna prosečna telesna masa bila je 1.5 kg i bruto prinos je bio 10,000 kg/ha. U ekstenzivnom jezeru prinos je bio oko 1 t/ha uz korišćenje dodatne hrane. ”Spoljašnji RAS na pastrmskoj farmi” sagrađen je i funkcioniše u “Hoitsy and Rieger Kft.” gde se proizvodi kalifornijska pastrmka, potočna i jezerska pastrmka u 18 betonskih bazena ukupne površine 3700 m2. Da bi se pastrmke proizvodile intenzivno u zaštićenoj životnoj sredini koja je i turističko područje, farma je izgtadila poseban sistem za tretman vode koji uključuje RAS na otvorenom (bubanj filteri i plutajući biofilter) i veštački izgrađena močvara (sa 7 različitih vodenih biljaka). Kao rezultat upotrebe novog sistema za tretman vode farma može da održava nivo proizvodnje bez ikakvog negativnog uticaja na vodu obližnjeg potoka i okolne ekosisteme

    New results from NA49

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    Recent results of the NA49 experiment are presented. These cover first results on pion and kaon production, HBT, and charge fluctuations from Pb+Pb reactions at 40A GeV and their comparison to 158A GeV beam energy. Furthermore a study on baryon number transfer in p+p, centrality selected p+Pb and Pb+Pb collisions at 158A GeV and new results on the system size dependence of kaon yields, including C+C and Si+Si data, are presented. Additionally, a first result on Λ\Lambda Λ\Lambda correlations is shown

    Production of Phi mesons in p + p, p + Pb and central Pb + Pb collisions at E(beam) = 158-A-GEV.

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    Yields and phase space distributions of Phi mesons emitted from p+p (minimum bias trigger), p+Pb (at various centralities) and central Pb+Pb collisions are reported (E_beam=158AGeV). The decay Phi --> K+K was used for identification. The Phi/Pi ratio is found to increase by a factor of 3.0ą0.7 from inelastic p+p to central Pb+Pb. Significant enhancement in this ratio is also observed in subclasses of p+p events (characterized by high charged-particle multiplicity) as well as in the forward hemisphere of central p+Pb collisions. In Pb+Pb no shift or significant broadening of the Phi-peak is seen

    Cormorant-fisheries conflicts at Carp ponds in Europe and Israel – an overview. INTERCAFE COST Action 635 Final Report V

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    European Cooperation in Science and Technology COST Action 635 INTERCAFE - "Conserving biodiversity: interdisciplinary initiative to reduce pan-European Cormorant-fishery conflicts. Final Report V. This report includes: (1) the importance of carp pond areas, (2) Cormorant data for case study areas, (3) effects of habitat variables on cormorants, (4) assessing cormprant damage to pond farm fish stocks, (5) Cormorant management in carp pond areas, (6) general summary and concluding remarks, (7) full details of INTERCAFE's carp pond farm case study areas.

    A Prototype for passive gamma emission tomography

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    Combined efforts of multiple stakeholders of the IAEA Support Programme task JNT 1510: “Prototype of passive gamma emission tomograph (PGET)”, resulted in the design, manufacturing and extensive testing of an advanced verification tool for partial defect testing on light water reactor spent fuel. The PGET has now reached a proven capability of detecting a single missing or substituted pin inside a BWR and VVER-440 fuel assemblies. The task started in 2004 and it is planned to be finished in 2014. The PGET head consists of 2 banks of 104 CdTe detectors each with integrated data acquisition electronics. The CdTe detectors are embedded in tungsten collimators which can be rotated around the fuel element using an integrated stepping motor mounted on a rotating table. All components are packed inside a toroid watertight enclosure. Control, data acquisition and image reconstruction analysis are fully computerized and automated. The design of the system makes it transportable and suitable for safeguards verifications in spent fuel ponds anywhere. Four test campaigns have been conducted. In 2009, the first test in Ringhals NPP failed collecting data but demonstrated suitability of the PGET for field deployments. Subsequent tests on fuel with increasing complexity were all successful (Ispra, Italy (2012), Olkiluoto, Finland (2013) and Loviisa, Finland (2014)). The paper will present the PGET design, results obtained from the test campaigns and mention also drawbacks that were experienced in the project. We also describe further tests which would allow evaluating the capabilities and limitations of the method and the algorithm used. Currently, the main technical shortcoming is long acquisition time. With redesigned electronics the system would be able to verify a VVER-440 assembly in 5 minutes, which meets the IAEA user requirements.JRC.E.8-Nuclear securit