45 research outputs found

    Overweight and Obesity in Finnish Children by Parents’ Socioeconomic Position : A Registry-Based Study

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    Objectives: To examine associations between parents’ socioeconomic position (SEP) and child overweight and obesity, using registry data. Methods: Data (final n = 194,423) on children’s height, weight and parents’ SEP were drawn from the national Register of Primary Health Care Visits (Avohilmo) and Statistics Finland. Risk ratios for bernoulli-distributed overweight (RROW) and obesity (RROB) according to SEP were estimated using generalized linear models and using a log -link. Results: The risk for obesity was lower in boys from high-income families (RROB 0.76), for overweight and obesity was lower in boys (RROW 0.72, RROB 0.58) and girls (RROW 0.72, RROB 0.54) with highly educated fathers, in boys (RROW 0.79, RROB 0.58) and girls (RROW 0.78, RROB 0.56) with high-educated mothers and in boys (RROW 0.85, RROB 0.77) and girls (RROW 0.80, RROB 0.69) living in urban areas, as compared to low-income families, low-educated parents, and rural residence, respectively. Conclusion: The risk of overweight and obesity was increased in children with low SEP or rural residence. Administrative registers are a valid approach to monitor childhood obesity by parents’ SEP.Peer reviewe

    Effect of a Multidomain Lifestyle Intervention on Estimated Dementia Risk

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    We investigated the effect of a multidomain lifestyle intervention on the risk of dementia estimated using the validated CAIDE risk score (post-hoc analysis). The Finnish Geriatric Intervention Study to Prevent Cognitive Impairment and Disability (FINGER) is a 2-year randomized controlled trial among 1,260 at-risk older adults (60-77 years). Difference in the estimated mean change in CAIDE score at 2 years in the intervention compared to the control group was -0.16 (95 % CI -0.31 to 0.00) (p = 0.013), corresponding to a relative dementia risk reduction between 6.04-6.50%. This could be interpreted as a reflection of the prevention potential of the intervention.Peer reviewe

    Dietary changes and cognition over 2 years within a multidomain intervention trial-The Finnish Geriatric Intervention Study to Prevent Cognitive Impairment and Disability (FINGER)

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    Introduction: Association between healthy diet and better cognition is well established, but evidence is limited to evaluate the effect of dietary changes adopted in older age. Methods: We investigated the role of dietary changes in the Finnish Geriatric Intervention Study to Prevent Cognitive Impairment and Disability (FINGER) with 1260 at-risk participants (60-77 years) who were randomized to intensive multidomain intervention (including dietary counseling) or regular health advice for 2 years. Parallel process latent growth curves of adherence to dietary recommendations and cognitive performance were analyzed. Results: Adherence to healthy diet at baseline predicted improvement in global cognition, regardless of intervention allocation (P = .003). Dietary improvement was associated with beneficial changes in executive function, especially in the intervention group (P = .008; P = .051 for groups combined). Discussion: Dietary changes initiated during the intervention were related to changes in executive function in 2 years. Long-term diet appeared more influential for global cognition. (C) 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc.Peer reviewe

    Neonatal Nutrition Predicts Energy Balance in Young Adults Born Preterm at Very Low Birth Weight

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    Epidemiological studies and animal models suggest that early postnatal nutrition and growth can influence adult health. However, few human studies have objective recordings of early nutrient intake. We studied whether nutrient intake and growth during the first 9 weeks after preterm birth with very low birth weight (VLBW,Peer reviewe

    Associations of Depressive Symptoms and Cognition in the FINGER Trial : A Secondary Analysis of a Randomised Clinical Trial

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    Depression and cognition are associated, but the role of depressive symptoms in lifestyle interventions to prevent dementia needs further study. We investigated the intervention effect on depressive symptoms and their associations with cognition in the Finnish Geriatric Intervention Study to Prevent Cognitive Impairment and Disability (FINGER; NCT01041989), a two-year multidomain lifestyle trial. One thousand two-hundred and sixty individuals (60-77 years) at risk for dementia were randomised into a multidomain intervention (diet, exercise, cognitive training, and vascular/metabolic risk monitoring) or control group (regular health advice). Depressive symptoms (Zung scale) and cognition (modified Neuropsychological Test Battery) were evaluated at baseline, 12, and 24 months. One thousand one-hundred and twenty-five participants had baseline Zung data. Mean Zung score decreased 0.73 (SD 5.6) points in the intervention and 0.36 (5.6) points in the control group, with nonsignificant between-group difference (group x time coefficient -0.006, 95% CI -0.019 to 0.007). Overall, higher baseline Zung score was associated with less improvement in global cognition (-0.140, p = 0.005) and memory (-0.231, p = 0.005). Participants with clinically significant baseline depressive symptoms (Zung >= 40 points) had less intervention benefit to executive functioning (group x time x Zung -0.096, 95% CI -0.163 to -0.028). Change in Zung score was not associated with change in cognition. Clinically significant depressive symptoms warrant more attention when designing dementia-prevention interventions.Peer reviewe

    Tilastotietoa lasten ylipainoisuuden yleisyydestä saatavilla yhä useammasta kunnasta

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    VertaisarvioituLähtökohdat Tavoitteena oli selvittää, ovatko lasten kasvutietojen kattavuus ja laatu Avohilmossa parantuneet ja onko lasten ylipainoisuuden ja lihavuuden yleisyydessä näiden tietojen perusteella tapahtunut muutoksia. Menetelmät Vertasimme 2–16-vuotiaiden lasten kasvutietoja vuosien 2016–17 ja 2014–15 aineistoissa. Ylipainoisuuden yleisyyttä tarkasteltiin kunnissa, joissa tietojen kattavuus oli vähintään 65 % (167 521 lasta). Tulokset Vuosina 2014–15 kasvutietojen kattavuus oli vähintään 65 % kaikkiaan 63 kunnassa (20 %) ja vuosina 2016–17 kaikkiaan 123 kunnassa (40 %). Kunnista 47 %:ssa oli alle 10 %:n kattavuus vuosina 2016–17, kun aiemmassa aineistossa osuus oli 53 %. Ylipainoisia oli vuosina 2016–17 pojista 26 % ja tytöistä 16 %. Erot aiempaan eivät olleet merkitseviä. Päätelmät Kattavaa tietoa lasten ylipainoisuuden yleisyydestä löytyy Avohilmosta yhä useammasta kunnasta. Tietojen siirtymisessä on kuitenkin isoja eroja sen mukaan, mikä potilastietojärjestelmä kunnassa on käytössä.Peer reviewe