111 research outputs found

    How Probabilistic Causation Can Account for the Use of Mechanistic Evidence

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    In a recent paper in this journal, Federica Russo and Jon Williamson argue that an analysis of causality in terms of probabilistic relationships does not do justice to the use of mechanistic evidence to support causal claims. I will present Ronald Giere=s theory of probabilistic causation, and show that it can account for the use of mechanistic evidence (both in the health sciences B on which Russo and Williamson focus B and elsewhere). I also review some other probabilistic theories of causation (of Suppes, Eells and Humphreys) and show that they cannot account for the use of mechanistic evidence. I argue that these theories are also inferior to Giere's theory in other respects

    Functionals of the Brownian motion, localization and metric graphs

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    We review several results related to the problem of a quantum particle in a random environment. In an introductory part, we recall how several functionals of the Brownian motion arise in the study of electronic transport in weakly disordered metals (weak localization). Two aspects of the physics of the one-dimensional strong localization are reviewed : some properties of the scattering by a random potential (time delay distribution) and a study of the spectrum of a random potential on a bounded domain (the extreme value statistics of the eigenvalues). Then we mention several results concerning the diffusion on graphs, and more generally the spectral properties of the Schr\"odinger operator on graphs. The interest of spectral determinants as generating functions characterizing the diffusion on graphs is illustrated. Finally, we consider a two-dimensional model of a charged particle coupled to the random magnetic field due to magnetic vortices. We recall the connection between spectral properties of this model and winding functionals of the planar Brownian motion.Comment: Review article. 50 pages, 21 eps figures. Version 2: section 5.5 and conclusion added. Several references adde

    The disproportionate burden of HIV and STIs among male sex workers in Mexico City and the rationale for economic incentives to reduce risks

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    Introduction: The objective of this article is to present the rationale and baseline results for a randomized controlled pilot trial using economic incentives to reduce HIV and sexually transmitted infection (STI) risk among male sex workers (MSWs) in Mexico City. Methods: Participants (n=267) were tested and treated for STIs (chlamydia, gonorrhoea, syphilis and HIV) and viral hepatitis (hepatitis B and C), received HIV and STI prevention education and were randomized into four groups: (1) control, (2) medium conditional incentive (50/sixmonths),(3)highconditionalincentive(50/six months), (3) high conditional incentive (75/six months) and (4) unconditional incentive (50/sixmonths).Intheconditionalarms,incentiveswerecontingentupontestingfreeofnewcurableSTIs(chlamydia,gonorrhoeaandsyphilis)atfollowupassessments.Results:Participantsmeanagewas25years;850/six months). In the conditional arms, incentives were contingent upon testing free of new curable STIs (chlamydia, gonorrhoea and syphilis) at follow-up assessments. Results: Participants’ mean age was 25 years; 8% were homeless or lived in a shelter, 16% were unemployed and 21% lived in Mexico City less than 5 years. At baseline, 38% were living with HIV, and 32% tested positive for viral hepatitis or at least one STI (other than HIV). Participants had a mean of five male clients in the previous week; 18% reported condomless sex with their last client. For 37%, sex work was their main occupation and was conducted mainly on the streets (51%) or in bars/discotheques (24%) and hotels (24%). The average price for a sex transaction was 25 with a 35% higher payment for condomless sex. Conclusions: The findings suggest that economic incentives are a relevant approach for HIV prevention among MSWs, given the market-based inducements for unprotected sex. This type of targeted intervention seems to be justified and should continue to be explored in the context of combination prevention efforts

    Global Perspectives on Immunization During Pregnancy and Priorities for Future Research and Development: An International Consensus Statement

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    Immunization during pregnancy has been recommended in an increasing number of countries. The aim of this strategy is to protect pregnant women and infants from severe infectious disease, morbidity and mortality and is currently limited to tetanus, inactivated influenza, and pertussis-containing vaccines. There have been recent advancements in the development of vaccines designed primarily for use in pregnant women (respiratory syncytial virus and group B Streptococcus vaccines). Although there is increasing evidence to support vaccination in pregnancy, important gaps in knowledge still exist and need to be addressed by future studies. This collaborative consensus paper provides a review of the current literature on immunization during pregnancy and highlights the gaps in knowledge and a consensus of priorities for future research initiatives, in order to optimize protection for both the mother and the infant

    Extrapolation and the Russo–Williamson thesis

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    A particular tradition in medicine claims that a variety of evidence is helpful in determining whether an observed correlation is causal. In line with this tradition, it has been claimed that establishing a causal claim in medicine requires both probabilistic and mechanistic evidence. This claim has been put forward by Federica Russo and Jon Williamson. As a result, it is sometimes called the Russo–Williamson thesis. In support of this thesis, Russo and Williamson appeal to the practice of the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC). However, this practice presents some problematic cases for the Russo–Williamson thesis. One response to such cases is to argue in favour of reforming these practices. In this paper, we propose an alternative response according to which such cases are in fact consistent with the Russo–Williamson thesis. This response requires maintaining that there is a role for mechanism-based extrapolation in the practice of the IARC. However, the response works only if this mechanism-based extrapolation is reliable, and some have argued against the reliability of mechanism-based extrapolation. Against this, we provide some reasons for believing that reliable mechanism-based extrapolation is going on in the practice of the IARC. The reasons are provided by appealing to the role of robustness analysis

    Сельскохозяйственная кооперация Урала за 1926-27 хозяйственный год и за I квартал 1927-28 г.: материалы к III собранию уполномоченных Уралселькустсоюза

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    0|7|Общие условия и итоги работы с.-х. кооперации за отчетный период [c. 7]0|11|Направление и темп кооперирования [c. 11]0|13|Союзное строительство [c. 13]0|13|Социальный состав пайщиков и его регулирование [c. 13]0|16|Итоги перевыборной кампании [c. 16]0|17|Аппарат системы [c. 17]0|18|Направление и характер организационной работы системы [c. 18]0|19|Культработа [c. 19]0|20|Массовая работа [c. 20]0|20|Колхозное строительство [c. 20]0|22|Кредитная работа [c. 22]0|26|Торгово-посредническая деятельность [c. 26]0|30|Финансы [c. 30]0|33|Производственная деятельность [c. 33]0|34|Агрикультурная работа [c. 34]0|35|Кустарно-промысловая кооперация в системе сел.-хоз. кооперации [c. 35]0|38|Состояние и работа системы в I кв. 1927-28 г. [c. 38]0|39|Рост колхозного движения [c. 39]0|40|Товарооборот с.-х. кооперации [c. 40]0|41|Финансовое состояние системы [c. 41]0|41|Итоги и перспективы [c. 41]0|45|Таблицы [c. 45]1|45|Сельско-хозяйственная кооперация в 1926-28 году [c. 45]2|45|Организационное состояние [c. 45]3|46|Сеть кооперативов в районах деятельности союзов сельско-хоз. и куст. пром. кооперации Уралобласти по видам [c. 46]3|47|Число всех кооперативов и членов в них в районах деятельности отдельных союзов сел.-хоз. и куст.-пром. кооперации и процент кооперированности хозяйств по округам [c. 47]3|49|Социально-имущественный состав членов-пайщиков сел.-хоз. кредитных товариществ на 1 октября 1927 года [c. 49]3|50|Состав правлений и ревкомиссий низовой сети сельско-хозяйственной кооперации до и после перевыборов 1927-28 г. [c. 50]2|51|Финансовое состояние [c. 51]3|52|Сводные балансы по отдельным видам сельско-хозяйственных кооперативов на 1-Х-1926 г. и 1-Х-1927 г. [c. 52]3|53|Сводные балансы сельско-хозяйственных кредитных товариществ на 1 октября 1927 года по союзам [c. 53]3|54|Балансы (нетто) союзов сел.-хоз. куст.-пром. кооперации на 1 октября 26 г. и на 1 октября 27 г. [c. 54]3|56|Балансы Уралселькустсоюза на 1-Х-1926 г. и 1-Х-1927 года [c. 56]3|57|Использование фондов кооперирования бедноты в 1926-27 г. и создание таковых из прибылей 1926-27 г. по низовой сети [c. 57]2|59|Хозяйственная работа и ее результаты [c. 59]3|61|Оброт по продаже товаров отдельных звеньев сельско-хозяйственной кооперации по сортиментным группам за 1926-27 год [c. 61]3|62|Распределение торговых оборотов сель.-хоз, кредитных товариществ по контрагентам в 1926-27 г. [c. 62]3|63|Общеторговые расходы сел.-хоз. кредитных товариществ за 1926-27 год [c. 63]3|64|Доходы сельско-хозяйственных кредитных товариществ за 1926-1927 год [c. 64]3|65|Агрономические предприятия низовой сети сель.-хоз кооперации на 1-Х 1927 год [c. 65]3|66|Промышленные предприятия низовой сети сельско-хозяйственной кооперации на 1-Х-1927 г. [c. 66]3|67|Товарооборот союзов сельско-хозяйственной и кустарно-промысловой кооперации за 1926-27 год [c. 67]3|68|Покупка и продажа товаров по снабжению союзами с.-х. куст. промысл. кооперации с разбивкой на контрагентов в 1926-27 г. [c. 68]3|69|Покупка и продажа товаров по сбыту союзами сел.-хоз. куст. пром. кооперации с разбивкой на контрагентов в 1926-27 году [c. 69]3|70|Доходы и обще-торговые расходы союзов сел.-хоз. и куст.-пром. кооперации в 1926-1927 году [c. 70]3|71|Наложение на себестоимость товаров в 1927-28 году [c. 71]2|72|Сельско-хозяйственная кооперация в I квартале 1927-28 года [c. 72]3|73|Сеть кооперативов в районе деятельности окружных и районных союзов, входящих в систему областного союза сел.-хоз. кооперации на 1-Х-27 г. и 1-I-1928 г. [c. 73]3|74|Число всех кооперативов и членов в них по отдельным союзам и процент кооперированости хозяйств по округам [c. 74]3|75|Сводные балансы с.-хоз. кредитных товариществ на 1 октября 27 г. и 1 января 1928 г. [c. 75]3|76|Сводные балансы (нетто) 1-ти окружных и районных союзов сел.-хоз. кооперации на 1-Х-27 и 1-I -28 г. [c. 76]3|78|Балансы (нетто) Уралселькустсоюза на 1/I-27 г., 1/I-28 г. и 1-IV-28 г. [c. 78]3|80|Оборот по продаже товаров союзов сельско-хозяйственной кооперации за I кварта 1927-28 года [c. 80]3|81|Обще-торговые расходы союзов сел.-хоз. кооперации в I квартале 1927-28 года [c. 81]3|82|Товарооборот и обще-торговые расходы союзов сел.-хоз. кооперации [c. 82]2|83|Текущие кампании [c. 83]3|84|Паевая кампания [c. 84]3|85|Перевыборная кампания 1927-28 г. [c. 85]3|85|Общие перевыборные собрания членов пайщиков сел.-хоз. кооперации в 1927-1928 году [c. 85]3|86|Перевыборные собрания уполномоченных сельско-хозяйственных к-вово в 1917-28 году [c. 86]0|87|Пояснения к таблицам [c. 87]0|90|Оглавление [c. 90