178 research outputs found

    Training Caregivers to Conduct a Descriptive Behavioral Assessment

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    We evaluated the efficacy of a training package in teaching caregivers to conduct an A-B-C checklist recording functional behavioral assessment. The training package consisted of a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation containing pertinent background information, a task analysis of assessment procedures, and examples of common environmental patterns that occasion and maintain challenging behavior and practice with supportive and corrective feedback. Participants conducted assessments while observing their own child engage in challenging behavior in the natural environment and while watching video recordings of other individuals engage in a variety of challenging behaviors. Data were collected on participants’ accurate marking of antecedent, behavior, and consequence events that occurred during observations. Results showed that, following training, both participants correctly identified greater than 90% of events that occurred in training videos and 100% of events that occurred in the natural environment. Implications for future research are discussed

    Cohesin is required for long-range enhancer action at the Shh locus

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    The regulatory landscapes of developmental genes in mammals can be complex, with enhancers spread over many hundreds of kilobases. It has been suggested that three-dimensional genome organisation, particularly topologically associating domains formed by cohesin-mediated loop extrusion, are important for enhancers to act over such large genomic distances. By coupling acute protein degradation with synthetic activation by targeted transcription factor recruitment, here we show that cohesin, but not CTCF, is required for activation of a target gene – Shh - by distant enhancers in mouse embryonic stem cells. Cohesin is not required for activation directly at the promoter or from an enhancer located closer to the Shh gene. Our findings support the hypothesis that chromatin compaction mediated by cohesin-mediated loop extrusion allows for genes to be activated by enhancers that are located many hundreds of kilobases away in the linear genome but suggests that cohesin is dispensable for more genomically close enhancers

    Wt1 is required for cardiovascular progenitor cell formation through transcriptional control of Snail and E-cadherin

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    Epicardial epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) is hypothesized to generate cardiovascular progenitor cells that differentiate into various cell types, including coronary smooth muscle and endothelial cells, perivascular and cardiac interstitial fibroblasts and cardiomyocytes. Here we show that an epicardial-specific knockout of Wt1 leads to a reduction of mesenchymal progenitor cells and their derivatives. We demonstrate that Wt1 is essential for repression of the epithelial phenotype in epicardial cells and during Embryonic Stem (ES) cell differentiation, through direct transcriptional regulation of Snail (Snai1) and E-cadherin (Cdh1), two of the major mediators of EMT. Some mesodermal lineages fail to form in Wt1 null embryoid bodies but this effect is rescued by the expression of Snai1, underlining the importance of EMT in generating these differentiated cells. These new insights into the molecular mechanisms regulating cardiovascular progenitor cells and EMT will shed light on the pathogenesis of heart diseases and may help the development of cell based therapies

    The dynamics of spleen morphogenesis

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    AbstractThe mammalian spleen has important functions in immunity and haematopoiesis but little is known about the events that occur during its early embryonic development. Here we analyse the origin of the cells that gives rise to the splenic mesenchyme and the process by which the precursors assume their position along the left lateral side of the stomach. We report a highly conserved regulatory element that regulates the Nkx2-5 gene throughout early spleen development. A transgenic mouse line carrying this element driving a reporter gene was used to show that morphogenesis of the spleen initiates bilaterally and posterior to the stomach, before the splenic precursors grow preferentially leftward. In addition the transgenic line was used in an organ culture system to track spleen precursor cells during development. Spleen cells were shown to move from the posterior mesenchyme and track along the left side of the stomach. Removal of tissue from the anterior stomach resulted in splenic cells randomly scattering suggesting a guidance role for the anterior stomach. Using a mouse line carrying a conditional Cre recombinase to mark early precursor cell populations, the spleen was found to derive from posterior mesenchyme distinct from the closely adjacent stomach mesenchyme

    Impaired Spleen Formation Perturbs Morphogenesis of the Gastric Lobe of the Pancreas

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    Despite the extensive use of the mouse as a model for studies of pancreas development and disease, the development of the gastric pancreatic lobe has been largely overlooked. In this study we use optical projection tomography to provide a detailed three-dimensional and quantitative description of pancreatic growth dynamics in the mouse. Hereby, we describe the epithelial and mesenchymal events leading to the formation of the gastric lobe of the pancreas. We show that this structure forms by perpendicular growth from the dorsal pancreatic epithelium into a distinct lateral domain of the dorsal pancreatic mesenchyme. Our data support a role for spleen organogenesis in the establishment of this mesenchymal domain and in mice displaying perturbed spleen development, including Dh +/−, Bapx1−/− and Sox11−/−, gastric lobe development is disturbed. We further show that the expression profile of markers for multipotent progenitors is delayed in the gastric lobe as compared to the splenic and duodenal pancreatic lobes. Altogether, this study provides new information regarding the developmental dynamics underlying the formation of the gastric lobe of the pancreas and recognizes lobular heterogeneities regarding the time course of pancreatic cellular differentiation. Collectively, these data are likely to constitute important elements in future interpretations of the developing and/or diseased pancreas

    Disease-Causing 7.4 kb Cis-Regulatory Deletion Disrupting Conserved Non-Coding Sequences and Their Interaction with the FOXL2 Promotor: Implications for Mutation Screening

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    To date, the contribution of disrupted potentially cis-regulatory conserved non-coding sequences (CNCs) to human disease is most likely underestimated, as no systematic screens for putative deleterious variations in CNCs have been conducted. As a model for monogenic disease we studied the involvement of genetic changes of CNCs in the cis-regulatory domain of FOXL2 in blepharophimosis syndrome (BPES). Fifty-seven molecularly unsolved BPES patients underwent high-resolution copy number screening and targeted sequencing of CNCs. Apart from three larger distant deletions, a de novo deletion as small as 7.4 kb was found at 283 kb 5′ to FOXL2. The deletion appeared to be triggered by an H-DNA-induced double-stranded break (DSB). In addition, it disrupts a novel long non-coding RNA (ncRNA) PISRT1 and 8 CNCs. The regulatory potential of the deleted CNCs was substantiated by in vitro luciferase assays. Interestingly, Chromosome Conformation Capture (3C) of a 625 kb region surrounding FOXL2 in expressing cellular systems revealed physical interactions of three upstream fragments and the FOXL2 core promoter. Importantly, one of these contains the 7.4 kb deleted fragment. Overall, this study revealed the smallest distant deletion causing monogenic disease and impacts upon the concept of mutation screening in human disease and developmental disorders in particular

    When TADs go bad: chromatin structure and nuclear organisation in human disease

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    Chromatin in the interphase nucleus is organised as a hierarchical series of structural domains, including self-interacting domains called topologically associating domains (TADs). This arrangement is thought to bring enhancers into closer physical proximity with their target genes, which often are located hundreds of kilobases away in linear genomic distance. TADs are demarcated by boundary regions bound by architectural proteins, such as CTCF and cohesin, although much remains to be discovered about the structure and function of these domains. Recent studies of TAD boundaries disrupted in engineered mouse models show that boundary mutations can recapitulate human developmental disorders as a result of aberrant promoter-enhancer interactions in the affected TADs. Similar boundary disruptions in certain cancers can result in oncogene overexpression, and CTCF binding sites at boundaries appear to be hyper-mutated across cancers. Further insights into chromatin organisation, in parallel with accumulating whole genome sequence data for disease cohorts, are likely to yield additional valuable insights into the roles of noncoding sequence variation in human disease
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