802 research outputs found

    Peptidomics as a tool for quality control in dry-cured ham processing

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    Spanish dry-cured ham is a high quality product whose economic value is mainly given by its curing time. An intense proteolysis takes place throughout the dry-cured processing, which results in the generation of a high amount of peptides and free amino acids responsible for the final quality of dry-cured hams. In this work, a peptidomics approach has been used to study the evolution of peptides throughout the ham dry-curing process, identifying and quantifying the generated peptides in order to define potential quality biomarkers. For this purpose, dry-cured ham extracts at different processing times (0, 2, 3.5, 5, 6.5 and 9 months) were fractionated by size-exclusion chromatography and analysed by nanoliquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry. Differences obtained in the relative quantification of peptides by using a label-free methodology were useful to establish differences between processing times, being peptides generated by the degradation of myosin light chain 1 protein mainly responsible for the observed differences during the last stages of curing. In particular, APAPAPAPPKEEKI and PAPAPAPAPAPAPAPPKE, exclusively identified at 9 months of curing, would be potential markers to control the time of curing and thus the final quality of dry-cured hams.The FPI Scholarship BES-2011-046096 from MINECO (Spain) to M.G. and Grants AGL2013-47169-R from MINECO and FEDER funds are acknowledged. The research also received funding from the European Union Seventh Framework Programme FP7-PEOPLE-2013-CIG under Grant Agreement 614281 (HIGHVALFOOD). The JAEDOC-CSIC postdoctoral contract to L.M. co-funded by the European Social Fund is also acknowledged.Peer reviewe

    New insights into meat by-products utilization

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    Meat industry generates large volumes of by-products like blood, bones, meat trimmings, skin, fatty tissues, horns, hoofs, feet, skull and viscera among others that are costly to be treated and disposed ecologically. These costs can be balanced through innovation to generate added value products that increase its profitability. Rendering results in feed ingredients for livestock, poultry and aquaculture as well as for pet foods. Energy valorization can be obtained through the thermochemical processing of meat and bone meal or the use of waste animal fats for the production of biodiesel. More recently, new applications have been reported like the production of polyhydroxyalkanoates as alternative to plastics produced from petroleum. Other interesting valorization strategies are based on the hydrolysis of by-products to obtain added value products like bioactive peptides with relevant physiological effects as antihypertensive, antioxidant, antidiabetic, antimicrobial, etc. with promising applications in the food, pharmaceutical and cosmetics industry. This paper reports and discusses the latest developments and trends in the use and valorisation of meat industry by-products.Grant AGL2014-57367-R from MINECO (Spain) and FEDER funds, Grant GV/2015/138 from Generalitat Valenciana (Spain) and JAEDOC-CSIC, postdoctoral contract of L.M. co-funded by the European Social Fund are acknowledged.Peer reviewe

    Péptidos derivados de la troponina T generados en jamón curado

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    Antioxidant compounds and their bioaccessibility in tomato fruit and puree obtained from a DETIOLATED-1 (DET-1) down-regulated genetically modified genotype

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    [EN] The economic value, the ease of cultivation and processing, and the well-known health-promoting properties of tomato fruit, make the tomato an important target for genetic manipulation to increase its nutritional content. A transgenic variety, down-regulated in the DETIOLATED-1 (DET-1) gene, has been studied in comparison with the parental line, for antioxidant levels in fresh and hot break fruit, as well as the bioaccessibility of antioxidants from puree. Differences in the concentrations of antioxidants between the wild-type and the genetically modified raw tomatoes were confirmed, but antioxidant levels were maintained to a greater extent in the GM puree than in the parent. The bioaccessibility of the compounds, tested using an in vitro digestion model, showed an increase in the genetically modified samplesL. Mora and P. D. Fraser are grateful to the EU-FP7 Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowship scheme (FOOSAF project) for financial resources. P. Talens acknowledges the Universidad Politecnica de Valencia for the financial support of a fellowship at the Centre for Systems and Synthetic Biology, School of Biological Sciences of Royal Holloway, University of London. Addition funds were received from FP6-EU-SOL and FP7 METAPRO projects (to PDF and PMB)Talens Oliag, P.; Mora, L.; Bramley, PM.; Fraser, PD. (2016). Antioxidant compounds and their bioaccessibility in tomato fruit and puree obtained from a DETIOLATED-1 (DET-1) down-regulated genetically modified genotype. Food Chemistry. 213:735-741. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodchem.2016.06.079S73574121

    Trends in Biodiesel Production from Animal Fat Waste

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    © 2020 by the authors.The agro-food industry generates large amounts of waste that contribute to environmental contamination. Animal fat waste constitutes some of the most relevant waste and the treatment of such waste is quite costly because environmental regulations are quite strict. Part of such costs might be reduced through the generation of bioenergy. Biodiesel constitutes a valid renewable source of energy because it is biodegradable, non-toxic and has a good combustion emission profile and can be blended up to 20% with fossil diesel for its use in many countries. Furthermore, up to 70% of the total cost of biodiesel majorly depends on the cost of the raw materials used, which can be reduced using animal fat waste because they are cheaper than vegetable oil waste. In fact, 6% of total feedstock corresponded to animal fat in 2019. Transesterification with alkaline catalysis is still preferred at industrial plants producing biodiesel. Recent developments in heterogeneous catalysts that can be easily recovered, regenerated and reused, as well as immobilized lipases with increased stability and resistance to alcohol denaturation, are promising for future industrial use. This manuscript reviews the available processes and recent advances for biodiesel generation from animal fat waste.This research was funded by European Marie Curie project, grant number 614281 (HIGHVALFOOD) and European Regional Development Fund.Peer reviewe

    Determinación de compuestos bioquímicos para el control de calidad en la elaboración de jamón cocido y jamón curado

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    Durante la última década se ha puesto de manifiesto la importancia de desarrollar nuevos métodos rápidos de análisis con el fin de controlar el proceso de elaboración de los productos cárnicos de una forma segura y eficiente. Debido a este interés, parte de esta Tesis Doctoral se ha centrado en el desarrollo y la aplicación de nuevos métodos no destructivos y rápidos para controlar el proceso de producción, tanto del jamón cocido como del tradicional jamón curado. La participación de compuestos como la creatina y creatinina en el conjunto de las reacciones químicas y enzimáticas que tienen lugar en el músculo postmortem los convierten en buenos marcadores para conocer el tiempo de curado y/o cocción de productos cárnicos. En la presente Tesis Doctoral se ha desarrollado un nuevo método de análisis por HPLC sencillo y fiable basado en la cromatografía de interacción hidrofílica (HILIC) para la determinación simultánea de creatina y creatinina, así como de los dipéptidos carnosina, anserina y balenina, siendo una alternativa muy interesante a los métodos ya existentes para el análisis de este tipo de compuestos. Dado que la conversión de creatina en creatinina se ve influenciada por la temperatura, el tiempo, y por los cambios de pH, se ha empleado la ratio creatinina/creatina como índice para determinar el alcance del tratamiento térmico aplicado durante el procesado de jamón cocido, y también como valor para estimar el tiempo mínimo de curado del jamón. Además de los cambios en compuestos relacionados con el metabolismo energético del músculo, durante el proceso de curado de jamón tienen lugar una serie de reacciones bioquímicas entre las que destaca la intensa proteólisis de las proteínas musculares. A pesar de tener la evidencia de la presencia de oligopéptidos al final del proceso de curado, se sabe muy poco acerca de la secuencia específica de los mismos.Mora Soler, L. (2010). Determinación de compuestos bioquímicos para el control de calidad en la elaboración de jamón cocido y jamón curado [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/7345Palanci

    A peptidomic approach to study the contribution of added casein proteins to the peptide profile in Spanish dry-fermented sausages

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    Peptidomics is a necessary alternative in the analysis of naturally generated peptides in dry-fermented processing. The intense proteolysis occurred during the processing of dry-fermented sausages is due to the action of endopeptidases and exopeptidases from both, endogenous muscle origin and lactic acid bacteria (LAB) added in the starter. Sodium caseinate is frequently used as an additive in this type of products because of its emulsifying properties, and consequently influences the protein profile available during the proteolysis. In this study, a mass spectrometry approach has been used to determine the impact of added sodium caseinate in the final peptide profile as well as to analyse its possible influence in the presence of certain previously described casein-derived bioactive peptides.--Peer Reviewe

    Optimisation of a simple and reliable label-free methodology for the relative quantitation of raw pork meat proteins

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    Recent advances in proteomics have become an indispensable tool for a fast, precise and sensitive analysis of proteins in complex biological samples at both, qualitative and quantitative level. In this study, a label-free quantitative proteomic methodology has been optimised for the relative quantitation of proteins extracted from raw pork meat. So, after the separation of proteins by one-dimensional gel electrophoresis and trypsin digestion, their identification and quantitation have been done using nanoliquid chromatography coupled to a quadrupole/time-of-flight (Q/ToF) mass spectrometer. Relative quantitation has been based on the measurement of mass spectral peak intensities, which have been described that are correlated with protein abundances. The results obtained regarding linearity, robustness, repeatability and accuracy show that this procedure could be used as a fast, simple, and reliable method to quantify changes in protein abundance in meat samples.The research leading to these results received funding from the European Union 7th Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under Grant Agreement 312090 (BACCHUS). This publication reflects only the author views and the Community is not liable for any use made of the information contained therein. JAEDOC-CSIC postdoctoral contract to L.M. is also acknowledged. FPI Scholarship BES-2011-046096 and grant AGL2010-16305 from MINECO (Spain) and FEDER funds are also acknowledged.Peer reviewe

    Talleres de pensamiento ecologizado para mejorar la conciencia ambiental en una universidad privada de Guayaquil, Ecuador - 2021

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    Esta investigación busco establecer que los Talleres de Pensamiento Ecologizado mejoran la conciencia ambiental en estudiantes de una universidad privada de Guayaquil, Ecuador 2021. La investigación fue tipo aplicada, desarrollada bajo el enfoque cuantitativo y diseño cuasiexperimental, se escogió una muestra de 44 participantes con dos grupos formados por 22 sujetos a quienes se les administró dos veces un cuestionario de 20 reactivos en una prueba de entrada y salida, la que fue aprobada por expertos y cuyo índice de confiabilidad mediante Omega de Mc Donald fue 0.845. Los resultados descriptivos mostraron en la prueba de salida del grupo control un 72,27% en nivel medio y 27,73% en nivel bajo, niveles que fueron mejorados por los participantes del grupo experimental que alcanzó 36,36% el nivel alto seguido del 63,64% en nivel medio; además los resultados inferenciales en el postest señalaron que se aplicó la t de Student para muestras independientes para comprobar las hipótesis aceptando las afirmativas. Se concluyó que el uso de Talleres de pensamiento ecologizado produjo mejoras significativas en la conciencia ambiental y en las dimensiones afectiva, cognitiva, conativa

    New Insights into meat by-product utilization

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    [EN] Meat industry generates large volumes of by-products like blood, bones, meat trimmings, skin, fatty tissues, horns, hoofs, feet, skull and viscera among others that are costly to be treated and disposed ecologically. These costs can be balanced through innovation to generate added value products that increase its profitability. Rendering results in feed ingredients for livestock, poultry and aquaculture as well as for pet foods. Energy valorization can be obtained through the thermochemical processing of meat and bone meal or the use of waste animal fats for the production of biodiesel. More recently, new applications have been reported like the production of polyhydroxyalkanoates as alternative to plastics produced from petroleum. Other interesting valorization strategies are based on the hydrolysis of by-products to obtain added value products like bioactive peptides with relevant physiological effects as antihypertensive, antioxidant, antidiabetic, antimicrobial, etc. with promising applications in the food, pharmaceutical and cosmetics industry. This paper reports and discusses the latest developments and trends in the use and valorisation of meat industry by-products. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Grant AGL2014-57367-R from MINECO (Spain) and FEDER funds, Grant GV/2015/138 from Generalitat Valenciana (Spain) and JAEDOCCSIC, postdoctoral contract of L.M. co-funded by the European Social Fund are acknowledged.Toldrá Vilardell, F.; Mora Soler, L.; Reig Riera, MM. (2016). New Insights into meat by-product utilization. Meat Science. 120:54-59. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.meatsci.2016.04021S545912