2,391 research outputs found

    Culturing Bursaphelenchus cocophilus in vitro and in vivo.

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    Red ring disease (RRD) is of particular importance in many African oil palms- and coconut-producing regions in Central and South America and the Caribbean. Its causal agent, the nematode Bursaphelenchus cocophilus (Cobb) Baujard, causes extensive damage to tissues in the plant trunk that typically leads to plant death within months. Nearly 100 years after its first report RRD remains understudied largely because the nematode cannot be cultured in vivo or in vitro, what hinders sustained research efforts on basic and applied aspects of the pathosystem. To overcome this problem we attempted in vivo culturing in coconut seedlings, paying attention to aspects that had been overlooked in previous trials. We also attempted in vitro culturing on several fungi endophytic to healthy and RRD-affected coconut trees. In the two in vivo assays performed we were able to recover hundreds of nematodes from the seedlings up to 60 days after inoculation, but the nematodes seemed unable to sustain parasitism in most seedlings. No nematode was recovered from the endophytic fungal cultures in neither of the two assays performed. Hence B. cocophilus continues to stand as the only obligatory plant-parasitic species of the speciose genus Bursaphelenchus and a somewhat intractable plant-parasitic nematode to study on

    How e-commerce is shaping the sales Forces of Business-to- Business companies: A Multiple Case Study

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    For a long time, B2B companies have been moving towards digital transformation, adopting new technologies to meet the needs of more demanding and empowered customers. This challenging movement is transforming the sales force and impacting the salespeople on many levels. Thus, the purpose of this study is to understand how the B2B sales force is being affected by digitalization, especially e-commerce. Using the multiple case study methodology, we conducted in-depth interviews with sales managers from four B2B companies, two traditional and two startups, and analyzed several dimensions initially found in the literature review. After analyzing the data, results demonstrated that when comparing the sales force of traditional and startup companies, there are significant organizational differences. Overall, the three companies with online sales have been dealing with the challenges of a multi-channel sales force, although the evolution has been distinct for all of them. These differences have proved that factors such as management commitment and investment, a clear e-commerce strategy, transparent communication, and proper training, are enablers for successfully selling online, as it also lessens job insecurity, one of the main consequences of digitalization within the sales force. In terms of technology, it was not surprising to find that the startups are using more recent digital tools than the traditional companies, investing in sales automation, and data analysis, which is something that the traditional companies also aim for but are still not prepared for. Finally, findings also showed the distinct impact that the Covid-19 pandemic had on the case studies, with traditional companies’ businesses slowing down, and startups booming, thanks the ecommerce. Overall, we were able to understand that B2B companies are dealing with changes caused by Digital Transformation within their sales force, which can have a different impact on similar companies, and that hybrid sales forces bring benefits and challenges that affect the structure, but mainly the salespeople. Findings add new insight to the existing academic research, and B2B sales managers should find guidance on our recommendations on to deal with the challenges of a multi-channel sales force

    Mirror mirror on the wall, is creativity making me a networker at all? The role of political skills on the relationship between creative role identity and personal networking

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    JEL Classification System: M13 – Business Administration: New Firms, Startups; M12 – Business Administration: Personnel ManagementCreativity and networking are typically modeled, respectively, as outcome and antecedent variables of organizational phenomena; however, the conditions for the reverse model are under-explored, as is the effect of political skills in this relation. Accordingly, drawing on role identity and social competence theories, the current study argues that personal networking benefits of creative role identity and political skills, through a mediation effect of the latter variable. Using primary data gathered from 107 members of 50 startups operating in Portugal, the study findings indicate that creative role identity has a positive relation with political skills, and confirmed that political skills will have a positive impact on personal networking. Also, our study found an indirect effect of political skills on the relationship between creative role identity and personal networking. The variability between startups also indicates that second level variables should be accounted in the model. At the end of the study, insights on the implications of these findings and directions for future research were discussed.A criatividade, como o networking, são tipicamente modelados, respetivamente, como variáveis de outcome e input de fenómenos organizacionais; no entanto, as condições para o modelo reverso estão sub-desenvolvidas, tal como o efeito das competências políticas nesta relação. Assim, com base em teorias da identidade de papel e de competências sociais, o presente estudo argumenta que o networking pessoal beneficia da identidade de papel criativo e de competências políticas, através do efeito mediador destas últimas. Através de dados recolhidos a partir de 107 membros de 50 startups portuguesas, os resultados do estudo indicam que a identidade de papel criativo apresenta uma relação positiva com competências políticas, e confirmaram que as competências políticas têm um impacto positivo no networking pessoal. Adicionalmente, o nosso estudo evidenciou um efeito indireto das competências políticas na relação entre a identidade de papel criativo e o networking pessoal. A variabilidade encontrada entre startups indica ainda que variáveis de segundo nível deverão ser contempladas no modelo. No final do estudo, observações sobre as implicações destes resultados e orientações para futuras investigações são discutidas

    Chronic Myeloid Leukemia

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    Chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) is a chronic clonal myeloproliferative disease characterized by left leukocytosis, splenomegaly, and the presence of the Philadelphia (Ph) chromosome, which results from the reciprocal and balanced translocation between the long arms of chromosomes 9q34 and 22q11, generating the hybrid protein BCR-ABL, with increased tyrosine kinase activity. The BCR-ABL protein is present in all patients with CML, and its hyperactivity triggers the release of effectors of cell proliferation and inhibitors of apoptosis, and its activity is responsible for the initial oncogenesis of CML. This chapter will review CML from its discovery, molecular and epigenetic mechanisms of disease progression to current treatments

    Relação entre o autocriticismo e os ferimentos auto-infligidos em jovens universitários

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    PERTINÊNCIA DO TEMA: Os ferimentos auto-infligidos, atualmente, têm sido foco de investigação devido ao aumento de incidência destes comportamentos. OBJETIVO: O presente estudo teve como principal objetivo estudar a relação entre o autocriticismo e a prática de ferimentos auto-infligidos nos jovens universitários. MÉTODO: Este estudo é de natureza descritivo-correlacional. A amostra constituiu-se por 344 estudantes do ensino superior, com idades compreendidas entre 18 e 30 anos. Recorreu-se à utilização dos instrumentos: Inventário de Comportamentos de Risco e Auto - dano para Adolescentes – RTSHIA, Escala das Funções do Autocriticismo e Autotranquilização – FSCRS e um Questionário Sociodemográfico. RESULTADOS: A maioria dos participantes manifesta a presença de comportamentos de risco (n = 320, 95.2%) e com uma taxa bastante elevada, apresentam a presença de comportamentos lesivos (n = 159, 46.9%). Observa-se que a forma de autocriticismo na qual os participantes parecem ter obtido pontuações superiores é o Eu Tranquilizador (M = 20.35, DP = 6.90). Há uma correlação positiva estatisticamente significativa entre a prevalência de comportamentos lesivos e o Eu Inadequado (r = .45, p < .001) e o Eu Detestado (r = .59, p < .001) e uma correlação negativa estatisticamente significativa entre a prevalência de comportamentos lesivos e o Eu Tranquilizador (r = -.42, p < .001). CONCLUSÕES: Pontuações mais elevadas do Eu Inadequado e Eu Detestado, estão associadas a uma prevalência superior de comportamentos lesivos. Enquanto, pontuações mais elevadas em termos da forma Eu Tranquilizador, estão associadas a uma prevalência inferior dos comportamentos lesivos.SUBJECT: Self-inflicted injuries have been the focus of research today due to the increased incidence of damage. OBJECTIVE: The present study aimed to study the relationship between self-criticism and the practice of self-inflicted injuries in college students. METHOD: This study is descriptive-correlational in nature. A sample of 344 higher education students, aged 18 to 30 years. The following instruments were used: Risk Inventory and Automatic Behavior - Damage to Adolescents - RTSHIA, Self-Critical Scale and Self-Reconciliation - FSCRS and Sociodemographic Questionnaire. RESULTS: Most participants report the presence of risk behaviors (n = 320, 95.2%) and with a very high rate, present the presence of harmful behaviors (n = 159, 46.9%). It is observed that the form of self-criticism in which participants appear to have obtained higher scores is the reassuring self (M = 20.35, SD = 6.90). There is a statistically significant positive correlation between the prevalence of harmful behavior and inadequate self (r = 0.45, p < 0.001) and hated self (r = 0.59, p < 0.001) and a negative correlation statistically significant difference between the prevalence of harmful behavior and the reassuring self (r = -.42, p <.001). CONCLUSIONS: Higher scores of inadequate self and hated self are associated with a higher prevalence of harmful behavior. While higher scores in terms of the reassuring self form are associated with a lower prevalence of harmful behaviors

    Fine structure of the age-chromospheric activity relation in solar-type stars I: The Ca II infrared triplet: Absolute flux calibration

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    Strong spectral lines are useful indicators of stellar chromospheric activity. They are physically linked to the convection efficiency, differential rotation, and angular momentum evolution and are a potential indicator of age. However, for ages > 2 Gyr, the age-activity relationship remains poorly constrained thus hampering its full application. The Ca II infrared triplet (IRT lines) has been poorly studied compared to classical chromospheric indicators. We report in this paper absolute chromospheric fluxes in the three Ca II IRT lines, based on a new calibration tied to up-to-date model atmospheres. We obtain the Ca II IRT absolute fluxes for 113 FGK stars from high signal-to-noise ratio and high-resolution spectra covering an extensive domain of chromospheric activity levels. We perform an absolute continuum flux calibration for the Ca II IRT lines anchored in atmospheric models calculated as an explicit function of effective temperatures, metallicity, and gravities avoiding the degeneracy present in photometric continuum calibrations based solely on color indices. The internal uncertainties achieved for continuum absolute flux calculations are 2\% of the solar chromospheric flux, one order of magnitude lower than photometric calibrations. We gauge the impact of observational errors on the final chromospheric fluxes due to the absolute continuum flux calibration and find that TeffT_{\rm eff} uncertainties are properly mitigated by the photospheric correction leaving [Fe/H] as the dominating factor in the chromospheric flux uncertainty. Across the FGK spectral types, the Ca II IRT lines are sensitive to chromospheric activity. The reduced internal uncertainties reported here enable us to build a new chromospheric absolute flux scale and explore the age-activity relation from the active regime down to very low activity levels and a wide range of TeffT_{\rm eff}, mass, [Fe/H], and age.Comment: 12 pages, 12 figures, 6 tables, Accepted for publication on A&A. Abstract edited to comply with arXiv standards regarding the number of character

    Traduzindo as agressões experienciadas durante a crise pandêmica de covid-19: uma análise do corpus de violência em jornais de línguas inglesa, francesa, portuguesa e espanhola de 2020

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    The main purpose of this paper is to analyze how the words violência, "violence," violencia and violence are used in four comparable corpora based on articles from Folha de São Paulo, CNN, El País and Le Monde webpages gathered from January to July 2020. We followed Lexicology, Corpus Linguistics and Corpus-Based Translation Studies to extract the most frequently used words in each corpora and verify the contexts in which they are used, relating them to the concept of "violence" based on collocations, clusters and concordances extracted with AntConc software (2020). Additionally, we employed Discourse Analysis (DA) in Translation to verify how aggressive actions are linguistically expressed and to highlight the importance of understanding context in the translation process. As a result, we noticed that despite being considered translational equivalents, the words are used in contexts with different semantic meanings, depending on the culture to which they belong.O objetivo principal deste trabalho é analisar o uso das palavras “violência”, violence, violencia e violence em quatro corpora comparáveis com base em artigos das páginas da internet dos jornais Folha de São Paulo, CNN, El País e Le Monde coletados de janeiro a julho de 2020. Tomamos por teoria as bases da Lexicologia, a Linguística de Corpus e os Estudos de Tradução Baseados em Corpus para extrair as palavras mais frequentes nos corpora mencionados e verificar seus contextos, relacionando-os com o conceito de “violência” a partir de colocações, clusters e concordâncias extraídos com o software AntConc (2020). Além disso, utilizamos a Análise do Discurso (AD) na Tradução para verificar como as ações agressivas são expressas linguisticamente e destacar a importância de conhecer o contexto no processo tradutório. Como resultado, observamos que, apesar de serem consideradas equivalentes, as palavras são utilizadas em contextos com significados diferentes, dependendo da cultura à qual pertencem

    Consistent metallicity scale for cool dwarfs and giants. A benchmark test using the Hyades

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    In several instances chemical abundances of dwarf and giant stars are used simultaneously under the assumption that they share the same abundance scale. This assumption might have implications in different astrophysical contexts. We aim to ascertain a methodology capable of producing a consistent metallicity scale for giants and dwarfs. To achieve that, we analyzed giants and dwarfs in the Hyades open cluster. All these stars have archival high-resolution spectroscopic data obtained with HARPS and UVES. In addition, the giants have interferometric measurements of the angular diameters. We analyzed the sample with two methods. The first method constrains the atmospheric parameters independently from spectroscopy. For that we present a novel calibration of microturbulence based on 3D model atmospheres. The second method is the classical spectroscopic based on Fe lines. We also tested two line lists in an attempt to minimize possible non-LTE effects and to optimize the treatment of the giants. We show that it is possible to obtain a consistent metallicity scale between dwarfs and giants. The preferred method should constrain the three parameters TeffT_{\rm eff}, log g\log~g, and ξ\xi independent of spectroscopy. In particular, the lines should be chosen to be free of blends in the spectra of giants. When attention is paid to the line list, the classical spectroscopic method can also produce consistent results. The metallicities derived with the well-constrained set of stellar parameters are consistent independent of the line list used. Therefore, for this cluster we favor the metallicity of +0.18±\pm0.03 dex obtained with this method. The classical spectroscopic analysis, using the line list optimized for the giants, provides a metallicity of +0.14±\pm0.03 dex, in agreement with previous works.Comment: 19 pages, 6 figures, 10 tables. Accepted for publication in A&

    Encontros etnográficos com documentos burocráticos

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    Desde la década de 1990, la investigación etnográfica con documentos producidos por instituciones estatales se ha multiplicado, ganando cada vez más espacio y relevancia en la literatura antropológica. El presente artículo se apoya en esta literatura y en la experiencia acumulada de tres investigaciones con documentos burocráticos para reflexionar sobre las dimensiones y aspectos generales de este tipo de etnografía y describir algunas estrategias analíticas especialmente productivas frente a estos papeles. Abordo tales dimensiones, aspectos y estrategias tanto en términos generales como en función de su productividad específica en las etnografías que realicé y que presento en el texto: una realizada en un archivo público, sobre la clasificación de cadáveres no identificados; otra realizado en una comisaría, sobre la gestión policial de casos de personas desaparecidas; y una tercera, realizada en un servicio público de asistencia social, sobre la gestión de casos de niños y adolescentes desaparecidos. Investigar en estos tres contextos me permitió ampliar mi comprensión de lo que son los documentos burocráticos y de los múltiples roles que ellos pueden desempeñar tanto en la rutina de las instituciones estatales como en el diseño metodológico de la investigación antropológica.Since the 1990s, ethnographic research with documents produced by state institutions has increased, gaining more and more space and relevance in anthropological scholarly literature. The article draws on this literature and the cumulative experience of three ethnographies with bureaucratic documents to reflect on general dimensions and aspects of this type of research and to describe some analytical strategies that are especially productive while facing this paperwork. I approach such dimensions, aspects and strategies both in general terms and by analyzing their specific productivity in the ethnographies that I carried out: fieldwork conducted in a public archive on the classification of unidentified corpses; secondly conducted at a police station, on the management of missing person cases; and a third, carried out in a public social assistance office, on the management of missing children cases. Researching these three contexts allowed me to broaden my understanding of what bureaucratic documents are and the many roles they can play both in the routine of state institutions and the methodological design of anthropological research.Desde la década de 1990, la investigación etnográfica con documentos producidos por instituciones estatales se ha multiplicado, ganando cada vez más espacio y relevancia en la literatura antropológica. El presente artículo se apoya en esta literatura y en la experiencia acumulada de tres investigaciones con documentos burocráticos para reflexionar sobre las dimensiones y aspectos generales de este tipo de etnografía y describir algunas estrategias analíticas especialmente productivas frente a estos papeles. Abordo tales dimensiones, aspectos y estrategias tanto en términos generales como en función de su productividad específica en las etnografías que realicé y que presento en el texto: una realizada en un archivo público, sobre la clasificación de cadáveres no identificados; otra realizado en una comisaría, sobre la gestión policial de casos de personas desaparecidas; y una tercera, realizada en un servicio público de asistencia social, sobre la gestión de casos de niños y adolescentes desaparecidos. Investigar en estos tres contextos me permitió ampliar mi comprensión de lo que son los documentos burocráticos y de los múltiples roles que ellos pueden desempeñar tanto en la rutina de las instituciones estatales como en el diseño metodológico de la investigación antropológica