11 research outputs found

    The loss of soil parent material: detecting and measuring the erosion of saprolite

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    Soil parent material is a fundamental natural resource for the generation of new soils. Through weathering processes, soil parent materials provide many of the basic building blocks for soils and have a significant bearing on the physico-chemical makeup of the soil profile. Parent materials are critical for governing the stock, quality, and functionality of the soil they form. Most research on soil parent materials to date has aimed to establish and measure the processes by which soil is generated from them. Comparatively little work has been performed to assess the rates at which soil parent materials erode if they are exposed at the land surface. This is despite the threat that the erosion of soil parent materials poses to the process of soil formation and the loss of the essential ecosystem services those soils would have provided. A salient but unanswered question is whether the erosion of soil parent materials, when exposed at the land surface, outpaces the rates at which soils form from them. This study represents one of the first to detect and measure the loss of soil parent material. We applied Uncrewed Aerial Vehicle Structure-From-Motion (UAV-SfM) photogrammetry to detect, map, and quantify the erosion rates of an exposed saprolitic (i.e., weathered bedrock) surface on an agricultural hillslope in Brazil. We then utilized a global inventory of soil formation to compare these erosion rates with the rates at which soils form in equivalent lithologies and climatic contexts. We found that the measured saprolite erosion rates were between 14 and 3766 times faster than those of soil formation in similar climatic and lithological conditions. While these findings demonstrate that saprolite erosion can inhibit soil formation, our observations of above-ground vegetation on the exposed saprolitic surface suggests that weathered bedrock has the potential to sustain some biomass production even in the absence of traditional soils. This opens up a new avenue of enquiry within soil science: to what extent can saprolite and, by extension, soil parent materials deliver soil ecosystem services?This work was funded by a Global Challenge Research Fund grant awarded to Daniel L. Evans

    Conhecendo Unidades de Conservação

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    Unidades de Conservação (UC) são espaços utilizados mundialmente como parte de estratégias para a proteção de paisagens naturais, ecossistemas, recursos naturais e sua biodiversidade associada. No Brasil, essas áreas são regidas por lei e categorizadas conforme as restrições de uso para atividades humanas. Em função da implementação, gestão e monitoramento da UC, surgem conflitos entre setores da sociedade com distintos interesses de natureza social, ambiental, política e econômica. Tais conflitos muitas vezes resultam do desconhecimento por parte da sociedade a respeito das Unidades de Conservação

    Oxidative stress fuels Trypanosoma cruzi infection in mice

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    Oxidative damage contributes to microbe elimination during macrophage respiratory burst. Nuclear factor, erythroid-derived 2, like 2 (NRF2) orchestrates antioxidant defenses, including the expression of heme-oxygenase–1 (HO-1). Unexpectedly, the activation of NRF2 and HO-1 reduces infection by a number of pathogens, although the mechanism responsible for this effect is largely unknown. We studied Trypanosoma cruzi infection in mice in which NRF2/HO-1 was induced with cobalt protoporphyrin (CoPP). CoPP reduced parasitemia and tissue parasitism, while an inhibitor of HO-1 activity increased T. cruzi parasitemia in blood. CoPP-induced effects did not depend on the adaptive immunity, nor were parasites directly targeted. We also found that CoPP reduced macrophage parasitism, which depended on NRF2 expression but not on classical mechanisms such as apoptosis of infected cells, induction of type I IFN, or NO. We found that exogenous expression of NRF2 or HO-1 also reduced macrophage parasitism. Several antioxidants, including NRF2 activators, reduced macrophage parasite burden, while pro-oxidants promoted it. Reducing the intracellular labile iron pool decreased parasitism, and antioxidants increased the expression of ferritin and ferroportin in infected macrophages. Ferrous sulfate reversed the CoPP-induced decrease in macrophage parasite burden and, given in vivo, reversed their protective effects. Our results indicate that oxidative stress contributes to parasite persistence in host tissues and open a new avenue for the development of anti–T. cruzi drugs

    Allergenic sensitization prevents upregulation of haemopoiesis by cyclo-oxygenase inhibitors in mice

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    1. We evaluated whether immunization affects bone-marrow responses to indomethacin, because allergenic sensitization and challenge upregulate responses to haemopoietic cytokines (including IL-5-driven eosinopoiesis) in murine bone-marrow, while indomethacin upregulates haemopoiesis and protects bone-marrow from radiation damage. 2. Progenitor (semi-solid) and/or precursor (liquid) cultures were established from bone-marrow of: (a) normal mice; (b) ovalbumin-sensitized mice, with or without intranasal challenge. Cultures were established with GM-CSF (2 ng ml(−1)) or IL-5 (1 ng ml(−1)), respectively, alone or associated with indomethacin (10(−7) – 10(−11) M) or aspirin (10(−7) – 10(−8) M). Total myeloid colony numbers and numbers of eosinophil-peroxidase-positive cells were determined at day 7. 3. In naïve BALB/c mice, indomethacin (10(−7) – 10(−9) M) increased GM-CSF-stimulated myeloid colony formation (P=0.003 and P=0.009, respectively). In contrast, it had no effect on bone-marrow of ovalbumin-sensitized and challenged mice. Indomethacin (10(−7) – 10(−9) M) also increased eosinophil precursor responses to IL-5 in bone-marrow of naïve (P<0.001 and P=0.002 respectively), but not sensitized-challenged mice. Aspirin (10(−7) M) had similar effects, equally abolished by sensitization. Enhancement of haemopoiesis by indomethacin required adherent cells from naïve bone-marrow. Nonadherent cells responded to IL-5 but not to indomethacin. Indomethacin was effective on bone-marrow from sham-sensitized, ovalbumin-challenged, but not from sensitized, saline-challenged mice. Plasma transfer from immune mice abolished eosinophil precursor responses to indomethacin in bone-marrow of naïve recipients. This was not prevented by previous removal of antibody from immune plasma. 4. COX inhibitors enhance haemopoiesis in naïve but not allergic mice. Responsiveness to indomethacin can be abolished either by active sensitization or by immune plasma transfer. Specific antibody is not involved

    Low and high-dose intradermal infection with Leishmania majorand Leishmania amazonensis in C57BL/6 mice

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    A model of skin infection with Leishmania amazonensiswith low doses of parasites is compared to infection with high doses of L. amazonensis and low and high doses of Leishmania major. C57BL/6 mice were infected with 10³ or 10(6) parasites in the ear and the outcome of infection was assessed. The appearance of lesions in mice infected with 10³ parasites was delayed compared to mice infected with 10(6) Leishmania and parasites were detectable at the infection site before lesions became apparent. Mice infected with L. amazonensisdisplayed persistent lesions, whereas infection with L. major spontaneously healed in all groups, although lymphocytes persisted at the site of infection after healing. Macrophages persisted only in L. amazonensis-infected mice. High-dose L. amazonensis-infected mice produced lower levels of IFN-&#947; and TNF than mice infected with L. major. No correlation between the persistence of parasites and IL-10 levels and the production of nitric oxide or urea by macrophages was found. We conclude that infection with low doses of L. amazonensisin the dermis changes the course of infection by delaying the appearance of lesions. However, low-dose infection does not change the outcomes of susceptibility and cytokine production described for subcutaneous infection with high numbers of parasites