208 research outputs found

    Philosophie(s) de l'insulaire

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    Philosophie(s) de l'insulaire

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    É necessário expiar o renascimento?: A abertura antropológica do século XVI

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    The article introduces a very thorough analysis regarding the bibliography concerning the French presence in the American continent in the 16th century, in particular, the classic and contemporary interpretations by Jean de Léry, André Thevet, Rabelais and Montaigne. Arising from the invention of the past of the French empire in the last decades of the 19th century, going through the proposed theories by the post-war anthropology, the author analyzes the anachronism, retrospective delusions and arbitrariness implied by many experts in order to perceive the significance attributed to the works previously mentioned and their authors. Following the analysis of various intellectual and political contexts, the article explores the boundaries of the discerning post-colonial European consciousness, thus, proposing an elucidative perspective that points to article dilemmas and enables to acquire a complex scheme of interactions and reciprocal apprehensions between the old and new world societies.O artigo apresenta um balanço acurado da bibliografia referente à presença francesa no continente americano no século XVI, tendo em vista, sobretudo, as interpretações clássicas e contemporâneas de Jean de Léry, André Thevet, Rabelais e Montaigne. Partindo da invenção do passado imperial francês nas últimas décadas do século XIX, passando pelas inflexões teóricas propostas pela antropologia do pós-guerra, o autor critica os anacronismos, as ilusões retrospectivas e as arbitrariedades sugeridas por diferentes especialistas na apreensão dos significados atribuídos às obras e seus autores. Após analisar os diferentes contextos intelectuais e políticos, o artigo explora os limites da consciência crítica europeia pós-colonial, propondo uma perspectiva interpretativa que sugere antigos dilemas e seja capaz de captar o jogo complexo de interações e apropriações recíprocas entre as sociedades do velho e do novo mundo

    O Brasil de Montaigne

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    Este artigo propõe uma nova leitura dos célebres ensaios dedicados por Montaigne à América e a seus povos, inicialmente à luz da forma retórica da declamação, neles adotada. A comparação entre os Ensaios "americanos" permite ainda evidenciar o lugar privilegiado do Brasil, e de seus Canibais, na reflexão de Montaigne acerca do Novo Mundo, e a composição de uma imagem de todos os seus povos como ao mesmo tempo conformada ao modelo edênico dos Tupinambá e elevada à dignidade dos grandes homens da Antiguidade - "tupinambizada" e "romanizada".This article proposes a new perspective on Montaigne's celebrated essays on America and its peoples, initially in the light of the rethorical form of declamation adopted in them. The comparison of the "American" Essays reveals, moreover, the privileged place of Brazil and its Cannibals in Montaigne's reflection on the New World, and the compositon of an image of all of its peoples that is simultaneously conformed to the edenic model of the Tupinambá and elevated to the dignity of Antiquity's great men - "tupinambized" and "romanized"

    Roger Zuber (16 mai 1931 - 17 juin 2017)

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    D’une famille originaire de Haute-Alsace, de Mulhouse l’industrieuse plus précisément, le Professeur Roger Zuber parcourut toutes les étapes d’une brillante carrière universitaire. Normalien, il fut d’abord assistant à la faculté des lettres de Strasbourg, assistant puis maître-assistant au collège littéraire universitaire de Reims, Professeur à l’université Mc Gill à Montréal, Professeur de littérature française à l’Université de Paris X-Nanterre, et enfin à Paris IV-Sorbonne, où s’acheva, d..

    Stefan Zweig contre Calvin (1936)

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    Publié par Zweig en mai 1936, le Castellion contre Calvin présente la figure héroïque de l’intellectuel luttant par sa seule plume contre le despote. Si Zweig a choisi Calvin pour désigner indirectement Hitler, c’est que son combat a rencontré celui du pasteur Jean Schorer conduisant à Genève même la croisade du protestantisme libéral contre l’héritage de l’orthodoxie calviniste. À son insu, Zweig s’inscrit dès lors dans toute une lignée d’écrivains antiprotestants, depuis Montaigne et Voltaire, pour rejoindre, par-delà Balzac qu’il cite longuement, Joseph de Maistre, qui assimilait Révolution et Réforme, Terreur et protestantisme. D’où, pour Zweig, l’énigme que constitue « l’étrange métamorphose » du calvinisme en une école de liberté individuelle et de démocratie, au temps de la montée des dictatures en Europe.Zweig’s Castellion versus Calvin, published in May 1936, depicts the heroic figure of the intellectual fighting by the sheer force of his pen against the despot. If Zweig chose Calvin to stand indirectly for Hitler, it was because his combat had crossed paths with that of the pastor Jean Schorer who, in Geneva itself, was at the head of the liberal protestant crusade against the heritage of Calvinist orthodoxy. Without realising it, Zweig thus added his name to a line of anti-protestant writers, from Montaigne and Voltaire, via Balzac, whom he quotes at length through, to Joseph de Maistre, for whom Revolution and Reformation, Terror and Protestantism, went hand in hand. Hence what Zweig saw as Calvinism’s “strange metamorphosis” into a school of individual freedom and democracy, in the era of the rise of dictatorships across Europe

    Gonzalo’s books : La république des Cannibales, de Montaigne à Shakespeare

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    Dans La Tempête, on le sait, Shakespeare s’inspire directement d’un passage de Montaigne. Une tirade de Gonzalo, à l’acte ii, scène i, provient en droite ligne du chapitre « Des Cannibales », que Shakespeare a lu dans la traduction de John Florio de 1603. En revenant sur cet emprunt presque littéral, depuis longtemps établi et qui ne prête pas à discussion, mon propos sera double : je souhaiterais d’une part éclairer rétroactivement le chapitre « Des Cannibales » par l’usage dramatique qu’en propose Shakespeare ; en second lieu, il s’agira de réévaluer le rôle de Gonzalo à partir de Montaigne ; autrement dit, de réhabiliter Gonzalo et sa culture livresque.Gonzalo’s Books: The Cannibals’ Republic from Montaigne to Shakespeare. In The Tempest, Shakespeare is directly inspired by a passage from Montaigne. One of Gonzalo’s speeches, act ii, scene i, comes straight from the chapter on “The Cannibals”, that Shakespeare had read in Florio’s translation of 1603. By revisiting this almost literal borrowing, long established and unquestioned, my purpose is double: first, I would like to propose a new reading of “The Cannibals” in the retroactive light of its dramatic use offered by Shakespeare; secondly, I will endeavour to reassess Gonzalo’s role from Montaigne’s reading – in other words, to rehabilitate Gonzalo and his scholarly culture

    Le Complot des ultras dans “Le Rouge et le Noir” de Stendhal

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    In Stendhal’s Le Rouge et le Noir the chapters XXI to XXIII form a distinct whole, the so-called «Complot des ultras». They constitute a parenthesis within the novel, when Julien Sorel loses Mathilde de La Mole, his sole obsession, to execute a political service by which he is completely unconcerned. Secondary to the plot, these three chapters connect the novel to the hurried flow of history. The chiefs of the royalist party are depicted as puppets plotting a coup d’état, which makes their move involuntary comical. Rewarded for his service, but denounced for his ambition without scruples, Julien shoots Mme de Rênal while she is praying in a church. He is then imprisoned and sentenced to death. Julien’s destiny plays the country’s destiny in a minor key. He dies while France escapes the plot of the ultras. A diversion of history towards novel and of novel towards history. Stendhal’s novel is placed in this ephemerality and in this solution that leaves the future unanswered
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