33 research outputs found

    Case Study : the Influence of Deep Breathing Relaxation Techniques in Reducing Blood Pressure and Pain Caused by Hypertension

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    Pain is a body signal to inform pathological condition. In hypertension patients, pain occured as one of the symptom of the disease. Hypertension is an increase if systolic and diastolic blood pressure out of normal range. In Indonesia, especially in Kebayoran Lama public health center district, prevelance of hypertension in elderly still consider public health issue.  Aim of this study is to measure effect of deep breath relaxation technique in reducing pain and blood pressure for hypertension patients. This research used case study design. In this study, researcher in five days measured participants blood pressures and their pain scales. After that, researcher guided participant to do deep breathing relaxation technique five times consecutively, around fifteen minutes.  Results pain scale of Mrs. M and Mrs. A that within five days there were slight reducing of pain level. Another finding, that there was trend of decreasing blood pressure of those patient within normal range. It can be concluded that in these two patients deep breathing relaxation techniques could reduces their pain scale and maintaining normal blood pressure level of hypertension patients. It is recommended to this research with bigger sample and using other research variables

    Membangun Aplikasi Mobile “Resep Masakan Asia (Indonesia, China, Jepang)” Berbasis Android

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    Memasak merupakan kegiatan yang bisa dilakukan oleh siapa saja. Dengan memasak, seseorang dapat menghidangkan beraneka ragam masakan diatas meja makan. Bahan, bumbu serta cara mengolah bahan makanan dalam membuat suatu masakan dapat dilihat pada resep masakan. Resep Masakan merupakan panduan bagi seseorang dalam mengolah bahan makanan menjadi hidangan yang dapat disajikan. Masakan Indonesia, Cina dan Jepang sudah mulai dikenal oleh masyarakat Indonesia dan menjadi masakan di beberapa restoran atau rumah makan seperti sushi, yakiniku, okonomiyaki, fuyunghai, dan lain sebagainya. Namun terkadang banyak permasalahan yang timbul ketika seseorang ingin memasak sendiri masakan-masakan tersebut, seperti bahan apa saja yang harus digunakan dan bagaimana cara membuatnya. Kecenderungan masyarakat pada masa kini adalah ingin memperoleh informasi yang cepat menggunakan teknologi telefon genggam. Dengan melihat pengembangan teknologi android memunculkan ide untuk membuat aplikasi untuk membuat semacam panduan resep makanan Indonesia, China dan Jepang pada ponsel android. Berdasarkan pada desain , pengembangan dan penerapan dari program tersebut dapat dijadikan alternatif buku masakan yang lebih baik dan dapat digunakan sebagai alat bantu bagi seseorang untuk memasak suatu hidangan. Pengguna dapat melihat bahan bahan, berbagai bumbu dan cara memasak dalam pembuatan suatu hidangan dan dapat pula melakukan pencarian berdasar bahan baku utama

    Pengaruh PAD, Belanja Modal dan Angkatan Kerja terhadap PDRB Per Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Bali

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    Economic growth is one indicator that is commonly used in determining the success of development. Economic growth is measured by the value of GDP of a region or area. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is one of the indicators that describe the rate of economic growth is the rate of economic growth is usually also used to assess how far the successful development of an area within a specified time period and become a benchmark in determining the direction of future development policies. The purpose of this study was to determine the direct effect of the labor force to GDP and also to determine the effect of indirect revenue and capital expenditure to GDP through the development expenditure. The data used in this study were obtained at the secondary Central Bureau of Statistics. The data analysis technique used in this study is the analysis of the path (path analysis). The results of data processing show expenditure and workforce development has a direct impact on GDP meanwhile, revenue and capital expenditure has indirect influence through development expenditure to GDP. The results of the regression coefficient R2 in this study was 0.87, which means 87% of the information contained can be explained by a model that formed while the remaining 13% is explained by other variables outside the model established

    Hubungan Antara Nilai Mata Kuliah Penyusunan Proposal Penelitian (P3) Dengan Semangat Untuk Mengerjakan Skripsi Pada Mahasiswa

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    Mata kuilah Penyusunan Proposai Penelitian (P3) oleh sebaglan besar mahasiswa diidentikkan sebagai awal dari proses pengerjaaan skripsi, sehingga tugas-tugas pada mata kuliah P3 disikapi dengan optimis, namun kenyataannya banyak mahasiswa yang mengalami penurunan semangat dalam mengerjakan skripsi. Berdasarkan survey awal terbadap 10 mahasiswa beberapa dari mereka mengatakan optimis setelah mendapat nilai P3 cukup tinggi namun semangat untuk mengerjakan skripsi ada yang cukup dan ada yang rendah


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    Abstrak: Pandemi Covid-19 memiliki dampak terhadap berbagai sektor kehidupan masyarakat, baik pendidikan, ekonomi maupun kesehatan. Berdasarkan Surat Edaran (SE) Wali Kota Bandung Nomor 443/SE.036-Dinkes tertanggal 27 Maret 2020 dinyatakan bahwa diantaranya menutup sementara area publik termasuk diantaranya posyandu. Kondisi ini dapat menyebabkan pertumbuhan dan kondisi kesehatan anak tidak dapat diketahui dengan baik. Istilah Stunting merupakan suatu kondisi kekurangan gizi yang bersifat kronis dan ditunjukkan dengan hasil pengukuran tinggi badan menurut umur yang kurang dari 2SD berdasarkan standar pertumbuhan yang dikeluarkan oleh Organisasi Kesehatan Dunia (WHO). Kelurahan Pasirjati merupakan salah satu kelurahan dari 15 kelurahan di Kota Bandung yang menjadi Lokasi Khusus (Lokus) Stunting. Berbagai program telah dilaksanakan oleh Kota Bandung dalam upaya menangani stunting. Harapannya terjadi penurunan prevalensi stunting dengan targe 11,64% di tahun 2023. Berdasarkan hal tersebut diatas Inovasi kegiatan yang di kembangkan yaitu mari entaskan faktor resiko sunting pada masa covid-19 melalui pemberian edukasi, Pemeriksaan screening pada kelompok sasaran dan pemberian makanan padat gizi selama 1 bulan. Terjadi peningkatan pengetahuan, dan indikator lainnya setelah dilakukan intervensi. Harapannya pengabdian masyarakat ini dapat dijadikan bekal pemahaman dalam mencegah terjadinya stunting sehingga dapat merubah pola pikir masyarakat kea rah yang lebih positif dengan konsep pemberdayaan dan memandirikan masyarakat dalam pencegahan stunting.Abstract:  The Covid-19 pandemic has an impact on various sectors of public life, both education, economy, and health. Based on the Circular Letter (SE) of the Mayor of Bandung Number 443 / SE.036-Dinkes dated March 27, 2020, it is stated that among them are temporarily closing public areas including posyandu. This condition can cause the child's growth and health condition not to be known properly. The term stunting is a condition of chronic malnutrition and is indicated by the measurement of height for an age that is less than 2SD based on the growth standards issued by the World Health Organization (WHO). Pasirjati Village is one of the 15 sub-districts in Bandung City which is a Special Location (Locus) for Stunting. Various programs have been implemented by the City of Bandung in an effort to deal with stunting. The hope is that there will be a reduction in the prevalence of stunting with a target of 11.64% in 2023. Based on the above, the innovation of activities that have been developed is to define the risk factors for editing during the Covid-19 period through providing education, screening checks in target groups, and providing nutrient dense foods during 1 month. There was an increase in knowledge and other indicators after the intervention. The hope is that this community service can be used as a provision for understanding in preventing stunting so that it can change the mindset of the community towards a more positive direction with the concept of empowerment and community independence in preventing stunting

    Analisis Tingkat Kesejahteraan Nelayan Bubu Hasil Tangkapanrajungan di Desa Betahwalang Kecamatan Bonang Kabupaten Demak

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan Desember 2013-Januari 2014 dengan tujuan menganalisa tingkat kesejahteraan pedagang pengepul dan nelayan bubu hasil tangkapan rajungan. Data yang dikumpulkan meliputi data teknis penangkapan (kontruksi kapal, klasifikasi alat tangkap, cara operasi dan daerah penangkapan), Indikator kemiskinan gabungan dari lembaga Balai Pusat Statstik(BPS), dan BKKBN(Badan Koordinasi Keluarga Berencana Nasional) yaitu karakteristik keluarga, pemenuhan pangan, Perumahan, analisis kesejahteraan obyektif (berkaitan pendapatan) dan subyektif (tingkat kepuasan dari responden) serta Indikator Nilai Tukar Nelayan (NTN) meliputi analisa pendapatan perikanan dan non-perikanan dan pengeluaran perikanan dan konsumsi rumah tangga. Didapatkan kriteria kemiskinan berdasarkan indikator gabungan pada keluarga nelayan, kategori sedang 80 orang (100%) sedangkankan kategori pedagang pengepul seluruhnya kategori tidak miskin ada 10 orang (100%). Hasil NTN nelayan sebesar 1.4 (NTN>1) dan NTN pedagang pengepul dikategorikan menjadi dua yaitu pedagang pengepul skala kecil (pendapatan per bulan<2.5 Milyar) dan menengah (pendapatan per bulan 2.5-50 Milyar) nilai NTN pedagang kecil 18 dan pedagang pengepul skala menengah 116 (NTN>>1).Artinya tingkat pemenuhan nelayan jauh dari pedagang pengepul skala kecil dan menengah sehingga berpengaruh pada kesejahteraan keluarga pedagang pengepul dan nelayan. The study was conducted in December 2013-January 2014 with the aim to analysis welfare level both of the seller and fisher used traps catching swimming crab. Data collected include raw material (vessel construction, gear classification, method and fishing ground), data analysis social and economic as basic composition poverty indicators from StatisticsAgency (BPS), The National Population and Family Planning (BKKBN) and Term of trade fisher such as characteristicfamily, food, healthy and housing, analysis objective welfare related income and outcome and welfare subjective related level satisfaction respondent, also analysis fisheries income and non-fisheries income and expenditure fisheries and consumption. The result is criteria poverty level fisher and the seller based on combination 18 indicators, Level fisher showsthrough in mediocre level with numbers80 people (100%), beside that level all the seller is welfare level 10 people (100%). NTN fisher 1,4 (NTN>1) and NTN the seller depend on income per month (< 2.5 Million IDR) the seller small scale about 18 (NTN>>1) and the seller mediocre level (between 2.5 Million-50 Million IDR) about 116 (NTN>>1) that means level fisher welfare is far away than the seller to cover their daily needed

    Factors Influencing Biosecurity Adoption on Laying Hen Farmers

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    The present study was undertaken to identify factors that influences biosecurity adoption on laying hen farmers in Sidrap district, South Sulawesi. This district was choosen because beside it was famous as the center of laying hen farms, it was also as one of districts in South Sulawesi which suffered from Avian influenza outbreak. Total sample was 60 respondents. The sample was choosen through stratified random sampling from two subdistricts which was the most populous of layer smallholders, namely Baranti and Maritengngae. Data were obtained through observations and interviews using a questionnaire. Data were analyzed using a score based on biosecurity status. Biosecurity status was obtained based on the adoption of biosecurity measures which consisted of 9 stages: farm inputs, traffic onto farms, distance from sources of pathogens to shed, exposure of farm, biosecurity at farm boundary, biosecurity between farm boundary and shed, biosecurity at the shed door, traffic into the shed and susceptibility of the flock. Multiple regression model were employed to analyse the data. The study revealed that the adoption biosecurity were associated with gender, age, education, farming experience, farm-income, family size and social capital. These variables contributed 20.00% variation in biosecurity adoption of laying hen farms. However, only farm income, family size and social capital were the major factors influencing to the adoption of biosecurity (P < 0.05)