211 research outputs found

    Medan Makna Verba Berbicara Bahasa Melayu Dialek Sambas

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    . This reaserch focused on the field of semantics, to describe the meaning field of speaking verb Sambas Malay Dialect (Bahasa Melayu Dialek Sambas/BMDS). The method used is descriptive method with a form of qualitative research. Source of data in this reaserch were an informants who said BMDS about the USAge a meaning field of speaking verb. The data in this reasearch was the words that contained a meaning field of speaking verb in BMDS. Data collection techniques used is a direct technique, followed ably techniques, see, record and take a note. Data collection tool was the researcher as a key instrument aided by equipment such as a book registrar, pictures, and guidelines for a list of questions. Data analysis techniques were read, identify, classify, analyze, and draw conclusions. Based on data analysis there are 90 lexsemes verbs speak BMDS. The components of meaning field analyzed based on 11 meaning field perspectives, grouped into 11 types of meaning, categorized based on 3 verb catagories

    Perancangan Interior Fasilitas Tunggu Transportasi Umum Di Surabaya

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    This public transportation waiting facility is designed in order to accommodate Surabaya city\u27s need of functional public transportation anticipation place, provided for any kind of citizens. The main facilities featured in this design are the shelter from weather, comfortable yet unabusable seats, supports for the disabled, and interesting decorative arts. The concept used in this design is “Livability”, referring to a good environment for a community to live in. There are certain principles emphasized to achieve that concept, such as “comfortable”, “vibrant”, “safe”, “enduring”, and “excellence”. The result established by this design is a comfortable, interesting, and safe environment so people can interact well with each other while waiting for the public transportation

    The Prevalence of Reflux Esophagitis in the Elderly and Its Associated Risk Factors

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    Background: Reflux esophagitis is a common problem in the elderly. Compare to the Western Countries, esophageal cancer where reflux esophagitis is the most predominant risk factor is considered rare in Asia. Many other risk factors have not been well studied especially in most Asian countries. The objective of this study is to evaluate the presence of reflux esophagitis in elderly patients and its associated risk factors.Method: This was a cross-sectional study in elderly patients who underwent upper gastrointestinal endoscopy. Patients who received long-term proton pump inhibitor (PPI) therapy, suffered from gastrointestinal Malignancies, recently receiving chemotherapy agents, diagnosed with cerebrovascular disease or Helicobacter pylori infection were excluded. Statistical analyses were performed using the SPSS software version 17.00 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, Illinois, USA).Results: A total of 238 elderly patients were enrolled. Patients\u27 mean age was 69.8 ± 6.8 years old. Reflux esophagitis was found in 22 (9.2%) patients. Several comorbidities were found in these patients, such as diabetes, hypertension, coronary artery disease, chronic kidney disease, and liver cirrhosis. The only factor that associated with reflux esophagitis was the presence of hiatus hernia esophagus (p = 0.038). However, reflux esophagitis seemed to be more found in the elderly patients who have history of reflux inducing drugs consumption without any proton pump inhibitor (PPI) protection.Conclusion: Reflux esophagitis is still a major problem in the elderly. The presence of hiatus hernia might give an important consideration of upper gastrointestinal endoscopy screening. However, it would be a debate matter with regards to the cost burden and the low risk of esophageal cancer in Asian countries

    Produksi dan produktivitas hasil tangkapan kapal tuna hand line yang berpangkalan di Kelurahan Mawali, Kecamatan Lembeh Utara, Kota Bitung (Production and productivity of the tuna hand line fishing boat at Mawali Village, North Lembeh District, Bitung City)

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    Hand line is the simplest and easy fishing gear used by mostly tuna fisherman. These study goals are to see the development of production and productivity tuna catch by hand line of tuna fishing boat at Mawali village. The result shown that the production of tuna increased from 2011 and reached the top on 2013, and then decreased until 2015. Furthermore, the productivity of tuna fishing boats since 2011 to 2015 indicated only three boats are good and the others found unproductively. The decline of tuna productivities occurred due to the government policy to reduce the labor of foreign, especially in the field of capture fisheries.Keyword : tuna, hand line, production, productivity ABSTRAKHand line atau pancing ulur merupakan pancing yang sangat sederhana dan mudah digunakan oleh kebanyakan nelayan.  Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat perkembangan produksi dan produktivitas hasil tangkapan kapal tuna yang menggunakan alat pancing hand line di Kelurahan Mawali.  Produksi ikan tuna mengalami peningkatan dari tahun 2011 hingga tahun 2013, dan selanjutnya mengalami penurunan hingga tahun 2015. Selanjutnya, produktivitas kapal tuna hand line sejak 2011 sampai 2015 menunjukkan hanya terdapat tiga kapal yang produktivitasnya baik dan yang lainnya menemukan produktivitas yang tidak baik. Penurunan produksi ikan tuna terjadi karena kebijakan pemerintah yang mengurangi tenaga kerja asing, terutama di bidang perikanan tangkap.Kata kunci : tuna, pancing ulur, produksi, produktivita

    Pengamatan Jaringan Lambung Kijing Taiwan (Anodonta Woodiana Lea) Yang Terdedah Pestisida Diazinon 60 EC Pada Beberapa Konsentrasi

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    Jaringan lambung yang diamati berasal dari kijing (Anodonta woodiana) yang terdedah pestisida Diazinon 60 EC selama 2 minggu dengan pemberian dosis yang berbeda, yaitu 3,5x10-6 ; 1,75x10-6 ; 0,875x10-6 dan 0 ppm. Kondisi kijing diamati sebelum pemberian pestisida dan setelah 1 minggu dan 2 minggu pendedahan. Irisan lambung dibuat dari sampel 1 dan 2 minggu pendedahan menggunakan pewarnaan HE. Analisis histologi lambung kijing menunjukkan bahwa dinding lambung setelah terdedah pestisida akan mengalami kerusakan berupa penebalan dinding (edema), dengan jarak digestive divericula saling berjauhan, silia dalam lambung terlihat menyatu (fusi) dan terjadi pembengkakan silia (hyperplasia). Bahkan setelah pendedahan pestisida selama 2 minggu, dinding lambung makin menebal serta digestive diverticula mengalami pengerutan (atropi) dan pemecahan atau kerusakan sel (nekrosis)

    Obstructive Jaundice Due to Bile Duct Tumor

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    We reported here a rare case of a 62 year old male patient with obstructive jaundice due to bile duct tumor. The main clinical features were yellowish eye and skin, followed by pruritus and clay-colored stool. Ultrasonography showed common bile duct dilatation and without evidence of stones. Computed Tomography Scan of upper abdomen showed a mass which were thought of head of pancreas origin. Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangio Pancreatograph revealed tight narrowing of the distal bile duct to a Malignant tumor. A stent was inserted to allow biliary drainage. A surgical plan for billio digestive anastomosis was rejected by the patient and family

    Model Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Antar Kelompok dan Simulasinya

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    Domar\u27s economic growth model only considers capital as primary variable for production function. On the other hand, Solow\u27s economic growth model has added the labor as variable in the production function. The aim of this paper is to study distribution model of economic growth among groups in two regions proposed by Zhang (2005). This model considers human capital productivity as one of parameters of the production function. It has been shown that the dynamical system has a unique equilibrium. Therefore, the changes of human capital and propensity to save will influence total capital stocks and capital stocks in each group. Analytically, it is found that an increase in human capital and propensity to save will increase total capital stocks and capital stocks in each group

    Management of Pyogenic Liver Abscess and Empyema as Its Complication

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    Pyogenic liver abscess may have serious complications that need specific management. We reported a case of a young male patient aged 24 years old and complained of abdominal enlargement since 2 (two) weeks before. Abdominal ultrasound revealed multiple liver abscesses. Liver aspiration was performed and about 500 cc of yellowish purulent fluid was drained. During hospitalization the symptoms of fever and shortness of breath were getting worse although adequate antibiotic treatment had been given. Chest X-ray examination showed elevated right hemidiaphragm and right pleural effusion. Thoracocentesis and proof puncture showed purulent fluid. He was diagnosed with empyema as a complication of pyogenic liver abscess. Water Sealed Drainage (WSD) was performed to evacuate the fluid and he was given antibiotics. The patient\u27s condition improved in several days

    Prolonged QTc-Interval in Liver Cirrhotic Patient: Prevalence and Its Relationship with Severity of Liver Dysfunction

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    Background: The aim of the study was to determine the prevalence of prolonged QTc -interval and it\u27s relationship with the severity of liver dysfunction in liver cirrhotic patient in the outpatient clinic of Hepatology, Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo General National Hospital Methods: cross sectional study. Eighty one subjects was recruited and being followed as a consecutive non random sampling. The patient was divided according to the modified Child-Pugh classification and undergo to the ECG examination (with minimal 2 leads have measured QT-interval; one of these is II, aVL, V2 or V3 lead). Result: The prolonged QTc-interval prevalence in liver cirrhotic patient was found in 55 subjects (67,9%) with the mean 448.6 msec (SD = 28,9; 95% CI = 442.2 - 454.8). Using the Forward Stepwise Method in multivariate analysis to the independent variables (p < 0.05) was found only the modified Child-Pugh classification had strongly correlation with the prolonged QTc-interval (OR = 11.2; 95% CI = 3.57-35.47; p = 0.000) Conclusion: The prolonged QTc-interval prevalence in liver cirrhotic patient is 67.9%. The prolonged QTc-interval were strongly associated with the severity of liver dysfunction