29 research outputs found


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    The aim of the work. Studying of physical and technological characteristics of different brands of lactose and their influence on pharmacological and technological parameters of acetylsalicylic acid tablets and metformin hydrochloride tablets. Materials and methods. Acetylsalicylic acid and metformin hydrochloride were used as model substances for studying the value of lactose monohydrate, MicroceLac 100, Ludipress, Cellactose 80 and Pharmatose DCL-21 in the technology of direct compression of tablets. The mass for tableting was evaluated by bulk density, tapped density, flowability and Hausner coefficient. The tablets were obtained by direct compression and monitored for such parameters as tablet hardness, disintegration time and friability. Results and discussion. Physico-technological parameters of the mass for tableting with acetylsalicylic acid were studied. The mass containing Ludipress or Cellactose 80 or Pharmatose DCL-21 has the best flowability and Hausner coefficient. The introduction of Pharmatose DCL-21 or MicroceLac 100 improved tablet hardness and friability. The use of lactose of any type provided rapid disintegration of acetylsalicylic acid tablets. Metformin hydrochloride powder is characterized by unsatisfactory flowability and requires the introduction of rational excipients. The hardness and friability of metformin tablets is significantly improved with the introduction of Cellactose 80 or MicroceLac 100. Conclusions. The possibility of using lactose monohydrate, MicroceLac 100, Ludipress, Cellactose 80 and Pharmatose DCL-21 in the technology of direct compression was investigated using acetylsalicylic acid tablets and metformin hydrochloride tablets. The influence of the studied lactose brands on the pharmaco-technological parameters of the obtained tablets was studied.Мета роботи. Вивчення впливу різних кількостей деяких марок лактози на зміну технологічних параметрів модельних таблеток, отриманих прямим пресуванням. Матеріали і методи. В роботі використовували лактози моногідрат 200/25, MicroceLac® 100, Ludipress®, Cellactose® 80, Pharmatose® DCL-21. Як модельні об’єкти-речовини використовували кислоту ацетилсаліцилову і метформіну гідрохлорид. Маси для таблетування оцінювали за показниками насипної густини, густини після усадки, плинності, коефіцієнтом Гауснера. Таблетки отримували методом прямого пресування на лабораторному таблетпресі та  контролювали  їх фармако-технологічні властивості. Результати й обговорення. Досліджено вплив різних кількостей лактози моногідрату 200/25, MicroceLac® 100, Ludipress®, Cellactose® 80, Pharmatose® DCL-21 на зміну технологічних показників маси для таблетування з кислотою ацетилсаліциловою. Найкращу сипучість та значення коефіцієнта Гауснера мають ті маси, які містили Ludipress у кількості 12 %, Cellactose 80 у кількості 8 або 10%, Pharmatose DCL-21 у кількості 8%. Стійкість таблеток до роздавлювання та стираність покращувало введення Pharmatose®  DCL-21 або MicroceLac® 100. Використання будь-якого типу лактози забезпечувало швидке розпадання таблеток кислоти ацетилсаліцилової. Порошок метформіну гідрохлориду характеризується фізико-технологічними показниками, що унеможливлюють його пряме пресування без допоміжних речовин. Кращі значення стійкості таблеток до роздавлювання і стираність таблеток отримано при введенні у їх склад 10 % Cellactose® 80 або  8 % MicroceLac®100. Висновки. Досліджено вплив різних кількостей лактози моногідрату 200/25, MicroceLac® 100, Ludipress®, Cellactose® 80, Pharmatose® DCL-21 на зміну технологічних показників таблеток кислоти ацетилсаліцилової, а також метформіну гідрохлориду, отриманих прямим пресуванням. Покращення технологічних параметрів маси для таблетування та таблеток із кислотою ацетилсаліциловою, можна досягти при використанні Ludipress у кількості 12 % від маси таблетки, Cellactose 80 у кількості 10%, Pharmatose DCL-21 у кількості 8 %. Таблетки метформіну з бажаними значеннями стійкості до роздавлювання і стираності отримано при введенні у їх склад 10 % Cellactose® 80 або  8 % MicroceLac®100

    The state of the immune system of dogs in experimental toxocariasis

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    The aim of the study was to determine the state of the dogs' immune system in experimental toxocariasis. The work was performed during 2017-2020 at the Department of Parasitology and Ichthyopathology in Stepan Gzhytskyi National University of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies Lviv. The 12 dogs aged 2 to 4 months were used for research studies. Two groups were formed of six animals in each: control and experimental. Puppies of the experimental group (E) were infected with the causative agent of toxocariasis at a dose of 5000 invasive eggs of Toxocara canis per kg of body weight. The control puppies were clinically healthy. At the clinical display of toxocariasis invasion at dogs the cellular, humoral and nonspecific links of the immune system are suppressed and the secondary immunodeficiency comes. Suppression of cellular immunity was accompanied by a decrease in the T- and B-lymphocytes count in the blood of dogs of the (E) group, which indicates the suppression of the lymphoid immune system and a reduction in the resistance of animals. Along with the fall in cellular immunity in infected puppies, suppression of the nonspecific immune system was established, which is manifested by a decline in the phagocytic activity of neutrophils and a decrease in the phagocytic index. Thus, on the 15th and 20th days of the test, the phagocytic activity of neutrophils reduced to 1.6 and 3.9 %, while the phagocytic index – to 5.4 and 6.9 %, respectively. In the study of antimicrobial activity of serum of infected dogs, T. canis found inhibition of bactericidal and lysozyme activity, which reflects the suppression of the physiological state of the humoral immune system of animals with the development of toxocariasis. On the 25th day of the research, a deccline in BABS to 24.0 ± 2.7 %, while in the (C) group of dogs this figure was 30.6 ± 1.9 %. The lowest LABS was on the 25th day of the (E) in animals that were experimentally infected with the pathogen toxocariasis, where compared with the (C) group, this figure decreased by 6.0 %, respectively. The high level of CIC in the serum of dogs infected with T. canis indicates the suppression of the immune system of their body due to the accession of specific antibodies to the products of metabolism of toxocara, which act as antigens

    The effect of antioxidants on biochemical and morphological indicators of the piglet's blood

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    The work aimed to study the influence of methifen, fenarone, and methionine on the biochemical and morphological indicators of the piglet’s blood. We researched three-month-old large white piglets. 10 groups were formed, each with 5 animals: a control group and nine experimental groups. We established that antioxidants promote an increase in the erythrocyte number and the Hb level to the upper limits of physiological indicators from the 10th day of the test. On the 60th day, the erythrocyte number in the blood of piglets fed methionine varied between 7.15 ± 0.12 – 7.30 ± 0.12 B/l. This indicator was 7.34 ± 0.10 – 7.64 ± 0.11 B/l (Р < 0.05) in the group fed fenarone, and 7.64 ± 0.14 – 7.65 ± 0.11 B/l (Р < 0.05) in animals fed methifen. On the 90th day, the erythrocyte number was the highest in animals that were fed methifen at a dose of 0.9 mg/kg body weight. Relative to piglets of the C group, the aforementioned indicator increased by 12.9 %. We also found a slight growth in the activity of aminotransferases in the blood serum of piglets of the experimental groups. In addition, it was found that the studied drugs do not affect the mononuclear system. It was indicated by the number of leukocytes, which was within the limits of physiological parameters during the experiment and ranged from 10.0 ± 0.12 to 11.8 ± 0.6 G/l. The highest indicators of enzyme activity, hemoglobin content, and the number of erythrocytes in the blood of animals of the experimental groups were established on the 60th and 90th days of the trial. It manifested the best effect under methionine feeding at a dose of 4 mg/kg body weight, fenarone – 1.20 mg/kg body weight. and metifen – 0.9 mg/kg body weight

    Influence of cadmium loading on glutathione system of antioxidant protection of the bullocks’bodies

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    It was presented the results of studies of the cadmium effect loading on the activity of the glutathione system of antioxidant protection in young cattle, namely on the activity of glutathione peroxidase, glutathione reductase, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, the level of reduced glutathion. It was established that feeding of cadmium chloride to bullocks at a dose of 0.03 and 0.05 mg/kg body weight contributed to a decrease in both the enzyme and non-enzyme link of the glutathione antioxidant defense system. The toxic effect of cadmium contributes to a change in stationary concentrations of radical metabolites. О2˙ˉ, ˙ОН, НО2˙, which, in turn, initiate lipid peroxidation processes. The lowest level of glutathione indexes of the antioxidant defense system in the blood of young cattle was established on the sixteenth and twenty fourth day of the experiment, it was associated with enhanced activation of lipoperoxidation and an imbalance between the activity of the antioxidant system and the intensity of lipid peroxidation. The feeding of cadmium chloride to bullocks at a dose of 0.03 and 0.05 mg/kg of animal weight did not affect the activity of the glutathione antioxidant defense system in their blood. It was established that the greater the amount of cadmium chloride in the feed, the lower the activity of the glutathione system of the antioxidant defense of the body of bulls. Thus, cadmium chloride suppresses the antioxidant protection system, in particular, by reducing the activity of the enzyme link: glutathione peroxidase, glutathione reductase, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, and non-enzyme link: reduced glutathione

    Effect of milk thistle and silimevit on the functional state and protein synthesizing-function of the liver of laying hens under conditions of cadmium load

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    The purpose of the work was to study the effect of Cadmium on liver function disorders and to develop practical recommendations for using silimevit and milk thistle to reduce the toxic effect of Cadmium on chickens. To achieve the set goal in experiments on chickens under cadmium load, it was necessary to solve the following tasks: to study the effect of Cadmium on the protein synthesis function of the liver of laying hens; to study the effect of Cadmium on the functional state of the liver of laying hens; to investigate the effect of silimevit and the fruits of milk thistle on the functional state of the liver of laying hens under cadmium load; to investigate the effect of silimevit and milk thistle fruits on the protein synthesis function of the liver of laying hens under cadmium load and to justify the use of silimevit and milk thistle to prevent cadmium toxicosis in chickens. Drinking cadmium sulfate to laying hens violates the liver's functional state and protein-synthesizing function. A decrease in total protein and albumin content in their blood was established (Р < 0.001). An increase in alanine and aspartate aminotransferase activity was detected (Р < 0.001). Silimevit and milk thistle positively affect the functional state of the liver of laying hens under cadmium load, as evidenced by a decrease in the activity of aminotransferases in their blood serum. Silimevit and spotted thistle, under the cadmium load of laying hens, positively affect the liver's protein-synthesizing function, evidenced by an increase in total protein and albumin fraction. Feeding laying hens under cadmium load with slime feed contributed to a better-normalizing effect on the activity of aminotransferases and protein-synthesizing function of the chickens' liver than milk thistle