16 research outputs found

    Elevated blood pressure in 11-years-old children in Slupsk county

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    Wstęp Nadciśnienie tętnicze stanowi jeden z głównych czynników ryzyka rozwoju chorób układu krążenia. U dzieci nadciśnienie tętnicze występuje rzadziej niż u dorosłych. Dotyczy ono 1&#8211;12% populacji dziecięcej w wieku do 18 lat i ma w większości przypadków charakter wtórny. Przedmiotem badań były dzieci z 29 szkół podstawowych ze Słupska i powiatu słupskiego. Dzieci zważono, sprawdzono ich wzrost, zmierzono ciśnienie tętnicze krwi, oznaczono cholesterol, trójglicerydy, HDL, LDL. Badania przeprowadzono w okresie od 15 września do 30 listopada 2008 roku. Materiał i metody W badaniu udział wzięło 658 dzieci - 321 chłopców (48,78%) i 337 dziewcząt (51,22%). Wysokość ciała dzieci z badanej grupy mieściła się w przedziale 135-179 centymetrów, waga - w przedziale 23-85 kilogramów, BMI - w przedziale 12,3-33,7. SBP wynosiło 80-150 mm Hg, DBP - 40&#8211;98 mm Hg, a MAP - 52-110 mm Hg. Średnia wartość SBP u chłopców to 113,83 mm Hg, u dziewcząt - 109,15 mm Hg, z kolei średnia wartość DBP wynosi: u chłopców 62,78 mm Hg, u dziewcząt - 63,23 mm Hg. Wyniki Dzieci, u których wskaźnik masy ciała BMI oscyluje &#8805; c85, znacznie częściej wykazują tendencje do podwyższonych wartości ciśnienia tętniczego (BP). W grupie &#8805; 85. percentyla BMI wartości ciśnienia SBP i DBP &#8805; 90. percentyla występują odpowiednio u 31,19% (19,98% - dziewczęta, 11,21% - chłopcy) i 11,54% (5,93% - dziewczęta, 5,61% - chłopcy) badanych dzieci. Natomiast w grupie < 85. percentyla BMI wartości ciśnienia SBP i DBP &#8805; 90. percentyla występują odpowiednio u 27,41% (12,47% - dziewczęta, 14,94% - chłopcy) i 8,80% (4,45% - dziewczęta, 4,35% - chłopcy) badanych dzieci. Wnioski Korelacja między nieprawidłowymi wartościami BMI oraz podwyższonymi wartościami ciśnienia tętniczego (0,1 &#8804; rXYBackground Hypertension is one of the main risk factors for developing cardiovascular disease. Hypertension is less common in children than in adults. It applies to 1-12% of the population of children under the age of 18 years and is in most cases a secondary condition. Material and methods Children from 29 primary schools in the city and county of Slupsk were included in the study. Body weight and height, blood pressure and cholesterol, triglycerides, HDL, LDL levels were measured. The study was conducted between 15 September and 30 November 2008. 658 children took part in the study - 321 boys (48.78%) and 337 girls (51.22%). The height of the body in the study group was in the range of 135-179 cm, weight - 23-85 kg, BMI - 12.3-33.7. SBP ranged from 80 to 150 mm Hg, DBP - from 40 to 98 mm Hg, the MAP - from 52 to 110 mm Hg. Average SBP was 113.83 mm Hg in boys and 109.15 mm Hg in girls. Average DBP was 62.78 mm Hg in boys, and 63.23 mm Hg in girls. Results Children with a body mass index &#8805; 85th percentile much more frequently show a tendency to elevated blood pressure (BP). In the group of children with BMI &#8805; 85th percentile, SBP and DBP values &#8805; 90th percentile were observed in 31.09% (19.98% - girls, 11.21 - boys) and 11.54% (5.93% - girls, 5.61% - boys) respectively. However, in the group with BMI < 85th percentile, SBP and DBP values &#8805; 90th percentile were observed in 27.41% (12.47% - girls, 14.94% - boys) and 8.81% (4.45% - girls, 4.35% - boys) respectively. Conclusions The correlation between increased values of BMI and elevated blood pressure (0.1 &#8804; rXY < 0.3; 0.3 &#8804; rX

    The importance of being a compassionate leader: the views of nursing and midwifery managers from around the world

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    Introduction: Despite the importance of compassionate leadership in health care, many of the existing publications do not account for the effect of culture. The aim of this study is to explore the views of nursing and midwifery managers from different countries in relation to the definition, advantages, and importance of compassion. Methodology: A cross-sectional, descriptive, exploratory online survey was conducted across 17 countries, containing both closed and open-ended questions. Data from N = 1,217 respondents were analyzed using a directed hybrid approach focusing only on qualitative questions related to compassion-giving. Results: Four overarching themes capture the study’s results: (1) definition of compassion, (2) advantages and importance of compassion for managers, (3) advantages and importance of compassion for staff and the workplace, and (4) culturally competent and compassionate leadership. Discussion: Innovative research agendas should pursue further local qualitative empirical research to inform models of culturally competent and compassionate leadership helping mangers navigate multiple pressures and be able to transculturally resonate with their staff and patients

    Socially assistive robots in health and social care: Acceptance and cultural factors. Results from an exploratory international online survey

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    Aim: This study explored the views of an international sample of registered nurses and midwives working in health and social care concerning socially assistive robots (SARs), and the relationship between dimensions of culture and rejection of the idea that SARs had benefits in these settings. Methods: An online survey was used to obtain rankings of (among other topics) the extent to which SARs have benefits for health and social care. It also asked for free text responses regarding any concerns about SARs. Results: Most respondents were overwhelmingly positive about SARs' benefits. A small minority strongly rejected this idea, and qualitative analysis of the objections raised by them revealed three major themes: things might go wrong, depersonalization, and patient‐related concerns. However, many participants who were highly accepting of the benefits of SARs expressed similar objections. Cultural dimensions of long‐term orientation and uncertainty avoidance feature prominently in technology acceptance research. Therefore, the relationship between the proportion of respondents from each country who felt that SARs had no benefits and each country's ratings on long‐term orientation and uncertainty avoidance were also examined. A significant positive correlation was found for long‐term orientation, but not for uncertainty avoidance. Conclusion: Most respondents were positive about the benefits of SARs, and similar concerns about their use were expressed both by those who strongly accepted the idea that they had benefits and those who did not. Some evidence was found to suggest that cultural factors were related to rejecting the idea that SARs had benefits

    A cross-sectional study to assess knowledge of women about cervical cancer: an urban and rural comparison

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    Abstract Introduction Cervical cancer and its etiopathogenesis, the age of women in whom it is diagnosed, average life expectancy, and prognosis are information widely covered in scientific reports. However, there is no coherent information regarding which regions—urban or rural—it may occur more often. This is important because the literature on the subject reports that people living in rural areas have a worse prognosis when it comes to detection, treatment, and life expectancy than city dwellers. Material and methods The subjects of the study were women and their knowledge about cervical cancer. The research was carried out using a survey directly distributed among respondents and via the Internet, portals, and discussion groups for women from Poland. Three hundred twenty-nine women took part in the study, including 164 from rural and 165 from urban areas. The collected data enabled the following: (1) an analysis of the studied groups, (2) assessment of the respondents’ knowledge about cervical cancer, and (3) comparison of women’s knowledge depending on where they live. Results The average assessment of all respondents’ knowledge was 3.59, with women living in rural areas scoring 3.18 and respondents from the city—4.01. Statistical significance (p < 0.001) between the level of knowledge and place of residence was determined. The results indicate that an increase in the level of education in the subjects significantly increases the chance of getting the correct answer. In the case of age analysis, the coefficients indicate a decrease in the chance of obtaining the correct answer in older subjects despite the fact that a statistically significant level was reached in individual questions. Conclusions Women living in rural areas have less knowledge of cervical cancer than female respondents from the city. There is a need for more awareness campaigns to provide comprehensive information about cervical cancer to women in rural areas. A holistic approach to the presented issue can solve existing difficulties and barriers to maintaining health regardless of the place of life and residence. Implication for cancer survivors They need intensive care for women’s groups most burdened with risk factors

    Nurses&rsquo; Attitudes towards Selected Social Groups: Cross-Sectional Survey among Polish Nurses

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    Background: Attitude is a relatively permanent inclination towards a positive or negative evaluation of a given social or physical object, which determines a person&rsquo;s disposition towards their surrounding social reality and informs his/her behavior. Aims: The aim of this study is to assess the attitudes of nursing staff, in terms of the emotional and behavioral components, in relation to selected social groups: a Roma person, a hearing-impaired person, a Muslim, and a person of a homosexual orientation. Design: This cross-sectional study was conducted by means of an Internet questionnaire. Methods: This study included 3900 nurses from Poland who were participants in social networking sites and discussion groups for nurses. The study data were collected by using a self-constructed survey questionnaire. The results were reported using the STROBE Checklist. Results: The following scale was adopted: mean 1.0&ndash;3.5&mdash;positive attitude, 3.6&ndash;6.0&mdash;negative attitude. Respondents showed positive attitudes towards patient groups (1.67&ndash;2.30), the least positive being towards Muslims (2.30) and Roma (2.21). The respondents predicted that during the performance of professional activities, they would have the biggest problem with a person of homosexual orientation (22.1%) or a Muslim person (19.0%). The results show that the age and length of service most often influence attitudes towards patients from different social groups. Conclusions: Respondents with a longer period of work experience and respondents with lower education, despite declaring positive attitudes towards the surveyed social groups, expressed negative statements towards Muslims and homosexuals. Cultural education during the undergraduate and postgraduate studies of nursing staff is essential. Impact Statement: This research indicates that the lesser the need for direct involvement in interactions with patients from other groups, the greater the willingness to accept the situation in which care is provided

    Pregnancy planning and risk behaviours – a survey of women’s experiences in selected European countries

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    Pregnancy, a special period in a woman’s life, should be preceded by proper preparation: a positive attitude to procreation, selection of optimum time for becoming pregnant, starting prevention of neural tube defects, restriction of the use of drugs, smoking, etc. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of pregnancy planning and antenatal classes on the use of stimulants during pregnancy. The study group included 877 women living in 7 European countries, and their experiences of planning pregnancy and substance abuse during pregnancy were investigated. In about a half (50.3%) of respondents the pregnancy was planned. The highest percentage of mothers who planned pregnancy was recorded in Poland and Bulgaria (about 76%). By contrast, in Germany the proportion of mothers who planned pregnancy was the lowest (46.2%). Surprisingly, they became pregnant despite very frequent use of birth control (96.7%). On average, 17.3% of respondents disclosed that they drank alcohol or coffee, smoked cigarettes or used psychoactive drugs during pregnancy. Among women who did not plan to be pregnant, the use of stimulants was recorded more often. However, pregnancy planning only slightly inclined women to stop the consumption of stimulants. Attendance at antenatal classes did not have any significant effect on the use of stimulants

    Psychosocial factors appearing in work performed by people affected by myocardial infarction

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    Introduction: A significant growth has been observed in the number of scientific proves indicating an independent contribution of psychosocial factors, such as the nature, organization and conditions of work performed by patients, to the risk of developing cardiovascular disease. The purpose: The purpose of this paper is to analyse the influence of selected psychosocial factors appearing in professional work of patients on the experience of myocardial infarction. Evidence and methods: The examined material was provided by 150 respondents - randomly chosen patients of a provincial cardiology clinic, affected by infarct.The research was conducted between April 2014 and May 2015, up to six months after the occurrence of acute coronary heart disease, treated in Słupsk and Cardiological Rehabilitation Center of the Voivodship Specialist Hospital in Słupsk on the day of admission. Empirical evidence was collected by the use of a diagnostic survey based on a survey questionnaire and the authors’ own questionnaire mentioned above. The authors used a diagnostic questionnaire method to collect the empirical material, a square Chi test by Pearson and contingency indicator in statistical analysis. Results: The conducted research has shown that professional stress and the performance of tasks related to stressful daily situations are important factors when talking about the risk of developing myocardial infarction. For about 30% of the men examined following myocardial infarction the most intensely felt emotion while implementing work related task was the stress connected with the excess number of work obligations and tasks that they have been committed to do. On the other hand, for about 24.7% of women the biggest job-related stress factor was the atmosphere and relationships with both colleagues and supervisors. Their levels of stress increased as their professional careers progressed. Conclusions: Invasive cardiology and cardiac surgery should support integrated cardiac prophylactic activities including factors appearing in the work environment

    Eutanazja w opiniach wyznawców różnych religii

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    Celem badań było poznanie opinii respondentów będących wyznawcami różnych religii na temat eutanazji. Materiał i metody: Były to badania jakościowe, porównawcze prowadzone w lutym – marcu 2016 roku. Respondentami byli przedstawiciele trzech religii – katolicyzmu, judaizmu i islamu. Badanie przeprowadzone zostało za pomocą wywiadu skategoryzowanego Wyniki: Wypowiedzi respondentów wskazują, że eutanazja nie jest zjawiskiem dobrym, negują ją. Podkreślają, że eutanazja to morderstwo, zabójstwo i rodzaj samobójstwa. Nie dają prawa decydowania o wyborze czasu śmierci własnej i najbliższych choć u respondentów będących wyznawcami Islamu i Judaizmu występują kwestie dopuszczenia do wykonania eutanazji w określonych okolicznościach. Postawy te są zbieżne z ich religiami. Wnioski: Badani przedstawicieli różnych religii wyrażają ogólny sprzeciw w zakresie zgody na eutanazję. Można więc przyjąć ostrożną sugestię, iż respondenci wyznawane wartości wywodzą nie tylko ze źródeł swojej wiary, ale także innych, np. idei humanitaryzmu. Eutanazja, śmierć są tematami, których pewnie nigdy człowiek nie zgłębi, ale personel pielęgniarski powinien być przygotowany na różnorodne pytania, które padają w opiece terminalnej, opiece paliatywnej, opiece u schyłku życia, po to, aby lepiej sprawować opiekę nad tą grupą pacjentów

    Symptoms of menopause and health of women during perimenopause

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    Introduction. Perimenopausal age is the time in a woman’s life, when her reproductive capacity declines. Characteristic symptoms in the majority of systems accompany this process. Aim. The aim of the study was to determine the symptoms of menopause and investigate the most common health problems in perimenopausal women. Materials and methods. The study involved 180 women in perimenopausal age (45-55 years). The subjects were mainly residents of rural areas (65%) and married (84%). Most of them declared secondary education (57%). A questionnaire developed by the authors was used in the study. Results. Most women observed typical menopausal symptoms mostly between 45 and 49 years of age. Most often, these were hot flushes, the second place was night sweats, and the third place was insomnia. Almost 40% of women are treated for chronic diseases, most of them for hypertension, thyroid disease and diabetes. Conclusions. The changes associated with perimenopausal age in the majority of respondents include genitourinary system, respiratory system, skeletal system and metabolic changes. Level of education influences the level of knowledge among women on the menopause. Women from rural areas used non-pharmacological methods to mitigate the symptoms of menopause to a greater extent

    Directions of health education of families taking care of patients who suffered stroke in secondary prevention measures

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    Udar mózgu stanowi w Polsce główną przyczynę niepełnosprawności osób powyżej 40. roku życia. Opieka rodziny nad osobą przewlekle chorą i niepełnosprawną jest zasadniczą formą pomocy tym chorym. Obecnie chory i jego rodzina coraz częściej są postrzegani jako partnerzy pracowników ochrony zdrowia. Wyrazem takiej partnerskiej relacji są między innymi działania edukacyjne. Zakres wsparcia informacyjno-edukacyjnego zależny od kilku czynników, między innymi od poziomu wiedzy. W pracy przedstawiono najważniejsze kierunki edukacji zdrowotnej członków rodzin chorych po udarze mózgu. Głównymi celami edukacji poudarowej są: poprawa stanu funkcjonalnego chorego, zmniejszenie obciążenia fizycznego i psychicznego opiekunów, zapobieganie powikłaniom chorobowym wynikającym z niepełnej sprawności oraz profilaktyka wtórna udaru mózgu. Do zamierzonych korzyści należą: promowanie właściwego stylu życia, poprawa kondycji fizycznej oraz psychicznej chorego i członków jego rodziny, zwiększenie wiedzy na temat udarów mózgu. Problemy Pielęgniarstwa 2010; 18 (4): 497-502Stroke is the main cause of disability of the people at the age of over 40 in Poland. Family care for the member of the family who is a chronic or disabled patient is an essential form of a help offered to these kind of patients. Currently ill and his family are increasingly perceived as partners in health-care professionals. Educational actions are a kind of partnership. The scope of information and educational support depends on shortages in education. Objective is to provide the most important directions of health education, addressed to the members of the families of patients who suffered stroke. Main aims of poststroke education is an improvement of a patient&#8217;s functional condition, reduction of physical and mental load, preventing disease complications resulting from reduced fitness and a stroke secondary prevention. Expected benefits include an appropriate lifestyle promotion, improvement of physical and mental condition of a patient and his or her members of the family and a knowledge increase dealing with the essence of strokes. Nursing Topice 2010; 18 (4): 497-50