18 research outputs found

    Terminological correctness of the information environment through the eyes of physicists

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    The incorrectness of the concepts of "information society" and "information civilization" is considered, the justification of which is given by the author on the basis of the development of the information space and information technologies. It is shown that the use of these terms is one of the elements of the program of globalism, which threatens the transformation of the world space with the disappearance of nation-states and the domination of a transnational government. The latest trends in physical science are identified, where questions are raised about the importance of synthesizing quantum theory and general relativity with the existing problem of the possibility of combining local and non-local observations, the hypothesis of the existence of information fields. The integration of educational technologies is designed to show that the development of the information space is an important step in civilization, but humanity also faces more global challenges about the place and mission of Man in this world


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    Development of livestock as well as increase of milk and meat production depends considerably on prompt and qualified veterinary measures. One of the reserves of lifestock profitability rise is prevention of infectious diseases including entomosis, and animals' protection from bloodsucking dipterous insects: deer flies, mosquitos, gadflies and biting midges also known as gnats. In Belorussia dairy cows lost up to 15–20 % of milk and in single seasons up to 30–40 % due to bloodsucking dipterous insects attack. The task of present research is the study of insecticide efficacy of drugs: Delcid, Almet, Fenmet, Breeze 25 % applied as aerosols using ultra low-volume spraying when cattle in pastures are massively attacked by gnats. The repellent efficacy of drugs Breeze-Prof, Polevik, Phytolym, Tobol and Alezan spray against gad-flies are studied. While using of ultra low-volume hitch spraying of young cattle herds: 0,05 % solution of Delcid, Almet, Fenmet, Breeze 25 % at the rate of 10 ml per cattle it is found that the protective action coefficient according to average data related to gadflies family Tabanidae within first 30 minutes makes: for Delcid – 92,49 %, Almet – 100, Fenmet – 100, Breeze 25 % – 95,3 %, and within 24 hours: Delcid – 81,7 %, Almet – 71,4, Fenmet – 56,2, Breeze 25 % – 81,8 %.Изучено действие некоторых репеллентов и ин-сектицидов, рекомендуемых против гнуса. Разрабо-таны режимы их применения, проведены широкие производственные испытания и рекомендованы для практического применения наиболее эффективные и безопасные препараты на основе синтетических пире-троидов. Проведенными исследованиями изучена репеллентная эффективность против слепней семейст-ва Tabanidae новых препаратов, которые показали удовлетворительную эффективность

    Analysis of trends in scientific domains by ontological engineering

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    Многие современные предметные области подвержены быстрым изменениям. Не смотря на то, что онтологии являются статическим срезом представлений о предметной области, серия онтологий может быть использована для анализа динамики предметной области. В работе описан общий алгоритм построения серии онтологий, отражающих изменения во времени, для последующего анализа. Алгоритм апробирован на предметной области знаний об углеродных нанокластерах, отраженных в тезисах докладов конференции IWFAC. In this work a general algorithm for constructing a scientific domain ontologies to analyze the scientific domain dynamics is proposed. The algorithm is tested on an analysis of conference abstracts for 20 years


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    There has been developed a program - analytical system for investigation the structure of the signal in the spectral and time ranges caused by geophysical processes. The main purpose of developing such system is - to investigate the structure of the signal in the spectral and time ranges, caused by geophysical and astrophysical magnetic field of the atmosphere boundary surface layer and to find under - noise periodical processes of geophysical nature. The analysis of the exposing efficiency in the time ranges of the components corresponding to the periods of the moon gravitational tides showed high efficiency of the eigen vectors, chosen according to the criterion MKK which provides very slight probably of the false alarm of omitting displayed signs at the level 10-4

    Analysis of trends in scientific domains by ontological engineering

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    Многие современные предметные области подвержены быстрым изменениям. Не смотря на то, что онтологии являются статическим срезом представлений о предметной области, серия онтологий может быть использована для анализа динамики предметной области. В работе описан общий алгоритм построения серии онтологий, отражающих изменения во времени, для последующего анализа. Алгоритм апробирован на предметной области знаний об углеродных нанокластерах, отраженных в тезисах докладов конференции IWFAC. In this work a general algorithm for constructing a scientific domain ontologies to analyze the scientific domain dynamics is proposed. The algorithm is tested on an analysis of conference abstracts for 20 years

    New drugs for protection of cattle against bloodsucking dipterous insects

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    Development of livestock as well as increase of milk and meat production depends considerably on prompt and qualified veterinary measures. One of the reserves of lifestock profitability rise is prevention of infectious diseases including entomosis, and animals' protection from bloodsucking dipterous insects: deer flies, mosquitos, gadflies and biting midges also known as gnats. In Belorussia dairy cows lost up to 15–20 % of milk and in single seasons up to 30–40 % due to bloodsucking dipterous insects attack. The task of present research is the study of insecticide efficacy of drugs: Delcid, Almet, Fenmet, Breeze 25 % applied as aerosols using ultra low-volume spraying when cattle in pastures are massively attacked by gnats. The repellent efficacy of drugs Breeze-Prof, Polevik, Phytolym, Tobol and Alezan spray against gad-flies are studied. While using of ultra low-volume hitch spraying of young cattle herds: 0,05 % solution of Delcid, Almet, Fenmet, Breeze 25 % at the rate of 10 ml per cattle it is found that the protective action coefficient according to average data related to gadflies family Tabanidae within first 30 minutes makes: for Delcid – 92,49 %, Almet – 100, Fenmet – 100, Breeze 25 % – 95,3 %, and within 24 hours: Delcid – 81,7 %, Almet – 71,4, Fenmet – 56,2, Breeze 25 % – 81,8 %