14 research outputs found

    Museology in Colonial Contexts: A Сall for Decolonisation of Museum Theory

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    The theory of museology produced over the past half century to define its own moral interpretation of reality has shown to be marked by paradigms created within colonial structures of power. This paper aims to question whether museology has a political centre. Two methods of analysis – author geopolitical backgrounds and bibliography and citations – were chosen to identify the main patterns of geopolitical impact on international museological production through examining key international publications: Dictionnaire encyclopédique de muséologie, The International Handbooks of Museum Studies and ICOFOM Study Series. Our research shows that the theory of museology is still produced according to colonial structures of power.La teoría museológica producida durante el último medio siglo con el objetivo de definir su propia interpretación ética de la realidad ha demostrado estar signada por los paradigmas creados dentro de las estructuras coloniales del poder. Esta ponencia pretende poner en cuestión a la museología como opción política. Elegimos dos métodos – el de análisis de antecedentes geopolíticos de los autores y el análisis de bibliografía y citas – para identificar los patrones principales de impacto geopolítico en la producción museística internacional. Examinamos publicaciones clave y de alcance internacional: Dictionnaire encyclopédique de muséologie, The International Handbooks of Museum Studies and ICOFOM Study Series. Nuestra investigación demuestra que la teoría museológica aún se reproduce según las estructuras coloniales del poder

    A phase 2 study of panobinostat with lenalidomide and weekly dexamethasone in myeloma.

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    Phase 3 studies combining histone deacetylase inhibitors with bortezomib were hampered by gastrointestinal (GI) intolerance, which was not observed when combined with immunomodulatory drugs. This study is a single-center phase 2 study of panobinostat with lenalidomide and dexamethasone (FRD). Twenty-seven relapsed multiple myeloma patients were enrolled. Twenty-two patients (81%) were lenalidomide refractory and 9 (33%), 14 (52%), and 7 (26%) were refractory to pomalidomide, bortezomib, and carfilzomib, respectively. High-risk molecular findings were present in 17 (63%) patients. Responses included 2 complete responses (CRs), 4 very good partial responses (VGPRs), 5 partial responses (PRs), and 9 minimal responses (MRs) for an overall response rate of 41%, clinical benefit rate of 74%, and a disease control rate of 96%. The median progression-free survival (PFS) was 7.1 months. In the 22 lenalidomide-refractory patients, there were 1 CR, 4 VGPRs, 3 PRs, and 7 MRs, with a median PFS of 6.5 months. Median overall survival was not reached. Grade 3/4 toxicities were primarily hematologic. Gene expression profiling of enrollment tumor samples revealed a set of 1989 genes associated with short (<90 days) PFS to therapy. MAGEA1 RNA and protein expression were correlated with short PFS, and laboratory studies demonstrated a role for MAGE-A in resistance to panobinostat-induced cell death. FRD demonstrates durable responses, even in high-risk, lenalidomide-refractory patients, indicating the essential role of panobinostat in attaining responses. MAGEA1 expression may represent a functional biomarker for resistance to panobinostat. In contrast to PANORAMA 1, there were no significant GI toxicities and primarily expected hematologic toxicities. This trial was registered at www.clinicaltrials.gov as #NCT00742027

    Identification of Methylated Genes Associated with Aggressive Clinicopathological Features in Mantle Cell Lymphoma

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    Background: Mantle cell lymphoma (MCL) is genetically characterized by the t(11;14)(q13;q32) translocation and a high number of secondary chromosomal alterations. The contribution of DNA methylation to MCL lymphomagenesis is not well known. We sought to identify epigenetically silenced genes in these tumours that might have clinical relevance. Methodology/Principal Findings: To identify potential methylated genes in MCL we initially investigated seven MCL cell lines treated with epigenetic drugs and gene expression microarray profiling. The methylation status of selected candidate genes was validated by a quantitative assay and subsequently analyzed in a series of primary MCL (n=38). After pharmacological reversion we identified 252 potentially methylated genes. The methylation analysis of a subset of these genes (n=25) in the MCL cell lines and normal B lymphocytes confirmed that 80% of them were methylated in the cell lines but not in normal lymphocytes. The subsequent analysis in primary MCL identified five genes (SOX9,HOXA9,AHR,NR2F2 ,and ROBO1) frequently methylated in these tumours. The gene methylation events tended to occur in the same primary neoplasms and correlated with higher proliferation, increased number of chromosomal abnormalities, and shorter survival of the patients. Conclusions: We have identified a set of genes whose methylation degree and gene expression levels correlate with aggressive clinicopathological features of MCL. Our findings also suggest that a subset of MCL might show a CpG island methylator phenotype (CIMP) that may influence the behaviour of the tumours

    Defining the museum of the 21st century: evolving multiculturalism in museums in the United States

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    This publication brings together a selection of papers presented at the online symposium organized by ICOFOM under the general theme Defining the Museum of the 21st Century, with Southern New Hampshire University in the United States on September 14, 2018.Chung, S.S.C., Leshchenko, A, & Soares, B.B. (Eds.). (2019). Defining the museum of the 21st century: evolving multiculturalism in museums in the United States. Retrieved from http://academicarchive.snhu.ed

    Chronic fibrosing progressing interstitial lung disease: a decision of Multidisciplinary Expert Board

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    The natural course of some interstitial lung diseases (ILD) is characterized by progressive fibrosing phenotype resembling idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF). Until recently, the antifibrotic drug nintedanib was approved for treatment of the only fibrosing ILD which was IPF. A new indication for this drug which has been registered in Russian Federation in 2021 includes other fibrosing ILDs with progressive phenotype (PF-ILDs) and ILD associated with systemic scleroderma (SS-ILD). The aim of this publication is to describe general considerations of the decision of Multidisciplinary Expert Board on diagnosis and treatment of PF-ILDs including SS-ILD. Results. According to the extension in nintedanib use mentioned above, the Expert Board created an algorithm for diagnosis and treatment of patients with PF-ILDs and criteria for nuntedanib administration in PF-ILDs. Conclusion. Antifibrotic therapy is needed for patients with PF-ILDs with the failure of the stanrard therapy. In those patients antifibrotic treatment should be initiated as early as possible to better preserve the lung functionПри формировании фибротических изменений в легких многие интерстициальные заболевания легких (ИЗЛ) могут приобретать прогрессирующее течение. По прогнозу выживаемости, риску летальности и обострений такой фенотип ИЗЛ при отсутствии антифибротической терапии очень близок к идиопатическому легочному фиброзу. В 2020 г. в Российской Федерации разрешено использование антифибротического препарата нинтеданиб при фиброзирующих ИЗЛ с прогрессирующим фиброзным фенотипом (ПФФ) и при ИЗЛ, связанных с системной склеродермией. Целью работы Междисциплинарного Совета экспертов явилось ознакомление с основными положениями резолюции Междисциплинарного Совета экспертов о диагностике и лечении ИЗЛ ПФФ. Результаты. В декабре 2020 г. состоялся Междисциплинарный Совет экспертов, по результатам работы которого разработаны алгоритм диагностики и ведения пациентов с ИЗЛ ПФФ и критерии отбора больных для назначения антифибротической терапии. Заключение. Установлено, что в случае когда при стандартной терапии ИЗЛ ПФФ клиническое состояние пациента и легочная функция и / или фибротические изменения в легких по данным компьютерной томографии высокого разрешения не стабилизируются, показана антифибротическая терапия нинтеданибом. Начиная антифибротическую терапию в возможно более ранние сроки заболевания, можно замедлить прогрессирующее снижение легочной функции при более сохранных исходных показателях

    The Principle of the Indivisibility of Museum Collections as Part of Museological Theory and Russian Reality

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    Leshchenko Anna. The Principle of the Indivisibility of Museum Collections as Part of Museological Theory and Russian Reality [Электронный ресурс] / Anna Leshchenko// Deaccession and Return of Cultural Heritage: a New Global Ethics : 33rd ICOFOM Annual Symposium, Shanghai, 7-12 November, 2010 / ICOM International Committee for Museology. - [China] : [ICOFOM], 2010. - P. 61-71. - (ICOFOM Study Series ; 39). - Bibliogr.: p. 243-244

    A Visitor-Centered Approach: Enhancing Museology with Perceptual Theory

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    Leshchenko Anna. A Visitor-Centered Approach: Enhancing Museology with Perceptual Theory [Электронный ресурс] / Anna Leshchenko// The Special Visitor: Each and Every One of Us : 35th ICOFOM Annual Symposium, Rio de Janeiro, 12-14 August, 2013 / ICOM International Committee for Museology. - [China] : [ICOFOM], 2013. - P. 154-160. - (ICOFOM Study Series ; 42). - Bibliogr.: p. 243-244

    A Visitor-Centered Approach: Enhancing Museology with Perceptual Theory

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    Leshchenko Anna. A Visitor-Centered Approach: Enhancing Museology with Perceptual Theory [Электронный ресурс] / Anna Leshchenko// The Special Visitor: Each and Every One of Us : 35th ICOFOM Annual Symposium, Rio de Janeiro, 12-14 August, 2013 / ICOM International Committee for Museology. - [China] : [ICOFOM], 2013. - P. 154-160. - (ICOFOM Study Series ; 42). - Bibliogr.: p. 243-244


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    In the publication the historical background of the emergence of the category of "open education" is reflected, the scientific publications of native and foreign researchers are analyzed, the synthesis of scientific literature on the concept of "open education" is implemented, the genesis of the use of this concept is investigated, as well as the main problems of the development of open education are outlined. The usefulness of the use of open education technologies in educational process is justified, the directions of implementation of open education elements prospective for Ukraine are considered. It is determined that open education is an integral part of the informational society, and reflects the general trend of coherent transition of the educational processes from one condition to another, forming a determinant information and communication basis for education development