19 research outputs found

    A preliminary investigation of acousto-ultrasonic NDE of metal matrix composite test specimens

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    Acousto-ultrasonic (AU) measurements were performed on a series of tensile specimens composed of 8 laminated layers of continuous, SiC fiber reinforced Ti-15-3 matrix. The following subject areas are covered: AU signal analysis; tensile behavior; AU and interrupted tensile tests; AU and thermally cycled specimens; AU and stiffness; and AU and specimen geometry

    A preliminary characterization of the tensile and fatigue behavior of tungsten-fiber/Waspaloy-matrix composite

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    A microstructural study and a preliminary characterization of the room temperature tensile and fatigue behavior of a continuous, tungsten fiber, Waspaloy-matrix composite was conducted. A heat treatment was chosen that would allow visibility of planar slip if it occurred during deformation, but would not allow growth of the reaction zone. Tensile and fatigue tests showed that the failed specimens contained transverse cracks in the fibers. The cracks that occurred in the tensile specimen were observed at the fracture surface and up to approximately 4.0 mm below the fracture surface. The crack spacing remained constant along the entire length of the cracked fibers. Conversely, the cracks that occurred in the fatigue specimen were only observed in the vicinity of the fracture surface. In instances where two fiber cracks occurred in the same plane, the matrix often necked between the two cracked fibers. Large groups of slip bands were generated in the matrix near the fiber cracks. Slip bands in the matrix of the tensile specimen were also observed in areas where there were no fiber cracks, at distances greater than 4 mm from the fracture surface. This suggests that the matrix plastically flows before fiber cracking occurs

    Bending Properties of Nickel Electrodes for Nickel-Hydrogen Batteries

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    Recent changes in manufacturing have resulted in nickel-hydrogen batteries that fail prematurely by electrical shorting, This failure is believed to be a result of a blistering problem in the nickel electrodes. In this study the bending properties of nickel electrodes are investigated in an attempt to correlate the bending properties of the electrode with its propensity to blister. Nickel electrodes from three different batches of material were tested in both the as-received and impregnated forms. The effects of specimen curvature and position within the electrode on the bending strength were studied, and within-electrode and batch-to-batch variations were addressed. Two color-imaging techniques were employed to differentiate between the phases within the electrodes. These techniques aided in distinguishing the relative amounts of nickel hyroxide surface loading on each electrode, thereby relating surface loading to bend strength. Bend strength was found to increase with the amount of surface loading

    Materials Characterization of Electron Beam Melted Ti-6Al-4V

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    An in-depth material characterization of Electron Beam Melted (EBM) Ti-6Al-4V material has been completed. Hot Isostatic Pressing (HIP) was utilized to close porosity from fabrication and also served as a material heat treatment to obtain the desired microstructure. The changes in the microstructure and chemistry from the powder to pre-HIP and post-HIP material have been analyzed. Computed tomography (CT) scans indicated porosity closure during HIP and high-density inclusions scattered throughout the specimens. The results of tensile and high cycle fatigue (HCF) testing are compared to conventional Ti-6Al-4V. The EBM Ti-6Al-4V had similar or superior mechanical properties compared to conventionally manufactured Ti-6Al-4V

    Strength, Fatigue, and Fracture Toughness of Ti-6Al-4V Liner from a Composite Over-Wrapped Pressure Vessel

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    It was demonstrated by way of experiment that Composite Over-wrapped Pressure Vessel (COPV) Ti-6Al-4V liner material can sustain the expected service loads and cycles. The experiments were performed as part of investigations on the residual life of COPV tanks being used in Space Shuttle Orbiters. Measured properties included tensile strength, compressive strength, reversed loading cycles to simulate liner proof strains, and cyclic fatigue loading to demonstrate the ability to sustain 1000 cycles after liner buckling. The liner material came from a salvaged 40 in. Columbia (orbiter 102) tank (SN029), and tensile strength measurements were made on both boss-transition (thick) and membrane regions (thin). The average measured yield strength was 131 ksi in the boss-transition and membrane regions, in good agreement with measurements made on 1970 s vintage forged plate stock. However, Young s modulus was 17.4+/-0.3 Msi, somewhat higher than typical handbook values (approx.16 Msi). The fracture toughness, as estimated from a failed fatigue specimen, was 74 ksi/sq in, in reasonable agreement with standardized measurements made on 1970 s vintage forged plate stock. Low cycle fatigue of a buckled test specimen implied that as-imprinted liners can sustain over 4000 load cycles

    Properties of a Ni(sub 19.5)Pd(sub 30)Ti(sub 50.5) high-temperature shape memory alloy in tension and compression

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    Potential applications involving high-temperature shape memory alloys have been growing in recent years. Even in those cases where promising new alloys have been identified, the knowledge base for such materials contains gaps crucial to their maturation and implementation in actuator and other applications. We begin to address this issue by characterizing the mechanical behavior of a Ni19.5Pd30Ti50.5 high-temperature shape memory alloy in both uniaxial tension and compression at various temperatures. Differences in the isothermal uniaxial deformation behavior were most notable at test temperatures below the martensite finish temperature. The elastic modulus of the material was very dependent on strain level; therefore, dynamic Young#s Modulus was determined as a function of temperature by an impulse excitation technique. More importantly, the performance of a thermally activated actuator material is dependent on the work output of the alloy. Consequently, the strain-temperature response of the Ni19.5Pd30Ti50.5 alloy under various loads was determined in both tension and compression and the specific work output calculated and compared in both loading conditions. It was found that the transformation strain and thus, the specific work output were similar regardless of the loading condition. Also, in both tension and compression, the strain-temperature loops determined under constant load conditions did not close due to the fact that the transformation strain during cooling was always larger than the transformation strain during heating. This was apparently the result of permanent plastic deformation of the martensite phase with each cycle. Consequently, before this alloy can be used under cyclic actuation conditions, modification of the microstructure or composition would be required to increase the resistance of the alloy to plastic deformation by slip

    Impact of Powder Variability on the Microstructure and Mechanical Behavior of Selective Laser Melted (SLM) Alloy 718

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    Nickel Alloy 718 has found wide use in high-temperature aerospace applications (up to 700C), due to a combination of good mechanical properties, environmental resistance, and workability at moderate cost. These properties have led Alloy 718 to early adoption by selective laser melting (SLM) additive manufacturing. This presentation will share results from a comprehensive industry survey of 718 powder feedstock for SLM. The survey focuses on the impact of variability in powder characteristics on build quality, microstructure, tensile and high cycle fatigue in the as-fabricated and machined surface conditions. The investigation includes sixteen powder lots from eight suppliers that are produced by gas atomization or rotary atomization in argon or nitrogen. This research was previously presented and published at the 9th International Symposium on Superalloy 718 & Derivatives and was funded by NASA Space Launch System Liquid Engine Office with the Human Exploration Operations Mission Directorate

    Effect of Thermomechanical Processing on the Microstructure, Properties, and Work Behavior of a Ti50.5 Ni29.5 Pt20 High-Temperature Shape Memory Alloy

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    TiNiPt shape memory alloys are particularly promising for use as solid state actuators in environments up to 300 C, due to a reasonable balance of properties, including acceptable work output. However, one of the challenges to commercializing a viable high-temperature shape memory alloy (HTSMA) is to establish the appropriate primary and secondary processing techniques for fabrication of the material in a required product form such as rod and wire. Consequently, a Ti(50.5)Ni(29.5)Pt20 alloy was processed using several techniques including single-pass high-temperature extrusion, multiple-pass high-temperature extrusion, and cold drawing to produce bar stock, thin rod, and fine wire, respectively. The effects of heat treatment on the hardness, grain size, room temperature tensile properties, and transformation temperatures of hot- and cold-worked material were examined. Basic tensile properties as a function of temperature and the strain-temperature response of the alloy under constant load, for the determination of work output, were also investigated for various forms of the Ti(50.5)Ni(29.5)Pt20 alloy, including fine wire

    Fatigue Characteristics of Additively Manufactured Aerospace Materials

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    This presentation documents the fatigue properties of three additive manufactured (AM) metallic systems (Ti-6-4, GRC op-84, and Alloy 718) used by NASA in various aerospace applications. These alloys were produced using the powder bed method, with the titanium alloy using an electron beam melting (EBM) and the other two alloys using selective laser melting systems (SLM). For each material a large matrix of fatigue tests were conducted and the fatigue characteristics compared to their conventionally manufactured counterparts. Build orientations and resulting microstructures are discussed with respect to the tested mechanical properties