12 research outputs found

    Pattern and scale: evaluating generalities in crab distributions and marsh dynamics from small plots to a national scale

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    The generality of ecological patterns depends inextricably on the scale at which they are examined. We investigated patterns of crab distribution and the relationship between crabs and vegetation in salt marshes at multiple scales. By using consistent monitoring protocols across 15 U.S. National Estuarine Research Reserves, we were able to synthesize patterns from the scale of quadrats to the entire marsh landscape to regional and national scales. Some generalities emerged across marshes from our overall models, and these are useful for informing broad coastal management policy. We found that crab burrow distribution within a marsh could be predicted by marsh elevation, distance to creek and soil compressibility. While these physical factors also affected marsh vegetation cover, we did not find a strong or consistent overall effect of crabs at a broad scale in our multivariate model, though regressions conducted separately for each site revealed that crab burrows were negatively correlated with vegetation cover at 4 out of 15 sites. This contrasts with recent smaller-scale studies and meta-analyses synthesizing such studies that detected strong negative effects of crabs on marshes, likely because we sampled across the entire marsh landscape, while targeted studies are typically limited to low-lying areas near creeks, where crab burrow densities are highest. Our results suggest that sea-level rise generally poses a bigger threat to marshes than crabs, but there will likely be interactions between these physical and biological factors. Beyond these generalities across marshes, we detected some regional differences in crab community composition, richness, and abundance. However, we found striking differences among sites within regions, and within sites, in terms of crab abundance and relationships to marsh integrity. Although generalities are broadly useful, our findings indicate that local managers cannot rely on data from other nearby systems, but rather need local information for developing salt marsh management strategies

    Assessing tidal marsh resilience to sea-level rise at broad geographic scales with multi-metric indices

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    Tidal marshes and the ecosystem services they provide may be at risk from sea-level rise (SLR). Tidal marsh resilience to SLR can vary due to differences in local rates of SLR, geomorphology, sediment availability and other factors. Understanding differences in resilience is critical to inform coastal management and policy, but comparing resilience across marshes is hindered by a lack of simple, effective analysis tools. Quantitative, multi-metric indices are widely employed to inform management of benthic aquatic ecosystems, but not coastal wetlands. Here, we develop and apply tidal marsh resilience to sea-level rise (MARS) indices incorporating ten metrics that contribute to overall marsh resilience to SLR. We applied MARS indices to tidal marshes at 16 National Estuarine Research Reserves across the conterminous U.S. This assessment revealed moderate resilience overall, although nearly all marshes had some indication of risk. Pacific marshes were generally more resilient to SLR than Atlantic ones, with the least resilient marshes found in southern New England. We provide a calculation tool to facilitate application of the MARS indices to additional marshes. MARS index scores can inform the choice of the most appropriate coastal management strategy for a marsh: moderate scores call for actions to enhance resilience while low scores suggest investment may be better directed to adaptation strategies such as creating opportunities for marsh migration rather than attempting to save existing marshes. The MARS indices thus provide a powerful new approach to evaluate tidal marsh resilience and to inform development of adaptation strategies in the face of SLR

    Performance of Sills: St. Mary’s City, St. Mary’s River, Maryland

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    Living shorelines represent a shoreline management option that combines various erosion control methodologies and/or structures while at the same time restoring or preserving natural shoreline vegetation communities. A common living shoreline design in Chesapeake Bay includes a low offshore rock sill to absorb wave energy with an emergent wetland landward of the sill to enhance erosion control, provide critical habitat, and improve water quality condition. This study is part of a larger, ongoing project to (1) evaluate erosion control effectiveness and the sustainability of offshore sill and fringing marsh design and structure, (2) evaluate ecological services (e.g., habitat value, water quality remediation) provided by the various components of the living shoreline design, and (3) develop design criteria that may enhance services provided by living shoreline designs in low and moderate energy environments. This project measures the performance of sills in Chesapeake Bay in support of developing design guidance. In particular, it assesses how the windows (or gaps/vents) in some sills affect their value for shore protection and water quality. The approach utilizes both field data collection (e.g., site assessment and survey, water quality data collection) and hydrodynamic modeling methodology. Two sites, varying in construction design and age, were assessed at St. Mary’s City, Maryland on the St. Mary’s River (Figure 1-1). Site 1 is part of a larger project and has about 1,000 feet of shoreline with a gapped sill that was built in 2002 (Figure 1-2). Site 2, a 1,000 feet non-gapped sill, was built in 1998 and is adjacent to Site 1 (Figure 1-2). Previous data exists for Site 1, which includes the implemented construction plan and the as-built survey. Both sites were surveyed to provide the present dimensions of the sill systems. Modeling methodology was used to assess residence time and age of water that flushes through sill structures and associated fringing wetland along part of Site 1. Also analyzed was the impact of several different window configurations and dimensions on beach shape and shore protection as well as the site substrate and vegetation characteristics, surface water and groundwater quality, and nekton

    Northern Neck Regional Shallow Draft Channel Dredging Plan: Feasibility Phase

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    The Initial Phase of the project (Phase 1), used remote sensing and other data collection to develop a method for determining which waterbodies on the Northern Neck of Virginia need dredging. The analysis included most of the waterbodies in the counties of Lancaster, Northumberland, Richmond, and Westmoreland. From this analysis, 19 waterbodies emerged as potentially needing dredged based on physical parameters and residential and economic usage (Milligan et al., 2023). In this Feasibility Phase (Phase 2), more detailed site data were collected to provide data to the localities for consideration. These tasks were included in the analysis: 1. Historic shore evolution. 2. Bathymetric data were collected in the waterbody; 3. Sediment sampling of the upper 1-2 ft of the bottom was performed to determine surface sediment type; 4. Structures adjacent to the channel were assessed; 5. Channels were determined based on whether they were federal, non-federal, or non-federal with aids to navigation (ATONs). Eight federal channels were included in this Feasibility Phase, and the federally-defined channel was used for those waterbodies. However, two waterbodies, Cranes Creek and Monroe Bay, have a federal channel only at their mouth. For this Feasibility Phase, the channel was extended farther into the waterbodies. For non-federal channels, the bathymetric data was used to determine where the natural channel occurred and using aids to navigation (ATONs) where available. 6. Channel volume was calculated based on the maintenance depth plus 1 ft of overdepth. This determines the size of the project and how much area will be needed for disposal of material. 7. The potential disposal location (upland vs. shoreline) was determined for each channel based on sediment type. For shoreline placement, potential adjacent sites are shown. The goal of these data collections and analysis is to provide information to the localities regarding the waterbodies that may need to be dredged to maintain residential and economic usage. It can be used to prioritize dredge channel funding as it becomes available for design and construction. This is a scoping level analysis and should be used for planning purposes only. The parameters chosen for analysis such as proposed channel location and channel depth can be modified during the final design process to fit the needs of the community and to fit available costs. Additional data is needed for final dredge project design in Phase 3. The most crucial data are subbottom cores that are used to determine if the surficial sediments taken for this analysis represent the overall type of material that will be dredged. If the cores reveal sediment different from the surficial analysis, then the placement options may change

    Data Collection at Fifteen Selected Creeks in Support of Shallow Water Dredging on Virginia’s Middle Peninsula - Methods & Data Report

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    Federal funding has been historically available for the Army Corps of Engineers for shallow draft navigation projects. However, past and recent subsidies have not provided ample funding at levels to sustain maintenance dredging for the 17 federal navigation channels on the Middle Peninsula. Further, funding for maintenance of non-federal channels has been historically neglected by the Commonwealth of Virginia until the Virginia General Assembly established the Virginia Waterway Maintenance Fund in 2018. For the past decade the Middle Peninsula Chesapeake Bay Public Access Authority, the Middle Peninsula Planning District Commission and its member jurisdictions, and the Virginia Institute of Marine Science Shoreline Studies Program have worked to advance local solutions and alternatives to address dredging needs in the Commonwealth

    Hurricane Sandy Effects on Coastal Marsh Elevation Change

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    High-magnitude storm events such as Hurricane Sandy are powerful agents of geomorphic change in coastal marshes, potentially altering their surface elevation trajectories. But how do a storm’s impacts vary across a large region spanning a variety of wetland settings and storm exposures and intensities. We determined the short-term impacts of Hurricane Sandy at 223 surface elevation table–marker horizon stations in estuarine marshes located across the northeast region of the United States by comparing post- storm surface elevation change with pre-storm elevation trends. We hypothesized that the storm’s effect on marsh elevation trends would be influenced by position relative to landfall (right or left) and distance from landfall. The structural equation model presented predicts that marshes located to the left of landfall were more likely to experience an elevation gain greater than expected, and this positive deviation from pre-storm elevation trends tended to have a greater magnitude than those experiencing negative deviations (elevation loss), potentially due to greater sediment deposition. The magnitude of negative deviations from elevation change in marshes to the right of landfall was greater than for positive deviations, with a greater effect in marshes within 200 km of landfall, potentially from the extent and magnitude of storm surge. Overall, results provide an integrated picture of how storm characteristics combined with the local wetland setting are important to a storm’s impact on surface elevation, and that the surface elevation response can vary widely among sites across a region impacted by the same storm

    Evaluating Tidal Wetland Restoration Performance Using National Estuarine Research Reserve System Reference Sites and the Restoration Performance Index (RPI)

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    Evaluations of tidal wetland restoration efforts suffer from a lack of appropriate reference sites and standardized methods among projects. To help address these issues, the National Estuarine Research Reserve System (NERRS) and the NOAA Restoration Center engaged in a partnership to monitor ecological responses and evaluate 17 tidal wetland restoration projects associated with five reserves. The goals of this study were to (1) determine the level of restoration achieved at each project using the restoration performance index (RPI), which compares change in parameters over time between reference and restoration sites, (2) compare hydrologic and excavation restoration projects using the RPI, (3) identify key indicator parameters for assessing restoration effectiveness, and (4) evaluate the value of the NERRS as reference sites for local restoration projects. We found that the RPI, modified for this study, was an effective tool for evaluating relative differences in restoration performance; most projects achieved an intermediate level of restoration from 2008 to 2010, and two sites became very similar to their paired reference sites, indicating that the restoration efforts were highly effective. There were no differences in RPI scores between hydrologic and excavation restoration project types. Two abiotic parameters (marsh platform elevation and groundwater level) were significantly correlated with vegetation community structure and thus can potentially influence restoration performance. Our results highlight the value of the NERRS as reference sites for assessing tidal wetland restoration projects and provide improved guidance for scientists and restoration practitioners by highlighting the RPI as a trajectory analysis tool and identifying key monitoring parameters

    Evaluating Thin-Layer Sediment Placement as a Tool for Enhancing Tidal Marsh Resilience: a Coordinated Experiment Across Eight US National Estuarine Research Reserves

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    Thin-layer sediment placement (TLP) is a promising management tool for enhancing tidal marsh resilience to rising seas. We conducted a 3-year experiment at eight US National Estuarine Research Reserves using a standardized implementation protocol and subsequent monitoring to evaluate effects of sediment placement on vegetation in low and high marsh, and compared this to control and reference plots. Sediments added to experimental plots were sourced from nearby quarries, were sandier than ambient marsh soils, and had more crab burrowing, but proved effective, suggesting that terrestrial sources can be used for tidal marsh restoration. We found strong differences among sites but detected general trends across the eight contrasting systems. Colonization by marsh plants was generally rapid following sediment addition, such that TLP plot cover was similar to control plots. While we found that 14-cm TLP plots were initially colonized more slowly than 7-cm plots, this difference largely disappeared after three years. In the face of accelerated sea-level rise, we thus recommend adding thicker sediment layers. Despite rapid revegetation, TLP plots did not approximate vegetation characteristics of higher elevation reference plots. Thus, while managers can expect fairly fast revegetation at TLP sites, the ultimate goal of achieving reference marsh conditions may be achieved slowly if at all. Vegetation recovered rapidly in both high and low marsh; thus, TLP can serve as a climate adaptation strategy across the marsh landscape. Our study illustrates the value of conducting experiments across disparate geographies and provides restoration practitioners with guidance for conducting future TLP projects