324 research outputs found

    Bis{N,N,N-trimethyl-2-oxo-2-[2-(2,3,4- trihydroxy­benzyl­idene)hydrazin­yl]ethanaminium} tetra­chlorido­zincate(II) methanol solvate1

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    The asymmetric unit of the title compound, (C12H18N3O4)2[ZnCl4]·CH3OH, consists of two Girard reagent-based cations, a tetra­chlorido­zincate anion and a mol­ecule of methanol as solvate. These components are inter­connected in the crystal structure by an extensive network of O—H⋯O, N—H⋯O, C—H⋯O, O—H⋯N, O—H⋯Cl, N—H⋯Cl and C—H⋯Cl hydrogen bonds. The shortest inter­molecular inter­action is realized between the cation and anion [H⋯Cl = 2.29 (5) Å; O—H⋯Cl = 167 (3)°]. C—H⋯O inter­actions also play a important role in the inter­connection of the cations


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    Luksemburški je prije četvrt stoljeća proglašen službenim i nacionalnim jezikom Velikog Vojvodstva Luksemburga. Prilog nudi pregled povijesti i današnji položaj idioma koji je simbol kulturne i političke samostalnosti te države. Raspravlja se i o tradicionalnoj višejezičnosti Luksemburga te položaju francuskog i njemačkog jezika.Luxemburgisch wurde vor einem Vierteljahrhundert zur Amts- und Nationalsprache im Großherzogtum Luxemburg erhoben. Der Beitrag bietet einen Überblick über die Geschichte und den heutigen Stand eines Idioms, das als Symbol der kulturellen und politischen Eigenständigkeit dieses Staates gilt. Besprochen werden auch die traditionelle Mehrsprachigkeit Luxemburgs sowie die Lage des Französischen und Deutschen

    Serbia and Russia during the second rule of prince Michael Obrenović (1860-1868)

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    U okviru rada detaljno su analizirani odnosi između Srbije i Rusije za vreme druge vladavine kneza Mihaila (1860–1868). Period koji je obrađen predstavlja zaokruženu celinu, sa neophodnim osvrtom na period prve vladavine kneza Mihaila (1839–1842), Obrenoviće u emigraciji i njihov povratak na presto, te položaj Srbije i Rusije u kontekstu promena nakon Pariskog mirovnog ugovora (1856). Detaljno su analizirani složeni unutrašnji i spoljnopolitički položaj Kneževine Srbije, u kontekstu rusko–srpskih odnosa. Istovremeno, pažnja je usmerena na to da se rusko–srpski odnosi i veze sagledaju u okviru široke pozadine evropske političke scene. Istraživanje je u osnovi bazirano na izvornoj građi arhiva Ruske federacije (Arhiv vnešneй politiki Rossiйskoй imperii (AVPRI), Gosudarstvenniй arhiv Rossiйskoй federacii (GARF), Rossiйskiй gosudarstvenniй voenno-istoričeskiй arhiv (RGVIA), Naučno–issledovatelьskiй otdel rukopiseй Rossiйskoй gosudarstvennoй biblioteke (NIOR RGB), Otdel pisьmennыh istočnikov Gosudarstvennogo Istoričeskogo muzeя (OPI GIM), do sada neobjavljenim ili pak, slabo istraženim. Koristeći građu ruske i domaće provenijencije, objavljene izvore, štampu, te stranu i domaću literaturu, nastojali smo da odgovorimo na brojna, malo rasvetljena pitanja u istoriografiji: rusku diplomatsku podršku Srbiji u ključnim pitanjima, rusku podršku knezu Mihailu na unutrašnjem planu u Srbiji, lične odnose vodećih srpskih i ruskih državnika i političara, uključenost i ulogu Rusije u stvaranju Balkanskog saveza, ulogu Rusije u planiranju rata na Balkanu, ulogu ruskih oficira u pitanju reorganizacije srpske vojske.In this paper were detailed analyzed relations between Serbia and Russia during the second rule of Prince Michael (1860–1868). Processed period was completely covered, with the necessary references to the period of the first rule of Prince Michael (1839–1842), Obrenovićs in exile and their return to the throne, and the position of Serbia and Russia in the context of changes after the Paris Peace Treaty (1856). Complex internal and foreign policy position of the Principality of Serbia, in the context of Russian–Serbian relations were detailed analyzed. At the same time, attention was directed to the fact that the Russian–Serbian relations and connections perceived in the broad background of the European political scene. The research is essentially based on original documents from the archives of Russian Federation (Archive of Foreign Policy of Russian Empire, State Archive of Russian Federation, Russian State Archive of Military History, Scientific Research Department of Manuscripts at Russian National Library, Department of Written Sources of State History Museum), so far unpublished or poorly researched. Using the sources of the Russian and local provenance, published sources, newspapers, and foreign and domestic literature, we have tried to answer to many, little clarified questions in historiography: Russian diplomatic support to Serbia on key issues, Russian support to Prince Michael at the internal level in Serbia, personal relations among Serbian and Russian statesmen and politicians, and the involvement of Russia in the creation of the Balkan League, Russia’s role in the planning of the war in the Balkans, the role of Russian officers in the reorganization of the Serbian army

    Bis[4-(2-carbamoylhydrazin-1-yl­idene-κ2 N 1,O)-5-hydroxy­methyl-2-methyl­pyridinium-3-olato-κO 3]cobalt(II) dinitrate dihydrate

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    The asymmetric unit of the title compound, [Co(C9H12N4O3)2](NO3)2·2H2O, consists of a discrete cationic [Co(PLSC)2]2+ complex unit [PLSC is 4-(2-carbamoylhydrazin-1-yl­idene)-5-hydroxy­methyl-2-methyl­pyridinium-3-ol­ato], two NO3 − and two water mol­ecules. The two tridentate PLSC ligands of the cation are zwitterions related to each other by a non-crystallographic C 2 axis. The CoII ion is in a disorted octa­hedral coordination environment. The crystal structure is composed of alternating NO3/H2O and complex layers supported by extensive C—H⋯O, N—H⋯O and N—H⋯N hydrogen bonding

    Conversion of conventional cars to an electric vehicle

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    Završni rad je za temu imao preradu konvencionalnih automobila u električne. Obrađeni su svi detalji vezani za odabrani dizelski automobil, te se potom na osnovu toga vršila prerada u električni. Sve je bilo potkrijepljeno određenim modelom koji je načinjem u računalnom programu Matlab, te su vršene simulacije koje su potvrdile točnost odabira komponenti potrebnih za preradu. Na kraju rada je analiziran sav uloženi kapital u preradu, te se predvidjelo koliko godina je potrebno za povratak uloženog. Sve u svemu prerada konvencionalnih automobila u električne je zasigurno isplativa investicija koja će se vršiti u sve većem broju kako nam se tehnološka budućnost približavaThe topic of this paper was the conversion of conventional cars into electrical ones. The entire data regarding the selected diesel car was analyzed and afterwards the conversion to an electrical car was done, based on the analyzed data. The hole process was backed-up by a certain model made in the Matlab software and the simulations were made and the simulations were made which confirmed the right selection of components required for the conversion. In the end of the paper, entire investment in the conversion was analyzed and the amount of time needed to make the conversion pay off was estimated. All things considered the conversion of conventional cars into electrical cars is for sure an sustainable investment that will be done rapidly as the future of technology approaches

    The supramolecular arrangement in the Ni(II) complexes of isothiosemicarbazide

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    The molecules of two complexes [Ni(ITSC)2(H2O)2](tere)·2H2O and [Ni(ITSC)2(NO3)2] (ITSC = S-methylisothiosemicarbazide; tere = terephthalate) tend to associate trough the hydrogen bonding interactions into the characteristic 2D blocks separated by the S-methyl moieties. The different coordination mode of the isothiosemicarbazide comparing to thiosemicarbazide (TSC) prevents the formation of the complementary hydrogen bonds with dicarboxylate important for selfassambly of TSC complexes, however in these ITSC the terephthalate anion has role in connection of the blocks and transformation of the 2D into the 3D supramolecular structure. The similar crystal arrangement is found in two earlier reported complexes of Ni(II) with ITSC.Physical chemistry 2004 : 7th international conference on fundamental and applied aspects of physical chemistry; Belgrade (Serbia); 21-23 September 200

    Examples of "jeans-prose" in the literature of East Germany

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    In der DDR entwickelt sich die Jeans-Prosa in den 70er Jahren. Die Veränderungen, die die Jeans-Prosa gebracht hat, sind bemerkenswert. In den Werken tritt ein junger Erzähler auf, der seine eigene Sprache spricht. Es wird die deutsche Umgangssprache gebraucht, die bis dahin nicht denkbar für die Literatur war. Auch übten die Autoren in ihren Jeans-Prosa Werken oft Kritik aus. Es war eine Kritik gegen die Forderungen der Gesellschaft im Zusammenhang mit dem Thema Jugend. In dieser Diplomarbeit wird das Model der Jeans-Prosa aufgrund zwei Werke vorgestellt und analysiert: Die neuen Leiden des jungen W. von Ulrich Plenzdorf und Die Reise nach Jaroslaw von Rolf Schneider. Das Modell der Jeans-Prosa hat Aleksander Flaker in seinem Buch Modelle der Jeans Prosa; Zur literarischen Opposition bei Plenzdorf im osteuropäischen Romankontext vorgestellt. In dem ersten Teil dieser Diplomarbeit wird erklärt, wie es zu diesem Buch und allgemein zu der Bezeichnung Jeans-Prosa gekommen ist und was die wichtigsten Merkmale dieser Prosa sind. Da das Modell in dieser Diplomarbeit am Beispiel zweier Werke vorgestellt wird, wird der Inhalt dieser Werke in einem zweiten Teil wiedergegeben und die Autoren kurz vorgestellt. Die Analyse dieser Werke bildet dann den dritten Teil der Arbeit. Dieser besteht aus den Abschnitten; Die Struktur der Texte, Die Opposition Halbwüchsige-Erwachsene, Der infantile und der intelligente Erzähler und Die Sprache der Jeans-Prosa. Hier werden die wichtigsten Merkmale der Jeans-Prosa vorgestellt und die Werke im Zusammenhang mit diesen Merkmalen analysiert. Da die Jeans-Prosa eine Neuheit in der Literatur der DDR war und die Autoren wie gesagt mit ihr oft Kritik ausübten wird dieser Aspekt in den letzten zwei Abschnitten behandelt. Es wird erst die kulturpolitische Szene in der DDR erläutert und erklärt, wie der Sozialismus verschieden Schriftsteller beeinflusste. Zum Schluss wird erklärt, wie sich Plenzdorf und Schneider durch ihre Werke kritisch gegen den Sozialismus und das Verhältnis Individuum-Gesellschaft geäußert haben

    Stability of zirconia sol in the presence of various inorganic electrolytes

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    Zirconia sol was prepared from zirconium oxychloride solutions by forced hydrolysis at 102ºC. The prepared sol consisted of almost spherical, monoclinic, hydrated zirconia particles 61 nm in diameter. The stability of zirconia sol in the presence of various inorganic electrolytes (LiCl, NaCl, KCl, CsCl, KBr, KI, KNO3, and K2SO4) was studied by potentiometric titration method. Dependence of the critical concentration of coagulation (CCC) on the dispersion pH was determined for all studied electrolytes. The critical coagulation concentration values, for all investigated electrolytes, are lower at higher pH. These values for all 1:1 electrolytes are equal in the range of experimental error. For a given pH value, CCCs of K2SO4 are 3-4 orders of magnitude lower than the corresponding values for 1:1 electrolytes. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke republike Srbije, br. III 45012

    Solubility of fibres and satiety

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    Svako ljudsko biće unosi u svoje tijelo prehrambena vlakna, samo neki u manjim količinama, a neki u većim. Stanovnici zapadne Europe trebali bi gotovo duplo više prehrambenih vlakana unositi u svoje tijelo. Prehrambena vlakna predstavljaju tvari koje su neprobavljive za enzime i prolaze nerazgrađena kroz probavni sustav pri čemu vrše pogodne radnje koje rezultiraju, između ostalih, apsorpcijom kolesterola u tankom crijevu. Prehrambena vlakna mogu biti topljiva i netopljiva. U ovom radu podrobnije su objašnjena topljiva prehrambena vlakna. Mnogim istraživanjima dokazano je da osobe koje konzumiraju hranu bogatu prehrambenim vlaknima imaju manji rizik oboljenja od kardiovaskularnih bolesti. S druge strane, sitost, koja predstavlja osjećaj čovjekova stanja bez težnje za jelom,može se prikazati putem indeksa sitosti obzirom na najčešće namirnice koje čovjek unosi u tijelo.U dodiru s vodom,vlakna jako bubre povećavajući volumen hrane i tako stvaraju duži osjećaj sitosti u želudcu. Radi znanstveno dokazanog utjecaja prehrambenih vlakana na brojne fiziološke i biokemijske procese, prehrambena vlakna se smatraju funkcionalnim sastojcima namirnica čija konzumacija može bitno doprinijeti smanjenju rizika od pojave brojnih bolesti.Every human being takes dietary fibers in its body, some of them less, some of them more, while Western population should almost double the intake of dietary fibers in their bodies. Dietary fibers represent substances that are indigestible to enzymes and pass undigested through the digestive system, by which they do convenient actions that result, among others, with absorption of cholesterol in small intestine. Dietary fibers can be soluble and insoluble. This work clearly explains soluble fibers and their elements. Many studies have proven that people consuming fiber rich food have less chances of getting cardiovascular diseases. On the other hand, satiety, which represents feeling of fullness by humans, can be shown via its Index, considering the most common groceries that human takes. In touch with the water they swell increasing the volume of food and result with a longer feeling of satiety. Because of scientifically proven effects of dietary fibers in many physiological and biochemical processes they are considered as a components of functional foods, whose consumption can significantly contribute to reducing the risk of many diseases

    Cultural and Social Life of Turkish Pasha in Belgrade – Example of Ali Riza Pasha

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    This paper focuses on the analysis of a very peculiar relationship of the last commander of the Belgrade fortress Ali Riza-Pasha towards the social and cultural life of the Serbian capital. Having in mind that the relations between the Serbs and Turks at the time were very specific, this pasha decided to break with the shackles of the past and became the first pasha up until that time to get himself fully immersed in the Serbian social life. He personally participated in numerous festivities, while his wife Meyra became known as the first wife of a pasha to organize parlour receptions for women from the upper echelons of the Serbian society at the time. Her oriental-themed salons left a deep mark on the society of the Serbian capital. Our goal in this paper is to present a folkloric and cultural dimension of the life of a Turkish pasha, but also the life at court by showing the activities of his wife